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Drafts of fanfics that never made it out! More

ATSUMU high school interview
KENMA emperor
KUROO secretary
MUZAN wife
SUNA best friends
SUNA enemies to lovers
SUNA fake bf
Haiykuu Host club 1
Haikyuu Host club 2
Haikyuu Host club 3
Haikyuu Host club 4
Haikyuu Host club 5
Haikyuu Host club 6
Haikyuu Host club 7
Haikyuu Host club 8
DEMON SLAYER op fem oc
GIYUU childhood lovers 1
GIYUU childhood lovers 2
TAMAKI arrogant oc
AMAJIKI TAMAKI childhood lovers
BNHA FTRF crossover 2
DAZAI OSAMU possessive
YOSHIDA HIROFUMI csm bnha crossover
YOSHIDA HIROFUMI csm bnha crossover 2
DENJI male tutor
DENJI male tutor 2
NANAMI KENTO fashion boss
GOJO SATORU teach me 1
GOJO SATORU teach me 2
GOJO SATORU teach me 3
GOJO SATORU teach me 4

BNHA FTRF crossover 1

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A/N Boku no Hero Academia x From the Red Fog crossover. Trigger warning for violent content, mention of sexual abuse against a minor (pedophilia).

RWANDA REMEMBERED A CERTAIN man from a not-so bright childhood memory. The relationship with the said man was also a blur, along with his name and voice. All he remembered of that man was his sick smile.

The kind of smile that made you want to throw up, the kind of the smile that made your fingers tremble subconsciously. It was a smile of a man who was taking advantage of an innocent, helpless, confused child.

It was the smile of a pedophile who saw his bright, shining chance as he looked down at a boy who didn't know any better.

Rwanda didn't remember much of what actually happened during those "play times", but he remembered clearly what he felt during those sessions. He remembers the disgust, the anger, the fury - everything.

He remembers how he would stare at the pencil sitting on top of the desk that would've looked so perfect lodged into the man's eye that was sniffing up his neck and unclothing him.

(A/N I'd like to point out that this is content straight out of From the Red Fog)

He remembers wondering how satisfying it would be to take the empty glass bottle on top of the desk and break it, only to pierce it through the man's chest and watch as he whimpered his final words. Oh, how he wished to see nothing but pain and fear from the man.

Rwanda's parents were dead, meaning that he was an orphan. He lived at a small, poor orphanage that was barely financially stable. The people who worked there weren't particularly mean, but they always seemed stressed and too busy to actually take care of all the parentless kids.

The only person that ever showed him any attention was Bankei Satoshi, his teacher at the public school. The teacher taught basic science, at the time.

The abuse had started around the time Rwanda had gotten his quirk.

Bankei and Rwanda were alone in the science lab, Bankei simply showing the boy some cool science experiments. Rwanda was a quiet boy. He seemed emotionless most of the time and never really smiled.

Rwanda and Bankei sat next to each other, when a glass thermometer slipped out of the boy's hand and fell onto the floor, shattering into tiny pieces. The orphan flinched at the sound, and Bankei quickly reassured him. "It's alright, don't worry about it!" He had told him, hurrying to lean down and pick the broken glass up.

Bankei flinched and sucked in air through his gritted teeth as his thumb had gotten cut, a small drop of blood emitting from his skin. He sighed and showed the wound to the child, laughing at his own clumsiness.

"Oh my, I've gotten a wound. Would you mind licking off the blood, Rwanda?" Now, this wasn't a question that any normal person would ask another to do, but Bankei only had malicious intent.

He, who didn't know that what the teacher had just asked him to do wasn't normal, complied and pressed a firm kiss on the teacher's thumb, his tongue swiping at the blood. As he retreated, he heard an echoed voice. "What an idiot."

It sounded like a groan. He stared up at the teacher with big eyes and a confused stare. Did the teacher just... curse at front of him? It sure didn't sound like he spoke, though.

What had actually happened was that Rwanda had just inherited the quirk, right then and there. After months of hearing Bankei's dirty thoughts, the curiosity had killed the cat. The boy asked Bankei what those dirty thoughts meant.

At first, the man panicked. How had this child known his true intent? He then quickly came to realize that it was the child's quirk, and smirked evilly. And from then started the "play times" - and the murderous thoughts.

As surprising as it sounds, the two's farewell wasn't with the teacher being dragged away by cops and trusting adults enveloping Rwanda in a loving hug that would truly lead him to a new future and a bright new start.

A few of the other orphans had seen the said abused boy being "favored" by Bankei and got jealous. After all, Bankei was the "nicest" teacher at the school. The other students all ganged up on the poor boy and yelled at him, throwing harmless things like paper clips and balled up papers.

Though, their words were far from harmless.

At the end of the day, the whole orphanage was burning to the ground with only the child who caused that fire surviving, standing in front of the burning building with a big, proud smile on his face. His eyes were propped open as he tried to capture every moment in front of him, small chuckles and giggles exiting his throat as he watched the building crumble.

Rwanda didn't know who died, or if Bankei had even died. He was too full of adrenaline to remember. When the firefighters and police later investigated, they found out that everybody in the orphanage - the orphans and the workers - were all dead, but not by being burnt alive. They all had at least three wounds in the heart or their throat slit open. All of them.

Rwanda was taken to a mental institution and wasn't let out to see the sky for a very, very long time. Mind that he was barely six years old at the time. He had lived in a building with sickening white walls and bright LED lights, a single ray of sunlight not touching him forever.

He was very unhealthy, lacking many vitamins and energy. One day, suddenly, on his tenth birthday, a very rich looking man had paid for him to get out.

The man had a grin that made Rwanda uneasy. The man had a cane and a top hat, as if he were late by a century. The first thing the man ever said to him that changed his whole life, was, "Your body now belongs to me." And it was just that.

The mysterious man went by the name of "Midwinter", and Rwanda was almost convinced that it was a made up name. He was taken out of the institution, finally bathing sunlight since he had stepped into the building. The boy began taking in everything around him. From what he observed, Midwinter was wealthy. His car and unneeded bodyguards said so, along with the branded clothes the man wore.

When the two had settled in the spacious car, the man finally started explaining with a topic that made Rwanda panic a bit. "Rwanda, you're a murderer, correct?" The boy's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes deadly as he glared up at the rich man.

Midwinter laughed, dismissing the menacing stare. "Oh, come on, don't look at me like that. I'm not talking about the orphanage incident, boy." His voice suddenly lowered by octaves, his expression displaying nothing but pure evilness. "I'm talking about when you lived with the mistress of death; your mother." Rwanda's eyes widened, his back straightening.

He didn't care about the fact that his early-on murdering had been revealed, he was more focused on the fact that this man knew his mother. Midwinter was more than pleased by his reaction, tapping his cane's head. "Well, am I wrong? You helped get rid of her bodies, did you not?" He demanded.

"Why are you asking me this?" He spoke, his voice a bit raspy from not being used in a long while. Midwinter showed a nasty smirk, sending shivers down Rwanda's spine.

"Answer the question." The young boy shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, looking up at him. Oh, how the man enjoyed this sight. He loved how had had the ability to get a psychotic murderer like Rwanda to fear him and cower like a little dog.

The boy nodded quietly, obviously staying cautious. Midwinter sighed and smiled. "You see, boy, my line of work is filled with murderers like you. We're a professional assassination group, yet to be stopped. You seem to like the idea of slaughter, so why not do it with more protection? If you work under me, you could be free and you don't have to worry about being thrown behind bars. What do you say?"

Rwanda wasn't as shocked, but he was in disbelief. This was too good to be true. He thought about it for a while, quietly thinking. The words that came out of Midwinter's mouth was a pot of gold. "What's the catch?" Rwanda asked, looking up at the man once more.

Midwinter's grin only grew wider, his eyes filled with nothing but evil. "The catch is that you belong to me."

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