Magic in a Lost World || BTS...

By Dina-soar

121K 10.3K 8K

It's the 200th anniversary since the small island of Concordia has been cursed to isolation. Magic of any kin... More

Once Upon a Time
Vision of Light
Act Brave
Die Trying
New Spell
Dead or Alive
Gift of Gratitude
Good Girl
Old Lectures
Dive Head First
Everything Felt Right
Fairy Ring
An Elf's Sport
Wish of Normalcy
Rejected Affection
Unfamiliar Feeling
Dark Woods
Witch Hunt
A Mother's Dream
Choice in Change
Cruel Life
Light Waves
Black Magic
Unfinished Business
Growing Up
Patient Healing
Opening Up
Blood Moon Ball
Magic in a Lost World
|| Author's Note ||
Three Years
Happily Ever After
Life Long Love
Endless Love & Laughter
Prince Charming
Sprinkle of Sweetness
Worth The Wait
More Kisses
Precious Love


1.1K 131 58
By Dina-soar


You didn't even realize how long you had been holding your breath for. From the minute you were woken up, your entire body was tense. Fear was the first thing that took over. Waking up to see two dark shadows looming over you will never be a happy experience. In your sleepy state, you were convinced they were going to kill you and scream bloody murder. You nearly fell out of the bed until both of the demons grabbed onto you and informed you why they were here. It was hard to listen to them carefully when their appearances terrified you. Demons weren't exactly the most fluffy, colorful, and cute visions.

It made you wonder who thought this would be a good idea. Jungkook may be a liar and a manipulator, but he still knew what you were like. Waking up to demons wasn't a joyful experience, much less getting pulled out of bed by them. You could have sworn that one of them tried to sniff you. Was this really something you had to tolerate on your supposed wedding day? Where was Jungkook? You'd rather see his familiar face even if you would end up getting angry. At least his presence provided some form of comfort. It wouldn't last long, but still. The two demons who woke you up had a tight grip on your arms and forced you into a chair as they got you ready for the celebration.

You were no idiot and fear was pumping through your veins. A lot of the frustration, anger and confusion you were feeling was pushed aside as you focused on survival. Just sit there and look pretty as they put makeup on you. You weren't certain what you would end up looking like at the end. It's not like you were familiar with demon wedding traditions. They didn't let you look at the mirror and you barely got to see the dress before they shoved you in it. Apparently the wedding dress wasn't the white one you woke up in. Once it was all put together, they put you in front of a mirror to see the full look. You didn't know what to say. The makeup was a little dark yet it wasn't too much. The dress was a bright white that went down to the floor, pooling around you. Clear stones decorated the corset while your see-through sleeves were puffy and long. Finally, the wedding was starting to feel real.

"Is it to your liking?" One demon asked. It was a slender shadow that hunched over. They had no mouth, but their eyes were huge. They were a foggy white with the smallest black pupils. You awkwardly smiled, wishing they would blink.

"I...the dress is very nice..." You looked down at your feet. This really had to happen to you?

"I think you're lying." The other demon hissed. Your body was tense as you glanced at them. They were much shorter than you and a round ball of black mist. It looked like their body was a storm. Their eyes were red and black which were even worse in your opinion.

You looked away, shaking your head when the doors opened. You could finally breathe in peace. Jungkook entered the room casually. The suit he wore was entirely black with dark gems and crystals in the fabric. It hugged his figure tightly like he wanted. Jungkook's hair was slicked back, but a few white strands managed to remain down on his forehead. He excused the two demons from the room to your relief. Any longer with them and you were certain that they would try to eat you. The both of them left, closing the door behind them so it would just be you and Jungkook alone together. He looked quite handsome in his uniform. He had to have known that. Except you weren't over the moon to see him at the same time. That was also something else he had to know by now.

"You look gorgeous." Jungkook opened his arms to you as he stepped closer. You pushed his arms away, not wanting to be touched by him. Jungkook scoffed as he watched you walk away from him without even looking at him. "Darling, what's with the attitude?"

"Don't play dumb." You sighed heavily with your arms crossed. The frown on your face has been here for ages! Could he not take a hint?

"I removed the two servants. I figured they were making you uncomfortable." Jungkook shrugged. "What is it now?"

"The wedding, Jungkook! I'm not marrying you!" You huffed. This made him quiet as he pursed his lips. Jungkook's eyes narrowed on you. The forced friendly aura he was trying to exude had vanished with your complaint.

"How many times will I have to remind you? This is not your decision nor mine to make." Jungkook growled. "We are getting married and that's final!"

"It doesn't make any sense though! Why me? Why now?" You came up to him to hit his chest with your fist. You attempted to do it again only for Jungkook to tightly grab your wrist. He did the same with your other one as you struggled against him.

"I doubt any explanation will satisfy you," Jungkook spoke to you in a low voice. You swallowed hard, keeping your glare on his dark eyes. "Whatever attachment you held towards the human world that treated you so cruelly to begin with...drop it. You're mine now. Fighting me will do you no good. You will be my wife and soon enough, the mother of my children. That is your future."

"I don't want it." You gritted your teeth.

"I don't care." Jungkook squeezed your wrists harder.

He didn't mean that. You refused to believe Jungkook was that inconsiderate of your feelings. Just the other day, he was understanding and admitted he didn't want the wedding as well. It was all lies out of his mouth. He was spewing this out for his father. He had to be. Jungkook returned your glare as he released your arms. You could have tried hitting him again, but you knew there was no point. It would be more helpful to figure out a way to escape than a few pathetic slaps. Though as that idea passed through your head, your eyes began to sparkle instead. Maybe you could come up with a plan to leave and one where Jungkook would help you! You were too weak to use any magic, so this could be your ticket out if you can just get through to Jungkook.

"Wait, Jungkook. I know you don't want this marriage either." You mentioned to see him sigh heavily. He looked away from you, annoyed with how much you did know even if it wasn't a lot. "You don't have to go through with this just because your father wants this. We can find a way to escape together."

"...why do you keep this up?" Jungkook asked you. He walked over to the side, resting his hand on the wardrobe. "You only pains me further. It's taken me a long time to accept my future...and I would like to make this as painless as possible."

" think me staying quiet is going to make this painless!?" You stomped your foot. Doing that made you feel dizzy and Jungkook could see that right away. He moved from the wardrobe to hold onto you, but you were so upset with him. You were trying to be understanding, but you couldn't. You didn't want him touching you. Unfortunately, you were too weak to shove him away. "I d-don't want to get married! My entire life is painful right now and you want to make it so much worse." You cried, softly hitting Jungkook's chest as he kept you standing on your two feet. If it weren't for him, you'd collapse on the ground. "I lost my first love, Jungkook."

"...I'm sorry. I know that was only recently–" Jungkook frowned.

"He was killed by a demon! I don't want to marry into a family of demons and stay here with them!!" You screamed. The icy tone you had pierced into Jungkook. It was in his blood. He was a part of them whether he liked it or not. The tears were building up, but you blinked them away as you jabbed Jungkook in the chest. "You think I will ever want to willingly marry into your family just to make your life painless? I have been broken down and I'm nearly numb. Losing Florian is the worst thing that's ever happened to me..."

"(F/n), I'm sorry. What more do you want from me? I wasn't the demon that killed him." Jungkook reasoned. That didn't stop you from feeling so much resentment in your heart.

"How did you even know Florian died in the first place? How did you know to come for me?" You asked tearfully.

"I saw it all through your necklace..." Jungkook answered. Although it was the truth, it didn't provide you any comfort.

"I don't want to marry a demon! I won't!" You shouted.

"Calm down, Darling. I need you to breathe and forget about your troubles in the human world. I need you to remain pure–" Jungkook got a smack to the face from you.

"I will never forget! I don't understand your fascination with me being pure and I hate it when you call me 'darling'!!" You felt out of breath. Being angry took a lot out of you in this realm. You felt lightheaded trying to speak your mind to Jungkook. He was annoyed with how resistant you were being. Rather than complying and making his job easier, you argued with all your might. Jungkook isn't going to make you marry him without feeling the slightest bit of guilt. He is in the wrong about this and he knows it! But despite your smacks and words, Jungkook gave you an intense warning gaze. He was trying to be patient and nice enough, but you were pushing the limits far too much. "Y-You betrayed me. All of us..."

"That won't change the fact that we will be wed soon." Jungkook grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look him in the eyes. The glare didn't bother him. As long as you didn't try talking back to him and keep bringing up things that couldn't be changed. "Either let it go and make it easier on us or stay stuck on it to make your life worse for yourself. Your f*cking choice."

Jungkook's grip on your jaw was tight. He didn't want you trying to pull away or look in any other direction. He kept you close to him as he narrowed his eyes on you. Jungkook said nothing more even when he could see the way your eyes watered. He hated the way he was acting with you, but it had to be done. You wanted to scream at him so badly. If you had never met him in the woods, then maybe this wouldn't be happening. Or if you never wore this necklace then maybe...doing this was useless. There was no going back in time and changing the situation you were in. Your glare remained on Jungkook when the door opened suddenly. Jungkook instantly looked over his shoulder and let you go to see who it was.

"Father." Jungkook stood by your side. He kept an arm around your waist, allowing you to lean on him for support.

"All the yelling...put it to an end." Father met your eyes. You weren't sure if he heard it all or some. Regardless, your lips were sealed now to be meeting Jungkook's father for the first time.

Naturally, the King of the demons was intimidating as they come. He stood at a tall height, peering down at you with no warmth in his eyes. They were pure darkness. There was nothing in them as they bore into you, scanning your form from top to bottom. It was hard to tell what the King thought of you. He looked similar to Jungkook, but paler and aged. His face looked a little longer with a sharp nose. The King's dark aura made it hard for you to keep looking him in the eyes. A weight pressed down on your chest like before. It felt hard to breathe as his intense gaze stayed on you. You hoped in your head that he would just leave the two of you alone already. Of course, you didn't get what you wished for.

"Whatever has her so resistant, make sure that she learns well where that will get her. The wedding won't be postponed any longer. The ceremony is happening now and I won't be present for it. If any issues arrive, you will be handling them completely. This is the one task I trust you to complete." The King glanced over to his son. Despite being acknowledged a few seconds prior, he spoke about you as if you weren't in the room with them. Jungkook nodded while avoiding his father's gaze.

"Yes, Father." Jungkook agreed. It was shocking to hear them deciding that right in front of you. When you lifted up your head, you froze. Any protests you planned were thrown out the window by the King's burning glare.

"Make sure to start working on producing an heir after the ceremony right away." The King's words made the both of you tense up. "She won't be leaving your bedroom until the job is finished."

"Father, don't be crude. There should be some time–" Jungkook tried to reason with the demon.

"You've had more than enough time!!" He spat. He looked like a wild animal as he growled. The King looked at you bitterly. "You will serve my son or else."

"...or else what?" You spoke up. A mistake on your part, but you felt angry. It slipped before you knew it. What was wrong with you? Jungkook was stunned by your recent bold behavior as well. It didn't sit well with the King who immediately grabbed your throat, gripping it tightly. Your eyes widened as he raised his hand, ready to harm you with dark magic.

"Stop this!!" Jungkook managed to push his father off. Luckily you were fine, but Jungkook wrapped his arms around you protectively anyway. He held you close to his chest as he glared at his father. "We're getting married and we will produce an heir. Isn't that enough for you? She is going to be my wife, so I expect you to treat her kindly!"

"Kindly..." The King scoffed. Jungkook's words amused him, but he left it at that. The both of you knew where the King stood on the matter. You didn't even realize you were shaking until Jungkook stroked your hair, whispering to you that you would be fine with him.


You tightly held onto Jungkook, holding in a sigh. Jungkook may be able to stop his father from hurting you for the most part. Though that didn't stop Jungkook from taking orders from his father. The wedding was still carrying on against your will and then there was that whole producing an heir aspect of this. Pursing your lips, you let Jungkook walk you out of the room and lead you to where the ceremony was taking place. He would have carried you if he had to, but you insisted that you had enough energy to walk. It was tiring to exist in this realm. Jungkook promised though that that feeling would all go away once you drink his blood. Right. You forgot about that portion of the ceremony. You weren't feeling so ecstatic when Jungkook introduced you to another demon who would be helping perform the ceremony.

The demon held up two 'bugs' that looked like leeches. You were less than happy to have one placed on your forearm. Jungkook took one as well, holding your other hand and insisting you would be fine. His comfort left you feeling mixed. On one hand, you were glad you had some form of familiarity here. You wanted to trust him, felt obviously conflicted. He betrayed you and was following orders that took away your voice. There was nothing you could say or do. In the end, you were to become Jungkook's wife and stay in the demon realm. Jungkook smiled at you when the demon removed the leeches. He just had to glare at the demon when he started sniffing your blood too much. Were you actually safe? The demon coughed, quickly squeezing out the leeches into two golden cups. Your blood was a vibrant red compared to Jungkook's dark blood. Swallowing hard, you looked back at Jungkook in worry.

"I really don't want to..." You hoped he would listen. You saw the pause in Jungkook as he grabbed your cup. The way your big pleading eyes stared at him almost made him reconsider until he shook his head.

"It won't be too bad. I promise." Jungkook squeezed your hand.

"This is gross." You frowned.

"Just for a few seconds." Jungkook shrugged. Looks like you weren't going to win no matter what.

"In this beautiful private union, Prince Jungkook and the human, Lady (F/n)..." The demon went on its spiel. It was reading from this old little book. Jungkook and you were just waiting until he gave the 'okay' to drink the blood. It made you wonder if you would have to kiss Jungkook after. They were already wanting you to do so much more with him anyway.

Soon enough the time came. With a shaky hand, you grabbed the cup and slowly brought it to your lips like Jungkook did. You prepared yourself to just drink it in one gulp. That was until you felt the palace shake and a loud screech outside. Jungkook and you lowered the glasses in confusion. What was that? A few seconds of silence passed. Suddenly, the roof of the large room came crashing down. Jungkook didn't hesitate to put you behind him. The cups of blood were taken by the demon who had no clue what was going on. You were lost too, but it all made sense when you saw a familiar red dragon come down and a bat fly closer to the floor. Once that bat transformed into Yoongi, Jungkook growled in anger. Seeing Yoongi made you happier than you realized. And of course, Namjoon had to be the dragon. Was he that upset that you were taken away? You wanted to run over to them only for Jungkook to keep you behind him.

"Hand her over, b*stard." Yoongi held his arms out, preparing his black magic.

"She's staying with me." Jungkook gritted his teeth in frustration. What were they doing here? Everything was finally going smooth, yet they had to show up. Jungkook thrusted his arm to the side as his light sword formed. "Neither of you were invited to the wedding." A large puff of smoke left Namjoon, his growls echoing loud enough for you to feel the vibration.

"You had us all have a lot of f*cking nerve speaking so lowly about dark creatures when you are one!" Yoongi shouted.

"I'm half!" Jungkook swung his sword forward, sending a beam of light towards Yoongi. The vampire immediately dodged it. This only angered Jungkook as he walked closer. "I know what creatures of the dark are like."

"Because you are one." Yoongi repeated himself, seeing how much it enraged Jungkook. "Don't act innocent when you harmed Taehyung!"

"You did what?" Your heart felt like it took a large hit. Jungkook looked over at you with a frown, wishing you had never found out. "Jungkook, what is wrong with you!? He's our friend!!"

"He was never our friend–!!" Jungkook yelled just as Namjoon released a ball of fire. It came out fast, causing the demon to run while you ducked behind the table. The heat of the fire felt so strong that it rivaled the Sun. It sounded explosive when it hit, causing you to peek out and see what happened. Some of the palace curtains had caught on fire along with the rug. Jungkook had managed to hide behind a thick pillar just in time. Fighting a quick and determined vampire would be hard with a fire breathing dragon.

"He was our friend, Jerk!" You tossed a candle at him from where you hid. It barely reached Jungkook's feet due to your weakness. Standing up on your own would now be impossible, so hopefully Namjoon doesn't blow another fireball in your direction.

"Seriously?" Jungkook stared down at the candle that lost its flame.

"(F/n), stay down. You're weak as it is in this world. We'll handle Jungkook," Yoongi announced.

"Please do try." Jungkook scowled.

His father put him in charge of making sure the wedding went off without a hitch. There were already more than a few bumps in the road. You remained behind the table, watching as Jungkook stopped hiding behind the pillar. He ran out before jumping into the air. With a quick swift motion, Jungkook's wings spread out and he bolted straight towards Yoongi. He wanted to pierce Yoongi with one single blow. It was difficult to watch as Jungkook flew under the dragon to avoid any attacks. Namjoon slowly shifted around the room, swinging his tail and moving his wings.

Yoongi had barely dodged the attack. The sword cut into the fabric of his jacket, but he was fine. The vampire snarled to be so up close with Jungkook. Someone who prided themselves on being a creature of the light only to discover this. Not only was he a demon, but the prince of them too! Yoongi grunted when he was slammed against the stone walls. He refused to let Jungkook win. Jungkook pulled back to try and stab Yoongi only to be kicked back with the vampire's strength. It sent Jungkook flying backwards, bumping into one of Namjoon's legs. The dragon instantly turned his head to face the traitor.

Jungkook could already feel the heat building up inside the dragon's mouth. It was beginning to part it's mouth, causing Jungkook to be fast with flying. He was glad he couldn't hear what Namjoon had to say. The human prince would have a lot of cruel things to say. Fire blasted out of the dragon's mouth, chasing after Jungkook. He could feel how hot the fire was that was traveling towards him as Namjoon turned his head. Jungkook continued to circle around the large room, gritting his teeth the second he felt some flames jump out to singe his wings. He flew down to hide behind another large pillar for temporary safety.

"You can't hide forever!" Yoongi yelled. He walked underneath Namjoon to make it to the other side, his glare growing harsher as he scanned the area. Yoongi was waiting for Jungkook to suddenly jump out like before. For a few seconds, Jungkook stayed behind the pillar to create a few orbs of light in his hands. Once they appeared, they began to spin faster and faster in a circle in the palm of his hand. Yoongi could see the light glowing behind the pillar, approaching it with no fear. "Don't tell me you're scared now?"

"As if." Jungkook stepped out, throwing the bullets of light straight at Yoongi. The released quickly and Yoongi fell backwards the second he got hit with all of them.

"Yoongi!" You cried out. They all hit him roughly in the chest, making him slide back on the floor. Smoke was leaving his clothes and you could only imagine the burns on his skin from the light. Were the wounds deep? Yoongi stayed on the ground, trying to push himself up little by little.

"What was that about being scared?" Jungkook took confident strides towards Yoongi. "You need me to teach you your place, Vampire?"

"You little..." Yoongi hissed. He stared up at Jungkook who stood a couple feet away. Yoongi slammed his hand into the ground, black electricity traveling to strike the creature. It wrapped around Jungkook, shocking him until he dropped onto his knees and gasped for air. Smoke came off him and he was in disbelief to see burn marks on his skin. "What kind of demon gets hurt by their own magic?"

"...y-you..." Jungkook gulped. His throat was dry, hating how his body was still aching from that attack. It felt like his body was burning on the inside. Organs feeling sharp pain out of nowhere.

"What? Got something to say?" Yoongi finally stood up on his two feet again. He watched Jungkook do the same, but Jungkook clearly took a bigger hit than him. Not only that, Yoongi also had a dragon on his side.

Jungkook looked up at Namjoon who was staring him straight in the eyes. The large red eyes were intimidating, though Jungkook was determined to keep you here. The wedding ceremony was almost complete, yet these two just had to ruin it! Yoongi smirked since he was more than happy to crash the wedding. Namjoon just wanted to bring you home already. There was just someone in the way of that. Jungkook took a couple steps back and he must have looked weak in the vampire's eyes. Yoongi took the opportunity to bolt towards the table where you were hidden. He surprised you as he reached his hand out to you.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Yoongi helped you get up. He could see your legs didn't have the strength to stand, leaving him no choice but to pick you up in his arms.

"Yoongi..." You brought your fingers to his chest, not happy to see the damage the light magic had done to him.

"Don't worry about that now." Yoongi shook his head. That didn't stop you from feeling sad that your friends had to go through this for you.

"LET GO OF HER!!!" Jungkook screamed. Yoongi and you turned your heads to face Jungkook as he threw multiple light beams. Yoongi wasted no time hiding behind the table again. You hugged Yoongi tightly, wanting to protect his body in case the light beams came in your direction. They would do no damage to you, so this was the least you could do. "She is going to be my wife, you vile creature!"

"Are you okay?" Yoongi ignored him.

"I'm alright...physically." You bit your lip. Yoongi could only imagine how you were dealing with your life emotionally. He held your face with one hand while the other stroked your hair. You leaned into his large cold hand, allowing him to soothe you.

"It's gonna be okay. We just need to get out of here first." Yoongi assured you.

"With Namjoon." Your eyes looked above the table to spot the dragon.

Namjoon had more than enough of Jungkook. He swung his tail, squashing Jungkook into a nearby pillar. It broke upon impact and Jungkook coughed up blood from how hard the hit was. The attack was beginning to show that Jungkook was fighting a losing battle. That just wasn't something he could accept easily. Jungkook formed black mist around his hand to look like sharp claws and quickly punctured Namjoon's tail. The dragon moved his tail away, roaring from the pain. Yoongi and you were furious to see it. There was no time to stay hidden behind the table any longer. Yoongi carried you in his arms as he ran towards the dragon.

"Namjoon, we have to leave!" Yoongi shouted. Namjoon lowered one wing for Yoongi to run up on and get himself seated on the back of Namjoon's neck. The black haired man made sure to hold onto you tight.

"You're not going anywhere!" Jungkook had lost his temper completely. Namjoon raised both of his wings to fly off the ground. Two could play at that game. Jungkook jumped up to catch up with Namjoon's wings, bringing back his sword to stab straight into Namjoon's wing. Yoongi's eyes widened as Namjoon released another pained roar while flying out of the palace.

"Namjoon!!" You panicked as Jungkook pulled down the sword, ripping Namjoon's wing. Jungkook's eyes were different colors and he looked insane from of his persistence. Blood got onto Jungkook's uniform with some on his face, smirking at the fact that he managed to weaken Namjoon's right wing. Namjoon released a loud screech, hardly moving his right wing because of Jungkook. Him flying out of the palace was getting dangerous because of that.

"Leave us alone!" Yoongi shot out a dark misted ball at Jungkook. It hit Jungkook straight away, causing him to stiffen up and fall off Namjoon's wing with the weapon in hand.

Yoongi didn't allow you to see Jungkook plummeting down while Namjoon was finally able to fly out despite his new injury. It luckily didn't seem to affect his flying though you knew it had to hurt. You worried what this new wound would mean for Namjoon the second he transforms back into a human. That would be something you have to find out later. The exhaustion from everything was hitting you hard as your eyelids felt heavy. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep all over again. Yoongi held you with one arm while the other used magic to open a portal back to the human world. Finally, you were saved.

Except in Jungkook's eyes, you were stolen. The one thing his father trusted him to do and he officially messed it up. Jungkook fell fast through the air when he eventually gained control of his body again. His wings spread, helping him not crash down so fast. Soon enough he turned his body upward in the air and moved his wings. Jungkook was able to save himself from falling flat on the ground at a high height, however, his entire body ached. He was bleeding, he had Namjoon's blood on him, and all kinds of marks from the fight. It was obvious it didn't go his way. Jungkook was furious with the outcome, yet his emotions disappeared when he noticed his father coming down the stairs to meet him.

"Father...I..." Jungkook didn't know how to speak. No words could get strung alone inside his head. Seeing his father turn into his human form again wasn't a good sign. The taller man approached him without saying a word. He judged the giant gaping hole in the ceiling, the fire in the room, and all the new injuries that Jungkook gained. The King couldn't help himself from smiling to himself and chuckling. It startled Jungkook as he opened his mouth to speak again only to get slapped suddenly in the face.

"Who knew marrying this girl would be such trouble?" Father stared at the blood on his hand in disgust. It was Jungkook's, but he didn't care for it. He wiped it off on his coat without thinking twice. "What in the hell happened?"

"...the cr-creatures she befriended in the human world came to save her. A vampire a-and a dragon," Jungkook answered. He wanted to gulp, but the pooling taste of his own blood in his mouth made him sick. He wanted to spit it out, yet it came out dribbling down his chin mixed with his salvia. Father stared at him in disgust and annoyance.

"You clearly can't do this job on your own." Father growled.

"N-No! I can!" Jungkook insisted, not wanting to get hit again. It wasn't going to convince the King though. He no longer believed his son could pull it off on his own. If anything, his son needed to learn to harden his heart and act crueler. The purpose of giving him angel's blood was to be immune to light and use their power. Not to follow their morals and have a soft heart. Jungkook was killing himself by doing so. It irritated the King and he had enough of it. Ignoring his son's pleads, he created a portal to the human realm.

"Clean yourself up. I'm sending demons to the human world to weaken them. Use them as your army." Father instructed as Jungkook blinked in disbelief.

In a way, it felt like history was repeating itself all over again. This time with demons and lost souls of the living. The King cackled as he released them into the human realm with no remorse. If this is what it takes, then so be it. Demons dropped down to the floor, following the shadows on the ground in order to travel. They went all over the island as they searched for the humans in the village. The lost souls were able to roam the island, utterly bewildered with their surroundings. They felt familiar yet they couldn't quite remember. Leftover emotions stirred inside them as they found themselves heading over to the village like the demons. It won't be long before you're brought back for once and for all.

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