My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

47K 1.8K 1.4K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 46 - A teasing God

668 25 46
By Mondi06

Error fidgeted with his hands a bit before he then nods slowly at Reaper's response. "But... But what if he's ignoring me...?" Error frowned a bit more.
"What if... I did something wrong and... He hates me?" Error mumbled, rubbing his arms. "Ever since we met, we usually talk everyday... I'm- I guess I'm just worried that... that Nightymare would leave me forever..." Error murmured.

Reaper looked at Error and smiled lightly. Awww, little strange child was adorable. ,,Don't worry, little one. If Nightmare were to hate you, you wouldn't stand here and talk to me right now. He's just busy. And believe me, he won't hate you because you did something wrong.  He needed to deal with fire made by idiots every day and doesn't hate them."

"H-Huh...?" Error blinked a bit in surprise. "Oh no! Are they okay? The fire isn't bad right?"
And now Error's focus went to the fire now, at least he was distracted from his sudden negativity.

Reaper blinked, before chuckling.
,,Nah, they're okay. Nightmare's just always angry that his castle is burned down and he needs to rebuild it, but usually he just grounds his idiots and that's it. The fire is an everyday thing, really. Hey, that could be the reason he is busy. That his castle is burned... again and it takes longer to rebuild it."

Error slowly nodded. "Okay... Does... Does Nightymare not hate me then...?"
Error sheepishly fidgeted with his goop once more before looking around once more.

Reaper shook his head. ,,Nope, little guy. Believe me, if he would hate you, I would've known of your existence way earlier."
The skeleton tilted curiously his head. ,,It seems like he found a liking on you, actually, from what you told me."

"I see..." Error then smiled a bit in relief. "That's... That's a relief..." It was, but now he's confused about something else. "But... What do you mean about knowing my existence...? And earlier, you said that no one should see you..." Error then glanced down.
"And... How are you... Flying? Are you also magic?" Error then glanced back up at Reaper, ah, childish curiosity.

The skeleton grinned a bit. ,,Well, Nightmare and I meet occasionally and talk about stuff. He just rants about people he doesn't like, or how annoying his boys sometimes are. But he never told me of you, I guess because he knows what's now expecting him." The robed man snickered with a mischievous smile.

,,And yeah, I am also magic. In fact, I am practically made of magic. Let me introduce tp you properly: I am Reaper, god of Death. Things I touch die. And things I don't touch, can't really decide who dies. I just know who does... for this week. Need ta reap their SOULs. That's why I am suprised that you're able to touch me and survive it... I mean, normally only Nightmare and someone else can touch me... Maybe it's Nightmare's influence? I don't know..."

Error blinked at that before giving off a soft gasp. "That's... That's so cool...! You're like- like, the second person with magic I've met!" Error whisper yelled excitedly, jumping a bit up and down, uncaring of the whispers directed at him from some stupid onlookers.
"You're really cool then Mr. Reaper!" Error softly chirped.

Reaper grinned slightly. ,,Yeah, I know that I am cool. I am Death after all. Anyways, you should do... whatever you wanted to do, imma need ta go. Unless you want me to stay?"

"Umm... Would... Wouldn't it be weird if you stayed? I mean- others could see you..." Error trailed off in thought.
"Maybe it's okay if you don't stay..." Error sheepishly said. "But we'll meet again, right?"

Reaper shrugged. ,,I mean, yeah, probably. But I am doing my job most of the time, so I guess we could meet again when Nightmare decides to take you with him to our coffee meeting? But you would need to be way older, coffee isn't something for children."

"Awh... But can I come, even if not to drink coffee?" Error sheepishly asked, tilting his skull a bit at Reaper. Looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes.
Reaper shrugged. ,,That's Nightmare's decision, not mine." He answered, laying in mid air on his back.

"Okei." Error nodded before smiling a bit. "Well, I do have to go now Mr. Reaper, Inky's waiting for me." Error hummed, waving goodbye and then rushing towards an isle.

Reaper waved after him, before the god vanished in midair, having a thoughtful expression.

Error then went towards the isle he wanted to go down on and then began to look around, perking up when he found what he was looking for, he then grabbed it and rushed towards the counter, a chocolate bar in hand.
Once he then paid for it, he then stuffed it into his bag before glancing at the time. "I hafta hurry..." Error muttered in concern as he then placed a hand over his ribcage and then rushing out.

Unbeknownst to Error, a way too curious and childish - for his age - god was following Error, his black cloak fluttering invisibly in the air.

"Inky!" Error called as he then rushed into the school and immedistely seeing his friend waiting.
He then rushed towards him, panting a bit before he then pointed at the time. "Medicine."

Ink gasped softly and nodded, taking Error by the sleeve, to drag him to the bathroom, closing the cabinet door behind them.
The child then summoned Error's SOUL. ,,Cream." He said and stretched his hand out.

Error then moved, rummaging through his bag before giving Ink the cream, he was quite glad that they were on time today, and with no further delays.
Error then also grabbed his separate water bottle for the medicine before quickly putting the pill inside it so that they pill dissolves in advance.

Ink sighed and smiled lightly, before putting the cream carefully onto Error's SOUL. He then desummoned the SOUL and gave the cream back to Error.

Error thanked Ink softly, giving him a sweet smile as he does so before moving and putting the cream back into his bag securely.

Ink blushed lightly, before smiling, back. ,,Uhm- I- I see Brownies out. You et I go et take one?"
The child then stuttered out, trying to speak English.

"Alright... How many?" Error then held up his hands for Ink to tell him how many brownies he wants.
,,Uhm..." Ink thought for a bit, before holding up two fingers, a light smile on his face.

Error blinked before smiling a bit. "Okei!" Error then gave Ink a quick hug as a thanks again before unscrewing his bottle and then drinking from it as he runs out.

Ink smiled after Error, before quickly following his best friend. He had a grin on his face, as the child followed the other child.

"Sooo~ Error huh?" The teasing God of Death then appeared besides Ink, letting himself be seen by the artist and then glancing down at the child with a playful smirk. "Oooh lala~"

Ink flinched in shock and his eyelights wandered to Reaper, before he was blushing madly.
,,M-monsieur Re-reaper!" He hissed quietly,  covering his mouth, before darting his eyelights away. ,,Why- Why you here?"

"Oh y'knooow~ Just reaping SOULs here and there... And that there's an off brand grim reaper not doing their job right in this world, so I was called to finish off the reaping." Reaper pouted childishly at that fact.

Ink blinked and nodded barely noticeable. ,,Uhm... D'accord..." He answered then slowly, not saying how little he understood.

Reaper blinked, oh right, he almost forgot that Ink was a French toast. "Je suis venu ici pour reap parce qu'une grim reaper hors marque n'a pas réussi à le faire, alors je termine le travail."
Ah, it was nice to be multilingual and know a lot of language... It was mostly a requirement for him anyways, considering he doesn't only reap in one place.

,,Ah." Ink answered, now understanding. ,,D'accord." He hummed then. ,,Alors... est-ce que maman t'a dit que je suis ici ou comment m'as-tu trouvé?"

"Elle n'a pas... J'ai surtout suivi ton petit ami là-bas. D'une manière ou d'une autre, il peut me voir. Intéressant n'est-ce pas?" Reaper couldn't help but smirk a bit, glancing down at Ink.

,,Ce n'est pas mon copain!" Ink said, being a rainbow.
,,Attendez... Error peut vous voir...? Mais comment? Je pensais que seuls les monstres avec un certain niveau de magie pouvaient te voir?"

"Suuure!" Reaper gave off a snicker at that reply before glancing at the door as he followed Ink out the bathroom.
"Oui... Mais Error a pu me voir même quand j'étais invisible... Il y a peut-être une chance qu'il est aussi magique."

Ink blinked lightly. ,,Mais... il a aussi des frères. Cela ne signifierait-il pas qu'ils le sont aussi par magie? Et- Et que l'un des parents de Error est magique, alors soit madame CQ, soit son père, soit une autre maman?" He asked confused and a little bit curious.

Reaper shrugged lightly. "Il semble même ne pas savoir qu'il est magique, donc je doute que quiconque dans sa famille le sache, nous devrons donc attendre et voir pour l'instant."
Reaper spoke before floating above Ink now. "Gardez un œil sur votre petit ami au cas où." Reaper gave Ink a cheeky grin at that.

,,D'accord... Mais ce n'est toujours pas mon petit ami!" Ink said, still blushing.
,,Je pense que je vais en parler à maman..." He hummed then in thought.

"Tu devrais." Reaper shrugged before snickering once more. "Et bien sûr, quoi que vous disiez~ Sache juste que tu es encore trop jeune pour un petit ami."
Reaper chuckled as he booped Ink's nasal bone lightly with a smirk, looking up when he saw Error bow bringing a small paper plate with four brownies.
"Sorry for being a bit late! I had to get in line." Error sheepishly spoke. "I got two for the both of us." Error showed Ink the brownies.

Ink stared at Reaper with a blush and wanted to say something, before turning to Error. ,,Merci!" He gasped and smiled at the other child.
Reaper just glanced at the two children before softly chuckling and then fading away from view once more.
Error then nodded to their classrooms. "C'mon! Lets go to the classrooms, the party's starting!"

Ink blinked and nodded, smiling at his friend. He the grabbed onto Error's sleeve and tugged him gently go the classrooms, a smile on the child's face.

Error then sat down as well, putting the plate of brownies down between them and glancing at Ink, seeing that he was looking at him, Error blushed a bit and glanced back at the brownies, grabbing one and quickly stuffing his face with it so he could look away.

Ink blushed lightly at that too, before also taking a brownie, biting into it, his eyelights changing to various forms, as he was thinking.
Error then turned to the teacher when they entered and began to relax once more, moving and grabbing Ink's hand from underneath the table, guess the party's starting.


Wonder what Ink and Reaper talked about 🤔
(For the ones that can't understand French lol)

Or how they know each other?

Maybe we will find out? :)

Who knows~

1900 Words

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