Unbreakable Hope

بواسطة TheQuietHufflepuff

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Four months. That's how long Elena Lampros had been hearing the screams. She'd been locked away for three mo... المزيد

Aesthetic and Playlist
Season Four
01. Lazarus Rising
02. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
03. In the Beginning
04. Metamorphosis
05. Monster Movie
06. Yellow Fever
07. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
08. Wishful Thinking
09. I Know What You Did Last Summer
10. Heaven and Hell
11. Family Remains
12. Criss Angel is a Douchebag
14. Sex and Violence
15. Death Takes a Holiday
16. On the Head of a Pin
17. It's a Terrible Life
18. The Monster at the End of This Book
19. Jump the Shark
20. The Rapture
21. When the Levee Breaks
22. Lucifer Rising
Season Five
23. Sympathy For the Devil
24. Good God, Y'all!
25. Free to Be You and Me
26. The End
27. I Believe the Children Are Our Future
28. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
29. Changing Channels
30. The Real Ghostbusters
31. Abandon All Hope...
32. Sam, Interrupted
33. The Song Remains the Same
34. My Bloody Valentine
35. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
36. Dark Side of the Moon
37. 99 Problems
38. Hammer of the Gods
39. The Devil You Know
40. Two Minutes to Midnight
41. Swan Song
Season Six
42. Exile on Main St.
43. Two and a Half Men
44. The Third Man
45. Weekend at Bobby's
46. Live Free or Twi-hard
47. You Can't Handle the Truth
48. Family Matters
49. All Dogs Go to Heaven
50. Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
51. Caged Heat
52. Appointment in Samarra
53. Like a Virgin
54. Unforgiven
55. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
56. The French Mistake
57. ...And Then There Were None
58. My Heart Will Go On
59. Frontierland
60. Mommy Dearest
61. The Man Who Would Be King
62. Let It Bleed
63. The Man Who Knew Too Much
Season Seven
64. Meet the New Boss
65. Hello, Cruel World
66. The Girl Next Door
67. Defending Your Life
68. Slash Fiction
69. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
70. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
71. Death's Door
72. Adventures in Babysitting
73. Time After Time

13. After School Special

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بواسطة TheQuietHufflepuff


It was lunch time, and the "popular" table is full of cheerleaders and jocks.

"She's such a slut," girl one said.

"So?" boy one asked. "Personally, I'm very pro-slut. What happened, anyway?"

"She totally banged Jamie Jaffe, that's what. She gave him the reverse cowgirl and everything."

Taylor walked up to the table, looking for a place to sit down.

"Hi, Taylor. How was your weekend?" girl one asked.

"Fine, I guess," Taylor replied.

"You didn't... go to the rodeo?"

Taylor spoke to someone sitting at the table. "That's my spot."

"Sorry. This is a skeev-free zone."

"Slut!" boy one taunted

"Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut!" people at the table repeated.

Taylor stormed off, slammed down her tray and sat at another table. The only other person at the table was April, an overweight shy girl.

"You shouldn't listen to those jerks," April told her.

"Leave me alone," Taylor retorted.

"I just mean... I'm sorry, that's all."

"You? You're sorry? Don't you feel sorry for me, you fat, ugly pig."

April, upset, left the table in a hurry.


Taylor was upset, looking at herself in the mirror. She had been crying. She didn't see April approach her from one of the stalls.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" April asked.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday," Taylor apologized. "I didn't mean it, okay?"

April grabbed Taylor and slammed her around, hitting her head hard on the mirror and sink, then dragged her to one of the stalls.

Taylor screamed. "Aah! Aah!"

"I'm not ugly," April protested.

April held Taylor's head under water in the toilet until Taylor stopped struggling. She let Taylor fall to the ground, looked down at the unmoving Taylor, and black goo, ectoplasm, came out of one of her eyes.

"You're ugly," April added.



Sam was in hospital whites, dressed as an orderly. He was sitting in a chair with a clipboard talking to April.

"I'm not talking about it anymore," April said. "I already told the cops and the doctors. No one believes me. They think I'm crazy."

"Well, I'm a little bit more open-minded than most. April, why did you tell the police you were possessed?" Sam asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me."

"When I -- when I hurt Taylor, I was there, in my head, but I couldn't control my body. I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. I just wanted to stop. I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. April, some of the kids at school told the police that you and Taylor didn't get along."

"Well, yeah, but I never wanted to kill her. Never. Do you believe me?"

"Yeah, I do. Just a couple more questions. On the day this happened, did you... happen to smell anything?"

"Anything... like what?"

"Like rotten eggs or... sulfur?"

"Um, no."

"Okay. Um, did you notice any black smoke?"

"What are you, crazy?"


Sam approached the Impala, where Dean and Elena were waiting for him, and climbed in the passenger door.

"So?" Dean and Elena asked.

"I think she's telling the truth," Sam replied. "I mean, the way she talked about being there mentally but not physically -- kind of sounds like demonic possession to me."

"Kind of?"

"She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur."

"Maybe it's not a demon. I mean, kids can be vicious," Dean reminded his brother.

"Well, I mean, we're already here. Might as well check out the school."

"Right. The school."


"Truman High, home of the Bombers."

"What's your point?"

"I mean, we went there, like... for a month a million years ago. Why are you so jazzed to go back?"

"I'm not. I just think it's worth looking into."

"All right, well, what's our cover? FBI? Homeland Security? Swedish exchange students?"

"Don't worry. I got an idea." He glanced at Elena with a light smirk and she frowned, wondering what he was on about.


They drove off.



'Long, Long Way from Home' by Foreigner played while the Impala drove up to the front of the school. Young Sam and Young Dean got out of the car.


Young Dean looked in the car window and said, "Thanks, Dad."

Young Dean and Young Sam started walking towards the school.

Young Dean asked Young Sam, "Got your lunch? Books? Butterfly knife?"

"Yeah, Dean," Young Sam replied.

"You okay?"



"I mean, look, this is the third school we've been to this year, and it's only November. I'm just sick of always being the new kid."

"You'll be fine. If anyone gives you any trouble, you let me know. Relax. Dad said this hunt will take him two weeks, tops. As soon as he gets back, we're out of here."

"To another school. Awesome."


Young Sam stood in front of a classroom while being introduced by the teacher, Mr. Wyatt.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to Sam Winchester," Mr. Wyatt introduced.

"Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam," the class greeted.


Young Dean stood in front of his class, while his teacher, an older woman, talked to the class. "Class, say hello to our new student, Dean Winchester. Dean, is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?"

"Not really, sweetheart," Young Dean said.

"Take your seat."


Young Sam stood in the front of the class, obviously uncomfortable.

"Is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" Mr. Wyatt asked.

"Not really," Young Sam replied.

"Okay. Uh, grab a seat."


Young Dean walked down the aisle, and took an empty seat.


Young Sam walked down the aisle to an empty desk. He placed his backpack on the desk; his knife fell out on the seat. He quickly grabbed it and hid it, but not before Barry, who was sitting next to Young Saw, saw it.

"Whoa, that's yours? Awesome!" Barry exclaimed.


"Dean, where are your books?" Dean's teacher asked.

"Don't need 'em, sugar," Young Dean told her. "Not gonna be here long enough anyway."

Young Dean noticed Amanda, and they shared a look.


"All right, gang... essay assignment," Mr. Wyatt said.

"Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw!" the class cried.

"Yeah, yeah, my heart breaks for you."

Barry whispered to Young Sam, "Hey... I'm Barry."

"Sam," the younger Winchester introduced.

Mr. Wyatt continued class. "Okay, now, I want three pages of your most memorable family experience. Just a reminder though, this is going to be worth half your final grade..." He kept talking in the background.

Dirk started flicking Barry's ear while Mr. Wyatt was talking.

"Leave him alone," Young Sam told Dirk.

"Shh, I'm going for a record," Dirk said.

"I don't care what you write about, or even how you write about it. I'm looking for the brutal, funny, maybe even painful, truth. OK everybody, any questions? Okay, let's get started," Mr. Wyatt told the class.

"I said, leave him alone," Sam repeated.

"You want to take his place... midget?" Dirk asked.

"Yeah. Sure."


Sam walked down a school hallway just as the bell rings dismissing class. He was dressed as a janitor and was pushing a janitor's cart. He passed Mr. Wyatt's room, where class was getting out.


Elena was dressed as a lunch lady, which she didn't mind. It was nice being able to feed hungry children, even if they didn't smile or say their thanks.


Dean was dressed in a white shirt and tight red shorts. He had a red headband on his head. He blew a whistle, then addressed the class.
"Today, you will have the honor of playing one of the greatest games ever invented. A game of skill, agility, cunning. A game with one simple rule... dodge."

Dean threw the ball into classmate one's stomach. He didn't dodge.

"Ugh!" classmate one groaned.

"Sorry," Dean apologized.

"Uh, Substitute Coach Roth..." Colby began.


"Ms. Boudreaux never let us play dodge ball."

"Well, Ms. B's in Massachusetts getting married, so we're playing."

"She says it's dangerous."

Dean blew the whistle. "Take a lap!"


Sam and Elena entered the gym and got Dean's attention. Dean threw the bag of balls to the class.

"Go nuts," Dean told the class.

"Having fun?" Sam and Elena asked.

Dean grinned. "The whistle makes me their god."

"Right. Nice shorts."

"Nice hairnet, Elena. Find anything?"

"I've been over the entire school twice. Elena's been once. No sulfur," Sam said.

"No sulfur, no demon. No demon, no case."

"I don't know. Maybe I was wrong."

"Well, it happens to the best of us. I say we hit the road, huh? But after lunch -- it's sloppy-joe day. You're gonna give me a nice big helping, right, Elena?"

Elena smiled and shook her head. "Nope. Equal portions for students and faculty."

"Ohh!" Colby cried as he ran by Sam, Elena and Dean holding his nose.

"Good hustle, Colby! Walk it off!" Dean told him.

Elena glanced at Dean. "You should monitor them so that doesn't happen again."


A Cuisinart was spinning. Two students were talking.

"Hey, I need to copy your algebra homework again," boy one said as he hit boy two to get his attention. "Hey!"

"Why? Cause you're a stupid, brain-dead dick?" boy two retorted.

"I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat, you little freak."

"That fist?"


Boy two looked at boy one and grinned, not a happy grin, but a devilish grin, and grabbed boy one's hand and pushed it in the spinning Cuisinart. Blood went everywhere, and boy one started screaming. A classmate helped boy one out, and everyone else ran out. Boy two looked woozy, then fell down. Sam and Elena arrived just as he was going down. They ran over to boy two and saw black goo, ectoplasm, oozing from boy two's ear.

"What happened?" boy two asked.


Sam, Elena and Dean walked down a deserted school hallway.

"How's the nonviolence assembly going?" Sam questioned.

"Apparently, shoving a kid's arm into a Cuisinart is not a "healthy display of anger,"" Dean replied. "So, the kid had ectoplasm leaking out his ear?"

"Which only comes from a seriously pissed-off spirit. It's got to be ghost possession."

"Yeah, but that's pretty rare."

Elena shrugged. "Yeah, but it happens. I mean, they get angry enough, they can take control of a person's body."

"All right, so, what, we got a ghost in the building?"

"Yeah, but where?" Sam inquired. "I mean, there's no EMF. Maybe we could find out who it is, at least. You know, check and see if somebody died bloody around here or something."

"Way ahead of you two. I had to break into the principal's office to get this. Oh, and FYI, three of the cheerleaders are legal. Guess which ones."

"No," Sam and Elena said.

Dean unfolded a paper he took from his pocket. "So, there was only one death on campus. It was a suicide back in '98. Some kid named Barry Cook. What?"

Sam sighed. "I knew him. How did he die?"

"He slit his wrists in the first-floor girls' bathroom."

"That's where-" Sam and Elena were cut off.

"Right where the chick got swirleyed to death, exactly. So, what? This ghost is possessing nerds?"

"And using them to go after bullies, yeah," Elena confirmed.

"Well, does that sound like Barry's M.O.?"

"Barry had a hard time," Sam replied.



It was between classes and there were students in the hallway. Barry was walking down the hall, and another student bumped him and made him drop his books. Young Sam saw this and helped him pick up his stuff.

"Thanks, Sam," Barry said.

"Great school," Sam commented.

"I don't care. Three years, and I'm out of here. I'm going to Michigan State. They got the best vet program in the country."

"Do you like animals?"

"They're a lot nicer than people."


Young Dean and Amanda were making out.

"So tonight I'm thinking you, me, a bucket of popcorn, extra butter..." Dean began.

"Mm, kinky," Amanda teased.

"...and the midnight screening of "I Spit on Your Grave" at the Cinedome."

"I can't. I have a curfew... at 11:00."


"So if I break it, my folks will ground me for a month."

"Yeah, parents. Terrifying."

"Mm-hmm. Well, when's your curfew?"

"I don't have one."

"Your parents just let you stay out all night, don't they?"

"My dad's out of town on a job. It's just me and my brother."

"For how long?"

"Couple of weeks."


"Yeah, we got a pretty sweet setup at The Pines."

"The motel?"

"Mm-hmm. HBO, magic fingers, free ice -- it's great."

"Yeah... I guess."

"What? I do whatever I want, whenever I want. It's perfect."

"Yeah, but... don't you miss your Dad?"


Young Dean and Amanda emerged from the closet, just as Young Sam and Barry walked by.

"Yo! Sammy!" Young Dean called as he and Amanda walked off.

"That's your brother with Amanda Heckerling? He's cool," Barry said.

"Yeah. He thinks so," Young Sam replied.

"Hey, tough guy. I been looking for you. Still want to take Barry's place?" Dirk asked.

"Get out of here, Barry."

"I'll go get a teacher," Barry told him.

"You want to go?" Dirk questioned.

"I'm not gonna fight you, Dirk," Young Sam said.

"Why not? You chicken? Come on!"


Dirk hit Young Sam, who fell to the ground. He stayed there, looking up at Dirk who yelled, "Get up! Get up! Come on! Get up!"

"Hey, get back!" Mr. Wyatt ordered. "Get back. That is enough."

Mr. Wyatt took off after Dirk, who had turned and walked away. Young Sam watched them walk off.


Dean, Elena and Sam were standing at Barry's grave, where they had already dug up his coffin. Sam and Elena put in the salt and fuel, Dean threw in the lighted match.

"So long, Barry Cook," Dean said.


The Impala drove down a dark road, and Sam, Elena and Dean rode inside.

"You all right?" Dean and Elena asked.

"Barry was my friend. I just burned his bones," Sam replied.

"Well, he's at peace now, Sam," Dean told him.

"I mean, if Dad had let us stay just a little while longer, maybe I could have helped the kid, you know?"

"You read the coroner's report same as me. Barry was on every anxiety drug and antidepressant known to man. School was hell for that kid. His parents had split up. He just wanted out. It was tragic, but it's not your fault. To tell you the truth, I'm glad we got out of that town. I hated that school."

"It wasn't all bad."

"How can you say that after what happened to you?"

Sam looked over at Dean, remembering that day. Elena looked between the boys curiously, wondering what had happened.



Young Sam and Young Dean were sitting on a small bleacher by the school.

"That kid's dead," Young Dean said.

"Dean," Young Sam called.

"I'm gonna rip his lungs out!"

"It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Sammy, look at yourself. If Dad was here-"

"He's not."

"Well, I am! And as soon I'm finished with that dick-"

"Shut up, okay?! I don't need your help."

"That's right, you don't. You could have torn him apart. So why didn't you?"

"Because I don't want to be the freak for once, Dean. I want to be normal."

"So taking a beating -- that's normal?"

"Any word from Dad?"

"He called this morning, said he's going to be another week at least. We weren't supposed to be here this long."

"At least you've got Amanda. She's cool."

"Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents."


Class was over and students were leaving.

"Mr. Winchester, can I talk to you?" Mr. Wyatt asked.

Sam walked up to Mr. Wyatt's desk. Barry was walking behind him and said, "Um... I'll wait for you outside."

"Look, if this is about the fight, I didn't start it," Sam told Mr. Wyatt.

"Oh, no, it's not about the fight, Sam," Mr. Wyatt replied. "You know this assignment was nonfiction, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Wyatt."

"So you and your family killed a werewolf last summer, huh? Why would you write something like this, Sam?"

"It doesn't matter. As soon as my Dad gets back, we're leaving, so you can flunk me if you want to."

"I'm not flunking you. I'm giving you an "A." Now, aside from the werewolf, is that really how you'd describe your family?"


"Well, your brother is quite a character. And your father -- he seems, uh, driven. Anyway, it's good, Sam. It's really good. Have you ever thought about pursuing writing?"

"I can't. I have to go into the family business."

"Family business?"

"Yeah, my, aah -- my dad's a mechanic. So I have to be a mechanic, too."

"Do you want to go in the family business, Sam?"

"No one's ever asked me that before."


"More than anything, no."

"Well... I don't want to overstep my bounds here, but... you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Look, I mean, I know what it's like. I come from a family of surgeons, and that wasn't me. So, you know, I traded in the money and prestige of being a doctor for all the glamour you see around you. But the point is... there may be three or four big choices that shape someone's whole life, and you need to be the one that makes them, not anyone else. You seem like a great kid, Sam. Just live the life you want to live."


Sam, Elena and Dean drove up to the school.

"We came back here so you could talk to a teacher?" Dean asked.

"He's a good guy," Sam replied.

"Well, whatever. Go have your Robin Williams "O captain! My captain!" moment. Just make it quick."

Elena smiled at Sam, then frowned at Dean.


Sam was walking down a deserted hallway and he looked deep in thought – he ran his hand through his hair as he walked. Young Sam walked down the same hall, running his hand through his hair the same way. Sam was approached by a young woman.

"Excuse me, sir, can you tell me find room 305?" the young woman asked.

"Sure. Um... head down the hall, take your first right, and it's the third door on the left," Sam told her.

"Thanks, Sam." She took out a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. "You got tall, Winchester."

She kicked Sam in the face. He fell to the ground. He opened a small jar he grabbed from his jacket pocket, and when the young woman approached, he grabbed her and forced the salt in her mouth. The ghost looked like it was ripped from her body and flew out the door. She collapsed, and Sam sat in the hall holding her, looking around.


Sam, Elena and Dean were sitting on the Impala, enjoying a beverage and talking.

"Trust me," Dean said. "This will help. That ghost is dead. I'm gonna rip its lungs out! Well, you know what I mean."

"It knew my name, Dean, Elena," Sam told them. "My real name. We burned Barry's bones. What the hell?"

"Well, maybe it wasn't Barry. Maybe we missed something. We just got to go back." He and Saoirse were reviewing a file while he talked. "No way. How did we not see this before?"


"Check it out -- Look, Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, and Hello Kitty -- they rode the same bus."

"Okay, so maybe the bus is haunted."

Elena nodded slowly. "Well, that would explain why there's no EMF at the school, but not the attacks. I mean, ghosts are tied to the places that they haunt. They can't just bail."

"Unless this one can. Dean, Elena, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles, then whenever they leave the body, they're bungeed back to their usual haunt. But until then, the ghosts can go wherever they want."

"So a spook just grabs a kid on the bus and walks right into Truman?" Dean questioned.

"It's possible."

"Ghosts getting creative -- well, that's super."


Sam is in the back of the bus with an EMF meter. Dean and Elena were up front, searching for some clue of the ghost.

"Definitely ain't clean," Sam noted.

"Here, ghosty, ghosty, ghosty! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Dean called.

"Man, Elena, I don't get it. No one ever died on this bus, and it's not like there's a body hidden in here."

"Yeah, but a flap of skin, a hair, I mean, hell, a hangnail -- something's got to be tying the ghost to this place. We just got to find it," Dean told him.


Dean and Elena looked through papers at the front of the bus before the former said, "Got a new driving permit. Issued two weeks ago."

"Just before the first attack."

"Yeah," Elena confirmed. "Name of the bus driver is Dirk McGregor Sr., 39 North Central Avenue."


"Yeah. Why?" Dean and Elena asked.

"I knew his son."

Dean stared at his brother. "Did you know everybody at this school?"



School was letting out. Dirk pushed Barry down.

Dirk told Barry, "Got to watch where you're going, man."

"Leave him alone, Dirk," Young Sam said.

"You never learn, do you, midget?"

"Get to the bus, Barry."

Barry ran off, and Dirk pushed down Young Sam before saying, "What's the matter? You scared? Don't worry. I'll go easy on you this time. Come on, Lose-chester. Let's see what you got. Come on, freak! Freak!"

Young Sam got up and started fighting with Dirk. Young Sam was clearly the better fighter, connecting with hard punches, while Dirk swings at the air.

Young Sam knocked Dirk down and said, "You're not tough. You're just a jerk. "Dirk the jerk.""

Kids in the crowd picked up the chant, saying "Dirk the jerk", "That's pretty good", etc. Then the crowd started chanting "Dirk the jerk" while Dirk ran off.


Sam, Elena and Dean were in Mr. McGregor's living room.

"So, you were friends with Dirk?" Mr. McGregor asked.

"Yes, sir, in high school," Sam replied.

"I don't recall Dirk having many friends at Truman. Here, sit. Sit down."

"When did, uh -- when did Dirk pass?" Dean questioned.

"He was 18."

"What happened to him?" Sam and Elena inquired.

"Well, there was, first, drinking, then drugs, and then too many drugs. And then he just slipped through my fingers. It was my fault. I should have seen it coming, you know? Dirk, he, uh -- he had his troubles."

Dean frowned. "What kind of troubles?"

"School was never easy for Dirk. We didn't have much money, and, well, you know, kids -- they can be cruel. They picked on him."

"They picked on him?" Sam repeated.

"They called him poor and dirty and stupid. They even had a nickname for him -- Dirk the jerk. And after what happened to his mother, he..."

"His mother?"

"Yeah, Jane, my wife. She died when Dirk was 13. Cancer. I was working three jobs, so it fell to Dirk to take care of her. And he was a great kid. He made sure Jane got her medicine. He helped her, cleaned up after her. But, you know, you -- you watch somebody die slow, waste away to nothing... it does things to a person. Horrible things."

"I didn't know about his mother."

"He -- he wouldn't talk about her, not even to me. Lot of anger in that boy."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, we'd really like to pay our respects, Mr. McGregor," Dean told him. "Um, you mind telling us where Dirk is buried?"

"Oh, he wasn't. I had him cremated," Mr. McGregor replied.

"All of him?"

"Well, I kept a lock of his hair."

"Oh, that's -- that's nice. Where do you keep that?"

"On my bus, in my Bible."


Eddie was driving the team bus.

"Thanks for subbing tonight, Eddie," Coach said.

"My pleasure, Coach," Eddie replied, smiling a grin like he was up to no good.

The bus was driving fast down the road.

"Eddie, you want to ease up on the pedal, there?" Coach asked.

"I got it all under control," Eddie reassured.

The bus drove over a spike strip and the tires blew. The bus swerved and came to a stop.

"What the hell was that?" someone on the bus wondered.

"Everyone okay?" someone else on the bus asked.

The driver opened the bus door and stepped out of the bus. Dirk was in the driver.

Sam walked up, cocked his shotgun, and called, "Dirk!"

Dirk, in Eddie, said, "Winchester. What are you gonna do, shoot me?"

Dean and Elena snuck up behind Dirk and the former wrapped a rope around his middle.

"Don't need to," Sam replied. "That rope is soaked in salt water, Dirk. You're not going anywhere."

Dean stuck his head in the bus and addressed the team. "All right, everybody stay where you are. You'll be okay."

"Aren't you the P.E. teacher?" someone on the bus asked.

"Not really. I'm like "21 Jump Street." The bus driver sells pot. Yeah."

Dean and Elena looked for the lock of hair on the bus.

"It's not here!" Dean and Elena yelled.

"Where is it?" Sam asked.

"No way you'll ever find it," Dirk answered.

Sam pushed the shotgun up to Dirk's chest. "Where is it?!"

"Sam Winchester. Still a bully. You, you jocks... you popular kids... you always thought you were better than everybody else. And to you, I was just Dirk the jerk, right? Now you evil sons of bitches are gonna get what's coming to you."

"I'm not evil, Dirk. I'm not. And neither were you. Trust me. I've seen real evil. We were scared and miserable, and we took it out on each other -- us and everybody else. That's high school. But you suffer through that, and it gets better. I'm just sorry you didn't get a chance to see that... you or Barry."

"Nothing is gonna get better for me. Not ever."

Dirk broke out of the rope. Sam fired salt at him, and Ghost Dirk flew back to the bus. Ghost Dirk entered a student on the bus. The student got off the bus and attacked Sam from behind. He started beating Sam up. Dean and Elena fired a salt shot at him, but missed.

"Dean! Elena!" Sam cried. "Find the hair!"

Dean and Elena went to Eddie, who was still lying down on the ground, and started looking in his pockets for the lock of hair.

"Hey, buddy, this isn't what it looks like," Dean told Eddie. "Don't eye the girl in a pervy way."

Dean found the lock of hair, took out his lighter, and set it on fire. Ghost Dirk screamed and flew out of the student. The student fell on Sam.

Sam called out from under the student. "Little help?"

"He's giving you the full cowgirl," Dean teased.

Elena rolled her eyes. "Almost as bad as the Lord of the sky."



Young Dean was kissing a young girl that was not Amanda. There was a knock at the door.

"Five more minutes, Jerry," Young Dean said.

Amanda opened the door and Young Dean pulled away from the girl he was kissing. They walked out of the closet into the hallway.

"Amanda, hey!" Young Dean called, turning to other young woman. "Gettysburg Address, 1863, right?" He turned back to Amanda. "History test next period. We're studying. Come on, baby. She means nothing to me. Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, Dean," Amanda replied. "I thought maybe... underneath your whole "I could give a crap," bad-boy thing, that there was something more going on. I mean, like the way you are with your brother. But I was wrong. And you spend so much time trying to convince people that you're cool, but it's just an act. We both know that you're just a sad... lonely little kid. And I feel sorry for you, Dean."

"You feel sorry for me, huh? Don't feel sorry for me. You don't know anything about me. I save lives. I'm a hero. A hero!"

Amanda walked off to her friends who were standing nearby. They all looked at Young Dean like he was a jerk.

"What? What?!" Young Dean yelled.


The hallway was full of students. Young Sam walked down the hall, and as he passed, students said things like "good job buddy", "Sam, great job with Dirk the jerk" and slapped his hand. Young Dean observed the exchanges. He was obviously still upset.

Young Dean got a call on his cell and answered. "Dad? Finally."


Young Dean and Young Sam were waiting outside as the Impala drove up. As they got in the car, Young Sam saw Barry at an upstairs window. He waved to him, and Barry waved back.

"I can't wait to get the hell out of here," Young Dean said. "This place sucks. Come on, Sam." He got in the car. "Come on, Sam!"


Mr. Wyatt was alone in his classroom at his desk, grading papers.

Sam knocked on the door and entered. "Uh, Mr. Wyatt?"

"Yes," Mr. Wyatt replied.

"You probably don't remember me, um, but my name is Sam Winchester, and I just wanted to thank you."


"I was a student here, and uh, you gave me some advice once."

"Winchester, right. Right. Yeah. You, uh -- you wrote that horror story."

"Yeah. Yeah, I did. Yeah, it's kind of all been one long horror story."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Sorry."

"So, what was this advice? I might need to plagiarize myself down the line."

"You told me that I didn't have to go into the family business. You said I should make my own choices."

"So you've managed to do your own thing, then, huh?"

"Yeah, for a while, yeah. And I think I went to college because of you. But, you know, people grow up."


"Responsibilities. But still, um... you took an interest in me when no one else did. That matters, so thank you."

"Well, you know, the only thing that really matters is that you're happy. Are you happy, Sam?"

Sam remained silent, reminiscing on Mr. Wyatt's words.

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