The Odd One Out

By AnimePhysicist

606K 18.2K 7.5K

In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High Sc... More

Before you read
Prologue - Opportunity
Chapter 1.1 - Dilemma
Chapter 1.2 - First impressions
Chapter 1.3 - Deception
SS.1 - Ignorance
SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion
SS. 3 - Ichinose Honami: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2.1 - A Somewhat Normal School Life
Chapter 2.2 - A Tempting Invitation
Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets
SS. 4 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
SS. 5 - Horikita Manabu's Soliloquy
Chapter 3.1 - Classroom of The Poor
Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Masked Angel
Chapter 3.4 - Inexplicable Curiosity
SS. 6 - Conflict And Reconciliation
SS. 7 - A New Beginning
SS. 8 - Sudou Ken: Saved From Suspension
Chapter 4. 1 - Forecast Of The Future
Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 4.3 - The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set
Chapter 4.5 - Declaration Of War And Love
SS. 9 - The Aftermath
SS. 10 - Sakayanagi Arisu - Helping Hand
SS. 11 - A Genius' Considerate Contemplation
Chapter 5.1 - The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 5.2 - A Bizarre Encounter
Chapter 5.3 - To Hide In Plain Sight
Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos
Chapter 5.5 - All Eyes On Me
SS. 12 - Shiina Hiyori: Book Buddies
Chapter 6.1 - Different Atmosphere
Chapter 6.3 - Clash of Classes
Chapter 6.4 - Passing The Torch
Chapter 6.5 - A New Era
SS. 13 - A Single Wish
Chapter 7.1 - Intellectual Duels
Chapter 7.2 - Contradicting Truths
SS. 14 - President Ayanokouji
SS. 15 - A Christmas Date
Chapter 8.1 - Starting Over
Chapter 8.2 - Limitless Growth
Chapter 8.3 - Brand New Determination
SS. 16 - Kushida Kikyou: Changing Times
SS. 17 - Cupid's Favorite
Chapter 9.1 - Against The Odds
Chapter 9.2 - So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 9.3 - Closing The Curtains
SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm
SS. 19 - Youth Is About To Bloom
Chapter 10.1 - New Year, New Faces
Chapter 10.2 - A Genius' Experiment
Chapter 10.3 - Becoming Human
Chapter 10.4 - To Live Life
Epilogue - Warmth

Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations

6K 222 51
By AnimePhysicist

Preparations for the Sports Festival had begun.

Class D were discussing the order of participation for the Universal Participation events and who will be chosen for the Recommended Only events.

Two systems of selection were proposed - one where participants will be selected based on what everyone wants, the other based on ability.

Ken immediately agreed with the ability system in order to increase Class D's chances of victory in each competition, and the students who were weak at athletics agreed with him.

Horikita also agreed, she then proposed a supplementary plan where, in addition to letting the students who are more talented at sports participate in the Recommended Only events, they also paired up the stronger athletes with the weaker ones in the Universal Participation events in order to further increase the chances of victory for the stronger athletes.

Although some students disagreed with this tactic as it would mean sacrificing the less athletic students, they decided to go along with Horikita's plan in the end.

Ken reiterated his intention to participate in as many events as possible. Horikita also declared that she would do the same. The class began filling the slots for the events.

"What do we do about Ayanokouji?"

"Yeah, he has to participate, right?"

"That bastard will just end up last place on purpose!"

"Ayanokouji, what do you have to say?" Hirata hesitantly asked me.

"I'll participate. I'll do my best."

"Don't give me that crap!" Ike screamed.

"Quiet, Ike. Also, I have something to say to the class," Horikita said with a serious expression.

Everyone became silent and listened carefully to Horikita.

"The student council president asked us to put Ayanokouji as the anchor leg in the final relay race as a personal request," she hesitantly said.

"What? That's insane."


"He said he wanted to race Ayanokouji. He said it was a request from him, the student council president, to us, Class D. I think we should accept his request," Horikita said.

"Well... if he wants to race, Ayanokouji will probably do his best, right?" Kushida said.

"That's true. I don't have any objections," Hirata agreed, "Let's let Ayanokouji be the anchor leg as the President wishes."

Everyone had mixed opinions, but seeing the three leaders of the class share a common opinion, they agreed.

"I guess it'll be a race between President and Vice-President."

"I totally forgot Ayanokouji was Vice-President."

"Tch. How can someone like him be Vice-President. The school's done for."

"Ayanokouji has no choice but to participate in the Universal Participation events. Whether he does his best or not is out of our control. However, I suggest we don't make him participate in any of the Recommended Only events apart from the final relay race. I also intend to exclude him from our class meetings. I assume you guys don't have any objections."

The class collectively nodded.

"Starting from tomorrow, we will use physical education period to prepare for the Sports Festival. We will decide the participants of the Recommended Only exam after evaluating everyone's ability. That is all for now."

Everyone left the classroom. I stayed behind as usual. As I was about to leave, I noticed Kushida at the door again.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'll help you take down Class D, let's work together, Ayanokouji!"


"Good. First, you'll have to let Ryuuen know of Class D's lineup, but only send them on the day before the festival."

"Okay, I'll do that! I can't wait to see Horikita's face when her class gets destroyed!"

"Kushida. Let's team up for the three-legged race."

"Huh? Why?"

In the Sports Festival, not participating in an Universal Participation event is the same as coming in last place. If you get injured or sick, it's your loss. Or your win, depending on how you want to look at things.

You could theoretically poison an entire class and make the whole class not participate, which will cause a ridiculous point reduction, but that'll raise suspicion, so it's best to avoid that.

"Because who else would want to team up with me?"

"I suppose you're right, Ayanokouji. You got a deal! I'll let the class know."

"I'll tell you more details before the day of the Sports Festival."

"I see. Well, I'll be going now. I'll tell the others when the time comes. See you!"

She waved me goodbye and left.


The next day, during their physical education period, the class decided to use a grip strength measuring instrument to measure the strength of each student's dominant arm. Kouenji was the only one to sit out.

The students collectively decided that I could also participate in this evaluation, but that I would have to leave after so that they can decide the participants without me listening.

Having no reason to not participate, I decided to take part.

"I'll start, Hirata," Ken confidently said, "That'll set a high standard."

His shoulders shook while he gripped the device with his right hand. The numbers in the digital readout shot up rapidly. In an instant, they climbed to 50, then 60, the over 70. In the end, the number displayed was 82.4 kilograms. Everyone went crazy

"That's awesome dude!"

"You're stupidly strong!"

"Who wants to go next?" Hirata asked.

"Ayanokouji, show us your strength!"

"Yeah, let's see if you're really all that!"

"I would like to go last, if that's possible," I said.

"Chickening out, huh?" Ike said.

"That's fine, Ayanokouji," Hirata said.

One by one, the other students did the grip test. However, none of them could even come close to Ken. The closest so far was Hirata, with 52.6 kilograms.

It was finally my turn.

"Show us what you got, you traitor!" Yamauchi cried out.

A few other students threw a few insults at me. The rest just curiously watched me.

"What's your dominant arm, Ayanokouji?" Hirata was taking notes of the results.

"I'd say my right arm."

I gripped the device with my left hand.

"Huh? Didn't you say your dominant arm was your right arm?"

"Hahaha! He confused his right and left arm!" Ike said.

"Hirata, give me a random decimal number from 80 to 100."

"I don't get what you're trying to do, Ayanokouji, but I'd say... 92.6?"

Grip strength wasn't simply proportional to your arm's thickness, though of course, it wasn't completely unrelated either. A bunch of muscles known as the 'flexor carpi radialis' and the 'brachioradialis' in your forearm were most important. The forearm muscles contracted, pulling on the tendons, and thus bending the fingers. By simply training those muscles, one can easily improve their grip strength.

If you had a certain amount of muscle mass, depending on your degree of training, you could exceed a grip strength of 100 kilograms. Of course, you would need to spend a lot of time to achieve that.

I gripped the lever, slowly applying force. The number displayed surpassed 40, then 50, then 60. Once I passed 70, I made minute adjustments to my grip strength. Once I passed 80, I further adjusted my grip. Once I had reached exactly 92.6, I stopped.

"Here, 92.6 kilograms," I told Hirata as I showed him the device.

The class was silent.

"What the hell?"

"He didn't even try!"

The class had mixed emotions. Many obviously wanted me to help the class, but they still thought of me as a traitor.

After the commotion died down, Class D moved on to do other evaluations. In each event, I made sure I got first place, while holding back. After the tests were done, I was asked to leave so that the class could discuss the order of the participants. I looked at Kushida, who nodded and smiled back.

I left the gymnasium we were using and started heading back to my room. When I walked in front of the main school building, Chabashira-sensei came out and saw me.

"Ayanokouji, we need to talk."

"What is it?"

"Did you really betray the class?"

"Seems like even teachers are aware of the news, huh?"

"Answer my question."

"Why? I have no obligation to do so. I won't deny nor confirm the fact that I betrayed the class."

"So that's how it is..."

"If you want an answer, you'll have to wait until the start of the second year."

"Mysterious as always, huh?"

"If that's all you wanted to ask me, I'll be going now. We might raise suspicion here."

"I suppose you're right. I'll see you tomorrow in homeroom then."

I nodded and left.

As I approached the dormitory, I saw Ichinose alone on that bench, again.

What's up with these freaky coincidences?

"Ah, A-Ayanokouji-kun..."

"Hello, Ichinose."

"Say... are the rumors true?"

How many times will I have to answer this question?

"I don't want to say anything about the rumors, unfortunately. Sorry, Ichinose."

"I see..."

"You don't have to continue talking to me Ichinose."


"I mean... Class B and Class D have an alliance. I'm being called the traitor. You talking to me will only raise suspicion among your classmates."

"Oh. So that's what you meant. I don't mind talking to you, Ayanokouji-kun. Every time I talk to you, I feel relaxed, like I can say whatever's on my mind knowing you won't judge me. Listen, whatever your reasons are for betraying your class, whether you betrayed your class or not, I want us to stay friends... okay?"

"That's fine by me, Ichinose."

She smiled gratefully.

"I'll be heading back now, Ichinose. See you."

"I'll stay here for a little while longer. See you later, Ayanokouji-kun!"


Two weeks later, it was mid-September. The Sports Festival was rapidly approaching.

Class D continued their daily practice sessions. Ken was a good coach as he helped his classmates improve.

Kushida was successful in convincing the class to sign her and me up for the three-legged race.

We were practicing our three-legged races, and I was do so with Kushida. We talked when we made sure nobody was near us.

"Say, Ayanokouji."


"Is there another reason you wanted to team up with me?"

"I intend to fake an injury."


"Yes. During that relay race, we'll fall and get injured, then we'll retire from the other events, making the class lose points. I'll come back just in time for the final relay race."

"I see... I don't want to get injured though."

"Don't worry, you just have to act. However, it might hurt a little bit."

"Understood! I've always liked acting anyway. This will be fun!"

"In the meantime, we'll continue practicing. After all, we don't know the order of the events."



"What is it?"

"During the last physical education period before the deadline for submitting the participation tables, they will probably kick me out of the gym to confirm the participants. Is that when you plan on taking a photo of the tables?"

"How did you know I was going to take a photo?"

"It's basically the only proof you can show to Ryuuen. Anyway, when they kick me out, I'll be sitting on a bench close to the gym. I want you to be the last one to leave the gym. If you were successful in taking the photo, I want you to wave at me as if you're saying hello. If not, just pretend to not notice me."

Although all classes continued to observe other classes to gather intel, it was the participation tables that held the most vital information. Each class was extremely careful in avoiding to leak the contents of those tables. However, if you had a traitor in your class, all that care would be for nothing.

"I see... So it's like a hidden sign language, so cool! I'll do that, Ayanokouji!"

What a useful tool.


Class D continued to practice for the rest of the month.

Class D had finalized the participants for each event. The participation tables were completed. I was signed up as the anchor leg of the relay race.

Everyone was excited about the Sports Festival, even those who aren't particularly athletic. Everyone wanted to cheer their class on.

In addition, everyone was aware of the race between Manabu and I.

On the last physical education period before the participation tables deadline, which was at 5:00 PM on the day before the Sports Festival, I was asked to leave the room while the others confirmed the participants.

I was sitting on a bench close to the gym. After a while, everyone came out of the gym, most of them giving me ugly looks. Kushida was the last one to leave the gym, and she waved to me.

Tomorrow, the show will start.


Author's Notes


Hope you liked this chapter!

Next part will be the actual Sports Festival.

That's all, see you next time!

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