Bladerunner.🍋🍋🍋 (Cyberpunk 2077 Lucy x Male Reader)

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This story is patched and free of bugs :D.

Also, I was thinking of making this oneshot a full story of it's own. Let me know if you guys would be interested in it. Now, enjoy.


Night City, one of the best and worst places to live on earth. While it offers the best opportunities for everyone, that also includes criminals. Mercs, gangs, cyberpsychos and more fill the city making it almost impossible to not be in danger at all times.

But all of this turned to be an opportunity for our hero...

Y/N is a test subject from Arasaka. They tested and putted so many implants in his body that one could argue if he's human anymore. His bones were replaced by an armored skeleton, his brain it's almost like a computer, his limbs have hidden weapons in it. Blades on his wrists, his left hand can turn into a cannon...

All in all, the boy was made for war which was Arasaka's point to begin with. What they didn't expect it's for him to escape and remove the tracking device they putted in him.

Dressed up in a hoodie and some jeans Y/N walked towards his apartment, hand always close to the handgun hidden on his pants. Lately, he has been creating a name for himself on the Afterlife as a merc. He doesn't want to raise any attention so he only takes easy jobs, enough to sustain himself.

The boy finally reached the apartment. He made sure no one followed him and went inside. Now, he's safe.

The apartment it's very small. The kitchen was next to the living room, no walls separating each other. The bathroom has barely enough space for the shower and the sink. There was one last room, an "office". In reality, there's where he hides all his weapons. The bed was next to the bathroom. Not the best place to put it...

It wasn't fancy nor big but it was enough for Y/N.

Y/N sat on his couch and turned the T.V on. Before he could even rest for a minute, a call appeared. A netrunner called Kiwi. Y/N never saw her face but she has shown interest in working with him a couple of times.

He sighed and took the call. Thanks to the cyberimplants Y/N can talk through his head as if he had a phone inside.

Y/N:"Hey. More work?"

Kiwi:"Not exactly. My people wants to meet you."

Y/N:"Not interested."

Kiwi:"2000 Edis for just coming. A thousand more for listening to us. Don't like what you hear? You leave. But if you stay you'll get even more."


Kiwi:"As soon as possible."

It was 1:00 P.M. He didn't had anything to eat yet.


Kiwi:"I'll send you my location. When are you coming, Blade?"

Y/N:"2:00 A.M, maybe 2:30. Depends on how hungry I am."

Kiwi:"Gotcha. We'll we waiting. A pleasure doing business with you, like always."

Kiwi ended the call, finally letting Y/N take a rest. He has been hunting down a rapist this morning. After dumping an entire clip of his handgun on his head he wanted to rest a little. It seems there won't be much resting today.

The location Kiwi sended him was another apartment and it was close to his. Was it Kiwi's? He'll find out later.

Food was not a problem for Y/N since he wastes all his money on it to have a healthy diet. That's all he cares for right now. But, his appetite forces him to eat a lot.

Male Reader x Female Character Oneshots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now