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29.1K 1.3K 1.7K

[๐„๐ฅ๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ž๐!๐•๐š๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐— ๐…๐ž๐ฆ!๐๐ž๐ณ๐ฎ๐ค๐จ!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ] Manifesting a power frighteningly similar... More

-You're Trash Bro-
-Oh Look, A Demon Child-
-Roasting A Blueberry-
-Oh Look, A Cat!-
-Oh No! Anyway-
~Choi Haeun~
-Jiwoo The Cat Stealer-
-*Slides Into Your Dms*-
~Special: Saiki!Reader~
-Calm Your Tits Bro-
-The Pickachu Cosplayer-
-Fart Manipulation-
-Sonic Vs Farter-
-Stalking Bootleg Pikachu-
-Brightness Overload-
-Mother Lengthy Limbs-
-Multiple Things Happen At Once!-

-Take The L-

910 49 130

You poke the cream haired boy's cheek. This dumbass was dead asleep when he was literally sitting right in front of the teacher.

You poke his cheek about five more times until he stirs around a bit. You stop your poking, thinking that you finally woke him up but n o p e, the dude was still sleeping like a baby.

You sigh softly in disappointment before shaking his shoulder, hoping to finally wake him up but n o p e, the bastard was still dead asleep. You're worried that he may actually be dead.

You made another attempt to wake him up by squeezing the shit out of his now red cheeks, but this bitch still didn't wake up.

You finally gave up and decided to let him suffer the teacher's scolding.

Hey, at least you tried!

As soon as you catch the teacher's eyes drifting to Jiwoo's sleeping form, you quickly cover your ears in preparation for his loud voice to suddenly burst through the air.

"Jiwoo Seo? Wake up!"

Wow! He was surprisingly quieter than you thought he would be, but you weren't going to remove your hands from your ears. What if he decides to scream out of the blue and rupture your delicate ear drums? That would be pretty shitty, not gonna lie.


Looks like your predictions were correct.

Jiwoo flinches awake and you greet him with a tiny wave. He just looks around wide eyed and dumbfounded, wondering what planet he was on. You giggle softly at his behaviour. (He did give you a tiny wave back which went unnoticed by the teacher)

And oh boy, here comes the lecture!


"Is the class... Over?" Jiwoo asked, staring dumbly at the teacher.


"Huh? Yeah it just ended."
"Jiwoo. Is something wrong? If so, you should tell me." His voice wavered a bit.

Looks like the teacher has a soft spot for the soft boy.

"Ah... Okay. The class is over."



Wait, we?

Jiwoo suddenly sprang up to his feet, grabbing his backpack. He snatched your damn arm and made you stand up too. Bruh. (No, he didn't rip your arm off dumbo)

Oh. So this is what he meant by 'we'.

The teacher uttered a startled 'What?' and everyone watched as Jiwoo ran out of the class, dragging you, who was struggling to fight for your life, with him.


The poor old man's cries were ignored as Jiwoo dashed in the hallway, you clinging to his arm for dear life.

"Heh. (Name), let's go quickly! Mr Kayden must be waiting for us!" Jiwoo said, smiling with his eyes closed.

"Hm, hmm!" You hummed out.

Since his eyes were shut, he failed to notice the tall dark haired boy walking in front of him.

You didn't notice him since you were busy covering your eyes from his blinding smile. But when you did notice him, you were too late to alert Jiwoo as he had already bumped into the guy. (Almost typed gay instead 🗿)

Your eyes widened in recognition after you finally got a better look at him and you let out a little 'Woo!' in a way of greeting him. He subtly glanced at you and gave you a barely noticeable nod as a greeting, you nodded back to him much more excitedly though.

Somehow, Jiwoo hadn't noticed your small interaction since i made him blind for a bit for plot reasons.

"EEEEP! You all right? Sorry... I was running..." Jiwoo apologised.

The lean male glanced down at the shorter male, then walked away. Rude.

"Huh? He didn't say anything." Jiwoo said awkwardly.

He then looked at you, "(Name), isn't he the guy that transferred to our class last month...?"

"Hmm." (Translation: Yes.)

He smiled at your confirmation.

"I'll apologise one last time and then we'll get going!"

He, once again, turned around to face the boy who was walking away from you both.

"I'm really sorry! Let's go (Name)!" He exclaimed then began running again. You, of course, tagged along with him.

• • •

Wait a damn minute.

"Your eyes widened in recognition after you finally got a better look at him and you let out a little 'Woo' as a way of greeting him. He subtly glanced at you and gave you a barely noticeable nod as a greeting, you nodded back much more excitedly though."

Did you read that correctly?


How do you know this random ass kid?

Looks like i forgot to explain. Heh.

Well then, let's rewind time a little.

° ° °

[Note: three hollow dots indicate a flashback and/or previous events.]

It looks like she did it again.

Your newest friend, Somi, was playing one of her quote-on-quote 'funny' 'pranks', again.

She had spread Nutella on your seat for her previous 'prank' and now it looks like she had hidden your notebook somewhere around the classroom when you went to the washroom.

(We'll talk about the Nutella situation later lmao)

Jiwoo was absent today, so you had no one to help you look for it.

Somi was nowhere in sight because she ran away like a pussy. So, how did you know that she was 'pranking' you? Well, this mf left you a note on your desk.

It read:
'(Name)~, let's play a game! If you can find your book before the class begins, I'll give you whichever food item you want! Just find me after school. Hehe~
-Somi (• u •)'

You sighed, there were only a few minutes remaining before the teacher came into the class. You were supposed to submit a very important project as a part of your assessment. That project had been done in the notebook which Somi hid in the classroom somewhere that you didn't know.

You searched around the class in a hurry. Some students were looking at you for a moment but immediately went back to what they were doing previously, no one made an attempt to help you out.

Damn, if only Jiwoo was present today, the search for the book would've been much faster.

You passed by a dark haired boy who was intently looking out the window. When your hand had accidentally brushed against his shoulder while you were running, you stop to write down a quick apology to him while he just stared into your soul. You immediately resumed your search after you handed it to him.

You didn't notice Somi's note falling out of your skirt pocket when you ran away from his desk. (Cliché)

Five minutes remaining...

Wooin glanced down at the paper and read its content.

He looked back at your panicked form which was running around the classroom, startling the students.

He looked around the classroom calmly, and found a (favourite colour) notebook sticking out from underneath one of the classroom cupboards.

He got up from his seat, walked up to the cupboard and grabbed the notebook which was now covered with a bit of dust.

'(Name) Choi. It's what the note said. It must be hers, then.' He thought while staring at your panicked form, again.

He walked up to you and tapped your shoulder. You turned around.

"Hmm?-" You were cut off when your gaze landed on your beloved book.

You immediately snatched it from him and wrote out a big thank you. You bowed multiple times at him to show your appreciation, while he just nodded and watched you do your shit.

You gave a happy hum and walked away to your seat with a flowery aura.

Yeah, you definitely were going to give this boy some marshmallows before going to visit Jiwoo at his house.

°' °' °'

[Note: three pairs of hollow dots along with single inverted commas indicate a time skip inside the flashback.]

School was finally over and you are currently gathering your belongings to pack back into your backpack.

You take a tiny foldable cardboard box out and put some colourful marshmallows (with little smiles on them) inside the box and close it.

The cardboard box was like those ones in which people store pastries and cakes.

You carried five of these boxes with you at all times because what if you get free sweets and you have nowhere except your belly to store them, huh? Also, these boxes were light as fuck so there was no harm in carrying them.

So why the fuck do you have a giant bag of cute marshmallows? Well, because they are marshmallows. Marshmallows are yummy. It's self explanatory unless you're a dumbass.

You peeped back at the seat where the boy usually sat, only to see nothing there. You realise that he already left.

You quickly put a post it note on the cardboard box and run out of the classroom, hoping to catch him before he leaves the school.

"Hey (Name)! Where are you goi-" You ran past Somi who was walking towards your classroom with her group of friends.

You would've stopped but you've decided to ignore her and not do her any favours for a few days because you were angry at her. People may call you sensitive for taking the prank too seriously, but you don't give a fuck anymore, let them think what they want to. You've been too forgiving towards the girl and she had been exploiting that for shits and giggles. She should know her boundaries and not cross them, ever again.

You zoomed down the stairs and onto the school yard. You see the lean boy walking out of the school gates and you increase your speed.

"HMMPH!" You call out when you get near him. He pauses briefly and turns his head back, only to see you running towards him like a bull who has seen a red cloth.

Well, he was startled before you handed him a cardboard box with a (favourite colour) note on top.

You give him a tiny salute and then brisk walked towards the direction of Jiwoo's house.

Wooin looked down at the note on top of the box.

'Thank you for helping me find my book! Here are some marshmallows of appreciation, I hope you enjoy them! :D'

° ° °

[Note: The flashback ends here.]

You and Jiwoo were walking on the school ground, a flowery aura surrounding you both.

"Hehe... I'm so excited to see the cats! Aren't you too, (Name)?" Jiwoo spoke out, dreaming about rolling on a pile of cats.

"Hmmmmmm!" You hummed out, somehow sharing the same dream as him.

That's when Haeun popped up with his bike, absolutely destroying, fortnite default dancing, and twerking on your shattered dreams.

He swiftly removed his helmet before brushing his unkept hair back so that his pristine forehead would be on display. #cantrelateinugly

He quickly switched to cinammon roll mode once he noticed you and Jiwoo walking out of the school gates.

"(Name), I'm taking you with me to my photoshoot today! We've to go to the library after that so I can borrow the books i need. Don't you need to see some reference books for your studies too?" Haeun said while waving his arms around.

Some people passing by were giving the hyperactive manchild weird looks yet he did not give a fuck. As you can see, he had no shame.

"Hmmmph!" (Translation: but i wanted to see the cats!) You said while waving with tiny tears forming at the corner of your eyes.

"You can go to Jiwoo's house as soon as we're finished. Hell, you can even stay over if you want since you have a holiday today and Jiwoo is best boy." (Periodt)

"Hmm..." (Translation: alright...)
You said, a bit disappointed that you wouldn't be able to cuddle them right away.

"Speaking of Jiwoo..." He turned towards the amber eyed boy and gave him a big smile. "Jiwoo, my boy! Would you like to join us?"

Jiwoo rubbed the back of his head, "Ah, sorry Mr. Haeun... I'll have to look after my cats since they're all alone and I'm worried about them. Though, I can join you both the next time you go!" He escaped.

Haeun sulked a little, "Oh, alright... Guess I'll see you next time then... I'm totally not disappointed... Don't worry..."

Jiwoo immediately regretted the words he said previously and began to panic.

You slapped the back of your brother's head for making the cinammon roll feel bad.

Haeun peeked up at Jiwoo's face and gave him a cheeky smile. "Hehe~ i was just kidding! I'll definitely be looking forward for you to join us the next time, though."

"You won't escape me!" Another bonk.

Haeun rubbed the back of his head and his crocodile tears threatened to spill out. "Owwie... You're so mean to me (Nickname)!"

"Anyways, bye Jiwoo!" Haeun exclaimed while putting you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.


• • •

"Haeun, your sister is so cute!" The cool pretty lady cooed while pinching your cheeks.

Jung Eun-ae.

When you first took your mask off and yawned (accidentally), she didn't even bat an eye at your sharp ass fangs. Instead, she actively tried to touch them for which Haeun kicked her ass.

Not gonna lie, when you first saw her, you gay panicked.

She was just so damn beautiful and cool!

"How can you be so adorable, (Name)! This should be illegal!" She hugged you tightly which you returned.

"Say, do you think I'm pretty?" She asked to which you immediately nodded at.

Her cheeks tinted pink and she laughed evily, "Hahahahaha! I knew you couldn't resist my charms either. Kidnapping you would be easier now!"

"Eunae! Stop treating (Name) like a little puppy and come over for the damn photoshoot!"

"Damn you, you prick! Let me talk to her more and stop being jealous, you ass!"

Haeun let out a dramatic gasp. "You little bitch-"

• • •

After the photoshoots were over, Eunae laid her head on your lap, looking like an endangered animal species.

"Ugh... I'm so exhausted... Do you mind if i take a power nap in your lap? It's very comfortable..."

You would usually feel uncomfortable letting a stranger (sometimes even friends) touch you. But, you liked Eunae and she was very nice so you let it slide this time. (She had plopped down and started sleeping on your lap anyway.)

You nodded at her.

• • •

"That's fucking it Haeun, I'm stealing your damn sister." Eunae said after you handed her the marshmallows of appreciation and sparkled.


• • •

"Hmph! Let's go to the library now, Eunae is a big meanie and an ultra bully." Haeun said, pouting.

"Hmp hm hmm, hmh!" (Translation: i thought she was nice, though!)

"Yeah, only to you."

He sat down on the bike, wore his helmet, handed you yours and waited for you to sit comfortably on the backseat.

Remember kids, road safety is important and you must follow the safety rules or else you'll turn into ugly road jelly later in your life.

• • •

"We're finally here! I'll go take a look at the books i want to borrow and return to the library. You should look around until then or you'll get bored. When I'm done, I'll call you and then we'll meet up so I can recommend some good books and refrence books to you!" He rapped it out, all in one breath and then fucking ran away, leaving you all alone.

You sighed and walked around for a bit, reading the spine of each book, occasionally swiping out the ones you found interesting.

You now had three books in your arms that you wished to borrow. You had picked them out from the various sections of the library.

You turned to a random section and walked into it. You read the covers of each book to figure out which section you were in only to find out that it was the history section.

[If you like history]
Wow, this was perfect. You loved history! You eagerly look around to find a book which catches your interest the best since you couldn't afford to carry too many books at once.

[If you don't like history]
As you can see, you weren't too fond of history. It was boring as hell and your education system traumatized you greatly by making you learn the name and events of every damn king who existed.
When you looked ahead, you saw the sign of (Favourite genre) stuck to the aisle of shelves.
Wow, this was perfect. You loved reading (Favourite genre)! You brisk walked towards your favourite section.

While you were walking/looking around, the title of a book in particular piqued your interest.

'A Diary Of A Demon Slayer- The Taishō Period Of Japan'

"N⃟e⃟z⃟u⃟k⃟o⃟, a⃥r⃥e⃥ y⃥o⃥u⃥ o⃥k⃥a⃥y⃥?"

You walked towards the book.

"Y⃥o⃥u⃥ d⃥o⃥n⃥'t⃥ h⃥a⃥v⃥e⃥ t⃥o⃥ w⃥a⃥l⃥k⃥."

You picked out the book and flipped it to read its description.

"I⃥'l⃥l⃥ c⃥a⃥r⃥r⃥y⃥ y⃥o⃥u⃥ t⃥o⃥ t⃥h⃥e⃥ t⃥o⃥w⃥n⃥'s⃥ d⃥o⃥c⃥t⃥o⃥r⃥."

The era of demons caused the death of plenty of innocents around the world, it left thousands suffering and grieving for their loved ones.
Even though carrying all of this trauma and grief, many courageous souls fought for the sake of humanity, so that humans wouldn't live in constant fear of monsters.
Here is the diary of one of those brave souls, T⃪a⃪n⃪j⃪i⃪r⃪o⃪ K⃥a⃥m⃥a⃥d⃥o⃥-


T⃫h⃫i⃫s i⃥s⃥......

A demon.

The blaring ringtone of your phone startled you so much that you almost dropped the book you were holding.

What was that?

You readjust the books you were holding onto one arm and take your phone out of your pocket to read the caller ID of who scared the shit out of you.

Looks like Haeun was done with whatever he needed to do. About time.

You press/swipe on the green button to pick up the call.

"(Name)! We can go now- wait i need to recommend you books!"

"Hmmm!" (Translation: There's no need for that, I've picked some out myself!")

"Oh... Wait, what about refrence books, then? Did you pick them out too?"


"I knew it! Come over to the front of the library now, girlie!"

You hung up on his ass.

You did do as he instructed, though, since you didn't want to be left alone in this big ass library.

• • •

You rolled around your fluffy bed once you saw the pictures of the cats Jiwoo sent you. You couldn't resist them, they were way too cute!

After you stopped admiring the pictures, you shot him a quick text that you'll be coming over at his house tomorrow to meet him and Kayden, you hadn't seen the creepy cat man in a while.

You also wanted to know how the injured gray cat was faring with his injuries and to see if you could heal him any further or not.

You wanted to feed the three little cats as much food as they wanted since they looked very lovable.

You wanted to meet up with Jiwoo because he is best boy.
(I almost put him in the friend zone here lmao big L)

You shut your phone off and keep it (wherever you keep your phone at night).

You sat up and stretched your arms before flopping back down on your bed.

You hear some distant snores. Guess Haeun was already asleep. Hah, Imagine sleeping! What a fucking amateur.

You look around the room for a little before your eyes land on the (weird) book you previously read in the library.

You glance at the clock hanging on your wall.

10:30 p.m.

Damn, Haeun slept way too early.

Guess he was tired after all, huh? He just didn't show it in front of you to not make you worry about him.

You had plenty of time to spare before sleeping so you decided to read the book you borrowed. You weren't going to read much, though. Since you didn't want to finish it too quickly.



Not proof read

Lmao scuffed asf

I saw a cat today at school when we went down for our Physical Education classes...



The cat looked irritated asf tho when the other students swarmed around it, i was laughing at its misery from far away.



Anyways, if you're feeling safe, then here's a gentle reminder that I'm still out there :D

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