Male Reader x Female Characte...

By Xhira956

133K 1.1K 572

Heya! This is a recopilation of various ideas I had while writing my books. Oneshots about Anime, Videogames... More

The Prinzessin and her Knight. (Genshin Impact Fischl x Male reader)
A rose, without Thorns. (Tales of Arise Shionne x Male reader.)
Cat & Mouse. (Male reader x One Punch Man Fubuki)
Isolated. 🍋🍋🍋(AoT Mina Carolina x Male Reader.)
Only you. (Yandere AoT Annie x Male Reader.)
Forbidden Love. 🍋🍋🍋(Jill Valentine x Male Reader.)
Loneliness. (Male reader x Furry girl.)
Our new life. (Male reader x Esdeath)
Bladerunner.🍋🍋🍋 (Cyberpunk 2077 Lucy x Male Reader)
Just a bite.🍋🍋🍋 (Mikasa x Vampire Male Reader)
Without you.🍋🍋🍋 (Male Reader x Samus)
A light in the darkness. (Male Reader x Tyrande Whisperwind.)

The Bodyguard. (Male Reader x Eula.)

5.9K 72 25
By Xhira956


A job. Something Y/N has been struggling to get for a long time. After getting out of the U.S Military at his 24 years old young Y/N was looking online for jobs he could get to gain some money.

Sadly his set of skills aren't needed in many of them. You see Y/N is the best at what he does: beat the crap out of people. Something it's not needed in pretty much 90% of the normal jobs.

His luck changed as soon as his dad recieved a call from an old friend. Mr. Jack Lawrence.

Jack is the C.E.O of an important clothing company. The problem is the Lawrence are also well known for their... lack of empathy.

Y/N's father got Y/N a job he could do perfectly. Be the bodyguard of Jack's little princess. Eula Lawrence.

The boy doesn't care who they are or what they do. Money is money and if they want him to protect the girl he will do that.

And so his day began. After taking care of the paperwork Y/N got dressed in his best suit and drived towards the Lawrence's house.

One would thought someone as rich as the Lawrence would have a mansion but alas they don't want one.

Y/N parked outside after taking a mental note of the place in case he does get the job he parked next to the house. He noticed the many cars around probably some other people wanting to apply for the job.

After mustering some courage he went out of the car and walked towards the main entrance. Before he could ring the bell someone came out of it almost bumping into him. He was dissapointed.

Y/N:*Sigh* "Here comes nothing."

The boy grabbed the door before it closed and knocked on it.

Y/N:"I'm Y/N and I'm here for the job. Can I come in?"

A manly voice answered his question. He was Jack.

Jack:"Come in."

After being invited Y/N went in and was headed to the main room where Jack was sitting down in a sofa. Y/N sat in the sofa in front of Jack.

The man was looking at some papers that contained every bit of information about Y/N. He glanced at Y/N once, chuckled and then returned to the papers.

Jack:"I thought you would be more nervous."

Y/N:"Not getting this job isn't the end of the world."

Jack:"You have balls. I like that. What would you do if someone you know is gonna hurt my daughter?"

Y/N:"A bullet in his head?"

Jack:"And if it were a relative?"

Y/N:"Orders are orders."

Jack:"Words mean nothing. You will have to prove that. Now let's get into business. From all the imbeciles that have applied for the job you're the only one that seems capable of protecting her."

From a staircase the girl Jack wants to protect appeared.

Their eyes met. Y/N only took into notice her eyes, her cold eyes. Eula on the other hand...

Her heart skipped a beat. She cannot find words to express what she felt it was like... magic. One thing was for sure, she wanted that guy to be her bodyguard. Much better than an old man...

Eula:"Dad can I sit with you?"

Jack:"I thought these things didn't interest you in the slightest."

Eula:"I was behaving like a brat. I changed my mind."

Jack:"Very well. Sit."

Eula sat next to her father and stared at the guy. His bored look and fierce eyes attracted her. She wanted to know more about him.

Jack:"Your file mentions 'cruelty'. Explain."

Y/N:"Not interested in interrogating the enemy. You did something wrong I pop a round in your head."

Jack:"I do not want an animal behind my daughter."

Y/N:"I'll never kill the innocent."

Jack:"Let's make a scenario. My daughter is with her friends and calls you for your help. What would you do?"

Y/N:"There won't be any need for her to call me."

Jack:"Why is that?"

Y/N:"If I'm working I'll be her shadow. Before she realises she's in danger I would've taken care of it."

Jack:"What if you're on a holiday per example?"

Y/N:"The only times I won't be around are the moments she's home. Even then I would drive wherever she is to save her. It's my job."

Jack:"One last thing. I want you to remember this. My daughter is the most important thing in my life. She gets hurt or YOU hurt her and there won't be any place in the world you can hide from me. Got it?"

Eula widened her eyes. She thought her father would've scared him away but...

Y/N:"Crystal, sir. Eula won't get hurt."

Jack:"Then there's only one thing to say. Welcome to the family kid."

With a shake of hands Y/N finally got his job...

Jack:"Now Eula dear go get dressed. Your new bodyguard will take you to school."

Eula:"O-Oh yeah. I'll be here in a moment."

She got up and went upstairs with a little smile of happiness.

Jack:"You start today. Are you armed?"

Y/N:"Obviously. This is America."

Jack:"Good. Here, take this."

Jack passed Y/N a little notebook filled with everything he needs to know.

Jack:"Everything about Eula that you should be aware of is there. Her school, where her dancing classes are holded, her friends... If something isn't there that means either I'm not aware of or it could harm her."

Y/N:"Got it."

Jack:"I don't care what she says. She can only be in or around the things mentioned in the notebook and nothing else. Now go, she usually gets dressed really quick."

And so his first day in his new job began.

The boy returned to the car and waited for Eula to come. Once she did he started driving towards the school.

The drive was... silent. She was not good with words an Y/N wasn't interested in doing so. It was uncomfortable for her. He was so focused on getting her safely to school he didn't realise the weird mood around them.

Everyone saw Eula getting out of the expensive car of a "hot guy" as her friends said. She was the topic of everyone's conversation inside her class was about the weird guy in a tuxedo.

Meanwhile Y/N was still out of the school inside his car, studying the notebook. The things she likes, her friends, the places she needs to be... Y/N does not want to fuck up in a job like this one.

One thought came to Y/N's head after seeing everything in the notebook.

"That's it? Easy."

Days passed and those days turned into weeks. Eula and Y/N finally bonded a little both talking about their hobbies and whatnot.

He learned how much she loves dancing and she learned how he likes to draw on his freetime.

Many things happened between the two like the time Y/N made a mistake and thought one of Eula's friends was a molester and he broke the boy's arm. He apologised to the boy and had to get him to the hospital. A little story Eula likes to remind Y/N of.

Eula quickly fell in love with him. Getting the attention of boys isn't something new for her. Eula was pretty popular in school. But Y/N was different with her. He always was uninterested in her. The only reason they talk to each other is because Eula starts the conversations.

There was one problem. She didn't knew how to approach him. Even if Y/N did had some feelings for the girl too Eula was intimidated by him. She feared he may either mock or reject him. That combined with how hard it is to talk with him was... tough.

All of that was enough for Eula to make the best mistake of her life...

One day, Eula was passing some time in her bedroom. Y/N wasn't there anymore it was late and Eula was on home. There was no need for him to stay there.

She suddenly recieved a call from her best friend. She was holding a party with some friends of her older brother. Eula accepted to go.

Even if her father granted her permission to go, he felt as if something would go wrong so...

In Y/N's home:

The boy was peacefully sleeping in his bed till his phone started to ring. Startled by the sudden noise Y/N searched for his phone in a rush. As soon as he saw the contact he took the call.

Y/N:"Yes Mr. Lawrence?"

Jack:"Were you sleeping?"

Y/N:"Yes I-"

Jack:"Then you better drink some coffee. My daughter is going to a party with horny teens like you. Make sure they don't put a hand on her."

Y/N:"Yes Mr. Lawrence."

Jack:"One more thing. If they dare to touch her you can use as much force as you'd like. I'll take care of the rest. Farewell."

No more words had to be exchanged. Y/N grabbed his handgun, got dressed on his suit and drived towards the location Jack sended him the coordinates.

It was yet anouther house from a rich person. The first thing Y/N did was look for Eula. Thanks to the dozens of windows everywhere he founded Eula in the main room with a girl he recognised.

Y/N stopped the engine and watched in the shadows. It's now he realises what Eula was wearing.

Impure thoughts breached his head. After shaking his head those things dissappeared. Y/N noticed two boys approaching Eula and her friend. One of them looks like a good boy but the other... Y/N knew he's looking for trouble.

As much as he wished to god that the troublemaker ignored Eula his pleads fell on deaf ears. He sat next to Eula and placed his arm around her. Eula was extremely uncomfortable yet intimidated, the boy was way bigger and taller than her.

Y/N started to bite his nails in nervousness. He's ready to intervene but he can't burst through the door without a good reason. A boy flirting with Eula is not one.

Eventually Eula's patience reached a limit. She shouted at him, got up and walked to the kitchen. Y/N still has visual on her so he was calm, specially since she was alone.

Not for long. The molester came back for round two and went to the kitchen without making a sound. Taking his chance now that Eula was taking a glass of water to calm herself down the molester hugged her from behind.

She turned around and tried to pry herself off but he was stronger. Then, at that moment, she remembered a conversation she had with Y/N.

Eula:"What would you do If I'm being attacked and you're not there?"

Y/N:"I'm always there. I'll see it."

Eula:"Okay... and if I want to get out of there but you can't see anything suspicious? What then?"

Y/N:"Then mutter 'save me' and I'll save you."

Eula:"What are you, some type of super hero?"

Y/N:"One that can read lips yes. That's my super power. Now seriously, I'll always be there so just mutter the words and I'll appear."

Eula:"Got it. I suppose you're like a ghost right? 'I'm the demon that comes when you say my name' and stuff like that."


Out of desesperation she muttered "save me". There was no need since Y/N was already making his way to the house.

He kicked the door open and aimed his gun at everyone.


Teen:"W-What the-"

Not wanting to deal with this shit Y/N fired his gun at the roof scaring the crap out of the teen.


They all dropped to the ground with their hands on their heads, scared. Y/N kicked the kitchen door open and walked towards the molester who was in complete shock.

In a couple of seconds Y/N punched his gut and whipped him with the handgun, knocking him out. Then he took a crying Eula by the hand and leaved the house.

Y/N:"C'mon, get in the car."

Eula:"Thank you..."

Y/N:"Thank me later Eula, get in the car please."

She did so sitting next to Y/N. As soon as she had the belt on he started driving towards her home. He called Jake with the car's console.

Jack:"Is Eula with you?"

Y/N:"You can talk with her if you want to sir."

Jack:"Eula? Are you there sweetie?"

Eula:"Y-Yes dad... I'm here."

Jack:"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Eula:"No thanks to Y/N."

Jack:"Y/N I'm afraid I'll have to burden you even more. Eula can't come home now there's some people I have to attend to. Take her to your house. Don't worry about the cops I'll take care of that."

Y/N:"I think Eula should have a choice in the matter."

Eula:"Right now I only want to be with you, Y/N. I feel safe with you."

Y/N:"That's my job."

Jack:"Then it's settled. Take care of her. I'll call you tomorrow."

Jack ended the call giving both some privacy. Y/N made a turn and changed his route, going straight to home.

Y/N:"Are you okay?"

Eula:"All thanks to you..."

Y/N:"No need to cry. I'm here now. That motherfucker won't touch you again. Is he one of your classmates?"


Y/N:"Then? He's not one of your friends either. Who is him? What were you doing there?"

Eula:"No one and it doesn't matter now. I... I was acting stupid. I'm sorry I had to wake you up I-"

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Wake me up? I never sleep Eula, I'm always watching."

Eula:"Those comics I gave you of Batman? They were the last."

Y/N:"You didn't like my Batman impression?"

Eula:"Not at all."

The ride was smooth compared to their usual ones. Y/N was trying his hardest to talk with her, to comfort her. After what she's been through it's the least he can do.

He parked his car and carried Eula into his home, making her laugh. She felt really good in his arms. Too good.

Gently, Y/N dropped Eula on his comfortable couch. He quickly went to the kitchen and brought Eula a hot cup of chocolate. He remembered how much she likes that.


Y/N:"Your really beautiful. Specially dressed like that. Who's the lucky guy? Or girl. I don't judge."

Eula:"I can't tell you that."


Eula:"We shouldn't mix love and work Y/N."

Y/N:"What do you-"

Realisation kicked in. She was talking about him. Y/N nodded and sat closer to Eula trying not to scare her away specially taking into consideration what happened half an hour ago.

Y/N:"This is one of the few jobs it's fine by loving your co-workers Eula. Whether in a relationship or not I'll act the same with you just a little friendlier."

Eula:"Father wouldn't-"

Y/N:"That's one bridge we'll eventually cross."

He took a risk and placed his hand on the girl's cheek, caressing it. Eula closed her eyes and smiled, happy.

Eula:"I don't know Y/N. That's one long bridge and I can't see the end of it."

Y/N:"Then let me guide you. Like I always did."

After his cheeky one liner he went for a kiss, one Eula accepted. Her lips were cold and also tasted like chocolate due to the chocolate she recently drinked.

All the feelings she was botteling up exploded in that instant. Eula sat on his lap and kissed back with a lot of passion, exploring his toned body with her hands.

They made out for a couple of minutes till they had to breath again.

Eula:"You won't hurt me like-"

Y/N:"Never in my life would I hurt you Eula."

Eula:"I see. Then there's only one thing to say. I love you Y/N."

Y/N:"I love you too."

Still not sure if it's a dream or not Eula went for another make out session. Meanwhile Y/N could only think of one thing.

Man, her father is so gonna kill me...

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