The Cracked Painting (ON PAUS...

By whimsicalbookgirly

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❝Til death, we do art ❞ Leonardo comes from a family full of artists, him being one himself. He loves his own... More

00 - Introduction
01 - Graduation
02 - Curiosity
03 - Acquaintances
04 - Friends
05 - Chats & Cinnamon Rolls
06 - Nuisance
08 - The Auction
09 - Just a Glimpse
10 - Suspicion
11 - Rivalry
12 - Report
13 - Skates and Shakes
14 - Misunderstandings
15 - "Secret Admirer"
16 - A Little Hope
17 - Searching for Comfort
18 - The Shed
19 - The Shed (pt. 2)
20 - Relive
21 - Gifted Hands

07 - Meeting the Brother

157 10 18
By whimsicalbookgirly

07 | Meeting the Brother


It's currently two in the afternoon but I've been up since six in the morning preparing myself for the auction later on. Not necessarily how I'll dress but planning what I'll say and do. I'm not that conversational so for me to seem more polite this time around than at the bakery, so, it would be good to practice.

I made sure to check on the cheesecake before anything else and it was good so I'm glad I can finally stop stressing about that. What I plan on wearing is currently spread out on my bed: A white button up with black slacks. It was quite simple and I did say semi-formal so I wouldn't want all the attention on me by overdressing. I'll accessorize more later on because I have to admit, my choice of dress is a little bland.

I did get a message from Ariá like she promised when we were at the bakery, not only thanking me for the gift she had yet to receive later today but just going over details for the auction like sending me her address. All I really focused on was her gratitude for the gift and it amazes me. Even though she has no clue what the gift was, she was still grateful.

You don't meet many people like that and I'm glad I met someone like her.

I washed up any dirty dinnerware that was in the kitchen sink and after I was finished with that task, I went to shower. After getting dressed, I occupied myself by reading, waiting for the green light to pick up Ariá. The book I was reading was a simple brown hued cover, warm to the eyes. Inside the pages looked as if it had been out in the sun too long, giving it this antique appearance. My phone buzzed suddenly.

'Hey Leo, I'm ready! Safe journey on the way here :)'

With a smile on my face, I slipped on my white sneakers and put on my watch. I pocketed my phone, grabbed my car keys and wrapped up the cheesecake in a little container with a fork, heading out. Driving to Ariá's home was really comforting, the cool breeze caressing my face and the sun was slowly setting making the sky a beautiful arrangement of red, yellow and orange. This might be my new painting project.

I pulled up to a Victorian style house, its overall colour being a very light blue and its roof a dark blue, close to navy blue but not yet there. I walked along the driveway and I took in my surroundings. There was a garden of all sorts of flowers, the grass greener than any grass I've ever seen. There were tiny pebbles making little walkways leading into different directions. The whole atmosphere of the house was charming.

I walked up to the door and knocked two times before it was opened. Now, I was expecting to see Ariá or maybe a housekeeper at least but I did not expect to be greeted with the sight of a guy around my age wearing full black clothing, some of his hair covering his eyes but I could still see and feel the death stare he was giving me. His whole aura was screaming, 'I make kids cry for fun.'.

"Who are you?" He asked, staring me up and down like he was staring through my soul. It really felt like he was to be honest. Everything about him was just intimidating, the way he looked down to the way he spoke.

"My name is Leonardo. I'm here for Ariá." I replied, hanging on to the little confidence I had left. Is he her boyfriend or something? My mood soured at the thought. Aria has an overall soft personality while this guy seems a little rough around the edges and territorial. How are they compatible? Love works in mysterious ways I guess.

He walked closer and closer up in my face, his face void of emotion but his voice carried so much strength when he spoke. "What business do you have with Ariá?"— I opened my mouth to answer but he cut me off— "Why are you here?" He questioned harshly. He was practically seething like steam was about to come out of his ears any minute now.

"Daniel, why is the door wide open– Oh Leo, hi!"

I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Ariá because I don't know how much longer I could handle this stare off that this apparent Daniel guy was initiating. His face was grim when he heard her voice and backed up against her. Is he trying to shield her from me? This boyfriend of hers seems toxic as hell if you ask me because what kind of threat could I possibly pose?

We're just friends anyways. I felt bitter even thinking that but it was the honest truth.

"Riá, you know this guy?" He, not so silently, whispered, still watching me like a hawk. She whispered to him and he sort of lightened up I guess. She definitely has that effect on people though, dare I say me as well? With them whispering back and forth, my eyes appreciated Ariá's appearance.

Her hair flows freely, her natural curls, I believe, unruly and carefree as if each strand has a mind of their own. She has on this white, satin dress with spaghetti straps that stopped mid-thigh. It enhanced her figure and with each move she made, it moved along with her. On her feet are simple black heels, not too extravagant.

She looked absolutely stunning.

"Leo, meet my brother, Daniel! Daniel, this is Leonardo, a friend of mine." She said with a smile, interrupting the silence.


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