Warm Reunion // Toya Aoyagi x...

By RoyaleMelodie

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Toya Aoyagi & (Y/n) (L/n) used to be childhood friends. When (Y/n)'s family moves to a different country, the... More

Just a Quick Note!
Chapter 1- Live Invitation
Chapter 2- A Hint of Hope
Chapter 3- That Familiar Face
Chapter 4- SEKAI Advice
Chapter 4.5- This Unfamiliar Feeling
Chapter 5- A Day Out with You
Chapter 6- Singing to SEKAI
Chapter 7- Street SEKAI
Chapter 8- Accepting the Invite
Chapter 8.5- Just Like Her...
Chapter 9- Vivid Arcade Time!
Chapter 10- A Trip to the Garden
Chapter 11- At the Tenmas
Chapter 11.5- To Know More About You
Chapter 12- Together, Live
Chapter 13- Caring for the One I Love
1K Special - Pocky
Chapter 14- Taken Away on Stage
Chapter 15- A Cake for You to Be Mine
Chapter 16- Stuck Trying to Get Her
Chapter 17- The Secret Plan to Get Him Back
Chapter 17.5- All by Myself...
Chapter 18- The Short Yet Simple Plan
Chapter 19.5- A Convincing Bloom
Chapter 20- A Trip to the Pool Could Tell the Truth
Chapter 20.5- The Short Decision, The Freedom
5K Special- That Cake!
Chapter 21- The Perfect Place
Chapter 22- A Suspicious Request
Chapter 23- A Warm Reunion
~🌻Invitation to the Real World🌻~
~🌊Some Time on the Warm Waters🌊~
~☀️Photography of the Sunset☀️~

Chapter 19- The Meeting That Will Change Everything

826 21 27
By RoyaleMelodie

The day had come. (Y/n) gathered everything she needed and left the house holding the envelope. Her parents had preapproved her visit to the Aoyagi's, so she didn't have to wait. The first stop the (h/c) went to was the post office.

"Oh, hello, dear," a clerk waved at her.

She came closer to the desk and pulled out her letter from her bag.

"I'd like this sent to a friend of mine."

"And his address?"


"Alright, your letter should reach your friend's mailbox tomorrow."

"Got it, thank you," she bowed politely, "Have a good day!"

"You too, dear!"

(Y/n) left the post office and headed to her next spot. Before she could go anywhere, however, she had to wait for the light to turn green. The girl got tired of waiting, so she put on some music. What music was she listening to, you may be asking? Well, it was Nightcord. She didn't realize it, but Tsukasa came behind her. He noticed her and tapped her shoulder, making (Y/n) turn around.

"Oh, Tsukasa-senpai, what are you doing here?"

"Me? Well..." the blonde boy thought carefully, "I was heading to the mall, you?"

"You're going to the mall? Say, could you come to help me?"

"With what?"

Finally, the light turned green, and (Y/n) put away her phone and headphones.

"I'll tell you when we get there."

"Oh, okay then..."

Tsukasa followed (Y/n) until they entered the crowded mall.

"So," he looked into her eyes, "Now that we are here, what do you need help with?"

"Do you know where I could find clay?"

"Clay? It's easier if you found it in an art store, but-"

"I live closer to the mall; that's the only reason I come here."

"Oh," Tsukasa turned away, "Well, I know there's a couple of art stores here. The closest one is upstairs and to the right of the escalators."

"Got it, thanks Tsukasa-senpai!"

"Wait," he got a hold of her arm, "Before you leave, could we talk?"

"This isn't the ideal place to chat, but okay," she gently smiled.

The two kept strolling around until they found an empty bench to sit on.

"What did you need to tell me?" (Y/n) immediately asked while plopping down.

"...I wanted to say..." he said slowly, "I'm sorry."

"Eh? Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"Sorry that you to be in a problem I had with Toya. He has been acting weird since you came that I had to ask him if he was okay. Instead of responding, he questioned if I liked you. I replied with no, and Toya came closer and said something like, 'I'm glad you're being honest since the only reason I'm still happy is because of her.'"

"Happy because of me? That doesn't sound correct."

"I know," Tsukasa sighed heavily, "The point I'm trying to make is that- Toya cares about you deeply. Akito even explained to me how you are the light to him, and he thrives with you."

"So, why are you rambling about me now?"

"Hm? Oh, um, don't worry about that."

The blonde boy put a hand on her shoulder.

"Save him, okay?"

"Yeah. I'm already prepared for that, you know," (Y/n) got up and brushed her skirt/pants before looking into Tsukasa's eyes, "And, I forgive you."

"Thank you, good luck."

"Thanks, I'll need it."

The (h/c) girl ran up the escalator to the art store and left the mall with a bag of clay.

"Aoyagi Residence, here I come!"


Toya had been tortured for hours, waiting for the time to be up, which is never. His father explained that he'd have a meeting with someone important and that he shouldn't disturb him when talking with them. Toya, of course, had to follow that command; well, anything the father said. (What a fucked up man.)

The boy was asleep until his phone began buzzing.

'What now...'

He stretched out of bed and read his messages.

<(Y/n)> 'Check your mailbox tomorrow; something will be in there.'

<Toya> "Did you get hacked or something?'

<(Y/n)> 'What? No, you're kidding. Has your mental state been bothering you?'

<Toya> 'Idk.'

<Toya> 'Why do you even want me to check the mailbox anyway? My father would kill me unless I ask.'

<Toya> 'Yeah, I'll just ask.'

<(Y/n)> 'Good, anyways, keep pushing onward!'

<Toya> 'Thanks.'

As soon as he got off, several knocks came from the door. Toya opened his bedroom door and saw his father opening the door for someone.

"Come on in."

The person came out of the light and entered the home. It wasn't anyone, though; it was her. She had two bags filled with something.


"Toya, please."

He silently bowed his head and left the room.

"Alright," the father sighed, "Let's get to the point."

"I've been noticing that your son has not been doing okay. Are things going alright here?"

"Hm? I don't understand-"

"I can tell you're lying.. be honest."

"Oh, alright... Well, no, everything is not sunshine and rainbows, you see. He usually plays classical music for me."

"How is that a problem? You're not abusing him, are you?"

"Well... when I tell him to play the piano or his violin, he always refuses, making me quarrel with him. Our relationship is rocky and at the bottom."

"Mm, I understand., No wonder why he acts as if he hates you."

"It's more like he doesn't act and hates me a lot."

Here's the thing," (Y/n) wrote in a notebook, "Even if you didn't tell me your story, I would know the problem immediately."

"How come?"

"I think you're setting your son's life too much," she explained, "Try giving Toya-kun a chance to find the path he wants; you can't create everything, you know."

The (h/c) girl brought one of the bags and put it on the table. She took what was inside and gave it to him.

"...Why did you bring clay with you?"

"It's the activity I want you and Toya-kun to do."

"Oh? What are we supposed to do with it? Create something? He and I are not as artistic as you."

"That's true, but allow me to explain. You two would, I guess, have different jobs. You would do the base while your son finishes what you started."

"So, I do half, and he does the other half?"

"Mhm, exactly!"

(Y/n) tore off a piece of paper from her notebook and passed it over.

"Here are the steps in case you forget."

"Oh, are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, my parents expect me at their place after this so I can help them out."

"Oh, see you next time?"

"Maybe; let me know if you need to schedule another appointment with me."

The two waved their goodbyes, and the father watched as (Y/n) left the house.

"Take it easy on him, 'kay? And let him at least have some freedom."

"No worries, I'll take your advice."


Finally, a long chapter with 1143 words, excluding this! I wasn't expecting that many words but happy with how this turned out.

- 8/21/22

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