The World is After Us (party...

By L1feOnTheMurd3rScene

917 39 35

After you find out the truth of Battery City and run away, you attempt to start a new life of your own as a k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Epilogue/end

Chapter 3

94 4 0
By L1feOnTheMurd3rScene

"Ok so before I tell you my plan, I need to explain something" I start. I don't know how they will react when I tell them how recent it's been since I escaped BL/Ind. Would they be scared of me? What if they think I secretly work for them? Maybe I'm overthinking it. Here goes nothing.

"Ok explain?" Kobra says impatiently. "I was living in Battery City for a long time and I only escaped that day before I found you. I just wanted to clear that up. I promise I'm not like a secret spy or something. I just didn't want you to not trust me or something " I say as I start talking fast explaining my situation, worried for their reaction as i mumber and rant.

I stop talking and look at the others. They are just looking at me. Fun Ghoul breaks the silence and starts laughing. "K/n you realize we came from Battery City too right? Why would we think that?" He said giggling. I sigh in relief. "I dont know, I guess since I left later than you did you wouldn't trust me" I said.

"So this means you're morefamiliar with Battery City since you just recently escaped?" Party said looking at me seriously. I have a feeling the disappearance of this missing person is probably hitting them the hardest. I really wonder who this person is and why she is so important. "Yes thats why I brought it up. My plan is that since I basically know Battery City like the back of my hand, I could easily help you guys break in and find your friend" I explain. I'm pretty happy with my idea and I hope I can be of use.

Everyone looks at Party for acceptance. "Alright" they say. "If we wanna get her back we gotta do it soon. Who knows what they're do to her if we don't come in time" Party says. Finally this bitch appreciates my existence. "K/n" are you experienced with a gun?" Party asks me. "No I'm sorry" I say. I forgot about that.

Party muttered curse words under their breath. "Well I guess some last minute training will be needed." I wonder what that will consist of. Party then looks at the rest of the group. "You three decide on a day and time for the rescue. K/n, outside now" Party said as they walk out of the diner. I soon follow after them.

I walk outside into the hot desert sun and join Party. They are setting up a target, it seems like using cans. Once they are done they walk towards me and pulls an interesting looking gun out of their pocket. "These are what we will be using to fight against dracs and other shit in Battery City. This is also important to know in general so listen". Well no shit. I'm not stupid, I just don't know how to shoot.

Party showed me all the different parts of the gun. They are surprisingly good at explaining things. After they explained all that, we moved onto teaching me how to hold it and shoot.

"Give it your best shot first" Party said, putting the gun in my hand. I aim towards the can and pull the trigger. It missed completely. "Well first off you are holding it wrong" Party said. They put their hands on my hands to position them on the gun. Their hand were firm and they were very close to me. Once they put my hands in the right position, they walked back a few steps. "Ok now try" they said slightly grinning to themself. Why are they being so nice. This might be just their way of teaching me, but it's making me feel things and I don't know what it is.

I come back to the present moment and concentrate. I stare at the can and shoot. I hit it. I gasp and turn towards Party. They smiled "not to bad, but we definitely need to practice more". I nodded. I wouldn't might that to much.

After hours of me and Party practicing shooting together, the sun started to set so we headed inside.
We walked into the diner and were met with the other three killjoys sitting in a booth.

"Did you two have fun on your little date?" Fun Ghoul says jokingly. "Be quiet Ghoul" I said slightly giggling. Me and Party wouldn't date. There's no chemistry between either of us. It.will. never. happen. Me and Party joined the rest of the group to continue our discussion about the rescue.

"So what's the idea?" Party asks. "We'll go in two weeks. It will give us enough time to prepare and also hopefully enough time to train k/n. Also, we'll leave at night. We are mostly wearing bright colors, so we will hopefully be more hidden in the dark" Jet Star explains. I like it, Party however looks frustrated. "Two weeks? Who knows if the girl would even be ok then" Party said. "Party they are probably using her as bait. She will be fine" I assure them in an attempt to calm them down. In reality I don't know if the girl is safe. I've lived in Battery City, but I've never seen the genuine BL/Ind work place. Only the outside of it.

After a lot of convincing from everyone, Party finally gave into the plan. We finally have a full plan. Now all we have to do is train and pray it will actually work. We all said our goodnights to each other and went to our rooms. Kobra Kid led me to my room since I wasn't properly assigned one earlier. It was small with a mattress on the ground. It will work. I lied down on the mattress. Not the most comfortable thing, but it's better than sleeping on the floor. After a while, I drifted of and faded into unconsciousness.

...That was until I woke up in the middle of the night.
I'm not sure what made me wake up, but I heard something in the main area. It sounded like someone walking around. Everyone else is sleeping right? Maybe someone woke up too? What if it's an intruder? I might be overthinking. I decided to check out the noise. I'm a killjoy, I need to learn to be brave.

I leave my room and slowly and quietly walk to the main dining area. I walk until I reach the corner of the walk. I sigh and quickly jumping around the corner expecting to be greeted with danger, but instead being greeted by Party Poison who is sitting in one of the diner booths.

"What are you doing?" they questioned, looking at me confused. "Sorry I thought you were an intruder or something" I say, realizing how dumb I sound. "Why are you awake" I ask. "Just can't sleep. I'm stuck in my thoughts I guess" party responds. "What are you thinkin about?" I ask as I sit across from them in the booth.

"I guess just the fact that this girl we were protecting somehow got herself kidnapped by BL/Ind and it's kinda our fault and now we have a plan, but even with the plan it's stressful to think about" Party explained, talking more fast as they explained more. "Ok calm down" I say to them. "She is gonna be alright, it's only when like 2 days since she was taken, she is going to be fine". I assured them. They gave me a small smile. "Thanks" they whispered.

I smile back and begin to scoot off the booth. "Wait" Party said, looking at me in the eyes. Their eyes showed an emotion I don't know the word for. Sad? But not sad? Like a hopeful sad? I don't know.

I scooted back to my original spot. "I wanna talk for a bit" they said. This is weird. When Party and I are around the rest of the group, they act so much different than right now. "Party why are you acting different" I ask. I didn't mean for it to come of as rude, I'm just confused. "What do you mean?" they responds in a serious tone. "Well, when we are around the guys, you act so much more different than now" I say, slightly worried they will judge me.

They think for a minute. "... I don't know" they say. "Maybe I guess I'm scared of them not liking the real me. They see me as a leader, not some pussy" they continue. "I don't see you as a pussy" I say, grinning at them. "Well I guess it's nice to know someone doesn't huh" Party giggles.

I sigh. I tell Party that I'm tired and decide to head back to my room. "Hey k/n" Party says before I leave them. "Yeah?" I question. "Um, good night and be up early for shooting practice tomorrow" they say. I laugh to myself "I will".

I close my door and lay down on my mattress preparing to sleep, though I end up just being stuck in thought. Something about Party earlier was different and I'm not complaining. I think about it more. Do I like them? No that's weird you just met them. I roll to the opposite side of my mattress and sigh. "Why am I like this?" I say to myself before slipping into sleep.

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