Love is rich

By usernumbernine

17.5K 660 173

Nate Hansen is the picture perfect nepotism child; absent parents, bad habits, and a cocky attitude. He's des... More

Authors Notes
If it ain't raining it ain't training
You're gay?
Feeling better
Alone again
Collins party
Step 1
Step 2 and 3
First time
Back to school
2 weeks later
Exam season
Results day
New Appartment


727 28 6
By usernumbernine


The rest of week passed insignificantly. I spent the days trying to to avoid people and the nights rewatching my favourite films. Neither Tom nor my mum had bothered me too much either so overall I decided that this year was off to a good start. That was until Friday night.

"So you know how mums gone away for the weekend?" Tom said, peeping his head through my door.

"I didn't know that but okay."

"Yeah anyways" Tom opened my door wide, "I'm throwing a party and thought I'd give you a heads up."


"That's it? Just okay? You're not going to tell me how irresponsible that is or threaten to tell mum if I don't pay you or something like that?"

I shrugged. "I really couldn't care less, this is your house as much as mine just give me a heads up before so I can get everything I need to hibernate in my room for the night."

"Okay well you have an hour till everyone else arrives and the boys are already here."

Great, so no warning.

I rolled my eyes at the use of the term 'the boys', I had no idea how me and my twin brother had turned out so different because I would never use the term 'the boys'. It made me as repulsed as 'if it ain't raining it ain't training' did.

Deciding that it would be better to go get drinks and snacks for the night earlier rather than later I followed Tom down the stairs and into the kitchen where alcohol bottles already littered every surface. It didn't seem fair, I had done everything right my whole life but because I was gay, because of something I couldn't even control, my mum hated me. Yet Tom could do whatever he wanted but because he still went to church on Sundays he was an angel. I'm sure this place wouldn't be clean when she came back but she wouldn't give a shit.

"Feel free to open anything." Tom called as he turned and headed into the sitting room, most likely to play video games with 'the boys'.

I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and went to get myself a glass of squash however I thought better of it at the last moment, if I had to put up with loud music all night long then I might as well drink to knock myself out. So, I grabbed three pre-made cans of G&T and a Malibu, just enough to make me sleepy.

"Getting ready for the party?" A voice behind me spoke.

"Something like that." I mumbled in return not bothering to turn around. The voice sounded familiar and was most likely one of Tom's mates making conversation just because they felt awkward being in the kitchen alone with me.

"I'll try and get your brother to keep the music down." The voice said again, this time sounding more earnest to start a conversation.

So I turned to look at the speaker and realised why the voice sounded so familiar, it was Nate. His posh accent really should've been instantly recognisable to me after hearing it constantly for the last few years. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten who Nate was, it was Nate. Tom's best friend, stupidly rich and annoyingly attractive Nate Hansen.


Nate nodded with a small smile before moving away so I could reach and get my popcorn out of the microwave.

"I uh..." Nate began.

I turned to look at him, a little puzzled on what else he could have to say to me unless he was about to ask for homework help.

"Nothing never mind." Nate looked away.

"Okay." I grabbed my drinks and popcorn balancing them precariously in my arms, "have a nice night."

"Yeah you too."


It was currently 2am and the party was still going strong, much to my dismay. I had secretly been hoping for an early night. The music (which I had not been able to stop Tom from playing as loud as possible) had stopped being fun a while ago and was now causing me a headache. For a moment I considered unplugging the speakers and pouring my drink all over them but since Tom was my friend I think that'd be a little mean. So I squashed the idea and instead took another drag of my cigarette, cursing myself for promising to help Tom clean up in the morning.

I was standing outside, staring into nothingness and appreciating the cold air. The best thing about parties at this time of the year was that the garden was almost always empty. People choosing to not bring a coat and stay inside rather than face the cold and god-forbid ruin their outfit with a jacket. Which meant I had the whole place to myself without being a bore and going back to my house.

I had never understood the appeal of parties like this. Sure it was fun to drink with your mates every so often and dance a bit if that was your thing but why add a bunch of strangers and too-loud music to the mix. Taking another drag I mulled over this thought before reaching the conclusion that it was status, Tom was alright at sport and a nice enough person but the real reason people flocked to him at school was to find out when the next party would be. Clout, the current villain in my story.


I was growing more and more irritable. Nate had obviously failed in his promise to get Tom to keep the volume down as the whole house shook with the bass. And now, at 2 in the morning, some asshole was smoking right under my bedroom window making the smell of cigarettes float around my room. It's not that I wasn't used to the smell, rather that it was someone else causing it and it was invading my personal space. I was also a little tipsy so my usual anxious energy had turned to annoyance.

I would always blame what I did next on the alcohol but, as Nate loved to point out, I would probably also do it sober just a little less aggressively.

"Hey asshole," I threw open my window and shouted down to whoever the hell it was smoking directly under it "go smoke somewhere else for fucks sake." And then I got the glass of water that had been next to my bed and dumped it outside, narrowly missing the head of the smoker.

"Oh hey Evan."

Nate turned around so he was facing the window and strained to look up, seemingly unbothered by my foul mood.

"Oh it's you." I paused for a moment before continuing "you're making my room stink of smoke go away."

Nate smirked before making a big show of dropping his cigarette and grounding it out under his shoe.

"That better princess?"

And although I couldn't see Nates face clearly I could hear the mocking smile in his voice.

"Yes." I replied, deciding to take the high ground, before slamming my window shut and stomping over to my desk to light a scented candle.

Although the smell had already began to dissipate I found myself feeling a lot more anxious than I had been previously, the interaction with Nate had ruffled me beyond belief but I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

Accepting that I wasn't going to get any sleep with the party still going on I grabbed my book and settled down in bed ready to read it, wishing I had a cup of tea. However, before I could turn the first page there was a knock on my door. I considered ignoring it but given that the person had knocked on a door during a party it must be important and I hated the idea of someone hovering outside.

"What do you want?" I asked when I opened the door to see Nate's annoying grinning face.

"Figured if I couldn't smoke outside of your room I might as well smoke in it."

"Haha very funny now go away."



"Let me come in. I'm sick of the party but I can't leave because I promised your brother I'd help him clean up in the morning."

I was about to tell him to piss off and go away again before I realised I could most likely get something out of this.

"Go downstairs and make me a cup of tea then I'll let you in."

"A cup of tea? Seriously? The kitchen is full of people."

"No tea no entry." I shrugged before shutting the door in Nate's face.


"I'm not a bloody servant." I grumbled to myself as I trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen, squeezing past people to reach the kettle and tea bags. Thankfully I'd spent enough time in Tom's house to know where everything was, however that didn't make the task that much easier. I had to squeeze past a sea of people and try not to burn anyone with the kettle.

Eventually I found myself once again outside of Evans room, two mugs of tea in my hand.

"Can I come in now?"


Evan opened the door wide and let me in, still seemingly not happy about it. He was cute grumpy, he was cute normally but especially grumpy. I didn't know when I started noticing Evan it just sort of happened. I'd be hanging out with Tom and Evan would be there quickly turned into I'd be hanging out with Tom and hoping Evan would be there. I had only mustered up the courage to talk to him today because I was already halfway through prinks, he was just so cute it made me nervous.

"Your room is nice. I can't believe I've never been in here before." I turned around in a slow circle.

"Maybe it's because it's my room and I've never invited you in." Evan pointed out, making me feel rather stupid. I just meant that I'd been in every other room in Tom's house except this one.

"Yeah probably because of that."

Evan began fussing about tidying things up. It was sort of sweet that he wanted to make a good impression on me but I really didn't care. His room looked nice, lived in.

"You like films." I observed.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, what gave it away? The posters or the DVDs?"

I, still smiling, shrugged. "Honestly you just seem like the type of person to like films."

"You hardly know me and everyone likes films." Evan scowled as he busied himself cleaning up.

"That's like saying everyone likes books."

"Everyone does like books. How can you not like books?"

I laughed at Evans distress. "You really live in your own little world huh princess?"

"First of all don't call me that, second of all don't forget that this is my room and I will happily throw you out of it."

"All right, all right." I doubted Evan would make good on that but it still wasn't worth the risk. "So... what do we do now."

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