Restitution (Remake)

By Pokestory01

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This is a re-write for the original Restitution book I made. Expect some better quality writings in here! Cas... More

Funny Joke
(CLOSED) A/N: Questionnaire
A/N Announcement!
List of Pokémon and When They're Introduced
OC References/Visuals/Descriptions (Part 1)
Prologue: Delivered
Chapter 1: New World, New Life
Chapter 2: Anticipation
Chapter 3: Disastrous Love
Chapter 4: Fight for Love
Chapter 5: Instinctual Urges
Chapter 6: Tranquility of Life
Chapter 7: Heartbreak
Chapter 8: Beginning Again
Chapter 9: Repressed Feelings
Chapter 10: Inner Rage
Chapter 11: Sins of the Past
Chapter 12: Sickening Madness
Chapter 13: Consolation
Chapter 14: Double Date
Chapter 16: Unrepentant
Chapter 17: A Noteworthy Day
Chapter 18: Toxic Relationships
Chapter 19: A Special Birthday 'Game'
Teaser 1
Teaser 2
Teaser 3
Teaser Chapter 1

Chapter 15: Awakening

577 13 23
By Pokestory01

I woke up holding onto Kaitlin from behind. Her ribbons were still wrapped around me, but she was still asleep. I rubbed her head softly, being careful not to wake her up. She stretched her legs and moaned before relaxing again. I smiled, then decided to cuddle with her a little. It felt nice being embraced like this. It was certainly different from what Lute would do, but it felt just as good. After I was satisfied and awake enough, I started to let go of Kaitlin. Her ribbons released me without any resistance, and I covered her up with the blanket so she wouldn't get cold. Though, as I stepped out, I felt a chill surround me.

I shivered, but then as I turned to walk out, I saw what... or who was causing it. Crystal was asleep, but she was on some of the plushies Kaitlin had on the upper floor. As I was thinking about sneaking out, Crystal groaned and started stretching before slowly opening her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, then she turned to look at me. When she saw me, her eyes went wide, then she looked away. I knew what she was thinking about without her having to say a word. The expression on her face said it all. She started to walk towards me after a second, and to make sure Kaitlin wouldn't wake up, I met her halfway. She glanced at me, looked away, then her expression turned remorseful as she let out a sigh and returned her stare to me.

"Dallin... I..." She paused, then lowered her head as her ears fell with it. I glanced back at Kaitlin, making sure that she was still asleep. Once I saw that she wasn't stirring, I looked at Crystal.

"What you did was uncalled for." Crystal looked at me shocked, but then she turned her head away, anxiety now taking over her. I sat down on the ground so that I wouldn't have to look down on her.

"I know you told me the whole thing about shiny Pokémon being sought after and being put up as a trophy mate, and I don't want to force you to suddenly change your mind about that. If anything, I don't want to encourage that at all. But yelling at Kaitlin like that... that wasn't the way to go." Crystal looked at me, her anxiety giving way to a bit of irritation.

"If you already know how I feel about it, then why are you talking to me like I just punched you?" Crystal countered.

"Because like I said, yelling at Kaitlin wasn't the way to go." I responded. "Yes, what she did was... explicit to put it mildly, but she looked up to you Crystal. She still does." Crystal's expression softened a little as she looked at Kaitlin. Her expression started to slowly return to remorse, then she looked at me, sat down, then placed her paws on her head.

"I just... I couldn't bite my tongue." Crystal said. "She knows how much I hate talking about... that... Even mentioning it gets me bothered. You've seen that for yourself when the rest of the family teases me about it!" Crystal was right about that, and when I actually took a minute to think about it, it wasn't just Crystal. Lightning had this same situation going on, teasing her about her name. I started to feel bad after realizing that I laughed at her about it. I softened my tone and tried to relax.

"Then why don't we tell them to stop?" Crystal just pressed her paws harder on her head.

"I've tried, but they just keep telling me-"

"Not just you Crystal." I interrupted. "Me too." Crystal raised her head and looked at me surprised.

"You... you'd do that for me?" I started to relax some more now that Crystal's tone became a lot less agitated.

"Yeah." I put a hand on her head before gently rubbing it. "But I want you to apologize for what you did." Crystal seemed to enjoy the feeling of her head being rubbed, but then she stood up and walked towards me. She jumped up and wrapped her forelegs around my back. It took me a second to realize what was going on, but then I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry for screaming like that." I looked at Crystal, then chuckled softly as I closed my eyes.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to. Rose and Kaitlin need to hear that."

"No, I need to apologize to you too. It was your moment too, not just ours. I'm sorry." I looked at Crystal again, this time left speechless for a moment. As much as I hated sounding like a d█ck, I have to admit that I felt touched by that. I didn't think that this whole thing was for me. I thought it was something for them. Knowing Kaitlin, I wouldn't put it past her that it was a kink. When I managed to recollect myself, I hugged Crystal a little more tightly before pulling away and looking her in her blue eyes.

"Well, I guess I should respond with how I feel then." I started to lean in until I gently pressed my lips on Crystal's. She tensed up, and I even felt her claws dig into my shirt a little. She looked at me wide-eyed, and her face started to quickly grow red. When I pulled back, I rubbed her head and gave her a soft smile.

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay?" Crystal stared at me with that same wide-eyed look, then she covered her face with her paws. I couldn't help but chuckle a little as I gently grabbed one of her paws and tried pulling it away. She resisted and held firm, so I just held onto her.

"Crystal... you don't need to hide yourself. No one else is looking, and the only other one in here is asleep." After a second, Crystal lowered her paws, her face still blushing just as brightly. She couldn't look at me for a moment, but when she turned, that embarrassed look she had before started to give way to a smile. She started to lean in again, and when I thought she was going to give me another hug, I was surprised to feel her kissing me instead! Despite my surprise, Crystal was looking at me with her eyes partially closed. I even caught her tail swinging slightly. Before I could react, Crystal pulled back and stared at me with a crooked smile on her face. I thought about telling her how cute she was when her tail was swinging like that, but then I remembered what Sarah said when I called Lute out on it. I bit my tongue, but I rubbed her head some more.

"Do you love me Dallin?" I thought about giving her a normal response, but I decided to have a little more fun with her before I left the room.

"Let me answer that question with another question." Crystal looked at me confused, and even a little worried. I tried to phrase this in a way that it would both answer her question, but not be over the top. I lowered my head until my nose was touching hers.

"Would you like me to spend the night with you tonight?" Crystal recoiled as her face burned even brighter than before! Just as suddenly as she pulled back, I felt a cold, but hard slap across my face. I flinched and grunted a little, but as I rubbed my cheek and looked at Crystal, who now had her mouth covered and was standing in shock, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"Alright... I'm sorry... that was probably a little too forward..." I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead before standing up. She was still trying to calm down from my question, though, I think I could hear her heart beating out of her chest.

"Talk to Kaitlin and Rose. I'll just be in the front room, alright?" Crystal looked at me with her red face, but I did see her nod her head slightly. I smiled, then made my way down the stairs and out of the room. As I did, the chill was quickly replaced with an uneasy aura. I don't know what was causing it, but I started getting anxious all of a sudden. Something was in my throat, and when I looked to my right, I saw that Erika, Ruby, and Megan were talking with someone. I couldn't make them out as the wall blocked my vision, but from the voice I heard, it made me pause mid-stride through the hall.

"And that's what really happened?" I froze in place as the uneasy aura turned to a feeling of dread and fear. It took me a second to realize who was talking, and if I had any doubts before, they were quickly pulled away when I started moving out from the hallway.

"Yeah." Erika responded. "If Dallin hadn't been there... well... you wouldn't be alive."

"Senpai? Where is-" As soon as I emerged, the fear and dread became much worse as I saw Shu-Fang standing in front of Erika, Ruby, and Megan. Though, their attention quickly turned to me, including Shu-Fang's. My mind raced back to the memory of when she almost raped me in the alleyway, but I snapped out of it quickly. I kept my eyes on Shu-Fang, watching her in case she tried anything. When she took a step towards me, my body instinctively took a step back.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as Shu-Fang looked at me confused. As much as I wanted to keep backing up, I got an even more grim and unnerving feeling that if I did, something bad was going to happen. When Shu-Fang took another step towards me, it took me a great deal of willpower not to immediately turn and run. Her red eyes and black sclera along with her mainly black and white fur made her look like she was about to kill me! She wasn't as tall as me, but maybe she was as tall as Lute.

She took another step forward, and when I didn't move, she kept coming towards me. Eventually, she walked in front of me, and one of her ribbons started to slowly make its way to my arm. She looked down, and her mouth hung open. She started to drool, but her expression started to progressively become more provocative the closer her ribbon got to my arm. My eyes quickly glanced at Erika, and with how she was looking at Shu-Fang, that only made me more concerned. That's when I felt Shu-Fang's ribbon grab my arm. When I looked back, she wasn't even trying to hide how much she was relishing this.

"S-Senpai..." I stepped back again, pulling my arm enough to break free from her grip. Shu-Fang looked from my arm to instead look me in the eyes. As much as I wanted to look away, I caught a primal look in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to pounce on me and tackle me to the ground like she had before. So what was holding her back from doing that? She seemed more than ready to do just that, but that's when I was thrown to the ground. Not from Shu-Fang in front of me, but from a harsh pull from behind! I hit the ground, wincing as the pain surged through my body. I raised my arms in front of me and clenched my teeth, preparing for Shu-Fang to lunge at me, but when I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see Sarah instead! When I lowered my arms slightly, she gave me a crooked grin after scoffing slightly.

"Look who finally decided to crawl out of bed." Though, as soon as Sarah had pounced on me, her grin went away, and in place, she gave a very serious look, though it wasn't towards me. She looked up, and when I looked forward, I could see Shu-Fang grinning madly at Sarah. I didn't need to read minds at all to know what she could be thinking about. I knew, though, that if I didn't intervene, things could get really bad.

I looked back at Sarah and hoped she was listening to me. I told her in my mind to be very careful about her, but I practically begged her to play along with what I was about to do, and to come rescue me if something... or in this case, someone, mainly Shu-Fang, tried something. I caught Sarah glance down at me, and when she stared at me, I took that as my cue. I started to stand up, then I looked at Shu-Fang, steeling and preparing myself physically and mentally for what I was about to do.

"Shu-Fang... I need to talk with you. Outside... and alone." Shu-Fang snapped out of her death glare and looked at me. Her facial expression quickly changed to glee as a couple of her ribbons pressed against her cheeks, stretching her smile even more. In all honesty, I didn't know if this scared me more, or the look she was giving Sarah.

"Oh Senpai! I can't believe you'd be so daring as to take me in front of everyone!" I recoiled and even took a step back.

"That's not what I-" It was all futile though as my arms were quickly seized by Shu-Fang, and before I could even protest, I was being dragged out of the house. I could see everyone inside staring at me uneasily, and I could even see Megan and Ruby about to try and stop Shu-Fang, but thankfully, Sarah and Erika stopped them. Once I was dragged out of the house, Shu-Fang continued to pull on me as I tried to regain my footing and try to fight back. I did eventually get my footing, but that wasn't until after Shu-Fang had taken us into an alleyway. After I stumbled to my feet, I was immediately pressed against the wall of a building by Shu-Fang, her expression becoming VERY provocative.

"Come on Senpai~. Breed me.~ I want to know what it's like to have you scramble my insides with your hot seed!" It took a good amount of power to push her back.

"Shu-Fang, stop! I'm not doing that! Especially not out here!" She wouldn't drop it though, and she tried to push me against the wall again. This time though, I was able to step to the side and dodge her. When her front paws touched the wall, she turned her head and smiled at me, then she started to shake her butt in an attempt to be seductive.

"I NEED to feel you inside of me! I can't stop myself from wanting to just breed and breed with you whenever I see your cute face!" I groaned internally as I kept my eyes locked on her. Great, she wasn't just dangerous, she was ridiculously horny.

"I'm not an exhibitionist!" I retorted. "And that's not why I asked you out here to begin with! Just listen to me for a second!" Shu-Fang stared at me curiously, returning to standing entirely on the ground. All I could pray for right now was that Sarah, and maybe even Erika were explaining that Shu-Fang was dangerous. When I could see that Shu-Fang wasn't coming for my throat, or in this case, my dick, I relaxed a little bit so I could speak without getting heated.

"Shu-Fang... can I just call you Fang? It's gonna be a pain to pronounce that all the time." Shu-Fang's expression turned to a grin as she started stepping towards me.

"Oh senpai... you can call me whatever you want.~" Ignoring the obvious seductive tone coming from her, I continued.

"Listen, Fang-" Fang squealed softly and pranced as I called her by her nickname. I let out a small sigh, then tried to keep speaking.

"Fang, do you remember anything? At all? Before you were revived?" Fang seemed a bit surprised, but then started to think. I was honestly a bit relieved that she had more personality aside from angry looks and horny gestures. Fang stayed quiet for a moment, then she looked at me and nodded her head.

"I still remember everything throughout my life. My family, my country, the war, I still remember everything. Even..." Fang went quiet, and then I saw her bow her head slightly as she seemed to stare off. I was about to press her and ask her what, but then I started to hear her breath shaking, and not in a seductive or horny way. She was scared. Not only could I see it in her eyes, but her ears fell, and her ribbons started twitching somewhat erratically. I tried to think on my own what would get her so shaken, and I got my answer immediately. Her death. Fang's breathing was only getting heavier as more time passed, so I tried to snap her out of it.

"Fang... Fang! Hey!" I raised her chin with a couple of my fingers, but that turned out to be a mistake. One of her ribbons quickly grabbed my arm and started squeezing it tightly! I flinched and tried to pull my arm away, but she was holding my arm tightly in place. I tried to pry the ribbon off, but that only made it tighten even more! Pain started to surge through my arm as it felt like she was about to break my arm with how tightly she was squeezing! Though, in my desperate plight, something flashed before my eyes.

An entire city, scorched and destroyed with red skies. Screams, coming from everywhere as bombshells came down like raindrops. Fire and corpses and people disfigured from the bombs scattered the ground like leaves off a dead tree. There were others crying out for help, for someone to save them, to make the pain stop. I could see Fang on the ground, her wings torn and her body bloodied. The last thing I could see was another bomb going off, and in an instant, a large cloud that looked like a mushroom in the distance. Soon after, a large shockwave came, and just before I could see it hit Fang, I was quickly sucked back into reality, and my arm was released.

Terror rippled through my body as I held my arm and stepped back. Fang looked at me shocked, and even took a couple steps back herself. When I could get myself under control and calm myself down, I looked at Fang, and the two of us had a silent agreement to not speak of what I saw. When I did start to recollect myself and push out what I saw, I tried to get back onto the reason why I brought her out here.

"Fang, there's-" Before I could say another word, I fell onto my hands and knees as pain surged through me. Panic and terror quickly returned as I held my head! It felt like it was trying to split into two!

Did you seriously think that I wouldn't come back? I recognized the voice immediately. I grunted in pain as I shut my eyes and couldn't move.

Now let me make one thing perfectly clear, Dallin. You will NEVER get rid of me, no matter what you do. Not even death will stop me, and it won't save you. As Wrath continued to speak, I could feel my body starting to burn. It was getting harder to breathe, and the burning was getting worse.

Your body, whether you like it or not, belongs to me! Your mind belongs to me! Your very existence is ruled over, BY ME! And you WILL do what I say!

"Senpai!" I felt my shoulders being grabbed, then I felt myself being pulled up to look at Fang. When my eyes looked at hers, I could see her looking at me concerned.

SON OF A PROTESTANT WHORE!!! <- (A/n; please don't take offense to this. I was just making a Hellsing Ultimate Abridged reference.)

The pain quickly disappeared, along with the burning sensation. My head fell down again, but at least I was able to start catching my breath. I lowered my hands and started to feel myself sweating. When I placed my hands on the cold ground, I choked for a moment as I tried to calm down my breathing. When my thoughts had calmed down enough, something crossed my mind. Was Wrath... scared of Fang?

BITE YOUR F█CKING TONGUE! I decided, probably poorly, to talk back.

Well, if I'm wrong, why don't you prove it?

YOU KEEP THAT MONSTROSITY AWAY FROM ME! I couldn't help but laugh internally. Externally, I was starting to catch my breath. I leaned back and sat down, then looked at Fang and still saw her looking at me concerned. I barely even recognized that she was still holding onto me.

"Senpai?" I looked at Fang, still trying to catch my breath.

"It's... it's nothing. I just-" Yet again, I was interrupted, not by Wrath, but by a sudden force that sent me flying back until I crashed to the ground!

"OH COME ON!" Not only was I suffering from the shock and pain and possibly a concussion, but I was also being held down! When I opened my eyes, there wasn't anyone holding me down, but I could definitely feel myself being pressed down like someone just put a Snorlax on me!


"Get away from that demon!" I ignored the pain as I summoned enough willpower to push my head up. When I could see who was at the other end of the alley, my blood started to boil. Sure enough, that shrill sound was coming from him.

"K-Krivmeir!" The Mr. Rime from before, Krivmeir, was standing at the other side of the alleyway with one hand outstretched. He glared at me while his hand and eyes glowed a faint pink. He started stepping forward, still glaring at me.

"You've been a thorn in my side for too long!" Krivmeir stated loudly. "I don't care if you're a so-called human, you are not fit to take care of this world's kindest and most beautiful Pokémon to grace this planet!" I started growling as I tried to force myself up, but I was still being held down. It was difficult just trying to keep my head up to see him!

"Will you shut your mouth?! You sound like a drowning Ducklett, with said Ducklett being put in a meat grinder!" Krivmeir's glare sharpened as he passed Fang and stopped.

"And how would you know what that sounds like?" I spat towards him, feeling my anger starting to boil.

"Like I need to give you an answer!" Krivmeir narrowed his eyes as he clenched his teeth. Fang started walking up behind Krivmeir, but Krivmeir held out his cane.

"Stand back. I'll take care of this myself." Krivmeir glared back at me, dropping his cane, and pulling out a knife from his waist!

"I'll make sure this demon isn't allowed to corrupt anyone else." As much as fear and adrenaline started to pump through my veins, my anger quickly turned to animosity.

"You've made the biggest f█cking mistake of your life." I seethed. Krivmeir looked at me curiously while twirling the knife in his hand.

"And how is that?"

"Because once I get out of this, you're a dead man!"

"Oh trust me, he already is~." It all happened so fast that I hardly had the time to register what was going on before I heard a loud crack. The weight holding me down was lifted, and I immediately threw myself up, but when I stood up, several ribbons retracted, then there was a metallic cluttering sound, soon followed by a thud. All I could do was stare in shock as Fang stood behind Krivmeir, or now, over him. Krivmeir's expression had changed from anger to surprise, matching the shock on my face. Fang, however, had a wickedly evil grin on her face as one of her ribbons grabbed the knife off the ground.

Fang turned Krivmeir over onto his back, and his head swung without any resistance. He wasn't dead, despite his neck being broken, and something told me Fang made sure that he was still alive. Krivmeir tried to speak, but all that came out was a weak groan. Even from where I was standing, I could see the shock turn to horror in Krivmeir's eyes as Fang grinned sadistically at him.

"Nobody is going to stand between me and my senpai! Not even you! And now, I'm going to make sure you suffer for getting in my way~." Fang brought the knife up to Krivmeir's throat, then started dragging it down his chest while also drawing blood!

"He's MY senpai! I'd rather DIE than let us be apart! And I'll do ANYTHING to make sure that happens! Even if it means killing YOU!" Fang plunged the knife into Krivmeir's chest. Krivmeir's eyes started to water as he tried to scream, but a barely audible groan came out from his mouth. His face was frozen in shock and horror, unable to scream or to even make a sound. Fang pulled on the knife, not outwards, but downwards! The knife slid down, causing more blood to come out, and Fang started to laugh maniacally! Fang's laughter started to grow in volume quickly as she pulled out the knife and stabbed it back into Krivmeir's body over and over again!

"DIE! DIE! DIE! BLEED OUT AND GO TO HELL SO YOU CAN NEVER STAND IN OUR WAY EVER AGAIN!" I was shaking in place as I watched the life start to leave Krivmeir's body. My legs shook in place as Fang continued to stab him over and over! I don't know what was going through my head, but my body started running towards Fang as she continued with her rampage!

"FANG STOP!" I tackled her back as she raised the knife again. We both fell to the floor, but Fang was still holding onto the knife! She started to push me off and stand up, but I grabbed onto her and pulled her back! It was difficult considering how strong she was, but I was able to hold her back. Though, when she wasn't making any progress, her ribbons started extending and going towards Krivmeir! I knew he was already dead at this point, but something inside of me refused to see him get harmed anymore! I released Fang and went for her ribbons, mainly the one with the knife, but as I did, I was instead tackled by Fang herself into the wall! Fang placed her paws on the wall, one on each side of my head, but her ribbons quickly came in and slammed against the wall as well, including the knife! It dug into the wall next to my head as Fang looked at me with a crazed and bloodthirsty look in her black and red eyes.

"Why are you stopping me Senpai? You said it yourself! He was a dead man walking! I was just doing what you wanted!" Fang leaned closer, widening her grin as blood covered her ribbons and face partially.

"And now with him out of the way, nothing will EVER stand between the two of us!" I was frozen in place as Fang started giggling maniacally. All I could do was look at her as I tried to think of a way to get out of this. I could try transforming, but Fang would no doubt either chase after me, or use her ribbons to grab me before I could get far.

"Dallin!" Fang and I turned our heads, and when I saw Sarah AND Lute, I could feel the color flee from my face. Fang growled and pulled the knife out of the wall, then I saw her turn and start walking towards them. The hair on my body stood on ends as I realized what she was going to do!

"NO!" I leaped forward and landed on Fang's back, making her stagger for a moment. I changed into a Ninetales and quickly used my tails to try and grab onto Fang's ribbons. Fang regained her footing and looked back at me as I managed to grab the knife with one of my tails. She tried to get me off, but I made sure I was holding onto her tightly from behind. As Fang started thrashing around, I saw Lute and Sarah about to intervene.

"No! Get out of here! Now!"

"Are you insane?! We're not leaving you alone with her!" Sarah retorted. I was about to scream again, but Fang managed to throw me forward. I lost my grip and rolled over her head, landing on my back and stunning me for a second. I saw Fang trying to run over me, but I transformed back and grabbed onto her back legs. Not only did she hoist me up, but she almost made me fall on top of her! Fang, on the other hand, stumbled to the ground. Though, while I had a hold on her, I forgot about her ribbons. She grabbed me with two of them, then she forced me to let go by squeezing my arms, then pulling me in front of her, holding me in the air as she stood up and looked at me.

"Don't worry Senpai. I know you want me just as much as I want you, but first I need to kill these two so that we can truly be alone!" Suddenly, two balls of darkness flew past me and hit Fang in the head, causing her to release me and almost fall back. I hit the ground and turned my head to see Lute and Sarah growling at Fang. I was about to yell at them to run, but then I caught Fang starting to regain herself and about to lunge at them! That's when I remembered something. I clenched my right hand and hoped that it would show up. Sure enough, I felt the hilt of the sword Envy gave me as I held it in front of me. This seemed to cause Fang to pause, and that's all I needed to voice my protest.

"Fang, that's enough!" I screamed. "Don't make me do this!" Fang stared at me for a moment, then she started giggling before looking at me like I was a child holding a sword.

"Oh Dallin-chan, there's no need to defend those two. Once they're out of the way-"

"They're both my mates!" I roared. Fang seemed astonished and even took a step back, her smug look turning into shock.


"Yes, mates! How do you think I got these?!" I pulled my shirt down and showed the bite mark Lute gave me, then I twisted my head so she could also see the one Sarah had given me on my neck. Fang stared at me wide-eyed, but then I saw her clenching her teeth. She narrowed her eyes, then looked at Sarah before slowly turning to Lute.

"You... YOU...!" Fang's voice was dripping with venom, and I could see fire burning in her eyes as she stared at both Lute and Sarah. I brought the sword in front of her, trying to make her keep her distance. Although, that only seemed to trigger her. Fang lunged forward, grazing herself on the tip of my sword and cutting into her cheek, but even though that happened, she screamed loudly in hatred and thrusted the knife towards Lute! I didn't have time to think at all, and before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain enter my right shoulder. By the time I got to looking at what had pierced my shoulder, I could hear Fang gasp and recoil. I saw the knife in my shoulder, and my blood started to run down my shoulder. I grunted and hissed in pain as I turned to Fang and saw a horrified look on her face.

"S-Senpai, I-"

"Listen to me very carefully Fang..." I interrupted, trying hard not to scream from the pain. "Lute and Sarah... are my mates. And I'm not about to let you touch a hair on them so long as I breathe." Fang took a step towards me, and even though my right arm was bleeding and starting to burn, I raised the sword in between us.

"But... But you can't have more than one spouse!" Fang protested. "That's the point of-"

"That doesn't apply anymore!" I retorted. "The world has changed Fang, and as much as I don't like some of what's going on, I have to deal with this myself." I could see Fang's eyes twitching as she stared at me, and that's when I started to see tears beginning to form in her eyes. She shut her eyes, then quickly turned around and flew off! I watched her fly off and immediately felt a sense of dread overcome me. I was readying myself to chase after her, but Sarah jumped in my way.

"Dallin, stop!" I looked down at Sarah, clenching my teeth.

"But she's going to kill everyone!" I countered. "If I'm not there to keep her in check-"

"You're not about to run out there! Need I remind you that YOU'RE the one who got stabbed?!" Almost as if on cue, my shoulder started to sting violently. I dropped the sword and looked at my shoulder, clutching it with my left hand and growling loudly. My hand started to convulse, but I looked up in the sky and saw Fang flying away. I clenched my teeth and started growling loudly as I tried to think of some way to track her down!

Don't worry about her Dallin. My eyes widened as I heard a familiar voice.


She won't do anything to anyone. I'll make sure of that. You, on the other hand, need to get that wound looked at. Despite your healing and regeneration, it'd be a good idea to check that for any blood related viruses from Krivmeir. As Fang flew out of sight, all I could do was clench my teeth and growl. I didn't even think about it when I grabbed the knife and pulled it out. I grunted loudly, and as I threw the knife to the floor, I fell onto my knees before falling back onto my butt. Lute came in front of me, but was looking at Sarah.

"Go get Erika and bring her here. I'll watch over Dallin." Sarah nodded her head, then ran off towards the house. I grunted and hissed in pain as I looked at my shoulder.

"I should've done more!" Lute looked at me, then she stepped closer to me.

"There wasn't much more you could've done aside from killing her Dallin." Lute responded. "But I wish you would've told me that she was dangerous." I looked at Lute, then let out an irritated and painful sigh.

"By the time I could, she was already awake. I didn't want to set her off inside the house, so all I could do was take her outside and hope that I could..." I let out an agitated growl as I grabbed my head with my left hand.

"I'm such an idiot!"

"This isn't the time to be beating yourself up Dallin." Lute countered. "Right now, I think it's more important that you calm down and try not to move as much." Lute let out a sigh and looked at the knife on the ground.

"How did she even find a knife down here to begin with? And who's Krivmeir?" I looked at the knife, then let out yet another irritated sigh.

"Krivmeir is... that's a story I'd rather not tell right now. But that knife is from him. Or I should say, his corpse." Lute looked at me surprised.

"Dallin, you didn't-"

"No... Fang snapped his neck, then stabbed him repeatedly with his own knife. His body is behind those boxes right there." I pointed to a pile of boxes that was hiding his body. Lute looked at it, then started walking towards it. I thought about calling out to her, but what was the point of doing that? When Lute looked behind the boxes, her reaction wasn't what I was expecting. She seemed confused, then looked at me with the same look.

"Dallin... there's no body there." I looked at Lute, wincing as my shoulder continued to sting.

"Lute, this isn't the time for jokes." Lute's expression turned serious as she stared at me.

"I'm serious! There's no body behind the boxes!" With how she was looking at me, it only made me more unsettled, but it also made me confused. But... that's where his body fell. I pushed myself up, wincing and groaning in pain as I started to walk over to where Lute was.

"Dallin, you shouldn't-"

"What the...?" Sure enough, when I looked behind the boxes, Krivmeir's corpse wasn't there, but there was a lot of blood on the ground. All I could do was stare in shock until I took a step back.

"But that's not possible! His dead body was right there! There's no way it could've-" That's when I heard a cold laugh coming from Wrath. I froze, then looked to my right and saw two red eyes looking at me from the shadows. It was only for a second, but I could see them looking right at me. I clenched my teeth and tensed up, growling loudly as I glared at where I saw the eyes.

"Dallin! Dallin, calm down! You can't get riled up like this! Please." It took me a moment, but I did start to calm down. There was no point in being angry right now. All it was doing was making the pain worse. I sat down against the opposite wall, then just let out a sigh as my back pressed against the wall. I shut my eyes and lowered my head, letting out a long groan as I finally started to calm down.

"Dallin? Where did you get that necklace?" I raised my head and looked at Lute confused.

"Necklace?" For a second, I thought she was joking, but when she looked at my neck, that only made me more confused. I looked down, and sure enough, I had a necklace on! I don't know how I hadn't noticed earlier, but maybe it had to do with being so shaken up on adrenaline that I hadn't noticed until now. Did Fang put it there? No... I would've noticed if Fang had done that. But if it wasn't her, then-

"Dallin?!" I flinched and looked to my left to see Sarah and Erika looking into the alleyway. Both came in, and Erika immediately started to look at my arm.

"What happened?! Who did this to you?" I looked at Erika, but for whatever reason, I was hesitating to answer. But when I did go to answer, the only sound that came out was forced air. I was a bit surprised, but as I tried to force out an explanation, it almost seemed like my tongue was swelling in my mouth!

"Fang came in and tried to attack Lute and I. But Dallin jumped in the way of her attack." Sarah commented. Erika looked at Sarah alarmed.

"Wait... Fang? Like, Shu-Fang? The Imperial Sylveon who was just revived?" Sarah nodded, then turned to look at Erika.

"I told you she was dangerous."

"Yeah, but... to do this?" Erika looked at me, and then she looked at my shoulder.

"Alright, what caused this?" I could feel myself breathing easier, and then I finally spoke.

"I got stabbed... by that." I pointed to the knife, and when Erika looked at it, she turned back to me, a concerned look on her face.

"Dallin, can you lean forward?" I was a bit confused by the request, but I did so. When Erika just watched and did nothing else, I was confused. She let out a sigh, looking at me disheartened.

"We need to get you to a hospital to get you stitched up." Erika stated. I looked at Erika surprised and was about to protest, but then I let out a sigh. She knew better than I did, but I got a strong impression to not leave this alleyway.

"I can't." I responded.

"Then use your ability and heal yourself." Erika countered. I shook my head again.

"Again, I can't. I... was warned about blood viruses or something." I pointed behind her with my left hand, and when Erika turned around and saw the pool of blood on the ground, her voice went cold.

"Blood poisoning..." She quickly looked at me, her face becoming somewhat frantic.

"Dallin, we NEED to get you to a hospital!" I looked at Erika, and despite how serious and frantic she sounded, that gut feeling wouldn't go away. The last time I ignored a gut feeling this strong, I almost got raped.

"Erika, I can't." I responded. "Can't you do something about it here?"

"Dallin, she needs medications and tools to dress that." Lute countered. I looked at Lute, then back to Erika who only seemed to get more impatient.

"Erika, I don't know how to explain this, but I can't leave this spot. I feel like the second I do... I don't even know! But The last time I ignored this feeling, Fang almost raped me!" Erika gritted her teeth and spoke up, raising her volume.

"That knife pierced all the way through your shoulder Dallin! Do you know how long it's going to take to get all the supplies and bring them out here?! How am I supposed to bring it here in one trip?!"

"Aren't you a psychic?" Erika's tone quieted down as she began to stutter.

"Yeah, but... I can't..." Erika let out a loud and frustrated growl as she looked at me.

"Erika, I know I'm asking for a lot right now, but please, do it, and I promise I'll make it up to you." Erika looked at me, still clenching her teeth, and for a moment, I thought she was going to argue with me again, but then she let out a groan and started walking out of the alleyway.

"You'd better not move Dallin. If you're not here when I come back..." She didn't finish that sentence, but the glare she was giving me spoke loud and clear. She looked at Sarah and Lute.

"Keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn't move until I get back!" Erika ran off, leaving me with Lute and Sarah. When they turned from where Erika ran off to look at me, both of them had a dissatisfied look on their faces.

"You really couldn't have just let one of us carry you?" Sarah questioned. I looked at her, letting out a meager sigh as I started to realize that this wasn't over just because Erika ran off.

"Like I told Erika, I-" I grunted as a surge of pain rushed through my shoulder. I grabbed my shoulder tightly, but that only seemed to make the pain worse. I could feel my blood covering my hand and running down my right arm.

"Still, don't you think it'd be better if this was done where it's clean? Doctors need a clean environment to work in." I clenched my teeth and growled slightly, more out of pain than at either of them.

"Look, it's already done. Erika's running to get them right now. Besides, you both heard her. She doesn't want me moving from this spot." Both Lute and Sarah let out an agitated sigh, but their expressions started to calm down. It actually made me a bit uneasy how relaxed they seemed after being so tense.

"Why are you two so relaxed all of a sudden?"

"We're not relaxed." Sarah responded.

"We just know better than to argue with you when you're being stubborn." Lute added. "You've always been stubborn as you grew up." I looked at Lute, then I turned to Sarah.

"Okay, I can get how you'd understand that, but how-"

"Necrozma said your "other" was stubborn, so what's to say that you weren't already? You're certainly being stubborn now. Besides, if you were already stubborn before from what Lute said, then right now, all we can do is do as Erika said and wait." I felt a twinge of irritation, but let it go. I had other things to worry about right now. Like the fact that Lute moved and sat behind me, then started pulling me into her.

"Lute, what are you-"

"Leaning against the wall doesn't look comfortable. Just lean back against me." I resisted, but couldn't resist too much because of my shoulder, much to Lute's irritation.

"I don't want to get blood on you." I responded.

"Well I don't want you being uncomfortable." Lute countered. "Plus, this just means you'll have to help me clean up afterwards~." I felt myself becoming slightly red in the face, but I just let out a sigh of defeat and leaned back into her belly. Lute brought her head over my left shoulder and hooked me between her horn and head. As much as I wanted to groan with embarrassment, I couldn't help but melt and relax as she started to nuzzle her head against mine.

"I'm just glad that no one else is here. They'd make a big scene about-"

"Dallin?!" I jumped from the collective cacophony of voices. I turned my eyes over to see almost all of the sisters standing in shock at the end of the alleyway. I let out a quiet groan as I looked at them.

"Me and my big mouth..." Ruby, Megan, and Lightning were the first three to run up to me with panic-stricken faces.

"What happened?!" Megan questioned.

"Who's the one I've got to clobber for doing this to you?!" Lightning growled. I thought about explaining it all over again, but honestly, I didn't want to go through everything. I'd rather just have this taken care of as soon as possible. Though, as I was opening my mouth, Sarah spoke up again.

"Fang stabbed Dallin with a knife." Megan, Ruby, Alice, Sky, and Lightning looked at Sarah with the former two looking shocked while the latter three seemed confused.

"Fang?" Alice asked confused.

"Wait, you mean Shu-Fang?" Ruby questioned. Sky looked at Ruby confused.

"You know who she's talking about?"

"Ruby, Erika and I were talking with her before Dallin brought her outside!" Megan commented. "Shu-Fang is the Imperial Sylveon!" Lightning, Sky, and Alice looked at Megan shocked.


"Though, she didn't mean to attack Dallin." Sarah intervened. "She tried to dive for Lute, but Dallin jumped in the way." Everyone looked at Sarah, but Megan quickly looked at me and ran up to me.

"We need to get pressure on the wound! Where's Erika?!" As Megan asked her question, she started to push her paws on my wound, making me wince and growl from the pain.

"She's running to get supplies to stitch him up." Lute replied. "She thinks Dallin may have blood poisoning." Everyone looked at Lute astonished, then looked at me worriedly. I knew just by the looks on their faces that this was going to be a long discussion, much to my chagrin.

"I still can't believe she would do something like this." Ruby said quietly. "She seemed so nice." Megan looked down at Ruby.

"Maybe it has to do with being revived? She could be going through something in her head, and after a little bit-"

"It's not like that." I interrupted. "Remember how she tried to rape me when she first woke up?" Megan went quiet, but seemed down after I mentioned that. I let out a sigh as the pain on my shoulder started to burn.

"Besides, I don't think she's going to change. I just... I don't know how I'm going to handle her."

"Keeping her away would be a start." Sarah commented. I glanced over at Sarah, letting out a hesitant sigh.

"Sarah, that's not something I can do easily." Sarah turned to me, giving me an irritated growl.

"So let me get this straight, first, she tries to rape you, then, she tries to kill Lute and you still want her here?!" I cringed and recoiled slightly, but because I was still caught between Lute and her horn, I couldn't move much.

"It's not even my choice at this point." I responded. "Hiroshito, that Gallade from before-"

"He's forcing you to take her? I don't know if you exactly noticed, but he's not here!" Sarah retorted.

"Dallin has a point." Sky responded. Sarah turned to Sky, baring her teeth and growling loudly.

"What?!" Sky seemed a bit disturbed at how Sarah practically screamed at her, but she continued.

"Nihon may not be a country anymore, but the people who come from there are still alive." Sky responded. "And if their ambassador, Hiroshito, is the one who told Dallin to take care of her, it's practically a declaration of law to not just them, but to anyone alive. And breaking that... that's basically putting a target on your back." Sarah growled loudly, but when I glanced at Lute, she seemed a bit distressed.

"Sarah, please, calm down." Lute said. "What they're saying is true." Sarah looked at Lute flabbergasted.

"You too Lute?" Lute cringed slightly, then let out a loud sigh.

"If Dallin sends her away, he'll have more than just Laurine to run from." I looked at Lute, astonished with what she just said.

"I'm surprised Lute... you wanted her gone the second you found out she tried to rape me." Lute looked at me and let out a sigh as her paws wrapped around my chest.

"That was before I realized that the ambassador of Nihon was the one who told you." I brought my left hand up and rubbed her head.

"But that still doesn't change how you feel about her, does it?" Lute let out a noise halfway between a scoff and a huff.

"Are you kidding? I'd still rather have her gone, especially after what she just tried to pull, but... I know that she's going to be bound to you like a Spiritomb to its rock." Lute's grip tightened somewhat as she unhooked my head and looked directly at me.

"Plus, I remember what you said, and I'm not about to let something happen to you because I wasn't there for you." It took me a half-second to realize what she was talking about, but when I did, I could feel myself flushing red. My heart skipped a beat, and I could feel a smile coming across my face, despite the pain from my shoulder. Sarah looked at the two of us with her mouth still hanging partially open. Though, Alice let out a small sigh before speaking up.

"So, I guess we just wait until Erika-"

"Get out of the way!" Everyone turned their head, me included, to see Erika come barreling down the alleyway, several pieces of equipment in the air! Megan moved aside as Erika ran up in front of me. Erika started mixing something together while my eyes caught a needle with a string attached to it! My right arm was seized, not by Lute or anyone else, but from Erika's psychic energy. My sleeve was pulled back, and Erika started using the mixture on my arm. It stung a lot more than before, making me hiss loudly.

"Ow! Erika! This stuff hurts!"

"It's killing the bacteria and stopping any infection." Erika countered. "Now sit still! I need to clean this so I can get a clear look into your arm!" Erika brought out a microscope, and I don't know how she held that thing still, but Erika let out a growl as she applied more of the mixture. I yelped from the pain.

"From a quick glance, it doesn't look like there's any blood poisoning, but I'm not taking any chances!" Several more mixtures were being made in the air, but my eyes turned to the needle once again as I saw the thread being weaved inside the hole in the needle.

"Erika, that's not going inside me, is it?" Erika glanced at the needle, then let out an irritated sigh.

"Of course it is! We've got to stitch the wound closed!" I started to get an overwhelming sense of panic as I saw how long the needle was, but Erika snapped me out of it... well... more like she forced my head to turn and look directly at her, and with the look she was giving me, she didn't seem like she had a lot of patience.

"If you want to make it up to me, then you'll sit there and let me do my job! You'd also better let us take care of you and not heal yourself once I disinfect your wound, otherwise I'll have Sky make a new one!" I couldn't turn my head from Erika, but I was able to look up and see that Sky actually seemed a bit uncomfortable being used like that.

After an agonizingly long amount of time, Erika had cleaned and stitched up my arm. She had gone off again to put the supplies back, and I was taken back into the house, debating on whether I should've just taken the risk and tried to heal myself or not. Erika gave me some kind of sweet candy that was supposed to dull the pain, but with how my shoulder was pulsing, all I could do was stop myself from groaning in pain. Still, I couldn't get Fang out of my mind. I wasn't really worried about her. I was worried about what she was going to do. Lute had pulled Sarah aside to talk to her about Nihon with Sky joining in. Lightning was with Alice, venting about what happened and talking about something, and with how heated Lightning sounded, I took a shot in the dark on what it was about. Ruby and Megan however, were with me on the couch.

After a while, I started tuning out everyone else from speaking, and the silence I had imposed on myself wasn't doing me any favors. I couldn't help but worry that Fang would track down Erika and... I buried my head in the palms of my hands, wincing as the pain from my shoulder forced me to retract my right arm. Even though Erika made the wound practically non-existent, pain medication, as horrible as it was to swallow whole, could only do so much. The thought about healing it hadn't even come to mind at the time, mainly because I couldn't get my mind off Fang. That smile she gave me sent chills down my spine, and not in an enjoyable way. Why was she calling me Senpai? And what was with the whole "Dallin-chan" thing?

"Dallin?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I looked at Megan. In all honesty, I'm surprised she was able to sit on the couch comfortably with such a long tail. With it being longer than she was, I thought it would be uncomfortable to sit down on... well... anything with it hanging down so much.

"Dallin?" I snapped out of my thoughts and caught myself staring at her tail. I turned away, getting a bit red in the face. I honestly shouldn't have been staring like that.

"Yeah?" Megan was looking at me for a second, a little uneasy, as if she was hesitating to speak.

"Is... What are you going to do? With Shu-Fang?" The name made me tense up, causing some discomfort in my shoulder. I really wish I could heal this, but Erika would find out pretty quickly that I did that, either by reading my thoughts, or by just looking at my shoulder.

"I..." I let out a groan as I shut my eyes and lowered my head. "As much as my gut and instincts are telling me to get away from her... I need to keep an eye on her. If I don't... I'm honestly scared of what she'll do to anyone who so much as speaks to her." Ruby climbed onto my lap and leaned against my stomach, but her eyes were on me.

"You don't think she's going to... you know... try and attack us?" I cringed as the thoughts bombarded me like hail.

"I really don't want to think about that." I responded. "She's... unhinged to put it lightly. Not only that, but she's just being creepy calling me Senpai and Dallin-chan. Whatever those mean."

"Wait... she called you Senpai and Dallin-chan?" Ruby questioned. I opened my eyes and looked at Ruby confused, but slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah? Why? Do you know what that means?" Ruby's eyes went wide as she stared directly at me, then she immediately jumped off me and ran down the hallway, screaming as she disappeared.

"CRYSTAL! I NEED YOUR MANGA COLLECTION!" I was honestly stunned by how quickly she went from concerned to running down the hallway screaming. Then again, I might've done the same the first time I met Fang in that alleyway if I had known what she was like. Megan's tail slid onto my lap. Well, I say onto, but it stretched over it, despite not sitting directly next to me. I glanced at it, then caught Megan looking at me. When she saw that she had my attention, Megan started to speak.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Megan asked. "Even after what she's done to you?" I looked at Megan, hearing the concern coming from her. As much as I wanted to laugh and tell her that this wasn't my first time being stabbed by something, I couldn't bring myself to say it. Honestly, my own words from that dream were echoing in my head, almost like I was screaming at myself in a mirror. I stayed silent for a while, then my shoulders started to slouch, causing some slight pain.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted. "I've been getting one curveball after another. I thought I'd get used to it by this point, but there's just something new that always takes me by surprise."

"Well, I hope that we've been a good surprise." Megan responded. I stared at Megan for a moment, then I let out a soft chuckle as I leaned my head back on the couch.

"Yeah. It's an interesting... combo to say the least, but certainly not unwelcome." I turned my head to where I could see Lute still talking with Sarah and Sky.

"It feels nice being able to have someone with me. Someone I can relate to, and someone I know. Someone I love. It makes me feel... safe."

"So does that mean you'll feel the same way about us after the game?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and raised my head to look at Megan.

"Game? What game?" Megan covered her mouth with her paws, and I could feel her tense up.

"U-Uh... y-y'know, t-the uh... um..." I was only getting more and more confused by the second, and as I sat up straight, Megan flinched slightly, and I started to see her face get red.

"Megan? What are you talking about?"

"Y'knowthegamethatErikabroughtupaboutallofus-" Before Megan could keep blabbering on faster than I could keep up with, something went inside Megan's mouth! It took me a second to register it, but it was a ball of yarn! Megan choked for a second, then spat it out. I turned my head and saw Erika walking through the door, a worried expression on her face. She turned to me, then let out a deep sigh.

"So... how's your shoulder doing Dallin?" I thought about pressing Megan for an answer when she spat out the ball of yarn, but right now, I just looked at Erika and felt relieved. I rolled up my sleeve from my now cut shirt and showed my stitches to her.

"Still hurting, but it's not burning anymore." Erika let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. The last thing we need is for that to get infected or inflamed. Don't use that to lift anything heavy for a little while. At least until the stitches are removed and it doesn't hurt. And don't you think about healing that on your own Dallin." I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes slightly.

"Yeah yeah, otherwise you'll have Sky make another one. I got that." Erika started to walk more into the house, but she stopped about halfway to the hallway.

"Not everything has to be a threat Dallin. We'd like to coddle you a little bit like you did with us." I was confused what that word meant, but something else came out instead.

"So, what's this game I heard about?" Erika stared directly at me, and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Megan turn away, her pink scales turning a slight shade of red. Erika continued to stare at me, then let out a sigh.

"It was meant to be a surprise, but for now, I think it's best we put it off until you're properly healed." Despite my sudden question, I couldn't help but commit to it.

"Still, what is it?" I asked. "What even constitutes as a game for all of you? Because all I'm thinking of are board and card games with some other games like tag or something." Erika laughed quietly and shook her head.

"We've got games like that too, but this one is more... intensive on the body." I looked at Erika confused, but then another voice joined in.

"Hey Erika! Did things go alright with returning everything?" I turned my head and saw Lightning coming out of the hallway. Erika turned and looked at her, then she tilted her head from side to side slowly.

"Alright is a bit loose right now. Now I've got to explain to my boss tomorrow why I took the supplies and ran out with them." I couldn't help but let out a small sigh, but Erika turned to me and smiled.

"Don't feel bad about it Dallin. Though, if you do want to feel less guilty about it~..." Her eyes glowed blue for a second, and I saw the freezer open up, and a small, blue pack float out and come towards me.

"You can put that ice pack on to help with the swelling and pain. And don't think you can hide this one like you did those bracelets." I felt a drop of cold sweat rolling down the back of my head, but I took the ice pack with my left hand and set it to the side. Though, as I stared at Lightning, I couldn't stop myself from blurting out something else.

"Hey Saffron?" Lightning clenched her teeth and grumbled loudly as she looked at me, holding back the urge to correct me. I had to hold back from chuckling a little bit, but I continued.

"Do you think you could help me?" I asked. "I want to get faster. If I could've reacted faster... Maybe this wouldn't have happened." Lightning seemed surprised, and with that look still on her face, she responded.

"You're asking me?" Now I was looking at Lightning confused.

"Yeah? I mean, I assume you're the fastest one here. Y'know, being an electric type and all." Lightning continued to look at me with that slack-jawed look on her face, but then she snapped out of it and smiled while raising her head, grinning like she had won some kind of elite prize or something.

"Well, you are right. I am the fastest one out of the family. Although, you may want to make sure you're at one-hundred percent before you try what I've got in mind." Lightning said with a hint of pride in her voice. My look of confusion didn't fade as Lightning spoke though.

"I don't get it. If I'm trying to run faster, why do I need to worry about my arm?" I asked.

"She's right Dallin." Erika interjected. "Almost every bipedal Pokémon out there swings their arms while they run. The exceptions are those who... well... either lost an arm or don't have any to begin with. And like I said before, we don't need your arm ripping open while doing something you shouldn't be. It's why I'm holding off on the game." Lightning looked at Erika surprised.

"Wait, so he knows about that now?" Erika turned to Lightning and once again tilted her head from side to side.

"He knows OF it." Erika responded. "Though, now I need to make sure that my garden is doing alright. So, if you'll excuse me." Erika walked past Lightning, but not before her tail rubbed under her chin.

"By the way Saffron, it's really sweet of you to help Dallin like that." Lightning tensed up, and as Erika walked into the hallway, Lightning started to crack with electricity while clenching her teeth tightly. I could hear a faint chuckle coming from Erika before a door opened and closed in the hallway.

"Hey Saffron?" Lightning managed to calm down enough that she wasn't producing electricity by letting out a sigh. Afterwards, she looked at me.

"Thanks for helping me out. You really are sweet for doing this." Lightning tensed up and started cracking faintly with electricity again.

"You did that on purpose!" Lightning roared at me. I chuckled, then grinned at her in response.

"I'm not hearing you protesting~." Lightning growled loudly while her face started to grow red. She clenched her teeth tightly, then stomped her forelegs on the ground.

"You're lucky you're healing from that wound Dallin! Otherwise I'd wipe that look off your face!" Lightning turned around and walked down the hallway, leaving me to gloat over my small victory. I was left with Megan on the couch, who still seemed a bit red from before. I stared at her for a moment, and I quickly started to tell that she was trying to not look at me. She'd quickly glance at me, then try and look away, only to repeat it every few seconds. While I was curious as to what this game was, I decided to drop it in favor of a different idea.

"Megan?" Megan turned her head quickly to look at me, still trying to decide whether or not to calm down. Though, with that look on her face, I bet she was expecting me to press her for answers. I glanced over the couch, then looked back at her.

"I want to tell you something... but I don't want the others to hear me." Megan seemed surprised, and her worry turned into curiosity. She looked over the couch, then when she saw that there was no one nearby, she started to lean in.

"What is it?" Megan asked quietly.

"Closer." I responded. "I don't want the others knowing about this." Megan glanced over her shoulder, but started to lean in closer. I started to lean towards her, being careful not to use my right arm that much for support. When Megan and I were practically in each other's faces, I stopped and rolled my eyes back partially as if thinking aloud.

"There's been something on my mind." I said quietly. "And I was hoping you could help answer my question." Megan seemed puzzled, but she nodded her head.

"Is it something bad?" I shook my head.

"No... but... well... let me just ask it right now and you can find out for yourself." I leaned in and pressed my lips on Megan's. She seemed startled at first, but she froze in place. She didn't pull away, but she wasn't pushing against my lips. Her shocked expression stayed on her face while she stared directly into my eyes. When I started to pull back, I was surprised to see her stand up and start to follow me in close proximity. She even grabbed onto my neck and pressed her lips against mine after I sat up straight. She seemed like she was in a haze at this point, but at the same time, she seemed really fixated on me. Her expression toned down as her eyes narrowed slightly. Her tail slid over my legs, and as Megan started to lean more and more into the kiss, I could feel her tail wrap around my legs and binding them together! I slipped my right hand up and grabbed her paw, lifting it off my neck and pushing away slightly so I could speak.

"Careful Megan, my shoulder is still hurting." Megan was still transfixed on me. She was starting to remind me of Kaitlin, then I remembered that her and Lightning were triplets.

"Please... I want to be your princess." Megan moaned quietly. "I want to get lost in those blue eyes of yours and swim in them." I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Princess? Where's this coming from?" I didn't get an answer from Megan as she leaned in and kissed me again. She was being more forceful than she was the last time, and at this point, I decided to just lie back and concede instead of holding her paw off my neck. At least my arm could rest. As I did so, Megan came down with me and moved her paws to my chest instead. She pulled my legs onto the couch with her tail, and she pulled away, starting to look more and more like Kaitlin by the second with how heavy she was starting to breathe.

"Well, I guess this answers my question about how you feel about me." Megan shuddered slightly and her breath shook.

"I fell in love with you the second I saw you out by the lake. All I want is to feel you hold onto me and love me like you do with Lute." I looked at Megan and chuckled deviously as I saw the desperation in her eyes.

"So, you want me to hold you? Maybe like... this?" I slid my right hand down her back until I started to reach her butt. Megan shuddered, and as I squeezed slightly, she let out a quiet moan as her shaking intensified.

"Oh Arceus... I'm going to melt!" I raised my left hand and started to scratch her chin.

"Come on Megan... if you can hardly handle this, I don't know how well you'll handle getting even more intimate." Megan was still shaking in my arms, but I think her blabbermouth streak was starting to come out again.

"D-Did you know... that in terms of-" I moved my hand from her chin and placed a finger on her lips, stopping her from continuing.

"Megan, as enjoyable as it is to hear you like this, you do talk a lot when you get flustered." Megan lowered her head and started to get herself under control.

"S-Sorry..." I smiled at her and rubbed the side of her head.

"Don't apologize with words Megan. Apologize with your mouth instead." Megan shuddered again, and as she started to lean down for another kiss, we were interrupted by another voice.

"Dallin? Where are you?" Megan froze and instantly recoiled, almost like she had been doused in ice cold water! She sat up straight, but didn't get off of me. She had her head turned away as it started to progressively grow a darker shade of red. I honestly felt a little disheartened by being denied like that, but considering who spoke, I managed to push myself up partially with my left arm, despite having Megan on my stomach. When I peered over the couch, sure enough, I saw Kaitlin looking around along with Crystal and Rose! Crystal saw Megan, then saw that she was sitting on top of me, then she started to get a little red.

"U-Uh... hey Dallin." It took me a moment to get over the shock, but then I was able to smile.

"Hey... so... is everything-" Crystal nodded her head before I could even finish my sentence. When Kaitlin and Rose came around and smiled at me, I knew that they were both happy and had talked it out with Crystal. I let out a sigh and relaxed, falling back onto the couch.

"So, Megan, were you enjoying your time with Dallin? Were you possibly... making out with him?" Megan tensed up and looked at Rose.

"How did you know?!" Rose chuckled and responded while grinning at her.

"You spill the beans so easily Megan. That and... you still have your tail wrapped around his legs." Megan looked alarmed by Rose's statement and turned her head to see that she did in fact have her tail still wrapped around my legs. I pressed down on my legs in case Megan tried to pull her tail away, and sure enough, she did try. My legs pinned her tail against the couch, and Megan's face continued to get redder and redder as she struggled. I stretched my left arm out and cupped my hand around Megan's head, making her stop trying to break free and look at me.

"Come on Megan, what was that earlier about being my princess?" Megan tensed up, and her face went as red as I think it could've gone. She was shaking in place, but I kept rubbing her head.

"Come here Megan. You'll feel a lot better after we... well... cuddle." Megan looked at me with an embarrassed look on her face, but then she let out a shaky sigh as she stared at me with that same transfixed gaze she had before Rose and the others entered. She started to lower herself down until she placed her head next to my neck. I started to rub her back, feeling her scales while simultaneously making her shiver in my arms.

"Ooh~. Were you hoping to have a moment to yourself?" Megan's face was burning, and she tried to bury it into my neck. I glanced over at Kaitlin and huffed at her.

"Come on Kaitlin, if she gets any warmer, she might as well be a Flareon." Kaitlin giggled, but then one of her ribbons came towards me and grabbed the necklace, pulling it out and holding it with her ribbon.

"So, do you like it?" I looked at Kaitlin surprised.

"You gave this to me?" Kaitlin giggled and smiled at me.

"One gift deserves another. Or in this case, one surprise." Rose came closer and looked at the necklace.

"Wait... Kaitlin, is that omnicrystal?" Kaitlin looked at Rose.

"Yes... but no." I looked at Kaitlin and Rose confused.

"Omnicrystal?" I questioned. Kaitlin looked at me and responded.

"Omnicrystal is a very rare type of crystal. Several gems and precious stones fuse together as they grow, and the rainbow color they give off shines in the dark. Not only that, but it's also said that it's supposed to calm the wearer down with how the light reflects off of it." I looked at Kaitlin surprised again, and as I looked at the necklace, Rose spoke up again.

"Okay, but how is it not an omnicrystal?" Rose asked. Kaitlin looked at Rose again.

"This was manufactured. It's an omnicrystal, but not a natural one. I had someone melt the gemstones together. Ruby, pink coral, topaz, amethyst, onyx, emerald, diamond, and morganite, all made into one omnicrystal." Rose and Crystal looked at Kaitlin surprised. Even Megan perked up and looked at Kaitlin.

"Wait... those gems seem oddly specific." Megan said. Kaitlin looked at Megan and chuckled.

"Well, I hoped you would all catch on. Those gems are supposed to represent us." Rose looked at Kaitlin concerned.

"That had to be expensive Kaitlin. And you couldn't have had that done in a day." Kaitlin looked at Rose and smiled.

"If it's for the person I love, then it doesn't matter how expensive it is. But... you are right about it not being done in a day." Kaitlin looked away, getting slightly red in the face.

"I had this necklace made a while ago. I was going to give it to the one I fell in love with, but when I heard that there was a human here, I was about ready to run off with it and find him so I could give it to him, but... well... Megan brought Dallin to us." I couldn't help but stare at Kaitlin.

"Wow... that's..." Kaitlin looked at me sheepishly.

"Creepy, I know. I just... I read so much about you and couldn't stop fantasizing. I... I wanted us to be together." I raised an eyebrow.

"Would you still want that even if I wasn't nice?" I asked. Kaitlin seemed surprised, then her ears fell as she hesitated before responding.

"I mean... not really. But you're not like that." Kaitlin stepped closer to me, her ribbon letting go of the necklace and cradling my chin.

"You're nice, compassionate, caring, and you actually empathize with us." I felt myself burning a bit as I turned my head away.

"Come on, I'm not that great of a guy." I felt my head turning from Kaitlin's ribbon, making me face her again.

"There's no need to be modest Dallin. That's who you are. A kind, compassionate, and caring person. I couldn't ask more from you since you're just as cute as I imagined you to be." I wanted to retort with something, but I was too stunned to speak. Eventually, I just turned my eyes away and let out a large sigh as I felt my face burn up slightly. Though, again, I felt a slight pull with my chin, and my eyes went to Kaitlin. She smiled at me while staring at me with her eyes partially closed.

"Come on Dallin, don't you think you should show a bit of appreciation for what I've done?~" I stared at Kaitlin for a moment, then when one of her ribbons beckoned for me to come closer, I knew what she wanted. I was hesitant for a second, but that melted away once Kaitlin wrapped one of her ribbons around my left arm. What I was feeling from it made me feel conflicted... but when I looked her in the eyes and she giggled at me, I let out a small sigh.

"Alright, but remember... I'm still in pain... so nothing fancy, alright?" Kaitlin giggled, then started to gently rub my chin with her ribbon.

"Of course... now... come here~." I moved my left arm around so that I had a hold on Megan, then I started to lean forward. As I started to roll onto my side, I felt my right shoulder being grabbed and quickly pulled back down! I yelped and hissed in pain, but then felt something cold pressing against my back! It dulled the pain, but left me confused as to what just happened. When I looked at my shoulder, I was surprised to see a face right behind it. Or in this case, underneath me!

"Crystal?! What are you-"

"Erika told us what had happened as she passed through the hallway." Crystal interrupted. "She told you to put ice to help with the pain. Though, why have something small like that when you can... use me instead?" Before I could even respond, I felt something sliding up my shirt! For a moment, I thought it was Kaitlin sliding her ribbons up my shirt, but when I looked down, I saw Rose using a couple of her vines instead!

"Well, if that's what you're doing Crystal, then why don't we take off Dallin's shirt? It's only getting in the way. Not only that, but I believe it also needs to be washed and repaired after your injury Dallin." Rose smiled at me as she climbed onto the couch and lied down, resting her head on my crotch! Then she glanced over to my left shoulder.

"Megan? Would you stand up long enough for us to take Dallin's shirt off? And Dallin? Would you be a dear and cooperate with us?" I looked at Rose wide-eyed.

"Wait a second! I-" I was interrupted when Kaitlin pressed her lips on mine! I was left starstruck as I was pinned between her lips and the couch! As I looked at Kaitlin in her sky-blue eyes, my body just seemed to go numb. Before I even knew it, I could feel my chest being exposed. I caught my shirt being tossed aside. Kaitlin pulled back, letting me breathe.

"Kaitlin... I-" I was cut off again as my body tensed up, but not from pain. Megan was licking my neck, fervently trying to get my attention. Rose was moving from my crotch to the right side of my chest, climbing over Megan's tail in the process. Megan pulled her head back and looked down at me.

"Please... I want my turn now!" Before I could even protest, Megan had already leaned in and pressed her lips on mine, just like how Kaitlin had. Megan was trying to push her tongue inside my mouth, and I was having a hard time resisting. Especially when Kaitlin started rubbing my upper body with her ribbons.

"Come on Crystal... you've got his right side all to yourself. How about you join in on the fun?~" Megan refused to let me turn my head to look at Crystal, and she eventually parted my lips and pushed her tongue in. I tried to keep back from moaning, but Megan was moaning loudly as I felt her tongue wrapping around mine. That's when I felt Crystal's cool tongue licking the right side of my neck. I was about to clench my teeth to keep myself from moaning, but I stopped myself when I remembered that Megan had her tongue inside of my mouth! Rose looked down at me with a slight crooked grin before turning to Kaitlin.

"Well, I think he's enjoying this more than any of us thought." Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught a familiar, desperate look coming over Kaitlin, and it was soon accompanied by an even more familiar heavy breathing.

"He hasn't experienced the best part of this yet..." Kaitlin looked at me hungrily, then she leaned her head down and started licking the left side of my neck. I couldn't hold myself back from moaning any longer, but it grew louder once Kaitlin started sucking on my neck! Rose looked down at me and giggled, now showing a full, devilish grin.

"You're not wrong Kaitlin... I can only imagine all the lewd thoughts running through his head right now." I was able to let out a few muffled protests, and that only made Rose giggle louder.

"Don't try and deny it Sweetie. I can feel that tent you're pitching under your shorts with my feet." Rose leaned in and started whispering into my ear.

"Are you thinking of doing something naughty to all of us? Is your head imagining what it would feel like to take each of us and breed with us to your heart's content?" I could feel my face burning, and not just my own. I could feel heat coming from my right side, and I could imagine Crystal was burning up as much as I was. I started to feel Megan pulling my tongue into her mouth when my head was abruptly pulled away from her! Now I was looking at Rose, and she was stretching her grin as far as she could.

"I've had enough foreplay Dallin, now it's my turn!" Rose forced her lips on mine and immediately pressed her tongue inside of my mouth! I tensed up, grabbing Megan by her butt with my left hand and making her tense up as well before letting out a loud moan. Her tail squeezed my legs together again while Rose was unrelenting with her assault. I barely got enough air to breathe, let alone moan. When Rose was satisfied, she pulled away, giving me a smug, but gentle smile. She placed her paws on my face and stared directly into my eyes.

"You taste so delicious on the inside, and as much as I'd like to have you all to myself, there's one more that needs to experience this." Rose pushed my face until I was looking at Crystal. She was forced to pull back to avoid being pinned between my head and my shoulder. Her face was still a bright red, and she looked at me caught off guard.

"Now come on you two.~ Kiss.~ And make sure you get nice and deep into each other's mouths.~" A strong smell flooded my nose, and my body started to move on its own! I pressed my lips against Crystal's, then immediately pushed my tongue inside of her mouth. Crystal tensed up, and she started brightening up even more, but she started to quickly moan and close her eyes as my tongue slid around her mouth. In response, Crystal's tongue slid past mine and was moving around in my mouth. It was strange, but after a moment, the two of us couldn't stop moaning. Meanwhile, I could hear Megan still recovering from our kiss.

"But... I wasn't done with him yet..." Rose chuckled quietly in response.

"You'll get your turn again Megan, but for now, he's got all of that skin, ready for us to lick clean of all that sweat." Almost as if on cue, both of them started licking my neck and my face. Kaitlin was moving around, sucking on different parts of my neck as she pleased. Crystal and I were left staring at each other as we continued to kiss. Though, my right hand was able to slip past her body and grab onto her butt, similar to Megan. Her eyes widened, and she let out a loud moan before shutting her eyes. Despite my willpower trying to save me, Rose was right. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. Kaitlin, Megan, Rose, Crystal... I couldn't get them out of my head. Along with Kaitlin's ribbons, I could feel a couple of Rose's vines slithering all over my body. Crystal and I broke apart so we could breathe, and just as I was about to lean in for another kiss, Kaitlin pulled back.

"Girls... before we get too intimate... there's something I need to ask Dallin." Everyone seemed to stop, and when I could actually take a moment to breathe, I turned my head and saw that Rose was getting impatient. Kaitlin turned my head with one of her ribbons and was staring me in the eyes once again.

"Dallin? What do you think of Lute? As a lover and a wife?" I snapped out of my delirium as I heard the question.

"W-What?!" Kaitlin giggled quietly as she partially closed her eyes.

"Is she everything you could've asked for from her? Do you truly love her like you say you do? Do you really want to be with her forever? Just like us?"

"Yes!" I answered, the words coming out of my mouth before I could even think of a response. "I love her so much! She's-" I was interrupted again, not by a voice, but by a bright shining coming from underneath Rose and Megan. Both of them moved aside partially, revealing the necklace Kaitlin had given me. Rose, Megan, and Crystal all looked at it wide eyed. I couldn't look away from it either, that is, until I heard something loud coming from the hallway followed by an explosion. Though, that didn't catch my attention as much as I heard a scream coming from down there as well! I raised my head as I recognized whose voice it was.

"Lute!" I could hear footsteps coming from the hallway, and as I pushed myself up some more, forcing Rose and Megan to sit up, I saw something that made the air in my throat to freeze.

"Kaitlin... you didn't..." Kaitlin only responded to Rose's question by giggling, then I saw Lute emerging from the hallway, now looking MUCH different! Her fur was much longer everywhere! Her back, her chest, it even grew long enough to cover her left eye! The oval mark on her forehead had changed into more of a triangle, and her horn had grown in size! Not only that, but she had another horn growing on the other side of her head! But what really caught my attention is that it looked like Lute HAD WINGS!

I couldn't stop from staring at her, and I'm pretty sure I felt my jaw hit Rose on the head. Lute was staring at me with the same wide-eyed shock that I was giving her, and that's when I noticed the necklace she had hanging on her neck was also shining, but not as brightly as mine had. My mind went back to what Kaitlin said about Absolites and mega stones, and I quickly put together what she was talking about. I tried to speak, but I was too stunned to form a coherent word, much less a sentence! I barely even noticed blood running down my nose as I stared at her!

"I did say it wasn't exactly an omnicrystal." Kaitlin chimed in. I didn't look away from Lute. My eyes were transfixed on her and her alone. But then something snapped me out of my stupor. Without looking away from Lute, I spoke up.

"Kaitlin... whatever just happened to Lute... can it happen to Sarah at the same time?" I heard Kaitlin giggle into my ear.

"Well, I imagine that it's possible. Who knows? Since the two of them are sisters, it might even be easier since they already love each other, even if it's as siblings."

"Don't get your hopes up Dallin." Sarah's voice made me jump slightly as she emerged from the hallway, giving me a crooked smirk.

"I took that necklace off since I'm not used to having something on all the time. Unlike you." Sure enough, Sarah stood there without having the necklace on. Sarah went from looking at me to looking at Lute in fascination.

"Still... seeing Lute like this... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious how it felt." Sarah turned from Lute, back to me with a crooked smile.

"Though, I think you've got more pressing matters to worry about than imagining the two of us having mega evolved at once." As soon as Sarah said that, my eyes snapped back to Lute, and I caught a familiar, cold look in her eyes. I was immediately hit with a sense of dread and fear. Megan, Rose, Crystal, AND Kaitlin were all around me while I had my shirt off! I knew that look she was giving me, and I knew this wasn't going to end well for me! She started coming around the couch and making her way towards me, all the while a small conversation between Crystal and Kaitlin catching my attention for a brief second.

"Kaitlin, she wouldn't have been able to mega evolve without a key stone! So where's the key stone?" I caught Kaitlin looking at Crystal with a somewhat satisfactory and victorious grin as she looked at her, almost as if expecting someone to ask that question.

"If I were to have them make a purely manufactured omnicrystal, that would've been a lot more expensive." Kaitlin responded. "So... I only used a pawful of gems and crystals. The key stone is-"

"Inside the omnicrystal." Megan finished, her tone much quieter, almost as if in reverence. Lute stood directly in front of me, staring me down. I could feel myself sweating, trying to think of some way to get out of this without being humiliated again!

"Oh, and by the way Dallin, there's something you should know about mega evolution." Kaitlin added. "I read that during the process of mega evolution, both... participants... can feel each other's emotions, in addition to reading each other's thoughts. It's like she's gained my ability to sense emotions, and Erika's ability to hear thoughts, but she doesn't need to touch you at all to know what you feel.~ And considering what the four of us just did..." My eyes widened as I quickly turned and looked at Kaitlin, then quickly darted them back to Lute. I realized what Kaitlin was talking about, and I knew I was as good as dead! Lute looked at me, then glanced at Kaitlin, then looked down at Rose, Megan, and Crystal before looking back at me. I could feel something burning in the back of my mind, almost like I could feel Lute's jealousy burning inside of me. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this.

"Dallin... can you come with me?" I was a bit surprised with how calm she sounded, but I still felt unnerved because of the burning sensation in the back of my head. Without even waiting for me to respond, Lute looked down at everyone who was currently on top, or holding onto me.

"Would you mind letting him go? He and I have something to talk about... alone." My body seized up, almost like I had been electrocuted! The three of them complied, and as Lute looked at me, she didn't say a single word. I got the message VERY quickly and started to stand up before she dragged me off. Lute started walking away, and I started following her from behind, and that's when I noticed that it wasn't just her fur that had changed. The spikes on her heels had grown, and her tail looked more like a saw than a scythe. Kaitlin giggled quietly as I reached the hallway, and as I turned my head to look at her, I saw her waving one of her ribbons at me while grinning at me. I felt my face starting to burn, and I caught Rose with my shirt. I thought about trying to get it, but when Lute cleared her throat and I turned back to see her staring at me again, I lost any will to even take a step back. Lute and I walked down the hallway along with another set of footsteps coming from behind. As Lute pushed open the door, she stepped inside, and I followed her in.

"Lute, I-"

"Sh~." I stopped myself from continuing to speak and stared at Lute. Her expression had relaxed, but she still seemed like she was going to bite my foot and drag me away... again...

"I already know what you're about to say, and I know you feel like you have to explain yourself, but you seem to already be forgetting something." Lute turned around, facing me completely.

"I know what you're going to say before you can even speak it." Lute relaxed a little more, and turned her head away while blushing slightly.

"And the same goes for you. You can know what I'm going to say before I even say it." Lute looked back at me, her stony expression starting to crack away.

"But I'm going to say this anyway. If you really want to "make it up to me," then you'll let me have this moment." I felt the blood rushing to my face.

"What are you-"

"Don't act coy Dallin." Lute interrupted. "Do I have to remind you again about what I just told you?" Lute's expression started turning into something familiar, even with her new evolution. Something very provocative.

"I can hear your thoughts so clearly. I know what you want to do to me, and I'm having a hard time restraining myself from just pinning you down and having my way with you. And judging by how your legs are shaking, you're having a hard time holding yourself back, aren't you?" I hated how she was reading me like an open book, but at the same time, I felt a chill go down my spine as I could clearly hear her thoughts as well. Though, I was reminded of my shoulder when I felt the pain flare up for a moment. I looked at it, then glanced at Lute.

"What about my shoulder? What about your egg?" Lute smiled at me, tilting her head slightly and digging her claws into the floor, resisting the urge to throw herself at me.

"We'll both just have to be gentle with each other, but both of us know that you're not getting out of this. Not like you'd want to anyway.~" Lute walked up to me, showing heavy restraint as she lowered her head and started nuzzling my manhood.

"Come on Dallin, if you make me wait any longer, I won't hold myself back." I felt the blood rushing to my face as she pressed against my erection, and she even pushed me back slightly, but Lute followed me step for step, and even started licking my shorts, making sure I was completely aroused.

"A-Alright, just let me close the door and we can-" I stopped as I noticed Sarah standing at the door with a grin on her face. That made me pause and look at her confused instead of staring at her embarrassed, having obviously heard our entire conversation.

"Sarah... what are you doing there?" Sarah laughed a little bit before responding.

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just going to be closing the door so no one knows what's going on. And I don't mean Kaitlin and the others behind me." That only made me more confused. Though, before I could speak, Sarah spoke up again after laughing some more.

"Let's just say... you making that statement about being read like an open book is more valid than you know of. At least for right now."

"Wait... what do you mean by that?" I asked. Before I could get a response, I was swiftly thrown onto the bed when Lute bit down on my left arm and threw me onto the bed! I let out a grunt from the shock and was immediately pounced on by Lute! She looked at me, growing more and more impatient and yearnful every second, but even then, I looked at Sarah, my voice now starting to get a bit more frantic.

"Sarah, what are you talking about?!" Sarah just grinned and laughed as she started closing the door.

"Don't think you're getting any information about this." Sarah responded. "You're going to have to wait for when this happens again before you get any of those dirty little details. So how about all of you take your hormones and put them back where you got them from? Because you're not going to get your little smut scene here."

"Sarah! Sarah!" Lute forced me to look at her, and as I saw how lewd her expression had gotten, I could see the look of desperation on her face. That's when I heard the door close, and everything went black.

I don't know how long we had gone on for, but by the time we were done, I was barely keeping myself conscious, but I wasn't going to be conscious for much longer. Lute and I were lying on the bed, both of us completely drained of energy. As I started to slowly go unconscious, in my delirium and in my last train of thought, I tried to speak.

Necrozma... if you can hear me... I need you to do something for me... Can you... take me... to Hell? I... need to... talk... to... Wrath... Just before I blacked out from exhaustion, I felt the air around me freeze, almost like the world had held its breath.

Almost as soon as I felt myself blacking out, I felt myself oddly rejuvenated. When I opened my eyes though, I found myself in what looked like a dry desert. I looked around confused, but when I looked up, expecting to see a scorching sun, I was greeted instead with a familiar red sky with stars that seemed to be radiating with a light that felt hostile. Almost like they had a disdain for the place.

You'd better have a good reason for coming here Dallin. I looked around, then let out a sigh and chuckled. It was starting to become a force of habit. I was wondering when I'd eventually stop trying to look for her whenever I'd hear her voice.

"Yeah, I do, but I'd rather be alone when I talk to her." I responded.

That's not possible. Necrozma responded. You saw what she did to you the last time. Even though your subconscious is here, too much damage and it could cause some issues with your real body. Not only that, but you're only able to bear this place because of the protective warding I've placed on you. If I were to leave, so would my protection. I looked around, still only seeing dried ground with no signs of life anywhere.

"I didn't seem to have that hard of a time when it happened the first time." I countered.

That was because I had to put one on you as quickly as I could." Necrozma quipped. "If I were to take my protective ward off of you... well... let's just say you'd be like a Vanillite touching a Magcargo. I let the words settle in for a moment, and now that I stopped and thought about it, I didn't feel that burning sensation from before.

"Alright... though are you sure Wrath is somewhere around here? I don't see anything for miles." Necrozma let out a reluctant sigh.

She's around, but all I'm going to do is guide you and make sure your subconscious doesn't get eaten alive by anything else here. Now listen, if you don't follow my instructions to the letter, you could very well find yourself in a sand trap, but instead of a Trapinch being in the center... it may be better if you don't know. I felt myself getting a little irritated with how precise she was being, but I let out a sigh.

"Before we go... I need to ask you something." I could feel a slight change in the air around me.

Me? Alright, what is it? I thought about my question for a moment, trying to roll it over in my head, but decided to be blunt about it.

"Is there something going on between you and Wrath that I'm not aware of?" I asked. Everything went quiet except for the occasional gust of hot wind hitting me.

I'm supposed to watch over all of them. Necrozma responded. All seven of them. Though, Wrath and Greed have been a lot more elusive lately. It was only when she dragged your subconscious here the first time was when I found Wrath again.

"I know that." I responded. "At least, the first part. Envy told me about that after I met her." Necrozma let out a sigh, and I got the distinct impression she was covering her face with one of her claws.

Yes, and it's getting real tiresome trying to keep track of seven immortal devils. And like I said, I'm having a hard time keeping track of two of them.

"Yet you know where Wrath is." Necrozma let out an irritated growl in response.

It's a long story, but again, I know her general area thanks to you. Now, let's get going and-

"You still haven't answered my question." Silence filled the air once again, then Necrozma spoke up.

What are you talking about? I already answered your question. I shook my head.

"Like I said, I already knew you were supposed to keep track of Wrath and the others." I responded. "What I'm asking is, was there something that happened between you and Wrath? Personally?" Silence once again filled the air, but it was mixed with a lot of tension. I felt like I could cut it with my fingernails if I wanted to, but this presence along with the silence only made me start to get uncomfortable.

Let me make something perfectly clear Dallin. You don't need to know what happened between her and I. Don't ever ask me that again. You hear me? I could practically taste the venom dripping from her voice. I could feel my legs shaking, but I gritted my teeth and shook my head to steel myself.

"So, something did happen between you two..." Necrozma growled loudly.

Maybe I should start pulling out your repressed memories and broadcast them to everyone else?

"Alright! Alright! I get it! I'll drop it. Don't get your tail in a knot." Necrozma growled even louder than before, but didn't respond. I looked around again and was about to start walking, but then I started to see something move in the distance. Although, it wasn't walking on the ground. It was something moving through the ground. That made me freeze and remember what Necrozma had said earlier about sand traps.

"So... about that guide..." Necroma stayed quiet for a while, then I could hear her let out another sigh.

Right... just follow my instructions and you should be fine. Necrozma guided me through the desert, which, ironically enough, was called the Hell desert. They apparently housed something called a Ground Worm that sucked anything unfortunate enough to be caught in its trap into its large mouth, eating it whole before shredding them alive with their teeth like a blender. And apparently that wasn't the worst thing here. Eventually though, I was guided out of the area and put in a "safer part of Hell" with no Ground Worms or other creatures that would try to eat me from below. From that point, Necrozma had me go in one direction mainly, and despite it feeling like it was taking forever, Necrozma actually told me something interesting. Even though Hell and Isar were technically on the same time, Hell's time seemed to drag on much more slowly. It was confusing, but I left it at that after Necrozma said it'd take a week to completely explain it.

I did start to see other creatures walking throughout Hell. Some were large and had a lot of scars on them. There were some that were small and had chains wrapped around their arms and legs, practically slowing them to a slow shuffle. There were even some that occasionally flew very high up. Necrozma told me not to worry about those so long as I didn't make too much noise. They apparently were blind and relied on sound, but their hearing wasn't that great to begin with, and they didn't even do that thing that the other bat Pokémon use. Though, as I kept walking, I stopped when I saw something familiar. Two spear-like tails with a red outline, two large horns, red feet, a red gem on the forehead... It was Wrath! But... was she a lot smaller than before? I know I was still far away from her, but maybe it had to do with being revived? I mean, Shu-Fang was in the same boat.

That's not Wrath. Necrozma interrupted. It's another of her kind, but that's not Wrath. I looked over my shoulder surprised, but looked back at what I thought was Wrath as it just kept walking with a scowl on its face.

"What even are they?" I asked.

If you were to ask anyone else, they'd probably say it was a black Espeon that decided to try and be edgy by growing some horns and permanently fusing the tips of some spears for tails. If you ask me though, they're all a scourge, even here in Hell. Relentless, violent, and temperamental. Wrath became who she is because she's much stronger than anyone else of her kind. I hate to admit it, but she's probably one of the strongest beings here in Hell aside from another sin, and... someone else.

"Now I don't know whether to feel proud or paranoid that I was able to kill her that one time." I responded.

Don't. Necrozma countered. Feeling paranoia is going to attract others towards you. It makes you look weak. And if you start feeling prideful in a place like this, you may just attract Pride herself here. And the last thing we need is one of them fusing with you. I tensed up and widened my eyes, then hissed slightly through clenched teeth.

"See... funny you should mention that..." I felt that familiar tension from before when I asked Necrozma about Wrath.

Dallin, you'd better not be telling me that Pride actually fused with you. I tolerate Envy because she's actually somewhat nice compared to the others.

"No, no, but... well... you're not... entirely wrong. You see... Wrath may have... already fused with me." Silence filled the air again, and when Necrozma spoke, I could feel her starting to lose her temper.

Dallin, if this is some kind of sick joke-

"I'm not lying!" I interrupted. "It happened when you sent me to go deal with that thing that tried to steal Rena away! RIght as I got stabbed, she told me that she could help me save Serena and the others!" The tension faded away, and Necrozma's tone changed.

So that's why I couldn't sense you during and after the battle... I KNEW something was going on, but if she's already fused with you... then... I didn't like how Necrozma was cutting herself off, and her worried tone didn't help either.

Dallin, I need to separate you from her right now! We need to do it before Wrath finds us so she doesn't-

"Oh, please, do explain to him what happens. It can't be any worse than what you're doing to him right now. Necrozma." I tensed up and immediately jumped forward while turning around. Sure enough, the familiar voice rang true, and I saw Wrath glaring at me. I could hear Necrozma growling loudly before letting it out.

Are you out of your f█cking mind?! You know what merging with him does to the host! Wrath looked past me and scoffed as if Necrozma was standing behind me.

"You're a lot of things Necrozma. But a hypocrite? Come on, that's a new low for even you. Besides, it's not just Dallin you have set up as hosts. It's everyone you've brought here into this world that doesn't belong. Lute, Sarah, even those mistakes that slipped through on your... accident. If you want to yell at me for having a proxy when you have more than I do, maybe look at yourself in a mirror before you start pointing your claws at others!" I honestly was more confused than anything right now.

"Okay, are either of you going to explain what that means?" I asked. I could feel Wrath and Necrozma turn their attention to me. While I felt hesitation from Necrozma, Wrath had no problems speaking up.

"All you need to know right now is that it concerns you. Now, what the f█ck are you doing here?" I scoffed slightly at the less than warm welcome.

"Good to see you too." I muttered sarcastically. Wrath growled, and I was immediately met with the tip of one of her tails to my throat.

"You are in MY domain." Wrath seethed. "If you've got nothing to say, then you can get the f█ck out of here! Or would you rather have me cut your head off this time?"

If you lay so much as a claw on him, you're dead. Necrozma countered with an equal amount of irritation. That made Wrath laugh and pull back her tails.

"Seriously? You're threatening to kill me? Even if I didn't have that b█tch Sloth to revive me, I'd still come back! You should know yourself that no one stays truly dead in Hell, Necrozma. Or maybe you'd like to come down here and try that again for yourself? Maybe this time you won't leave at death's door."

"I have a reason." I interjected. I knew that if this kept going, I wouldn't be able to get in a word. Wrath looked at me and impatiently grunted at me.

"Then spill it. Or should I spill your guts instead?" I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.

"Threat, threat, threat, is that all you say to anyone? Seriously, it's starting to get repetitive at this-" I was interrupted when Wrath threw both of her tails at me, but to my shock and surprise, a shield had appeared in front of me, but the tails had pierced through it. Thankfully though, they stopped before they reached me. I saw Wrath glaring and growling at me.

"You don't get to say ANYTHING about me! You're lucky you have that b█tch Necrozma with you, otherwise you'd be dead before you even hit the ground!" Necrozma growled loudly, but I spoke up before another fight broke out.

"I need you to make me stronger." As soon as I said that, the shield in front of me shattered, but Wrath's tails didn't move any closer. The fact that Wrath was looking at me surprised only confirmed that she wasn't expecting this. I was about to chuckle over the fact that I got one over her, if it wasn't for the screeching going on in my ears.

WHAT?! I flinched and covered my ears, despite Necrozma's voice being in my head. Though, Wrath started laughing. It was quiet at first, but then it grew rapidly in volume as she withdrew her tails.

"Oh this is f█cking great! Did he ask me before he asked you? Oh, the irony in this! I'm barely holding myself back from wheezing!" I was confused with what Wrath was going on about, but I couldn't think long about it when Necrozma was screaming at me again.

WHAT THE F█CK DALLIN?! WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME THAT?! Wrath started to calm down somewhat before looking towards me with a sadistic smirk.

"Yeah, why not go train with a dragon that's hotter than the f█cking sun? I'm sure Dallin would enjoy getting a nice tan." I looked at Wrath surprised.

"Wait, what? Then how didn't I-"

"It's your subconscious dumba█s. You don't feel everything that you would if you were actually here." I... guess... that made sense?


"And you'd burn him to a crisp the second he even got near you." Wrath countered.

THERE'S MORE THAN PHYSICAL TRAINING YOU A█SHOLE! Wrath scoffed and looked at me with a crooked grin.

"So much for wanting to be called a goddess, right?" I couldn't lie, with how much Necrozma was screaming and swearing, I couldn't help but chuckle with her.

YOU STAY OUT OF THIS DALLIN! I jumped a little bit as I snapped back into reality. Well, I say reality, but...

"Fine, I'll bite, but You better bet your a█s that it's going to be hellish. And I don't mean that just metaphorically." I looked at Wrath and knew that she meant literally as well. As much as I wanted to chuckle at that, I knew I was just going to get inter-

HE IS NOT GOING TO BE WITH YOU! Necrozma roared. Wrath just scoffed and grinned while looking up.

"You're just jealous he asked me instead of you." Wrath retorted. "You're acting a lot like Envy right now. I'm surprised she didn't try to make YOU her host."

I BROUGHT HIM HERE! HE'S MY PROXY! NOT YOURS! Wrath scoffed and kept grinning.

"And now you're being possessive. Greed would get along well with how controlling you like to be."

YOU WANNA F█CKING GO?! FINE THEN! I honestly started to feel a little out of place now, and it wasn't just because I was in Hell.


SHUT UP DALLIN! AND DON'T YOU DARE BOTHER ME! In the blink of an eye, I let out a gasp for air and shot out of bed. As I was trying to catch my breath, I started to realize that I was back in the room where I blacked out. When I was able to calm down, I looked beside me and saw Lute was asleep, having reverted back to her normal appearance. I let out a sigh, and as I went to get off the bed, I winced and bit my tongue to keep myself from grunting in pain. I looked at my shoulder and saw the stitches. I kept myself from hissing in pain and reminded myself that I had to get some ice on this.

If you were being serious about wanting to get stronger, then you might want to heal that wound of yours. Otherwise, you'll just be dead weight. I was surprised for a moment, but kept myself from speaking aloud.

Aren't you and Necrozma fighting? I questioned. Wrath laughed, and she responded with a smug attitude.

She's got something more pressing to deal with. Mainly, making sure a certain someone doesn't go slaughtering everyone on your side. Ring any bells? I let out a soft, but irritated sigh.


Right... that... thing. Listen, just get that wound healed, and we can start later. I looked at my shoulder and started thinking about what Erika told me, but before I could speak, Wrath spoke up again.

You're seriously going to do as she asked? You're going to let her be your little mommy and have her nurse you back to health? I clenched my teeth and was about to give Wrath a piece of my mind when she spoke up again.

Whatever. Just keep your sick fantasies out of my head. Just let me know when you're healed enough and we can start. Despite how irritated I was, I let out a sigh and tried to catch Wrath before she was gone.

Hold on... I want to ask you about a few things. There was silence for a moment, and just as I was about to concede that Wrath was gone, I heard a sigh come from her.

What? I decided to jump right into it before Wrath was gone.

Envy said you're all sisters, right? I was met with silence in response, but soon after that, I could feel the heat coming from Wrath's voice.

If you're thinking that you're going to fuck us all, there will be no crevice in this universe you can hide in that will shield you from what I'm going to do to you! I recoiled in shock and scrunched my face together.

What?! No! You threaten me with almost every breath you take! I just want to know why! That just seems...

Perverted? I didn't respond, at least not immediately.

You said it, not me. Wrath scoffed, and I could feel her rolling her eyes.

Some sick f█ck thought it'd be hilarious to make us all women. In some other universe, we're probably a mix, or all males, or h█ll, we might even be a mix of both going crazy over sex and raping each other. Though, I'd rather die countless more times than let THAT happen. As for the whole sister gig? That's just a rite between the seven of us. We're not actually sisters. Much like Erika and her family are. Huh... that's a... weird analogy... I guess? Still, I didn't let it bother me all that much, and instead of prying into that even more, I just decided to ask my next question.

Alright, now why'd you accept to help me? I questioned. I doubt you did it out of the goodness in your heart. If you even have one.

You're not wrong. Wrath responded. I mainly did this to spite Necrozma, and to get one up on her. But if it also means you'll man up and won't run away from your problems, then maybe I can get a use out of you while doing it. Now, are we done? Because-

One more. Wrath let out an irritated growl.

What is it?

What's your name? I was once again met with silence, then Wrath spoke up.

You don't get the privilege of knowing my real name. Besides, speaking it with me in mind is a taboo in your world. It draws in those blasted self-righteous "Cleansers" who think they can get rid of us.

Well, If you are going to train me, then I'd rather have something else to go off of aside from a title. Wrath started growling.

You're starting to piss me off Dallin.

Then you know how to fix it. I retorted. I heard Wrath growling loudly, but was once again met with silence. After a while, I did get a response from her.

Fine. But you're not getting my name. I raised an eyebrow as I stood up.

Alright, then what am I getting?

You can call me by what you and your kind have labeled me.



Well, after waiting long enough, and the artist I commissioned finishing the picture faster than I thought, here it is! I'm really proud of how this came out!

Though, with that out of the way, things have taken an... interesting turn. And I don't just mean with Lute. I wonder what's going to happen next...

Well, looks like we're just gonna have to wait and find out. For now, I want to hear what you all think about this chapter. I had to throw in that disclaimer, mainly because the world can get easily offended if it's not clarified/not everyone knows about Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. Though, you probably should. It's a rather entertaining 9-part episode to watch. Anyways;

Have a good day/night everyone.


Music is from:

Art is owned by me, but made by: Kimochiiikun on Fiverr

For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me upload the PNG version of it, so I had to convert it to a JEPG. It fit the size limit, but idk why it won't upload on wattpad. It's sad, but I absolutely LOVE how this came out! Definitely go look for them on Fiverr! They do such an amazing job at it!

Here's the same image blown up so you all can get a look at it.

Please do not use any images I own without my permission.

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