Skylanders Academy: The Movie

נכתב על ידי Arkogon

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The Skylands was now peaceful again, no more bad guys or villains try to take over or conquer. With the Skyla... עוד

Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?
Chapter 2: Friends Return
Chapter 3: The Ancient Place
Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King
Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return
Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine
Chapter 7: We need the Brain
Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets
Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?
Chapter 10: No Rift Home
Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three
Chapter 12: The Devourer of World
Lyrics Song
Closing Credits

Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!

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נכתב על ידי Arkogon

The Rift still remains open but then closes after swallowing anything because there's nothing around it. The Skylanders were happy Godagemions is gone, trapped in other dimensions with nothing he can't devour. And Brain was gonna make his getaway.

Brain: "Well, that's my cue." As he pops out his suitcase and a hat with his Mind magic. "Time to skedaddle. Ya-ya-ya-yaaa!"

But he was vacuumed by Jet-Vac's vac-gun because he was still in trouble.

Spyro: "Not so fast, squishy. You were the one helping him."

Brain: "Oh, come on, Spyro. The Intelligent who sent that guy who released me from the jar I've been living in for a thousand years. What am I supposed to do? Not help him?"

Stealth Elf: "Well, yes."

Brain: "Okay, so maybe helping Overtron wasn't the best idea to make him full "god mode" that I respect. But let's talk about that hero now, there's a ton of evildoers out there. *Chuckles* Am I right? I could help you with that."

Spyro: "How do we know if we could trust you?"

Jet-Vac: "Because if he tries any funny stuff it's back to the jar."

Brain: "What he said." As he was nervous.

Tlos Spyro: "*Ahem* And what about us? We're still here in this world. How can we go home?"

Brain: "Well, it's easy. I have Mind Magic. I can send you two back to your universe in a jiffy."

Cynder: "And if you dare send them somewhere you already know the answer."

Brain: "I promise, I won't send them somewhere only to their true universe." As he cracked his tentacle. "Now, are you two ready?"

Tlos Spyro and Reginated Spyro nodded as they were ready, and Brain was ready to send them back but interrupted when Spyro wanted to say something.

Spyro: "Hang on, I just wanted to say farewell."

Brain: "*Sighs* Okay, but please make this quick. I don't have all day."

Spyro met his counterpart and wanted to say something before farewell.

Spyro: "Seems like you guys are going home."

Tlos Spyro: "We sure are."

Reginated Spyro: "Agreed with you."

Spyro: "Listen, guys. I wanted to say something..... But it's hard for me to say it because ...."

Reginated Spyro: "Spyro, we know. It's hard for us to say it too. We are just glad we came here."

Tlos Spyro: "And we have been through alot bad guys we just faced. It's what we Spyros do."

Spyro then hugs them because it was the best day of meeting each other together with the same dragon, same powers, and same ego. Cynder comes up to them and thanks them.

Cynder: "I thank you two for helping my husband. I never doubt your life for risking everything."

Reginated Spyro: "Well, I risk it because it's what I do to save my dragon's friends."

Tlos Spyro: "And for me, even though you do look like "my Cynder" but beautiful."

Cynder blushes on how what he says about "his Cynder" then Team Spyro, the D-Team, and their friends come forward to say farewell.

Stealth Elf: "Wish you two stay for a while but I know you two have to go home."

Jet-Vac: "It was great meeting you two."

Eruptor: "I always wish to have another Spyro, which has happened but it is time to come home."

Pop Fizz: "I don't know what to say but I do not know how I can tell between you two, Spyro... Spyro..."

Sprocket: "Kinda wish I learned more about you guys how you two look different from "our Spyro."

Flame: "We would always remember you two both saving our world in Dragon History."

Ember: "I cloud wish I know if there's "us" in both of your worlds."

Sparx: "I don't know what to say but if "yours Sparx" wonders where you I are, just tell them you met another Sparx who is more cooler."

Flameslinger: "I wish to see but I sense that power from each of your hearts."

Kaos: "I wanted to know how you two enter our world but that does not concern me."

Aurora: "I just wish I could know the two of you, but I do learn that you're just like Spyro."

Crash Bandicoot: "I wish my sister would see me meeting the two of you but she's okay when I tell her I met the two of you. And you, you really look familiar." As he told Reginated Spyro.

Wizbit: "My apology for bringing the two of you here but my mistake saved Skylands thanks to you."

Camo: "I'm still confused between you guys, but you're awesome."

Sunburn: "Kinda wish we could spend more time but I understand you guys. Home is where you need to return."

Echo: "I just wanted to sing to you guys but don't have time for that now. Just glad to finally meet you."

Zap: "I just wanna know how you can do four elements but you are really cool with that lighting bolt." As he told Tlos Spyro.

Then last, Nina and Zoran, they were finally meeting them. They look like their father but different as they hug them with a smile.

Nina: "Thank you for everything. Thanks for helping our dad and his friends."

Zoran: "I just wanna know how cool you really are just like our dad."

Tlos Spyro and Reginated Spyro thanked them and were ready to go home, as Brain was ready for his final word.

Brain: "Alright then, Presto Brain-o!!

Soon, Tlos and Regianted Spyro disappear into light with their last goodbye to them and to each other. Wizbit then sees Nefarion was just standing there who didn't say farewell to them but still himself.

Wizbit: "You're confused why we rescue you."

Nefarion: "Confuse a bit, why did you save me if you should've let me go?"

Wizbit: "Evil don't deserve fate, not what after they have done for us to save the world."

Nefarion: "But why you risk it?"

Wizbit: "Because an enemy was once a friend." As he looks back to see his friends. "And a friend deserves to live another time."

He then gave something for him so he and the Doomlanders will be gone somewhere where the Skylanders could not look for them.

Nefarion: "You're giving me the coordinates to a place where they cannot look?"

Wizbit nodded as he raised his hand to shake as trust, but he then hugged him because not only as a friend but as thank you. Nefarion gathers his Doomlanders and they portal away, not letting the Skylanders notice.

The Skylanders head for home at the Academy where every citizen waits for their heroes to show up when they notice Nefarion and the Doomlanders are gone. Wizbit knows but he doesn't tell them just only keep a promise.

Wizbit: "I have no idea where they are. Once they were there, then poof they're gone."

Eruptor: "Poof? Just poof? Evil can't just poof their way out when they.... Poof."

Stealth Elf: "I guess we'll just have to wait and see. We'll be ready for them when they come out of their hiding."

They were ready for their calls but the calls were for the D-Team, as Nina and her team appeared to their spot as everyone applauded them as their heroes. As they step to the spotlight, Nina notices her father and his friends not being called to their heroes. She knows she and her team did not save the world alone but she was presented to the crowds as she spoke.

Nina: "I.... Thank you. I love you all for liking us as heroes. But.... I.... I wanted to say something." As she explained. "My friends and I were your heroes for a long time because we saved the other realm, but we didn't do it alone. And we're not really your heroes.... Your real heroes are there." As she shows them revealing the Team Spyro.

The elite Skylanders were in the spotlight, as Nina shows them all they are the true heroes to Skylands.

Nina: "They are your true heroes. My father and his friends made us become Skylanders because they were the first heroes. We were trained by them, learned by them, and be like them. Our heroes are the heroes of the Skylands."

The crowds were silent and applauded their true heroes which put a smile on Team Spyro. Spyro and Cynder hug Nina and Zoran as they were proud of them, and their friends were heroes again for Skylands.

Brain: "*Ahem* Yes, fello, good guys, it does feel good to end, does it. Now, as the smartest most powerful brain in the known universe, and Skylanders Academy newest professor. It is time to deliver my end of the bargain."

Nina: "What bargain?" She asked.

Master Eon: "Brain and I have the agreement, he will use his Mind Magic only by means to train our cadets from the Academy and the M.A.P."

Brain: "Indeed, and for me to show how good I am, I will add our happily ending song."

With a little Ming Magic, he created a perfect ending song that is good for every Skylanders and friends. And this song he just got it from with his Ming Magic from somewhere he used to put a good ending.

Spyro, Cynder, Stealth Elf, Pop Fizz, Jet-Vac, & Eruptor:
"We are, we are... Not your ordinary fami-mily. But we can all agree that."

Nina, Zoran, Sunburn, Echo, Camo, & Zap:
"We are, we are.... Close as close can be."

Sparx: "Very close."

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

(We are)

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

(We are)

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

(We are)

"We are..."

Crash Bandicoot & Wizbit:

"So it don't matter what it looks like. We look perfect to me. We got every kind of love. I feel so lucky indeed."

"They can keep on talking. It don't matter to me. 'Cause we are, we are... "


Kassondra & Master Eon:

"We are, we are...."


Echo: "Nice timing."

Sparx: "Thanks."

"Ok, so the links in our chain makes us strange."

"But really they make us stronger."

"And I wouldn't replace not a thing."


"Or father."

Sparx: "That's right."

"Cause we-e-e-e..."

"Cause we come from everywhere."


Stealth Elf:
"Searching for ones to care."

"Somehow we found it here."

"We found us a home."

"We are, we are... Not your ordinary...."

Nina & Zoran:
"Fami-mily. But we can all agree that."

Flame & Ember:
"We are, we are...."

Stealth Elf & Flameslinger:
"Close as close can be."

"We are....!"

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

(We are)

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

(We are)

"We are ah-ah-ah-aaah."

Hugo & Glumshanks:
(We are)

"We are, we are...




"We are, we are...."


Brain: "Just wanted to say that.. Hehe."

(The End)

המשך קריאה

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