Elliot's Assistant Or... Bett...

By fivePOVS

10.3K 336 16

"I have to do this thing alone, I have no other option." He tried reasoning with her but Y/n just shook her h... More

Chapter 1 - So aliens are real?
Chapter 2 - The assassination of JFK
Chapter 3 - A bloody encounter
Chapter 4 - The Majestic Twelve
Chapter 5 - Gala Night
Chapter 6 - A little bit of a smile
Chapter 7 - Got the Family Back Together
Chapter 8 - Colorful Supper
Chapter 9 - Frozen
Chapter 10 - Grow Up, We Aren't Children Anymore
Chapter 11 - Five Will Always Be Five...
Chapter 12 - ...Doesn't Matter Which Version
Chapter 13 - Trouble Always Follows the Hargreeves Family
Chapter 14 - Bleeding out
Chapter 16 - Or Is It?
General update

Chapter 15 - End Of The Story

470 23 1
By fivePOVS

"Vanya!! Help!" Vanya was beside the love of her life in seconds, she entered the ball of energy around Harlan and started to extract the power from him. The interaction sending a last mild shock wave and finally, it seemed like Harlan was alright, Vanya was proud of herself and so were his brothers. She had done Something that wasn't damaging of the timeline. Slowly they started to emerge from the barn, the rush of battle dropping out of them, now calmness al around.

"You good?" Asked Five that was left to help Y/n out of the barn and inside the house, Allison was already searching for some tools to unsure that the wound was probably taken care of.

"Define good." She chuckled leaning on the younger body, the two excited the barn and she dropped on her knees by exhaustion, Five blinked her inside in the living room, the only place he knew and helped her to lay down on the sofa.

"I might puke." She held her hand over her mouth snatching a amused smile from Five. The woosh of someone time-traveling in the middle of the field again catching the attention of everyone. The two looked at each other, Five was hesitant to go, he wanted to make sure the woman wouldn't die on him, not again.

"Go, must be important." She said while Allison came closer to attend to her wound, the sister also told him to just go and that she'll take care of the situation from there, so Five reluctantly did, Diego siding him.

"It's gonna hurt a little," Announced Allison, and she was not lying.


Y/n was sitting on the bench hammock in the front porch of the Cooper's house a blanket on her lap, the night already settled, Harlan and Sissy driving away, her hand up and waving at the two wishing a good life for them with the knowledge of this experience.

Five walked out the house, hands sliding in his pockets gaze on the car that was almost out of view. "And what are you gonna do?" He asked with his body still facing the horizon.

"Change city, change job. There really isn't a lot of possibilities now that my face is all over the news." She counted on her hand before looking at the guy that still didn't spare her a glance.

"You'll just need for it to quite down." Five turned around to look at her the warm light of the candle set on the floor giving to the both of more of a cozy feeling.

"Is the assassination of JFK... I don't think it will ever quite down enough." The both of them chuckled out, Five walked closer, sitting beside her, finally relaxing a bit, he'd been high alert from the day he dropped here, he had even less sleep then the first time he tried to prevent the world from ending.

"Are you all ready to go? You got the briefcase right?"

"Yeah we... the others are taking everything in, they have people to miss. It's only right I give them sometimes, since there is no imminent threat from the timeline." He started to rock the Hammock slowly without even noticing it, eyes leaving her form again. Five was never one to stare too much, even less when he was in his own mind.

"You don't have people to mourn over? Maybe Elliot?" She asked hopeful, Five glanced at her for a second before sighing out.

"I'm sorry for Elliot yes, but I already had gone over it."

"Have you?" She cocked her eyebrow now looking at the field like him. The question was left unanswered and they basked in the silence, somehow they found comfort in each other. Two people that always tried to help in their own introverted way.

"Will you come visit me? When you drop back in 2019?" Five body turned towards her and she did the same, the two locking eyes, the color contrasting, the shape, the warmth too.

"If you manage to stay alive." He smiled, Y/n chuckled and sighed, her eyes closing to open again with a small fire at the challenge he had given her.

"Oh trust me, old man, I will, I'll be the healthier then you at 58 and the healthiest 81-years-old grandma you'll ever meet." She inhaled sharply before asking her next question. "What did you father say after the supper?"

Five hesitated. "Come on you can tell me now... the world is safe, the chapter is ending, the story is at its last words... when you'll go back to 2019 everything is going to be back to normal... I can know now." She pushed softly with her calm voice. His gaze switched from one of her eye to the other. There was no harm into having someone listen to him for once right? It was the end... there was nothing else then this.

"He said... ok so, first of all he insulted me calling me greedy for time traveling so far forward and so far back." He started slowly making sure she could keep up with the sentence, something he had never done for someone before, because he always gave fault to others for not being as smart as him but with Y/n... she had shown him that she could reach his genius with gentle teaching. "He told me I wasn't trained."

"Because you aren't." Five glared at her. "Sorry go on."

"Then suggested I should time travel by seconds, which was kinda stupid to me. His exact words were 'So much can change in a matter of seconds. One could overthrow an empire. One could fall in love. An acorn doesn't become an oak overnight' I didn't think it was useful until the Handler killed you all... turned out what I always needed was seconds." He chuckled out dropping such a information on Y/n's lap.

"I died?!"

"I brought you back to life."

"Well thank you, Jesus." She joked with a surprised face and a small mocking tone. "Your father might be one of the worst people alive but he had the brains..."

"Yeah... Yeah he did."


"The car works Vanya, don't worry, I'll reach the next place with no problems." Assure Y/n, the driver's door open, her body hinting that she was going to sit and already drive away, she was patched up, her wound was closed thanks to the chimney utensils, Allison had warmed em up and used them to suture her.

Five blinked beside them out of no where. "Vanny, get ready, we are going." Vanya complied with a smile towards the woman that had supported her without even knowing her.

"Drive safe." Five was now talking to Y/n.

"Safer then your driving for sure."

"Will you ever stop talking back to me? It's getting annoying." He said, hand settling on the car door, trapping her between the car and his body.

"I'll answer you when we will se each other again." She smiled, her hand caressing his cheek softly. It was so weird between them wasn't it? It was a unspoken attachment, they hadn't build a friendship but somehow it felt like it was, maybe it was because the both of them would always be there for the people they loved, maybe it was the mutual understanding of acting in silence for those people.

Five nodded under her touch, satisfying the woman for once, listening finally to what she says. For some reason they wanted to hug... but none of them moved forward. Was this friendship... this attachment... was it impossible? Of course it was, they belonged to different timelines, different worlds... For Five this situation reminded him of the time with Dolores, were it was right of him to let her go on with her life, because she had a life in that timeline just like Y/n had one here.

Was he in love with Y/n? Why would he compare her to Dolores... the love of his life.

"Go, Five. Your family is waiting for you." Her words brought him back from his spiral of thoughts, he walked away after a nod and small smile. Under the eyes of the woman the family got ready to go, words gibberish in her ears. Five clicked the briefcase, energy swirling, electricity visible. Y/n's hand lifting to shake a last goodbye, when the guy looked at her she also mouthed it... and he was gone, all of them were.

"It's time to go." She mumbled to herself after waiting some minutes to take in the end of that journey, she set on the driver sit, car starting.

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