Demon Slayer - Arashi No Mono...

By HydeTheHidden

57 3 1

Hideyoshi was born into a family loyal to the Ubuyashiki. And, as such, he did so with the responsiblity of e... More

Prologue: Born a Warrior
Chapter 2: Years of Growth

Chapter 1: Profecy

10 1 1
By HydeTheHidden



A/N: Author note

Another certain amount of months passes. And with the running of time, another year would be given welcome later on the first of January, only a few hours from this point in time. For such an occasion, the entirety of the Raienryu family goes out to celebrate and give themselves a joyous time. That, and how to forget the birthday of their firstborn, already five years of age. Double celebration.

The town in the outskirts of Toshima was truly something else. Being little more than a remote place dozens of miles away from the nearest metropolis, and with barely any tertiary activities, its citizens took their time to organize their own little New Year festival to indulge in.

Some food and traditional fair game stands in front of the premises that owned them, toys and souvenirs for the small ones, and the typical firework launching at midnight was what it offered. Nothing too spectacular, but cozy and cheery.

Hideyoshi and his parents were all showing off kimonos proper for such an occasion, while the tiny Kazumi was wrapped up in a soft and warm blanket, which covered her from head to toe, only giving space for her dainty face to pop out. On her father's back was a long and thin object, which was also wrapped in cloth and tied around his chest.

Amarashi had gotten accustomed to the constantly tumultuous life of a Kisatsutai, he even enjoyed it on occasions, but moments of peace and relaxation such as these he would never change for the world, especially if his loved ones were involved. Natsuhime relished them as much as he did, maybe even more. She is also one to enjoy the little things.

The protagonist of this whole situation did not fall behind, however. Hideyoshi doesn't delay in living the moment to the fullest, playing and eating until satisfaction. The required money was not an issue either way. The warm lights and the mild hubbub of the streets did nothing but sharpen his senses and increment his enthusiasm.

His parents followed behind at their own pace while enjoying the festival and taking turns in carrying the baby.


A few hours later, after having enjoyed themselves long enough and witnessed the fires, they commence to quietly make their way back home. Hideyoshi tiredly hanged from his father's hand whilst he walked, bobbing his head while trying to keep himself awake. Meanwhile, Kazumi peacefully slept on her mother's arms.

The only sounds that could be heard where those of the crickets and cicadas, which made a soft and placid melody. Over their heads shone an almost full, waning moon, and created a most pleasant night.

However, Amarashi stops immediately on his tracks.

He felt a disturbing, yet familiar feeling invading his mind. One that warned him about things in his surroundings before they were even exposed to his highly keen senses.

Natsuhime: "What is it, dear?" she asks, noticing her husband's sudden action.

Amarashi: "Take Hide and stay close." He says with no apparent expression.

Immediately understanding his message, she does exactly that. Nervousness begins to cloud her mind little by little.

Amarashi: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6. Oi, you six! I know you're hiding over there! I don't got time to play, so get out and let's get this over with!"

More than sure of the presence of strangers, the standby slayer let's them know of his awareness, while he calmly takes the object from his back and unwraps it. This way revealing his signature blade, Ranton.

Time has taught him never to go out at night without it.

After a few seconds of nothing but the singing of insects, five figures jump from behind the trees. Men of grotesque and monstrous appearance, protruding canine teeth, and nails so sharp they look they could slash a person in half reveal themselves, as they growl and hiss menacingly.

Amarashi: "What's the matter? Is the last one shy or something?" He mocked without any worries.

"..." Those standing in front of the hunter spoke no word. They just stayed in place as they observed him while making guttural sounds.

Amarashi: 'That's weird... These guys come to try and ambush me, and when they're found they don't even say "hello". How rude... They're planning something. And I imagine the one still hiding has something to say about it.' The Pillar thinks, as he evaluates the situation in front of him while he takes his typically half-lidded eyes towards a tree in the distance.

Amarashi: "Alright boys, if you're not gonna attack, you mind if I do-...?" He couldn't even finish his sentence, since the loud yawn he's been trying to hold back for a while now finally escapes his mouth.


On the same exact same second, with a roar of effort, the nearest enemy takes advantage of his momentary distraction to charge at him with all its strength, raising a cloud of dust from its original position.

The distance between them is shortened in mere instants. And before Amarashi even finishes his action, he already had the demon at less than thirty centimeters from his face, who cocked one of its claws back and was ready to slash it off.

Amarashi: 'Slow...' The Hashira internally criticizes, opening one of his eyes slightly.

Amarashi: "Arashi no kokyu, Ichi no Kata..." (Storm breathing, first form). In a murmur lower than a whisper, he pronounces the name of his technique. At the same time, he adjusts the position of his legs.

Just as if the world slowed down to a fraction of its speed, and putting his right hand tightly on Ranton's hilt, he releases it from its containment.

Amarashi: "Shojo Rangiri!" (Raising storm slash).

In an Iaido strike, the katana's vibrant purple blade cuts the air with absolutely no difficulty in an upwards motion. This one finishing above, and slightly behind the user's head.

Embraced by a veil of dense black clouds and the crackle of intense blue and violet lightning, the Nagasa (blade) of the sword slashes another demon's neck without resistance.

Dodging the body still being moved by inertia, Amarashi takes advantage of that small window to throw a glance towards those he was protecting to confirm their well being.

Without considering their agitated looks, they were perfectly fine. The man then shoots them a reassuring smile, then he looks ahead of him once again.

Amarashi: "¡Tsugi, tsugi!" (Next one). The Slayer chants energetically. Half to his foes, half to himself.

At this point, the Oni lose their composure. Having witnessed how one of their allies was eliminated without even seeing the offensive move, they all throw themselves at the human in a disorderly fashion at the same time.

Amarashi: "Arashi no kokyu..."

He expands his stance even further and moves his sword behind his body in preparation.

Amarashi: "Shichi no kata..." (Seventh form). With those last words, he begins...

The ground underneath him cracks due to the power of his legs, the air around him vibrates with intensity and, in less than the blink of an eye, he vanishes.

With the same resplendent veil as before, the Arashibashira swings his sword with accuracy practiced a million times. Without missing his mark once, he slashes at all direction in a single instant!

Amarashi: "Raikou Rengeki!". (Lightning Raid) 

He finishes as he reappears behind his targets, in a straight line from where he started, and sheathes Ranton back, with the satisfactory sound of the handguard colliding against the scabbard.

Not a second after he was done, and without even being able to see their fate, all the demons fell apart. Arms, legs, torsos and, most importantly, necks were not left intact. They were all slashed. And, without delay, their remainings began to disintegrate.

Resting his sheathed sword onto his shoulder, Amarashi turns around and, with closed eyes, offers his family a toothy grin as a sign of victory.

On the other hand, his wife releases a sigh of relief as she returns a smile of her own.

Hideyoshi couldn't believe his yes, which shone brightly in wonder like never before. The most extraordinary spectacle he has witnessed in his short life happened right in front of him.

He didn't see anything gin detail, but he could discern, although barely, how his father razed down the evil beings with the power and fury of a storm. He knew from what he heard from other adults that his progenitor was strong, but he never imagined he was this powerful. He was like those legendary heroes that fascinated him so much, maybe even more than that.

Natsuhime: "...Wait... didn't you say there were six of them?" They were all broken out of their thoughts by her question.

Amarashi: "Of course I did! I'm not dumb enough as to forget something like that..." He answers vigorously.

While the two exchanged words, from one moment to another appears the figure of a man behind the black haired male. The last demon gets out of its hiding place...

Point of view: Raienryu Natsuhime

Finally, I can be at ease knowing that the threat right in front of us is no more. The moment Amarashi suddenly stopped and handed Hideyoshi to me I knew something was amiss.

I haven't come across many demons face to face before, that's the slayers' job. It's not that I distrust my husband, but I can't help but being nervous. Still, I manage to maintain my composure, or at least pretend that I do.

Until the last of them appears...

He doesn't look like much at first glance. He appears to be a male of average height, but he is incredibly scrawny looking and rickety, and wears a black colored jinbei robe. However, this was the most normal thing about him...

The moment he appears it's like he simply materializes out of thin air. He wasn't there, and then he was.

Suddenly, I can feel how the air around me shifts, and the anxiety I was feeling before not only returns, but it skyrockets.

My pulse hastens and my breathing becomes labored. I ignore the quacking of my legs as I hold my children tighter defensively. Beyond that, it's hard to think.

'Why is the atmosphere so heavy...? And what is this feeling of imminent danger all around?'

The man is simply standing there, watching us with a soft smile; which if it wasn't for his acute thinness that you can even see the bones in his arms and legs, that sickly pale skin, and those empty eyes that reflect nothing behind his pupils; it would even be pleasant. But it wasn't... not in the slightest...

'I don't think I can keep myself standing in front of him for much longer, it's just too terrifying...! What is Amarashi doing just starring at him?!'

Next thing I hear is the latter's voice, which pulls me out of my stupor and brings me some welcomed tranquility.

Amarashi: "Yo, pal. Do you seriously wanna do this? I wouldn't want you overworking yourself..."

I don't understand how he can be so casual. I know his appearance is feeble, but is it really ok to underestimate him like that?

Demon:" I see you haven't changed since last time, you're still as arrogant... those were the same words you told me nine years ago..."

For the first time I hears the demon's voice. It's hoarse but calm, and so weak that if you don't pay attention to it you can easily not hear it.

Amarashi: "Nine years ago? Buddy, that's far too back in the past! I don't even remember... but it does sound like something I would probably say. So I believe you." He finishes with a hearty laugh.

The oni seems visibly agitated by his words, being dismissed like he was nothing. The he calms down and speaks...

Demon: "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't remember. I will never forget how you made me bleed. And this time... I will use my strength at its maximum!"

That was the last thing he said before he started changing.

His frame, from being as small as mine, began to expand. his muscles started to expand unnaturally. And they didn't do it peacefully either, as I could hear the repugnant resounding of flesh and bones crack, pop and tear while his body grew bigger and bigger...

What seemed to have felt like almost an eternity actually happened in less than a minute. His formerly inexistent physique now was the only thing that could be seen from him.

He became a mountain of muscle of more than eight feet in height, an absolute monster.

He looked visibly agitated, as if such a sudden change wore him out somehow. But truth is, he looked far more lively and energetic than before. There was not point of comparison.

At this point, everything was in absolute silence. I couldn't hear the singing of the bugs, as if every being with a pulse had run away an cleared the area, having felt and being terrified of the immense danger this demon emitted.

I instantly took a step back, my entire body screamed at me to run away immediately, to escape as quickly as possible. But I couldn't, something told me I wouldn't be able even if I tried. Besides, what kind of despicable human being would I be if I simply abandoned my family at the hands of this thing?

I can't do a thing against a being like this, but at least I will be here with them.

What I'm concerned about the most right now, however, is my husband. I panic at the thought of him losing. Meanwhile, he's still standing there with his nichirin sword on his shoulder and showing us his back, without being able to see his expression.

Suddenly, I can hears his voice...

Amarashi: "Oh. My. Kami... it can't be..."

'His voice... is shaking. Is it fear what he's feeling? I've never ever seen him being afraid before. Amarashi... Please don't scare me like this!!'


'What...? No way... how can he act so carelessly? I really hope you know what you're doing...'

Amarashi: "...Ah, okay..." He sighed as he recovered from his intense fit of laughter. "Sorry. You said you came to take revenge or something like that, right? Well, you can come at me if you want."

He said while he wielded the sheath of his katana in his left hand.

Demon: "it doesn't matter if you laugh, that's not going to change how this will end. I've become a lot stronger since the last time... Let's see how calm can you be, when you face a demon who is at the same level of a Jogen (crescent moon)!"

Point of view: Narrator

BGM plays:

Crescent Moons (also know as Jogen), the six most powerful demons in existence, second only to Kibutzuji.

Their mere presence was an omen of death, as in a hundred years' time; not even humanity's greatest swordsmen could decapitate a Jogen. These being the Hashira, who, instead, not a one survived an encounter with them.

Amarashi: 'Jogen?' were the last words that crossed his mind before having a gigantic fist a mere few millimeters from his head, making the hair locks hanging in front of his face flutter violently.

In an instant, his opponent disintegrated the distance that separated them, and created a massive gust of wind.

The strike completes its trail, extending his arm totally and creating a powerful shockwave that sent loose gravel and dirt from the ground flying with enough force to hurt the skin from contact.

When the debris calm down, the Oni stood with his fist extended in the air, and then looks behind him from over his massive shoulder, where his opponent was standing, intact.

Amarashi: "Woah..." He said with a surprised tone. "...You almost punched me!"

Demon: "You said I could come at you, didn't you?" The mastodon answers amusedly.

Amarashi: "Hehehe, I guess."

After that, the smaller of the two makes a gesture with his index finger as he leans forward, and the fight resumes.

Immediately, the giant with the jinbei rushes again at great speed. Attacking with a right straight, which Amarashi dodges narrowly by simply tilting his head to the side.

The latter smiles at the other and says...

Amarashi: "Not bad. I thought you'd be slower."

Demon: "You'll see." He answers, not being bothered by the rival comments.

The demon starts to throw a downpour of strikes at breakneck speeds. Gradually increasing the complexity of his combinations, adding, besides straight punches, also crosses and uppercuts aimed at different points of Amarashi's body relentlessly.

Meanwhile the latter simply moved from side to side to evade; ducking, moving from left to right and right to left, and swaying back. As they both looked like nothing but blurry figures amongst the dust storm that raised from every movement.

After keeping the interaction for a few dozens of seconds, the slayer decides to speak one more...

Amarashi: "Oi, you should try something else, don't you think?" He recommends, noticing his rival's hits weren't connecting.

Demon: "Good idea! How do you like this?!" He answers more energetically than before.

Subsequently, a leg, huge like the trunk of an adult tree, cuts the air with immense power towards its target: Amarashi's torso.

Amarashi: "Ichi no Kata: Shojo Rangiri!"

Fast as lightning, the limb is cut from the knee down with an ascending slash, making it miss. Due to the power behind the strike, the limb shoots away flying, splitting entire trees in the process.

However, before the shin-less thigh even landed on the ground again, this one had already regenerated fully, looking good as new. This impressed the Hashira further.

Continuing his onslaught after the brief interruption, the Oni ends his combo with a back handed fist strike, which is also dodged. The creature jumps back to gain some distance.

Demon: "You don't disappoint me, Hashira, I'm really fired up now! Tell me... How about we speed things up a bit~?" He asked this last with a joyful tone, but with a discernible touch of sadism.

Amarashi: "I think that's perfect~." He answers playfully as well, but far less sinisterly.

Amarashi: 'I don't really mind consenting this guy, now I really want to know what he's capable of. But if this keeps up, it will get dangerous for Hime and the kids... It'd be best if I take things away from them.' Thinks the human entertained. Seemingly having betrayed his promise of not taking his time.

This time, it is the Pillar who decides to pass to the offence. Disappearing and reappearing in front of his enemy, the latter quickly responds with a jab to the face. But Amarashi simply slips underneath and, adjusting his stance, counterattacks with a roundhouse kick to the ribs, making his opponent expel blood from his mouth due to the power behind the hit, and sending him flying to the depths of the nearby forest.

The Raienryu then immediately starts chasing the demonic projectile until it finally stops completely.

Standing straight and with a slight daze, he says...

Demon: "That was a good kick, I really felt it. But you won't be able to kill me that way. Why don't you use that sword of yours? Killing you won't be the same if you hold back."

Amarashi: "Mn! Don't worry, I just wanted to take you somewhere more quiet. But's let's finish this quickly, yeah? I don't wanna leave the family alone for too long. It's still night." He answers jovially.

The demon, despite appearances, was beginning to get frustrated; none of his attack had worked thus far.

Demon: 'Shit! He's clearly faster than me. Attacking from the front is useless; he dodged everything I threw at him without even blinking.' He thought, as he decided his next strategy.

Next, his attack resumes. But not from the front this time, instead he boosts himself to the side and began running circles around his opponent. Appearing and disappearing intermittently to faint a hit. Meanwhile the human just stood still.

After feinting a few more times, the giant finally appears right behind the man and aims a brutal roundhouse kick to his head.

But he ducks one more time and evades.

Demon: 'What?! Even from behind?! Does this guy not have blind spots...?! No! It must have been luck, I will try again!' He thought again as his frustration grew even further, now anger swelling up inside him.

And so he kept trying. Moving in circles around him so fast that he could not be seen despite his enormous size, fainting and attacking from blind spots. But no matter where he attacked from, Amarashi kept evading. From his point of view, the demon had become predictable long ago. He was getting bored now.

Demon: "Dammit!! Why can't I hit you?! I'm hitting from places you're eyes can't follow and you still dodge! How do you do that?!" The wrathful Oni demands an answer, having lost composure almost completely.

Amarashi: "It's easy brother; I'm not following you with my eyes, (although I absolutely could), I detect you with the power of my mind." He answered with the same serene expression that lasted the whole confrontation, while he takes a finger and presses it against his temple.

Demon: "Don't fuck with me!! Am I a joke to you...?!"Taking his enemy's explanation as bad taste joke, his anger only increases further.

Amarashi: "Don't fucking curse, dickhead. Holy shit..." he mutters.

Demon: "That must be all you can do, right?! Dodging and nothing else!"

Amarashi: 'Ah! Denial! Classic.'

Demon: "Why don't you attack me if you dare?! Come on, I'm waiting for you!" He continues, as he's the one who now takes a more open stance, and takes his arms to his sides and fists to his chin.

Amarashi: "...Okay!" Was his simple answer, before shooting forward with even more speed that he had shown before.

This takes the demon by surprise. And after having lost his calm he reacts with the first thing that crosses his mind, which is attacking wildly. He takes advantage of his great size and arm length to attack the Hashira before he gets too close. In return, the latter uses his sword.

Deflecting every hit and occasionally cutting a limb aimed his way, which did not take long to regrow.

The Pillar had to admit that taking one of those hits head on would be quite unpleasant.

Little by little, the sword master gets closer to the responsible for such tempest of punches, ready to fulfill his wish. Until...


The notorious sound of a clean cut was heard. From the top of the head and throughout the whole vertical axis, Ranton slashed the huge demon in two perfectly equal halves. Then, its wielder separates one another by kicking one of them, as a coup de grace.

The half that was kicked away regenerates the missing one and the other simply becomes dust.

As long as the neck remains uncut, the Oni will not die. The Pillar knew this well.

Amarashi: "..."

Demon: "..."

Amarashi: "...Ehe~."

Once recovered, the demon simply looked at the Hashira with eyes and expression overflowing with rage. From the very beginning, his opponent has been playing with him, and he could not be angrier about it.

He clenches his fists and teeth with all his might, and the veins in his whole body popped out, looking as if they were about to burst. He slowly raises one of his gigantic hands and aim at Amarashi with a finger menacingly.

Demon: " "Ehe"...? EHE TE NANDAYO?!! You bastard!! I will destroy you!!" He spoke with gritted teeth.

Amarashi looked at him amusedly, he knew those were the empty threats of a desperate demon who had used all of its resources and looked for solace in its own words.

Demon: "I will kill you, and the I will go after your goddam family!!"


Amarashi: "...What did you just say...?" The slayer's expression does a 180 turn.

From a slight smile and sleepy eyes, he goes to a deep frown. His bangs darkening his face slightly, and his voice turned grave.

Demon: "You heard me. After killing you I will go for that disgusting woman you were with. And I don't forget those little rats. Those are your children, aren't they...? I will enjoy hearing their bones cracking and popping~... I wonder where their organs will come out from when I slowly squash them~." The gigantic being comments extremely sinisterly, as the sadistic tone from before returned.

Amarashi closes his eyes inhales deeply through his nose, and then lets the air out from the same orifice. He needed to calm down. His rage increased too much, too quickly.

Amarashi: "...You shouldn't have said that..." His expression changes once more.

Now all his face but his eyes was obscured by an inordinately angry, dark expression. His eyes were pitch white and were the only trait visible on his face.

Demon: "Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Cut my head off?" He responds to the Hashira's comment, clearly confident since he managed to make his opponent upset.

Standing straight in the same place as before, Amarashi begins moving one foot forward. But, before it even fully lifted off the ground...

He was already in front of the demon.

Not a sound was heard, not a movement was seen. Just as if he had teleported through space and time, he was already standing mere inches from him, showing no emotion whatsoever.

Panicking, the Oni throws a jab as quickly as his potent muscles allow him, striking the Pillar right in the face... or so it seemed.

Slowly, Amarshi's afterimage starts vanishing. The true him was in the air behind the demon. Having bounced from the ground and cocked his sword behind his own head with both arms, he prepared to strike.

The demon only has time to use his neck and look behind him, before a chill run down it. In his eyes, the nagasa of the katana, which wasn't longer than seventy centimeters, looked like a colossal monster like no other, and was wielded by the Grimm Reaper itself. And, in that instant...


The gale of wind caused by the swinging of the sword was so immense it shook the nearby forestry, the dust cloud damaging, the slash mark caused by the perfectly angled cut would take years of erosion to disappear, but the main consequence of the attack was...

The severed head of the demon.

Landing softly, Amarashi turns around to check on his already vanishing body behind him as he swings Ranton in the air to clean it of impurities (Although the clean cut left no stains) and methodically stored it in its scabbard, just to see the demon... crying.

Amarashi: 'Yeah, they do that sometimes... I can't read thoughts, so I don't know what go through their heads. Some regret from their past life perhaps.' He thought, as he recalled past experiences

Amarashi: "Haaa." He sighs, just to turn arround and walk towards the Oni's remnants.

Amarashi: "Look. I dunno what kind of problem weights your head and, frankly, I'm a little too mad at you to care... That and I can tell you ate hundreds of people, at the very least... But I don't hate you... particularly. And you were quite good as an opponent, so... To summarize; good fight and rest in peace, I guess" The pillar gives a slight funereal compliment as he turns around and starts walking away.

Demon: "Th-thank you. Finally. Some... recognition." Those were his last words before his head finally evaporated completely.

Amarashi: "Hai, hai..." He waves his hand while walking away.


Natsuhime, after calming the kids down, stops hearing commotion coming from deep within the forest after a couple of minutes. Hoping for the best, she braces herself for the worst.

Fortunately for her mental health, after another few minutes, she can see the silhouette of her husband coming from out from between the trees. Releasing the hand of her eldest child, both hurry up to reach him. Hideyoshi being the first to arrive.

Hide: "Otousan! I saw you, I saw you! Oh man, that was totally wicked!" He screamed in a shrill voice, as he exaltedly jumped to his father's shoulders.

Amarashi: "I know, right?! Your otousan's a beast with the katana!" Answers the Raienryu senior, sharing his son's liveliness.

Natsuhime: "Shikkun!" She gets involves, referring to her husband with the affectionate nickname she reserves for him, and firmly embraces him, being careful not to suffocate the baby between them. He returns the hug and rests his chin on the top of her head.

Amarashi: "Hey, all of you." He greets them with a warm, soft tone. "Did you get worried?"

Natsuhime: "Yes! I worried for you, I worried for the kids...!" She answers, breaking her grip and with tears threatening with leaking from her eyes.

Hideyoshi: "I didn't! I knew you'd be fine!" He interrupts.

Natsuhime: "Are you really okay?! I can treat you disinfect wounds stop bleedings make emergency sutures and reattach articulations but if you have broken bones or other grave wounds I will have to take you home and...!" She speaks without pause. Her concern completely taking hold.

Amarashi: "Hime, Hime! Please calm down!" He interrupts her. "I'm fine. That guy didn't lay a finger on me."

Natsuhime: "...Yes. You're right..." She says. After calming down and having a better look at his condition, she realized that, besides the dust on his kimono, he was intact. "So, was that Oni lying? He wasn't as strong as a Jogen?"

Amarashi: "I dunno, never seen one before! All I know is that he was crazy strong! Any other Hashira probably would have struggled mightily against him." He ends up answering amusingly.

His wife can't believe his words and expands her eyes completely. Hide makes a Poggers face.

Amarashi: "But either way. It's late and I wanna go to sleep." He says to later emit a deep yawn that he covers with his hand.

Natsuhime: "Yes... me too." She says with a soft smile.


Hideyoshi: "...I don't!" He jumps in once more.


Point of view: Raienryu Hideyoshi

It's been several weeks since my birthday and otousan faced those Oni. I haven't forgot yet, and I think I never will. To tell the truth, seeing that was better than any other present... except scaring Hahaue, I didn't like that... But the fight was hella wicked! He didn't get hit once. He was gone and then he appeared again, then he did FIIII with the sword, and the FUUIUUUU "now I'm gone", and then the little man came in and then he got HUGE. And I got a little scared to be honest... But if someone ask me that I will deny it...! AND THEN HE KICKED'EM.

Either way, I want to do the same as him. As a Raienryu, otousan said that we are a lot stronger than most people are, and I think that's true.

Since I can remember, I wanted to be a hero, or at least something similar. Not so much to protect others, but because I want to be strong and respected, saving people only comes with the job. Just a bonus.

So, when I get the chance, I'm going to ask him to train me, so I can be like those guys from the western books that I can't read very well yet (For real, I hate engrish grammar). I will be like able to be like my otousan.


It's almost time for breakfast, and I'm helping Hahaue make it. I like doing it, it's not bad, that and... other things.

Then, my father enters through the door with a yukata on and greets us. It seems he just showered after finishing his morning training. At that moment, mother looks at me and says...

Natsuhime: Hideyoshi, can you go and get your imouto? I will handle the rest."

"Mn." I nod and do what she says. I like seeing Kazumi.

I go to my parents' bedroom, where she sleeps and open the sliding door. She's laying there, sleeping on one of the futons. I approach her, lift her up and cradle her in my arms gently, just like I was taught.

'it's strange. Did I use to be this frail as a baby? It's a little pathetic, actually... but she's my sister and I love her. She will be strong like me one day!'

"Good morning, slacker. Let's go have breakfast. I helped making it, so it's gonna be good!" I say as I smile at her. The I proceed to go back to the kitchen and hand her to mother, she thanks me and we all sit.

We thank for the food, and as soon as we do that, something flies through the window. It's my father's Kasugai crow. He told me they give one to every kisatsutai so they can communicate with each other. I think that's really weird...

Crow: "CAW. MESSAGE, MESSAGE. CAW. Raienryu Amarashi, attend to headquarters for a special meeting. Direct orders from Oyakata-sama! CAW." It screamed in a shrill, hoarse voice.

'I really hate that bird, it's really noisy. I hope mine won't be the same...' I'm already frowning.

Amarashi: "Sunova..." I can hear my father mutter...

'What does "sunova" mean?'

Amarashi: "Right now?"

Crow: "Right now!" It repeats.

Amarashi: "Haa." He sighs. "I'm on standby, what the hell...? Welp, if Oyakata requests it, it must be for something... sorry family, we can't have breakfast together today."

'Holup! If I want to be a Kisatsutai like him, it'd be best if I went to the headquarters too so I can learn. Yes, It makes sense!'

"Otousan! I want to go too, take me with you!" I exclaim, slamming the table with both hands.

Natsuhime: "Don't hit the furniture!"

"Sumimasen... (I'm very sorry)" I quickly relent.

I can see how he scratches his head as he seems to be considering it. After a few seconds of apparent hard thinking, he turns his head to me and says...

Amarashi: "No."

"But, whyyyy?!"

Amarashi: "I know you. You're gonna go and only cause trouble, like fighting with a Kakushi or something stupid like that." He says with a tired tone.

"That Kakushi asked for it! Besides! I promise to behave."

Amarashi: "Mmm... Really?"

"Yes. Raienryu's honor." I look at him seriously. If it's for the family's honor, then I mean it.

Amarashi: "...Fine, okay. You can come. Now, go change, I'll go do the same." He finally accepts.

Natsuhime: "Are yo usure, Amarashi? It's rather far away." I can hear Hahaue intercept.

Amarashi: "Yeah, don't worry. I'll carry him."

Once there're no more objections, I thank them vigorously and run towards my bedroom. I put on my blue kimono top and black hakama. It's formal yet comfortable. It's perfect. After I'm done, I head to the entrance where my dad is waiting for me. He's wearing his complete uniform. Then he turns to me and says...

Amarashi: "You ready...? Hop on, we're leaving." He says calmly. I jump on his back and firmly grasp his shoulders.

The trip doesn't last too long. Otousan moves lightly and quickly. Too quickly! I have to hide my head behind his so the wind doesn't knock me off.


Reaching the gate of a stone wall, two kisatsutai that are standing guard greet respectfully. And when we get in, I can see the place is huge. It looks like a villa. I get off the back of my carrier and start walking next to him.

We walk through a gravel path as I can see pathetic Kakushis doing gardening on the green parks. Heading deeper in I see a pretty big patio, all covered neatly with gravel and pebbles to walk on, and in front of it is a huge mansion, almost as big as ours. That makes me a little angry, as I frown a bit. But I stop that when I see my father looking at me by turning his eyes. then he says to me...

Amarashi: "This is where we, the Pillars, gather twice a year. To then enter a special room to have a meeting, which is hosted by the Oyakata... Usually, we only do reports and comments about the organization's current status." He explains.

"Sounds quite boring..." I say, a little disappointed. I was hoping they had Battle Royales between the Hashira to see who's the strongest...

Amarashi: "It usually is..." He answers between short laughs. "...But sometimes interesting things happen... Besides, these meetings are really important whether I like them or not. So, I attend whenever I can."

I simply shrug.

Once standing in front of the mansion's door, a Kisatsutai with the classic uniform who was watching the entrance steps in front of us, does a deep bow and says nervously...

Guard: "O-ohayogozaimasu, Hashira-sama! (Good morning, lord Hashira) W-what brings you here t-today?

Amarashi: "Yo! I've got a meeting with Oyakata." He answers casually.

Guard: "O-of course! Please, wait here for a second." He says before bowing again and rushing inside the building.

Less than a minute later, the same slayer returns.

Guard: "Hashira-sama! Sorry for the wait, Oyakata-sama will see you right now."

'Is this how they treat Hashiras...? I like it!'

Amarshi: "Thanks, partner! Have a nice day." Dad answers him, passing him from the side and giving him a small tap on the shoulder while jovially smiling at him.

Guard: "T-thanks a lot, sir! You two, as well!" He responds, even more nervous due to the contact.

Seriously, he looks like he's about to piss himself. I mockingly snicker as I pass him. Meanwhile, he tries to ignore me. Dad looks at me from over his shoulder once more, but he looks irritated this time. I shut up immediately.

We walk deeper into the manor. Everything is pretty neat and clean, with smooth wooden floors and white walls, kind of like our house but with less lighting. We stop in front a paper, double sliding door. But, before we open it, my dad says...

Amarashi: "Stay here, Oyakata doesn't know you're coming. I doubt there'll be any problem, but I'll tell him beforehand either way. So, stay." He finishes looking at me straight in the eye, head slightly tilted to the side and pointing at me with his finger.

"No fair! I want to get in, t-!" I say, but he interrupts me.

Amarashi: "Stay." He says dryly and with the same pose as before.


This time he doesn't say anything and simply points at me and tilts his head, making me shut up. I get the message. I plop down on the floor with my legs and arms crossed as I grunt in annoyance.

Point of view: Third person

Leaving his son behind, Amarashi enters the room. The ambience is similar to the rest of the hallways: smooth wooden floors and vaguely illuminated by warm toned lightbulbs.

In the center of it sits in seiza style a small child, no older than eight years old, with a frail and feminine appearance, big lavender eyes, and straight black hair that reaches to his shoulders and two fringes covering his forehead. He wears a black kimono with a white and purple haori. His expression is serene and gentle.

His name is Ubuyashiki Kagaya, the 97th leader of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Kagaya: "Welcome, Amarashi. How do you find yourself today...? Thank you very much for coming today, especially for such a sudden, extracurricular event." Despite his young age, the leader of the Kisatsutai spoke intelligently and elegantly, with honesty and an extremely soft and pleasant tone of voice.

Amarashi: "I'm fine. How are you Kagaya-kun? And don't worry about it." The pillar spoke amicably, and refered to the Oyakata with an informal nickname.

The latter had absolutely no problem with being referred by such sobriquet. This is something that goes back years; when he was just a toddler and still learning the ways of his family from his father, the 96th leader, despite it being for a short time. It was the choice of one of his father's (and himself's) favorite swordsmen and he respected it. Besides, it's not like it was an irrational choice, or tempted against anyone's life.

Kagaya: "I'm very well, thank you for asking." He answered with a soft smile as he closed his eyes. "Now, the reason I decided to call you here today: Your eldest child." His expression turned solemn as he said that.

Amarashi: "Hideyoshi?" He inquires, taken aback. He wanted to check if he had heard right or not.

The leader nods silently

Kagaya: "It pains me to say this, but I need you to do me a very important favor." Kagaya does a little pause to think his following words. The Pillar only watches expectantly. "I need you to train Hideyoshi in the Storm Breathing style as soon as possible."

The adult silently staggers at those words and continues in his thoughts...

Amarashi: 'That's a weird thing to say, why is he asking me that? I mean, I was going to train him eventually anyways... But I can feel in his voice this sense of... urgency?'

Amarashi: "Sure, but... Why him precisely? I'm pretty strong. If this is about Arashi no Kokyu, isn't whatever you need him to learn it for be done by myself, too? No offence." He expresses his doubts openly.

Kagaya: "Non taken... No, it cannot. The reasons why... I cannot tell either, I'm afraid... it's only a presumption, but. Your son will be of upmost importance in the events that the future will bring..." Ubuyashiki starts as he gives answers. His face shows only seriousness. "Especially in the forthcoming war that will eventually be unleashed against Kibutsuyi Muzan and his Twelve Demon Moons."

Amarashi mutes. His expression is exceptionally grave.

These were huge news. Not only for him and his son, or even for the entirety of the organization. The course of all humankind depended on Hideyoshi's participation in the battle against demons.

The father crosses his arms and closes his eyes as his head hangs and aims at the ground, his breathing had come a little close to becoming disturbed.

He was having trouble believing it, but ultimately saw no way around it; he believed his words in the end. The prophecies given by the Ubuyashiki clan were impossible to refute when one was witness of them, which Amarashi was. They always ended being true. Always.

The Hashira was a little conflicted. Even for himself, such a fate was a great burden. Let alone for a child.

Amarashi: "...Souka... (I see)" Was the dry answer given by the man, before getting his ideas in place.

He had no more questions. the most important were already answered, and the rest were inconsequential to him.

Amarashi: "I will. But, not yet. He's still too young, and our style is difficult to master. Even being a Raienryu doesn't guarantee being able to handle it safely. The moment he shows to be capable enough, I will train him. Not before." He says austerely.

The Little Oyakata sighs in relief and smiles softly once more.

Kagaya: "Thank you very much, Amarashi." He says, truly gratefully. "Whatever you may decide from now on, I know it will be the right choice. I trust your judgement, like my father before me."

The aforementioned keeps quiet, many things were still running through his head.

Kagaya: "Having said that, would you mind letting him in? I would like to know one of my future children better." He said referring to him the same way he does to those under his command.

The adult expands his eyes, surprised he knew such information when, until that moment, he hadn't said anything about him being present. Kagaya, sensing his question, jokingly says as he aims to his own head.

Kagaya: "Psychic powers..."

Amarashi: "...?"

Kagaya: "...That and I was informed before I let you in." He refers to the guard from before as he laughs lightly.

Amarashi also chuckles and complies, heading to the door to let the other guest in, not before doing a small bow.

On the other side, he could see his son... standing with his hands, bored beyond reason.

Hideyoshi: "I got tired of waiting..." He said slightly bitterly.

Amarashi: "Yup. The Master wants to see you." He answered with a tired tone.

Hideyoshi: "Finally!" He then returns to his feet and quickly aims for the room.

However, a hand holding his shoulder stops him.

Amarashi: "Remember what you promised?"

Hideyoshi: "Hai, hai. I'll behave." He answers a little exasperated.

The father simply nods and releases him.

Point of view: Raienryu hideyoshi

I open the room's doors and get inside. I look around to search for that Oyakata guy, but I can't find him anywhere. Could he be hiding? Maybe he's testing me... The only person in see is a little girl sitting on a pillow in the middle of the room.

...She's really pretty. I can feel my face heating up a little. But I focus again and speak to her...

"Oi, girl. Have you seen Oyakata? They told me he wanted to talk to me."

She laughs gracefully and answers...

'Her laughter is cute also...'

Kagaya: "How are you, Hideyoshi? It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ubuyashiki Kagaya, and I'm the 97th Master of the Kisatsutai.

'Hah?' (WhaT?)


Point of view: Third person

Amarashi was standing in the hallway directly outside the meeting spot as leaned against of the walls.

Suddenly, he hears his son's confused screaming.

Amarashi: 'Ah, shit. Here we go again...' He thinks in defeat, but simply can't be bothered and doesn't do anything.

Point of view: Raienryu Hideyoshi

'The Oyakata is this person?! But she looks just a little older than me! And she looks so frail...! And, and, and... Did she say MASTER?! Not Mistress?! T-then...'

"Then, you're a boy?!" I scream as I aim a shaky finger towards him.

Kagaya: "That's right. Despite my appearance, I am male." He answers with the same voice as before.

Feeling as if I was hit by lightning, I lose strength in my legs and fall on my knees.

'M-MURIDA!! (Impossible) He's actually a boy just like me! AND I THOUGHT HE WAS CUTE!! I can't, I can't...!'

Some minutes pass, and after my crisis passes a bit, he talks to me...

Kagaya: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Hideyoshi... But that's just how things are." He says in a way that sounds truly sorry for tricking me.

After that, I recover enough to stand up.

"I- I don't care if you're a boy or a girl... But as Oyakata, I won't accept you!" I aim at him with my finger again.

Kagaya: "I understand... I'm not a strong person, I have never even held a sword before in my life. And even if I tried, I don't think I would be able to swing it many times without my heart screaming at me to stop." He says, somehow understanding my doubts about him.

I just blow through my nose and look to the side.

'He's so weak, and still calls himself the leader...? But I can't get mad at him, for some reason. At least not much...'

"Tch, whatever. You wanted to see me. What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

Kagaya: "I just wanted to meet you. To get to know the person who will become one of my cute swordsmen in the future."

He says that with a smile on his face. who the hell does he think he is to talk to me like that?! Like if he was my father. No, not even my father talks to me like that.

"Oi! That was gross. You're not my father; don't talk to me like that again!" I say very aggressively as I clench my teeth and fists.

Kagaya: "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm not your father. But like one, I worry about the wellbeing of all my subordinates... if you don't like it, then I can act as your older brother, how does that sound?" He said with a smile, as he tilts his head and closes his eyes.

There's that tone of voice of his again. I really want to get angry at him. But I can't! Every time I feel like I'm about to burst and slam his head against the floor, he simply says something and I calm down... it's frustrating. I really don't like this guy...

So, I just look at him with a scowl.

Kagaya: "Anyways..." He continues normally. "Thank you very much for humoring me. It was truly an honor. Now I need to talk to your father once more. So, if you could call him again, you would be doing me a great favor."

'What? Is that it? Didn't he say he wanted to get to know me, or something? He didn't even ask me anything... Bah, whatever. What a weird guy.'

I dont want to see him anymore, so I just do what he asks and don't answer back.

Getting out I tell otousan that Kagaya wants to see him again. He enters again and closes the door, leaving me outside.

Point of view: Third person

Once again inside the room, Amarashi speaks...

Amarashi: "So, did you ask him what you wanted, Kagaya-kun?"

Kagaya: "That's right... Hideyoshi is an energetic boy and with a volatile temper. He's very prideful and has a hard time expressing his feelings. But deep down I feel he's a good person, and his potential is palpable... However, he has a lot to correct in regards to his attitude, that's for sure." He explains, giving his evaluation of the boy based on the short time they spent together and the few words they exchanged.

Amarashi: "Tell me about it..." He laments his son's flaws

Kagaya: "Make sure to groom him well, Amarashi. Young talents must be allowed to flourish." The Master finishes on a positive note. The other says that he would. "Then, I won't rob you of any more of your time. See you on the following biannual meeting... And say hi to Natsuhime and the Kubikari sisters on my stead."

Amarashi: "Sure! See you later, take care." He bows one more time and leaves.

But right before the Pillar closed the doors completely, Kagaya gives one last glance at the other young one and, with a wave of his hand and a smile, says to him playfully...

Kagaya: "We will meet again, my little otouto (younger brother)."

After that, the door closes shut.

Point of view: Raienryu Hideyoshi

There he is again!

"I'm not your brother!" I scream at the closed door as I stomp the floor.

Not wanting to be there anymore, I move to the entrance of the mansion with heavy steps, grunting. Dad follows me from behind.

Exiting from the main door, the same guard from before greets us the same way as before, but I ignore him and go towards the complex's exit. The way out wasn't too difficult to find.

Once at the main gate, which was surrounded by wisteria trees, dad offers me his back again. But I'm too mad to accept, and instead decide to run next to him. He is unsure and asks me if I'm serious. I say yes, and we leave the headquarters and head home.


"Aah, ahh, huff! *Pant*."

I feel as if I was dying! My lungs hurt and I can feel my heart in my ears. My legs are exhausted and my throat is sore. And the worst part is that we took far longer to return. Otousan offered me to stop several times but I refused every time. We were already moving a lot slower because of me, I didn't want to stop at least. On the bright side, I'm not angry anymore.

Amarashi: "You good?"

"*Pant* *Cough, cough* Yes!" I answer him on my hands and knees from the floor.

A few seconds later, I recover and get up, still panting a little bit. I just want to sleep right now.

Dad looks at me with an expression I don't really understand. He's been really quiet since we left the headquarters.

Point of view: Raienryu Natsuhime

It will be sunset in a few hours and the boys still haven't returned. I'm not too concerned about their safety. With Amarashi being there, It's nigh impossible for anything to happen to them. what I'm worried about is that my son got in trouble, especially in the headquarters, with the young master being there. Not to mention he doesn't like other kakushi very much for some reason...

He said he would behave, but he's just a child. Maybe I should have insisted more on him staying.

Abstracted in my own thoughts, I don't pay attention to the conversation happening in front of me, and which has been going on for a while, as I blankly stare at the steaming cup of tea in my hands.

???: Natsuhime! Is there something wrong? You seem a little distracted." One of the people whom I have been spending the while calls out to me.

This was was Yami, a longtime friend and one of the nurses currently assigned to work on the annexed clinic alongside her sister. Her long, onyx hair is tied in a braid, and has eyes of the same color. She looks at me in the face.

"Ah! Yes. It's just... I was thinking about my husband, who left this morning for a meeting with Oyakata-sama and still hasn't returned."

Yami: "With Oyakata-sama? Aren't the Hashira meetings on january and july?" My friend answers with a touch of surprise and incredulity.

"Yes. But this is a special meeting, or something of the sort." I say as I take a sip from my cup. "But the thing is that he took Hideyoshi with him..."

Yami: "Ooohh. And you're worried he might have got in trouble and that's why they're taking so long?" She answers, hitting the nail in the head.

I just sigh and nod.

Yami: "I woulnd't think so much about it. Most likely scenario is that Hide-chan simply got cought up with everything he saw and that's why their taking so long, or something like that." She reassures me kindly, while she stretches her arm to have her cup refilled.

Hikage, the other woman with us, fulfills her wordless request.

The latter is Yami's twin sister. Barely being any physical distinction between them, the only noticeable one is the way she stylizes her hair, this being equally long and let loose over her back.

The loose haired kakushi simply shows me a sympathetic, perfectly natural looking smile.

???: "Tadaima." Sudenly, I hear Amarashi's voice from the main door.

Yami: "See? It was just a matter of time." She says in a smarty way.

Soon enough, I can see my husband's form looming up from the living room's entrance. I immediately get up and interrogate him accusingly.

"Why did you take so long? Did the meeting really take that much time?"

Amarashi: "No." He answers in a defeated tone, his posture deflates somewhat.

"Then?" I urge him to elaborate.

Amarashi: "Hideyoshi insisted on running all the way back on his own. That's why we took so long."

Behind him I could see the aforementioned moving slowly and dragging his feet, aiming towards the direction of his bedroom. Probably to pass out for the rest of the day.

"That was very irresponsible, Amarashi! What were you thinking?!" I say slightly furious and with my hands on my hips.

Amarashi: "Yeah, I know. I didn't really think it much at the time." He defended himself as he scratched the back of his head.

I want to reprimand him more, but he continues before I do...

Amarashi: "Look, there's something I want to talk with you about. In private... it's about the meeting."

That is enough to distract me from my current humor. He's unusually serious, now that I think about it...

My two friends get the message and begin to leave, saying that they still had work to do in the infirmary anyways. Amarashi shyly apologizes, but Yami answers that there was no problem. They both do a bow to him and leave, but not before saying goodbye to me too.

We both sit around the tea table and I signal him to begin. He explains to me in detail everything that happened in his meeting with Ubuyashiki-sama, about his foresight and our son's future...


It's... it's so hard to believe. The mere mention of the Juuni Kizuki (Twelve Demon Moons) and the king of all demons, Kibutsuji Muzan, is enough to give chills to the common folk. It's an instinctive reaction. I'm no different. And my son has to directly involve himself with them...? Unbelievable...

I always knew that if my children were born with the ability, they would eventually join the Corps, either as a Kisatsutai or a Kakushi. It simply runs in the family. I always knew that, and I accepted it when I decided to marry a Raienryu. But, I wanted to think about it the least amount possible until it was the time.

I keep my stare on my lap as I try to assimilate the situation with a thinking face. Then I hear my husband speak again...

Amarashi: "Anywho... There's no helping it. You know very well how important this is. If we want to live in peace one day, Hideyoshi has to face them." He says solemnly.

I make my head bob in a blank nod as I'm still looking down. I then lift it and say...

"You're right... Then, it's our duty to raise him correctly. Now more than ever..." I respond to his affirmation with the same level of solemnity.

"...On my part, from now on I will do everything I can to teach him what I know about medicine, first aids, and how to survive outside of a fight. I will see if Hikage and Yami will help me too. I don't think that will be a problem."

Amarashi: "Mm. And I'll take care of teaching all I know about demons. And when he's grown a bit more, I will train him to be strong, and expert in combat, the sword, and the Storm Breathing."

"Still... in you befalls the immediate fate of our son in a confrontation... So, Raienryu Amarshi, listen to me well, because I cannot stretch this enough..." I say clearly and slowly.

"... I love you. But, in the future, if I find out that Hideyoshi ends up wounded in a fight or, gods forbid, dead, because of something he could have done or known but didn't, because you were negligent or indulgent in your training, and I will NEVER forgive you." Looking at him dead in the eye, I make a promise to him in the most clear way in can conceive.

His eyes also stick to mine without deviating for a second and answers just as seriously...

Amarashi: "Of course... I will train him better than I did myself. I swear."

With our vows finally done, I can rest easier. My expression softens and smile.


Leaning his face against his fist, he relaxes his expression, and says sighing...

Amarashi: "This is gonna be a stressful couple of years, eh? I can already feel it..."


The room is completely black, not a single streak of light or reflection illuminates the darkness, and silence is also absolute.

Seconds pass. They keep passing, and nothing happens...


???: "Shojo Rangiri!" Suddenly, a loud exclamation.

Ost plays:

Amarashi slices the darkness in two equal halves, and the fragments fall out of the scene!

The aforementioned stands in the middle of the room while he sheathes his sword. Behind him, manga pages with images of the fight he had against the demons in chapter 1 decorate the background.

Amarashi: "You gotta have some nerve to attack a man and his family on his son's birthday!" he says as he looks behind him and reminisces about said occurrence with annoyance.

Amarashi: "But I have to admit the last one was strong. Props to him!" he continues with closed eyes as he grabs his chin. "Well, doesn't matter! This is a...!"

???: "Meiji era secret!" Hideyoshi interrupts, jumping from one of the manga pages and landing next to the Hashira.

Amarashi: "You really like interrupting people, huh..." He says with a deadpan expression.

Amarashi: "...As I was saying...; Not many may know this, but the 97th Master of the Demon Slayer organization, Ubuyashiki Kagaya, despite being so young,  started being the leader from before the age of eight. He's been at it since his father's passing, when he was only four years old!" Says the older Raienryu with a surprised expression.

Hideyoshi: "Haaaah?! How can he be leader from that age?! I should be Oyakata, then!"

Ignoring what his son said with a nervous smile, Amarashi continues...

Amarashi: "I was also shocked when I found out. But it's true. Me and other Hashiras were there to see him take charge."

Meanwhile, Hide kept ranting and raving, and overall throwing a tantrum about the current Master. But his father simply ignores him.

Amarashi: "Either way... Next chapter: "Years of growth"!"

To be continued...

A/N: Here it is! Another chapter of this fanfiction about an anime that I love very much.

Any opinions, comments, criticisms? I rally want to know what you think so I can improve my writing.

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