Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

452 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
We need to set the record straight
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Your dad really did a number on you
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
This is new
Can I think about it?
Take a break? Ok
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

Back To Work

1 0 0
By ghaadha

I walked into the playroom dressed in a hazmat suit. I sat down in the bench by the work table and closed my eyes. I called out to her so that I switch places with HER. When SHE arrived I made HER swear that I can see what she is doing. I had enough of the recent blackouts and it is starting to annoy me. She happily strapped me to the old electric chair. I sat back and watched as SHE reviewed the autopsy notes of our new M.E. Dr. Peterson. According to him this new serial killer has a variety of ways to kill his or her victims. SHE was using whatever she could to imitate this guy. This was a very meticulous operation. SHE used a few items that were in a handyman toolbox on her victim. She first used a hammer on the side of his ribs and he coughed violently. Then she used the same hammer to shatter his knees. She used the drill to make a hole in his legs. The entire time he screamed for mercy. He didn't deserve it. He was someone that was willingly designing drugs just so there will be more addicts roaming the city. The younger the better was his motto. He got away because he was someone who was helping human traffickers make more money. I caught him while I was out driving because I was bored to tears doing homework. His car had broken down in the middle of the night. I laced my water bottle with the same sedative the other guy uses. I gave it to him and pretended to help. He happily emptied the bottle and passed out within minutes. I stuffed him in the trunk and drove him to my playroom which was heavily sterilized. This was to ensure I can still do this for years to come. I realized I was being followed after I had closed the trunk. It was Henry, Owen and Peter tailing me in an attempt to keep me safe from the other serial killer.
Henry and the others watched as SHE took the knife I sharpened and began carving the guy like he was a roast turkey. He begged for mercy as SHE did precision cuts on him. When SHE was done. SHE placed his remains in a bag and cleaned up the mess so even forensics couldn't find any evidence. After which SHE hurried to get rid of the body. SHE wanted to take his carcass on a boat and throw it at a frenzy of sharks. I had written a note that this was to eliminate us from any suspect pool. So SHE did as I asked. SHE took his corpse to a construction site that was a few hours away from the playroom. The construction workers had finished their tasks and had gone home. SHE arranged the body exactly as the other serial killer had done and walked out. SHE came back and switched places with me. I took a shower to thoroughly clean myself of any residue of the corpse. The others watched as I rearranged the playroom and got in the car. They drove by my side as I drove home. They had a mysterious look on their faces. It turns out my ex-mother in law decided to give me the house. I just had to move my everyday junk there. It wasn't a problem since it was already packed and ready to go. The things I had hidden for itch day will take a while to extract. After that it was smooth sailing. She was happy to see that I had found someone worth having. She also disapproves of Dimka I mean Andropov. We were talking about what we will do on my next approved holiday. She wanted to be in Aspen. I was explaining how I was looking forward to it when Cheryl approached me red faced. She explained that she was doing her homework by googling for the corresponding research notes. She flipped her laptop in my direction and I was shocked. The screen had a toddler licking his or her fingers after eating what appears to be a slice of chocolate cake and the following words were above it. 'WE WOULDN'T SAY THAT SOMEONE CAME AND ATE THE PAGE THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. WHAT WE WILL SAY IS TO ENJOY WHAT THE REST OF THIS WEBSITE HAS TO OFFER.' I burst out laughing, "This reminds me of when I was little. Gus forgot his homework so he said he said it flew out an open window." My mother defended Gus, "It has happened to me" I continued, "Then he said an Albatross took it to Switzerland where a Rottweiler ate it." Cheryl was shocked for a moment and then bluntly responded, "He should have quit while he was ahead" The security started snickering trying to hold back their laughter that was ready to burst out. I gave her a very sassy look, "That's what the teacher said to him" This caused everyone who was fighting to hold back their laughter to burst out. Gus walked in at that exact moment and everybody froze. When he asked us what had happened everybody started laughing again. When they calmed down they told him everything. He suddenly had a few recollections of my childhood misdemeanors which had most of them rolling over the floor.
Monday morning came with the departure of most of the security but Henry stayed. So did Charlie, Owen and Peter. They preferred to stay with me over going to stay with the Daltons. I got ready and my 2022 Lamborghini Huracán Evo RWD waiting for me outside. I was so happy to see it. The other cars were there too but still this was my baby. I arrived at work and Van Pelt met me at the parking lot. She said Dimka has requested that I should be his partner again. I chuckled, "I will tell detective Andropov to keep dreaming. I will make it clear to. him that you are my partner Lissa. Don't doubt that" She smiled and we walked back to get our assignment. Dimka was waiting for me like a girl waiting ready for her crush to take her on a date. I simply told the chief that I wanted Van Pelt as my partner. I came to sign in and get my badge and gun. That we were late for a crime scene. I had heard on the radio about a prison transport bus was hijacked. They recovered the bus but the inmates escaped after killing the guards. One of the escaped inmates was my ex boyfriend. He has no idea about my hobbies or my job. He has never met HER as well.
The FBI showed up with a few annoying arrogant and holier than thou law enforcers. They kept their distance since my uncle was a serial killer. At least till they found out that I was the one who sent him to prison. This had some of them question how they should interact with me. I kept my distance as I watched them come up with some crazy theories about where they were. I ignore what they instructed and went searching my ex boyfriend but instead of him. I found three jailbirds at a convenience store. They were there to change their appearance. They had help from one of their girlfriend. They saw us and we had shoot out but in the end they ended up face down and cuffed.

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