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Par dantakeyoman

305K 7.6K 3.5K

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12.7K 328 144
Par dantakeyoman


Zuko now takes you on his Avatar missions and you tracked him down to this town where you found out he stayed while you two were searching for Iroh. 

You got information from the villagers that Aang is heading to some island in Fire Nation territory, which is where you were heading right now. 

Zuko was looking out through a telescope for the Avatar while you and Iroh watched him. 

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters. Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish," Iroh scolded, shaking his head. 

"I have no choice, Uncle," Zuko replied, keeping his eye through the telescope. 

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you? What if you're caught?" Iroh asked, frantically. 

'He was banished? Why?'  

"I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home," Zuko answered, looking back at Iroh. 

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type," Iroh said, crossing his arms. 

You looked back up in the sky and saw the sky bison-thing from before, soaring. 

"There they are," you stated, pointing. 

Zuko looked back at the telescope and confirmed. 

"Helmsman, full steam ahead," he ordered. 

You walked down to the deck from your higher deck and saw the soldiers covering some rocks with some foul goop, which they were gonna shoot with the trebuchets. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't you need the Avatar alive? Shooting him at this height, the fall will kill him. And the Fire Nation's uses for the Avatar require him to be alive. We should wait until he gets to the island before attacking, and quit trailing so close behind him. Hang back so they don't spot us and then have a surprise attack on the island," you chimed. 

Zuko looked like he was thinking a moment before sighing. 

"Hold your fire," He groaned.

Just then, you saw this line of boats not too far in front of you. 

"A blockade," Zuko stated, his eyes wide. 

"Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you," Iroh stated, stroking his beard. 

You looked back up to the sky to see that they sped up on the bison. 

"He's not turning around!" Zuko exclaimed. 

"Please, Prince Zuko. If the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do. Do not follow the Avatar," Iroh tried to persuade. 

"I'm sorry, Uncle. Run the blockade!" Zuko shouted. 

The blockade began shooting balls of fire at the Avatar, but they were missing and falling. 

One hit the water right next to you and created a giant wave, but you bent it back into the ocean. 

"Prince Zuko! The engine's been hit! We need to stop and make repairs!" one of the men shouted. 

"Do not stop this ship," Zuko ordered. 

The blockade shot more fireballs and when you looked up in the sky, you saw something falling. 

It wasn't orange so it wasn't Aang and you didn't see a long braid like Katara. 

"Sokka!" you exclaimed. 

The bison dove right under him and caught him just in the nick of time. 

You let out a sigh of relief and continued to watch as they flew straight for a fireball. 

But Aang jumped off and kicked it away. 

You smiled as they made it past the blockade but it quickly faded once you realized your ship was about to crash into two others. 

"We're on a collision course!" Iroh shouted. 

"We can make it," Zuko said determinedly, narrowing his eyes. 

Suddenly, the ships cut their engines and came to a stop, allowing you to pass. 

Everyone looked around for a moment. 

"That was anticlimactic," you stated, looking for something to happen.


"What's he up to, Uncle? Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me?" Zuko asked, frustrated as he gripped onto the taffrail. 

They were having a private moment but you wanted to see what they were talking about. 

"Because he wants to follow you. He knows you'll lead him to the prize you're both after: The Avatar.....and (y/n)," Iroh answered. 

You grimaced at the way Iroh said that. 

'Zhao just wants me as a guide to the Avatar. Anything else would be disgusting.'

But suddenly your eyes went wide. 

'Wait. The prize you're both after....ZUKO'S AFTER ME?!'  

Zuko growled and slammed his hand on the rail, creating a dent. 

"If Zhao wants to follow our trail of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do," he spat. 

"And what of (y/n)?" Iroh asked. 

Just then, you saw him quickly glance at you out of the corner of his eye and wink. 


"Zhao won't lay a hand on her if I have anything to say about it," Zuko spat. 

You blushed dark red and quickly scurried away. 

You ran into your room and shut the door behind yourself. 

"No way he meant any of that, right? Definitely nothing. Zuko just needs me to help him find the Avatar. Nothing more, nothing less," you told yourself. 

You threw yourself on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. 

"What am I doing? I'm getting in too deep. I only wanted to save my siblings. Now I'm falling into a deeper hole every passing day. I'll have to betray him soon, right? But I've worked so hard to earn his trust. And I see good in him. He just buries it deep, deep down. Ugh!" you groaned, smooshing a pillow on your face. 

"I just need to sleep," you sighed, curling up into a ball.


You awoke to Fire soldiers grabbing you and dragging you out your room, incredibly hard. 

They took you out to the deck where you saw Zhao smirking.

"Zhao," you spat, literally spitting in his face. 

"(y/n). How lovely to see you again. I think you would like to come with me," Zhao smirked, grabbing you and dragging you off the ship. 

They dragged you through the island and into this Fire Pagoda. 

"Where are you taking me?!" you shouted, thrashing around as you approached this large door.

"You'll see," he stated, his men opening the doors. 

He walked you into this room where you saw Sokka and Katara chained to a pillar, and Zuko standing with a bunch of sages. 

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him," Zhao smirked, commenting on the sage who just finished a speech. 

"(y/n)?!" Katara and Sokka exclaimed, wide eyed. 

"And, Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work. Two traitors in one day. The Fire Lord will be pleased," Zhao stated as a Fire soldier grabbed Zuko. 

"You're too late, Zhao. The Avatar's inside, and the door's are sealed," Zuko spat. 

"No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out. And while we're waiting, could you chain this one to a pillar as well. Her usefulness has run out," Zhao ordered, throwing you in front of him. 

You immediately got up and punching an incoming soldier in the face.

Two others ran at you but you jumped in the air and they crashed into each other, allowing you to land on their shoulders. 

Another one ran forward, allowing you to kick him in the face, but three others snuck up behind and grabbed you. 

They carried you over to a pillar and managed to pin you long enough to chain me to it.

And coincidentally, it was the pillar across from your siblings. 

"What are you doing here?! Why were you with them?! And why are you wearing Fire Nation clothes?!" Sokka whisper-yelled. 

"I was trying to find you idiots!" you whispered back. 

"You are so distrustful! You never allow us to do anything ourselves! You're just cowardly and selfish!" Katara whisper-yelled, furious. 

"Cowardly and selfish? COWARDLY AND SELFISH?! Do you know what I have done to try and get you two back home safe?! When you two left the village, the Fire Nation did attack! And I had to fight them off by myself which, surprise surprise, I LOST! I let them take me away so long as they didn't set our ENTIRE village on fire and I've been helping them find the Avatar so I can get you two back home! I've been burned, beaten, and dragged around like nothing just to try and keep you two safe! But no! I guess I'm just cowardly and selfish for trying to make sure you guys don't DIE!" you shouted at them, furious

They both looked down at the floor sadly and you looked away from them, angry. 

Suddenly, the gigantic door began to glow a brilliant white and the doors opened. 

Zhao and his men readied themselves to attack and Katara and Sokka began to struggle. 

"NO! AANG!" Katara shouted. 

"Fire!" Zhao ordered. 

All of the soldiers began shooting fire at whatever was at the door but it swirled around to reveal Avatar Roku. 


He blew the fire back at Zhao and his men and melted your chains away. 

The palace began to rumble and shake, and you tried to steady your footing, but Zuko ran over and grabbed your hand, running you out the room.

"Zuko, what's happening?!" you asked as you two ran out the Pagoda, lava shooting up from the ground. 

"Roku's sinking this place! Come on!" he shouted. 

You made it to your boat but the ramp wasn't up. 

"Come here!" you exclaimed. 

You pulled him close and bent some water from the ocean, shooting you on deck. 

You landed hard and Zuko got up quickly. 

"Helmsman! Reverse this ship, now!" he shouted, pointing at the helmsman. 

You stood up but suddenly the boat began moving backwards and fell over again. 

You got back up and watched as the island sank into the ocean, and the sky bison flew away. 

'At least they got out safe.' 


Continuer la Lecture

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