Kitsune (Naruto Fanfiction)

By Altair031

175K 2.6K 471

{reconsider to be rewritten}Uzumaki Naruto is a cheerful, naive boy and a prankster. little that people know... More

1. prologue rewrite
2. the school life
3. the traitor
4. Team selection
5. teammate
I'm back
8. beginning to wave
9. wave part 1
10.wave part 2
11. wave part 3
12. wave part 4
13. secret that shouldn't be unvailed
14. Break!!!
15. Break part 2
16. Monochromatic eyes
17. Announcement of exam
18. One-tailed and the exam begins
19. Written test
20. Forest of death
21. The snake bite
22. The wrath.
24. Festival
25. The Frog Sannin arrive!
26. the tournament
27. Satsuki vs Gaara
28. The Unexpected Invasion
29. Orochimaru vs Hokage
30. The red hair.
32. Tsunade returns
33. Unexpected
34. Chase
35. The battle of the valley
36. not one but two
37.Memories Of Past
38. epilogue

31. Neji vs Naruto

1.6K 28 4
By Altair031

Naruto raises his fist hitting on his stomach.

Neji was out of breath. He thrust his palm onto his chest pushing him creating the distance between him and the blonde.

Both of them have suffered minimal injuries but none of them has fallen.

"I wonder why you hate Hinata so much is it because she lying to you about who she truly was" Naruto stood with his Kunai in his hand.

"I had," Neji replied.

"Had?" Naruto asked confused.

"After I know about her, I felt like I was played, manipulated and belittle. I battled her for years and always win. I thought she was weak but turned out she was tough all along this time. Yet, I didn't understand why she always is caring for and showed her compassion toward everyone even the weak. What can the weak do?" Neji launches at Naruto to attack him with his gentle fist.

Naruto disables his attack by hitting his elbow and punch on his cheeks making him back away. "Do you think the weak will stay weak? You may be wrong. The weak can be strong if they wanted to prove themselves with training. If they have the will those things can be achieved". Naruto said battling his ideology over him.

"Thirty-two trigram" Neji launches his clan technique. Naruto dodges every attack that land on him as much as possible but some were directly hit on his chakra point. 'Shit'Shit' he curses.

He kicks Neji's leg making him stumble on the ground. Naruto kicks his body resulting in him rolling away from the blonde.

"You think you're strong but you're not! "

"What do you know about me!" Neji shouted. "Nothing!"

Neji rose, wiping the blood coming from his mouth. "Do you know about my life, No!"

"You have a nice life while I was suffering with the seal on my forehead." His head protector was lost and fell to the ground showing his Birdcage seal on his forehead. He swung his hand towards him. Naruto swiftly evades his attacks blocked every part of his attacks. Naruto now knows his attack pattern so it is easy for him to repel.

Neji thought the blonde would feel pity and shock. Surprisingly, he receives an orthodox reaction. He laughed.

"Hahaha hahaha," Naruto laughed making Neji mad increasing his attacks speed. His attempt failed after got kicked by the blonde on his chest. The Hyuga falls to the grown with dirt on his face.

"Are you laughing? Did you think this a funny" Neji grumbled

"I am and of course. It is the most hilarious thing I ever heard." Naruto continues to laugh madly.

"What is so funny with my suffering!" Neji attacks him again and thrust his pointer finger into his chakra point. His hand was grabbed by him.

Neji was surprised and attacks him with his remaining hand but is later caught by him. "That is it? That is the pain you got?"

Naruto pressurises his wrist. Neji painfully groaned from it. His grip on his wrist was too strong it felt like his joint is about to disassemble from his arm. He falls to his knees and cannot with the pain he had.

"Have you ever felt to be trained by the war hawk, himself? No. Have you ever been treated like an outcast? No. Have you ever been hunted by the villages that you swore to protect? No! And still, you bragging about who is suffering is worse." Both Neji's wrist was cracked, and he yelled in misery.

"You should be grateful, your father loves you and dies for you" Naruto released Neji's wrist. Neji's both hand automatically falls to his side as he breathes heavily.

"What do you know my father? He dies for the upper class without choice" Neji retorts.

"No, he died to protect his clan, his brother and his son, you. You didn't know the whole story, why didn't you ask him"

"Him?" Neji heard something was moving behind him. He turned to see Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan stepping out from his hiding place.

"Hiashi-sama" Neji said.

"Naruto-kun" Hiashi called his name.

"Hiashi-sama" Naruto greets him.

Hyuga Mansion

Naruto and Neji came out of Hyuga's medical house and headed to Hyuga's meeting room. They opened the door to be met by the head of Hyuga's clan himself.

"Come in" the Head of Hyuga's clan said. Both of them enter and sit in front of him.

"I have heard your conversation earlier from both of you" Hiashi raised his cup and slurp some of his herbal tea.

"Hiashi-sama, I," Neji said.

"Not a word from both of you! You two should have been grateful that I am the one that interferes with your fights. If you were caught with another clan head or from your superiors you will be reported and will disgrace the name of the clan, The Hyuga clan." Hiashi raises his voice at the end of the sentence. He was mad and having his time busy recovering the state of this village.

"Do you know? How hard I'm in these days to settle those damage in the village and hearing those elders discussing the future of this clan wanted me to disown her, my daughter. Hinata. Then they wanted to replace her with Hanabi." Naruto and Neji stay silent.

"And you two came causing havoc near The Hyuga property and causing some panic." Hiashi sighed, the silence in the room was last for a while with him he turned calm after drinking a bit of his tea.

"Also, I'm the one that wanted to meet you, Naruto. It's about Satsuki"

Naruto's expression turned panic and hastily asked him. "Where is she?"

"She is in Hinata's room by now" Naruto was immediately gone from Hiashi's sight as soon he heard Satsuki from him.

Neji was furious, he noticed the blonde disrespect towards his superior he was about to chase him. His wrist suddenly got held by Hiashi.

"Let him be, I want to talk to you about the truth of what happened to your father before the day he died." Neji's interest was changed. His anger died and faced his Uncle.

"It is true, Naruto said about him," Neji asked. He wonders if he said the truth. He wanted to hear that justice from the one that witnessed.

"Yes, it is"

"What happens? Why did he choose death"

"For you" He pulled an old letter from his Kimono and hand it to him. "Before he died, he had written this letter for you and wanted me to hand it to you when the time has come," Hiashi said.

Neji observed the letter, it was old but still in good condition. He opened the letter, he read the letter it was no doubt it was his letter. It has been more than years since he saw his father's letter.

Hiashi then left the room leaving his niece alone without turning back. He didn't have to see Neji's expression feeling because he knows how it feels.

The last thing he hears is his voice crack in sadness.


Naruto entered Hinata's quarter. He slides Hinata's door open not minding the guards chasing him for rudely trespassing the strict area. Hinata and Tenten were shocked to see the blonde come into the room.

"Naruto, it's you," Hinata said. Hinata was about to greet him but the guards pinned him down before he could enter.

"Hinata-sama, we're sorry for letting him trespassing into your quarter we..." The guards said.

"It's okay, Kazuto-san. Let him in. He the one that I expect to come" Hinata waved her hand signalling the guards to release him. The guards then leave the blonde and return to their post.

"Did you expect me to come?" The blonde asked.

"No, I didn't. I was about to find you but you came to me instead." Hinata said truthfully. The blonde entered and sits next to Hinata.

"Your father is the one that told me about her condition"

"Oh that's explained" she said awkwardly. Usually, her father wouldn't come to them personally for a matter like this except for important matters.

"Satsuki have fainted since this morning. It started when she returned to her house for some reason she screamed in pain." Tenten explained.

"Is she hurt? Anywhere?"

"No, there are no injuries anywhere. I check it two times already but her mark..." Hinata lifts Satsuki's head to show him the mark. The blonde was surprised to see the mark was recovered.

Before it just only two Tomoe now it has three returns to its original state. "How could this happen? Is Orochimaru a return somehow?"

"There are no bites anywhere or injured. It's none" Tenten said.

"I will find Kakashi and tell him about this" Naruto headed to the door.

The door slides open before he could his hand on it, he saw Hiashi in front of him. "I know you will be here by the moment I talked about the Uchiha." Hisashi said.

Naruto takes a step back and then bows apologetically before him. "I'm sorry, for my rudeness towards your cousin and for causing a ruckus in here. I must go now to meet Kakashi."

"I forgive you, now go" Hiashi ordered.

"Wait!" Hinata said.

"What is it?" The blonde looked at her.

"I just wonder. How did both of you somehow become close? Or there has something weird happened to both of you." Hinata asked innocently

Hiashi and Naruto looked at each other with stone face recalling their first meeting.

Naruto in his Anbu gear and masked on his way to Hyuga mansion with a secret package he receive from Hokage to send it directly to Hiashi Hyuga, the Head of the clan.

Naruto entered his quarter and give the package personally to him. "Thank you Kitsune, for the service."

"It is my job, after all, Hiashi-sama. I will go now to attend another assignment."

"Then, go...Hachooo" Hiashi sneezes loudly and accidentally lets go of his package and falls to the floor.

Naruto saw the package have been ripped and noticed a book in it. 'I've had seen the book before but where

He reads the book title and notice the magical words of Icha-icha in the book title.

Both Hiashi and Naruto look at the book and slowly synchronised looking up at each other faces at an awkward pace.

Return to reality, both of them snapped out from flashback and said. "Nope, there is no something weird happen." Naruto exclaimed.

"Yes, he is right. There is nothing awkward happening between us" Hiashi agree with Naruto even though they had.

Hinata hums thoughtfully and looks at both of them. "Okay, that's all I want to ask."

"If that's all I will go now," Hiashi said and went to his quarter. Naruto come out from Hinata's quarter and headed to Kakashi's house to tell Satsuki's condition.

The room becomes quiet leaving Hinata, Tenten and unconscious Satsuki. Tenten turned to Hinata curiously and asked.

"Do you believe them?" Hinata turned to her and reply.

"To be honest, No. Definitely but I guessed I know why" Hinata said with amusement.

The day where Hiashi received his package from Naruto. Hinata secretly practice her Byakugan to extend her range and accidentally saw the book that her father drop on the floor from afar. Then, she saw the precious looks on both his father and her friends which was quite rare to see.

Hinata giggled in front of Tenten. She was disturbed by her giggles. Her giggles could say creepy to her and her eyes make her scarier.


Kakashi's house

Kakashi's house was quite far from Satsuki's. It takes half an hour if he has to take a walk.

His house wasn't a terrace or a mansion just a regular apartment for a full-working ninja to live in. His house is on the fifth floor. It was tiring to run upstairs but why would he care about stairs. It is good to build up his stamina, anyway.




"Hello, Kakashi are you there?" Naruto called his name waiting for him to respond. But no response came, he called Kakashi and wait again.

The door opened and the figure showed in front of him. "Uhhhh, oh it's you kid. What are you doing here?" The woman asked him?

"What?" He step back from the door seeing Anko was the one who greet him with messy hair and her sleepwear. She was currently dazed when greet him.

"What. What? You're the one that bangs the door right?" Anko asked him groggily.

Naruto checks the house number beside the frame door. This is indeed Kakashi house but.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking a nap in here today" answered Anko.

"Kakashi just only have two rooms and one of them he makes as his store unless" his eyes widened. "You sleep with him"

"Of course, kiddo. We adults after all unlike you kids with some silly pure imagination." She yawned sleepily. "If you don't have any business here go away" she waves her hand to drive the blonde away.

"Wait, I do have something to tell him. Please..." The door shut in front of him. "Don't close the door"

He then pinches his nose after he smelled an unusual odour coming from his house. "Urgh, what the hell. The reeks of alcohol were too strong from his house so I didn't notice it earlier. I'd I can't tell him today I will tell him tomorrow"

He walks away from his house as fast as he can to get away from that smell lingering around his house. "It's even worse than that rubbish they litter around my house before."


"You weak little sister, so foolish to believe. The life you will have would be peace." Satsuki is running in the spiral corridor that is similar to her family mansion. With heavy breaths, she forced herself to escape the nightmare.

"You think you could run from everything." The voice said again. Satsuki entered one of the rooms and shut the door. It was tired of her. She have run for how long she could remember.

Suddenly, the door shakes vigorously, she steps back and stares at the door with horror.

She looks around the room to find something that could protect herself. She grabs a knife from a shelf and holds it in reverse.

The door bangs louder than before it only shakes the door but the frame as well. Satsuki holds the knife tightly with her sweaty hand. She faced the door prepared for combat.

For some reason her surroundings become silent. She knows it was a trick to lure her out. She cautiously headed to the door and made a hole with her knife. She peeks through the hole and saw no one was there. She was relieved.

She sits on the wooden floor leaning against the wall after having a long run. It was very tiring for her. She wanted to sleep.

She wipes the sweat on her face with a hand but a red liquid appeared. She touches her face again with another hand and looks at her finger to see blood. She looks at the hand that she wiped. The blood coated her palm.

To her horror, she felt something behind her. A thing that pierced her but doesn't feels pain. She tilts to her back, a knife was pierced behind her body.


Orochimaru's hideout

"Gahk, you betrayed me Kabuto" Orochimaru coughed in blood. A life was pierced behind him.

His body wasn't healed enough since the battle with Hiruzen yet a person was good enough to betray him.

Kabuto pushed his spectacles. "You see, I have made a new master when I'm with you. Orochimaru-sama. He is more powerful than more knowledgeable than you can be."

Orochimaru wanted to attack him but his body struggle to move. He laying on the ground with only his head muscular still functioning properly.

"Don't need to bother to move please lying on the floor like a good prisoner you are. I've coated the knife with a special drug that can paralyse you."

"I'll kill you!" Orochimaru crawled out from his body in his snake form and attacks him with a gust of water coming out of his mouth pushing Kabuto away from him.

He then escaped from his chamber and found a girl, one of, was his underling. He didn't know who he should trust therefore he couldn't trust anyone among his former allies.

He ends up making a rush decision with taking her as a new vessel. The girl screamed when saw him giving opportunity for him to enter her body without resistance.

The girl's head drops as she was unconscious but later she rises as a new person. "This girl's body was a bit underdeveloped. Kabuto you will die one after I train this girl's body you'll be the one I will kill." Orochimaru then disappears into the forest from his hideout with his unique teleportation technique that he created only for him.

He or she is right now, looking at the tree where he once planted a teleportation scroll that is now burning to ashes. Destroying his trail.

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