Transport Into Detective Cona...

By Classya8

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Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! Join her as she journeys through the world. More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Shopping With Yukiko
Chapter 3: Grocery Store Mystery
Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash
Chapter 5: DJ and Eddie P
Chapter 6: Teitan High School
Chapter 7: Haido Central Hospital
Chapter 8: The Awakening
Valentine's Day OVA! ❀️(filler episode)
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Packages
Chapter 10: Raiha Pass
Chapter 11: Celebration for Eisuke
Chapter 12: Subaru Okiya vs Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Match!
Chapter 13: Murderer, Shinichi Kudo!
Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock
Chapter 15: Teito Bank
Chapter 16: The Department Store
Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation
Chapter 18: Akemi's Apartment
Chapter 18: Deduction Showdown At the Hotel
Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons
Shuichi Akai's Birthday!
Chapter 21: The Mystery Train
Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!
Chapter 23: Enter Shukichi Haneda!
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Pursuit
Chapter 25: The Kyoto School Trip
Christmas OVA!
Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist
Chapter 27: Entangled in Spider
Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair
Chapter 28: Yusaku Kudo's TV Show Case
Chapter 29: The FBI Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: PSB vs Kaito Kid! Part I
Chapter 31: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part II
Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III
Chapter 33: The Dango Adventure
OC Fanart ❀️
Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm
Chapter 35: Sports Day
Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit

Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret

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By Classya8

Kaiya POV

"Thanks for inviting me camping." I smiled. I was excited since my family didn't go camping too often in my previous world.

"I'm so glad you came with us Kaiya-neechan! You haven't gone camping with us before, right?" Ayumi asked.

"Nope I haven't." I said sheepishly.

"Edogowa-kun here's your Mystery Train ring. Show it to the conductor before you board the train." Haibara handed him a ring. We were going to board the train later this week.

"Conan-kun you didn't get your Mystery Train ring yet?" Ayumi asked and Conan shook his head no.

"We put on our rings and took pictures at the Professor's house." Genta said.

"Don't worry Conan-kun. We'll take more pictures with you when we get to the campsite." I turned around from the passenger seat next to Professor Agasa to face them.

"I heard it's like the Oriental Express. Hopefully there won't be any murders on it like in Christie's novel." Haibara commented. There's bound to be a murder since Conan's a murder magnet...

"I'm sure we will have fun! Ran-chan and Sonoko-chan will be there too!" I smiled.

Then we were interrupted by Haibara calling Conan a pervert.

"Conan-kun! It's not nice to tease girls." Ayumi chided.

"What do you think you are doing to Haibara-san?" Mitsuhiko demanded.

"But I'm the one being bullied!" Conan protested and I couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Conan wanted extra antidotes from Haibara.

Just then my phone rang. "Kaiya-chan! Let's hang out together!" Masumi yelled through the phone. Girl, you're gonna make me go deaf ya know...

"S-sorry I'm going camping with the Detective Boys, maybe some other time." I apologized.


"Oh no! We forgot to pack some camping essentials!" I realized after we set up the tents.

"Ah! Kaiya-neechan is right!" Ayumi exclaimed as she looked through the contents of our backpacks.

"Don't worry there's a camping store nearby." Conan reassured everyone. "Hakase, let's go."


"Masumi-chan? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised when she showed up with Conan and Professor Agasa after they went to the store.

"I just happened to come by here as well. What a coincidence!" She said with a toothy grin.

"Are you sure you aren't just following us Masumi-chan?" I crossed my arms.

"Anyways, let's gather some firewood." Haibara interrupted.

"There should be some in that area of the woods." I pointed and we headed there.


"Beware! Snakes." Genta paused to read a sign after we gathered some firewood. It was then that we heard someone digging and we gasped when we saw a corpse of a woman in a sleeping bag. I noticed that her fingers were locked in a shape of a rabbit.

"Is that..." Ayumi cried. We locked eyes with the culprit.

"Run!" Haibara and I ordered. I grabbed Genta and Mitsuhiko and Haibara took Ayumi's hand and we ran as fast as we could. I tried to call Conan but he wouldn't pick up.

"Ai-chan! I can't reach Conan-kun! Call the police instead!" I told her frantically.


"I can't run anymore!" Ayumi panted.

"Here, get on my back." I offered and picked her up. "But Ayumi-chan is right. We need to take a break since we've been running for a while."

"There's cabin there!" Mitsuhiko pointed out. Hmm this cabin seems familiar... I think there was a case related to this cabin somewhere in the anime.

"We're saved!" Ayumi and Genta cried happily.

"Let's take refuge there for now." Haibara suggested.


"The coast is clear. It appears the cabin seems empty." I motioned for them to come in and we barricaded the door in case the culprit came again.

"It's no good, there's no reception here." Haibara tried calling the Conan again.

"Let's take a look around inside." Mitsuhiko suggested and we turned on our flashlights. Let's see there's two backpacks... and a bloody axe?!!!

"This is the culprit's cabin! He must have used that axe to kill the woman!" I pointed out.

"We need to leave now." Genta cried and started unbarricading the door.

"Wait Genta-kun! Don't!" I shouted as we heard someone pounding the door. "It's the culprit!"

Ayumi started crying so I held her close to comfort her. "Shh it's alright." This is not good... I didn't bring my tasers and I don't know any karate like Ran.


"The pounding stopped!" Mitsuhiko said happily.

"The suspect must be gone!" Genta declared and tried to open the door, only to find it chained from outside. "We're locked in!" he said.

I sniffed the air... something smells weird. "Guys, is it just me, or does something smell like it's burning?" Everyone else noticed it too. "Could it be that the culprit intended to silence us by locking us inside the cabin and setting it on fire?" I thought aloud. We had to leave now.

"We're trapped. There's no other exit in the cabin." Haibara observed.

"And the windows are nailed shut!" Mitsuhiko cried.

I rammed my body against the door several times, and the hinges started to loosen, but the door was still locked. We all started coughing as the smoke got stronger.

"Cover your noses with a wet towel." I ordered and I pulled out handkerchiefs and a water bottle from the backpacks left in the cabin.

"Stay low on the ground as well." Haibara added.


"Ayumi-chan!" Genta and Mitsuhiko cried as she fainted. They brought her closer to the door.

"Breathe the fresh air, Ayumi-chan!" Genta told her.

"Wake up, Ayumi-chan!" Mitsuhiko cried.

I have to do something quick... I ran through the smoke into the next room to find the axe left behind by the culprit and tried to pull it out from the ground, but it was stuck. Then I felt a pair of strong arms grab the handle of the axe as well.

"A-Ai-chan..." I stuttered and stared at Haibara. She was in her adult form so she must have taken the antidote!

"Pull the axe out together." she told me and I nodded.

She then picked up the axe to cut the lock on the door, and I rammed my body against the door again. It finally opened!

"Hide in the bushes until help arrives!" Haibara (in her adult form) ordered and picked up Ayumi.

"But Haibara-san is still inside!" Genta and Mitsuhiko cried.

"You guys take Ayumi-chan and leave first." I said from next to Haibara. "I'll find Ai-chan!" 

"Wait but who are you?" they asked Haibara.

"Let's just say... she's a friend of mine." I tried to evade their question. "But you guys need to go! It's dangerous here!" They protested but eventually obeyed my orders and ran into the woods.


Masumi POV

"Haibara, Ayumi-chan, Mitsuhiko-kun, Genta-kun!" Conan called.

"Kaiya!" I called worriedly.

"Conan-kun!" the detective boys came from behind the bushes. Phew, they were alright.

"Where's Haibara and Kaiya-neechan?" Conan asked.

"Kaiya-neechan stayed behind since Haibara-san was still trapped in the burning cabin." Ayumi said. 

"But Kaiya-neechan phoned us earlier and told us that they are fine now." Genta continued.

"A woman saved us from the burning cabin." Mitsuhiko explained. "Here, I took a video of her." he showed us a video on his phone. "I'm going to send it to Kogoro-san since he said he wanted pictures from the vacation. Besides... he can help us identify the woman so we can thank her."

I looked at the video and my eyes widened as I saw someone that looked like Shiho Miyano standing next to Kaiya. Does Kaiya know her?! Hmm is that Mystery Train ring on Shiho's hand. Perhaps I should go on that train and investigate as well...


Kaiya POV

"There. Now they won't look for you." I told Haibara after I called Mitsuhiko to let them know that "Ai-chan was safe."

"We just have to wait for Kudo-kun." Haibara said and we waited for a while.

"Haibara! Kaiya!" a voice called out. Oh finally he was here.

"You're late." Haibara said as she stuck out her foot to trip Conan. Conan stood shocked when he saw Haibara's grown up form.

"What? Surprised to see us Kudo-kun?" I teased.

"We thought somebody was going to save us but I never thought I would have to take the antidote and turn back to my old self." Haibara said with an annoyed expression. Conan gave an apologetic smile. 

"Where did you get those clothes from?" Conan asked.

"Oi Kudo-kun you shouldn't ask a lady that kind of stuff." I scowled.

"I borrowed it from the dead lady's clothes. I wasn't about to show up naked in front of them." Haibara answered. "I didn't have the chance to take off the Mystery Train ring, but don't worry, I changed all of my clothes so they won't recognize me as Ai Haibara."

"Then you had better hide until the drug wears off." Conan suggested.

"Either way, you found the culprit right?" I asked Conan.

"Yeah, he was a photographer. We figured it out from his dying message. He said she locked him in the cabin even though. he was claustrophobic."  Conan answered.

"I see that makes sense... there was a book about claustophobia in her backpack." Haibara said. "She probably planned to help him get over his fear by having him spend a night with her in the cabin."

"But that ended up backfiring didn't it?" I said sadly. "He panicked and killed her by accident."

"Talk about an unwelcome favor." Haibara sighed.

"Maybe because he was a photographer... if he kept using film cameras, it would be a hinderance to him if he had claustrophobia."

"Didn't she leave a dying message?" I wondered.

"That shows she had a grudge." Haibara pointed out.

"Now that I think of it... it wasn't really a dying message. She just wanted to hold her lover one more time." Conan said.


(later that evening)

"You've taken an interest to Jeet Kune Do?" Shuichi asked when he saw me practice some moves in front of the TV in the living room.

"Sort of...after what happened on the camping trip, I just wanted to learn some self-defense. I never learned any martial arts since I took up fencing as a hobby. There just happened to be a program about Jeet Kune Do right now." I explained sheepishly. I did not know any Jeet Kune Do so I probably just embarrassed myself.

"I wouldn't mind teaching you the basics of Jeet Kune Do. It's an opportunity for me to practice as well." he said.

"I would appreciate that, Akai-san. The Detective Boys and I were trapped in a burning cabin earlier, and I've never felt so helpless before." I admitted. I don't need to be an expert in Jeet Kune Do, but in the Detective Conan world where danger lurks everywhere, it doesn't hurt to know some self-defense.

"Speaking of burning cabins, it was on the news. I presume there was a case on the camping trip?" Shuichi asked. I nodded and began to recount the events.


"Afterwards, Mitsuhiko-kun secretly recorded Ai-chan and sent it to Kogoro-san." I finished. "I'm sure Mitsuhiko-kun meant no harm, but if the video leaks onto the internet, the Organization is bound to come after her." I sighed.

"I'll take care of it." was all Shuichi said. Later that evening, he hacked into Kogoro's computer and deleted Mitsuhiko's video.


Amuro POV

I hacked into Kogoro's computer to find a video from Mitsuhiko. It can't be... is that Sherry in the video?! In the short clip I watched, Kaiya and her told the kids to get to safety.

"Hide in the bushes until help arrives!" Sherry ordered, while carrying Ayumi.

"But Haibara-san is still inside!" Genta cried.

"You guys take Ayumi-chan and leave first!" Kaiya said from next to Sherry. "I'll find Ai-chan!"

"Wait who are you?" they asked Sherry.

"Let's just say... she's a friend of mine." Kaiya tried to evade their question. "But you guys need leave now! It's dangerous here!"

Interesting... Kaiya knows Sherry? I zoomed in on the video to see Sherry wearing a Mystery Train ring. Ah I see... does Sherry plan on escaping on the train?


Kaiya POV

(the next morning)

"Alright, we'll start with some punches." Shuichi motioned to the punching bag in the training room (yes the Kudos had an at-home gym). "When you punch, make sure to tuck your thumb over your middle finger to make a proper fist and strike with your two big knuckles."

I nodded and began punching.

"You're making a proper fist, but try to keep your arms in front of your face so that you can better protect yourself against your opponents." Shuichi advised.

"Aww the punching bag didn't even move that far." I pouted as I tried punching again.

"Don't worry, it just takes practice." he said and demonstrated some punches. I stood in awe of the power of his punches. "Here, you can borrow these gloves so that your knuckles don't get scraped."

I put on the gloves, and kept practicing my punches. Afterwards, Shuichi taught me some kicks, and we sparred for a while.

"That was so fun." I grinned as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"You're getting the hang of it." Shuichi replied.

"Alright you two, I think that's enough for today." Yukiko said and handed us sports drinks. The label read "Pocari Sweat". I smiled as that was my favorite sports drink.

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