Skylanders Academy: The Movie

By Arkogon

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The Skylands was now peaceful again, no more bad guys or villains try to take over or conquer. With the Skyla... More

Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?
Chapter 2: Friends Return
Chapter 3: The Ancient Place
Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King
Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return
Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine
Chapter 7: We need the Brain
Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets
Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?
Chapter 10: No Rift Home
Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three
Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!
Lyrics Song
Closing Credits

Chapter 12: The Devourer of World

203 3 1
By Arkogon

All of them surround Overtron, as he is in no condition to fight them all but he has another plan he has been waiting for all those years.

Overtron: "I will not be defeated by all of you, Skylanders. I can still have what I want, even if I have to give up my body again. Brain, you know what to do."

Brain: "Well, if this gonna work for you? I suppose this body of yours is going to work to take over Skylands more than I ever imagined in your mind."

Overtron: "Brain!"

Brain: "*Sighs* Fine." As he begins using Mind Magic. "Presto Brain-o!!"

The Thinking Cap starts to levitate to Overtron, and the Dark Rift Engine was taking aparts at a time and attaching themselves to him. Every part of it came to him, as he was being covered around him and levitated into the air and spun. They all watch, as Overtron has started to transform.

Crash Bandicoot: "That can't be good." While watching.

And soon, Overtron has transformed into a giant monstrous metal creature with big wings, four arms, four voids, and a stomach-mouth. Overtron regains himself and reveals his new personality he has become now.

Overtron: "I am no longer Overtron anymore, I am now your true God of this universe. I am Godagemions! Known as "G.O.D.A.G.E.M.I.O.N.S." Stands for, "Galactic, Order, Dimension, Artificial, Generations, Evolution, Monstrous, Intelligent, Omega, Nexus, Supreme."

Zoran: "Galactic, Order, Dimension..." As he tries to spell it out. "Ah, now I understand that name. I thought he just made that up to give himself the credits. But it is cool how he did that."

Nina: "It won't be cool if he is that size. Quick, take him down!"

All of them use their powers and attack him, but their powers only lead straight to his stomach mouth as it eats them.

Pop Fizz: "Did that stomach mouth just swallow them?"

Then Godagemions fueled with their elements and grew stronger and bigger than his last size.

Camo: "And he just got bigger?"

Flameslinger: "I'm sensing his body has become more than I sensed before. His body has become a devourer that feeds on pure energy that surrounds us giving him the strength and the sizes of his waist."

Master Eon: "Overtron! You have gone mad! What else do you plan to do with our world?"

Godagemions: "I am gonna devour this world and create my own image of my design. Then I'll keep devouring more universes and create what's left of them, and devour more to build my own universe as my vision. I'll be the true god that you never see. A true god."

Spyro: "The only true thing about you is getting your butt kicked by us."

They all attacked with everything they got, but he was tougher with armor shells around him. He then spit out of his dark minions to attack them. They defeated them but more came out, as many more just kept on coming. But spitting them out causes him to shrink smaller from using his energy to create his army.

Cynder: "Look, Godagemions is shrinking when spitting out more of his minions."

Jet-Vac: "She's right, we might be able to shrink him back to his size if he keeps on doing it."

The Skylanders keep on fighting more minions to keep Godagemions to spit more of his minions. And soon, he was getting smaller and knew need more energy so he then devoured dark crystals and grew bigger to his size again.

Zap: "He just keeps on getting bigger if those are around. We have to get rid of them."

Echo: "There's so many of them, and how are we gonna do that if we can't touch them?"

Zap: "I have no idea." Not knowing what to do.

As they kept on fighting, Godagemions devoured more and grew twice the size than any of them. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and then ready for his actions.

Godagemions: "Time to feed on all those who oppose me."

He opens his stomach-mouth and sucks everything in, causing the heroes to be dragged into it.

Sprocket: "Hang on!!" While holding onto something.

While all of them being dragged in, Godagemions chuckles viciously of finally swallowing his enemies transferring them into his strength but soon was interrupted by Brain.

Godagemions: "What is it?"

Brain: "Well, for starters, I have learned of many times you create your minions to defeat your opponents but they are beaten so easily as you keep summoning them. Like the time you summon a lot of them in the sky, then spawn more here but are beaten again. Your imagination wasn't stronger than I thought you would be until you gave me your "God Form" image to make you more what you want to be. But it makes you hungry for energy all around us. And for that imagination, is not what I expected."

Godagemions: "What do you mean by that?"

Brain: "Well, I like to think of myself as a tolerant guy, Overtron, but bringing up my lack of thumbs? Well, that crosses a line for me. And you know what else? These heroes have much better imagination than yours. I sense how Nefarion created his Doomlanders for evil but he now uses them to defeat you cause they all join the Skylanders' side. And for my thought of that, now I finally understand why my Ancients were able to build Skylands because they were good. Being good is what makes the heroes so strong. Especially now that I know how to make things strong, I can make them strong by joining their side.... Presto Brain-o!!" As he did his Mind Magic.

His magic affects all around and affects the dark voids turning them into the elemental light that gives strength to the Skylanders, and everything that surrounds them can affect Godagemions.

Godagemions: "What? You betray me over those Skylanders? No one betrays their god!"

He was about to grab him but got hit by Eruptor's fireball which affected him.

Eruptor: "Hey, it works! The light is giving us strength."

Master Eon: "Then we have the chance to fight back. Skylanders, give everything you got."

The heroes use their powers and attack everything they got on Godagemions. He was getting hit by all of them and can't devour any powers they attack, and then the Spyros prepare for their attack.

Spyro: "Our turn, ready, Spyros?"

Reginated Spyro: "Ready as you are." As he's ready.

Tlos Spyro: "Ready." As he's ready.

The three Spyros unleashed their powers, and it was their purple powers which was Aether, everyone was amazed the two Spyros can do what Spyro can.

Nina: "My dads are amazing." Telling her friends.

The Spyros share their powers together making themselves stronger and unleash the Aether at Godagemions and blast him straight out of the castle to the sky. The heroes were surprised the three Spyros just blasted him out with just one shot.

Reginated Spyro: "I guess that's the end of him." As he thought.

They all believe it but their expression changes when something emerges behind them, as they turn and see surprising them more because they made things a lot worse. Godagemions emerged and he was colossus, bigger than they had ever seen before.

Tlos Spyro: "That's not good."

Godagemions looks at himself and sees he's now a colossus then he ever was from devouring the Aether when blasting away.

Godagemions: "Seems like the Aether just gave me more to be bigger than all of you, tiny pests."

As he then smashes the castle with them in it, but they manage to jump out of the castle and into Flynn's ship. Flynn steers his ship away right before Godagemions' stomach-mouth begins to swallow everything including the castle into him.

As they set sail, they see Godagemions devour the winder isle into nothing but skies. Then he continues on by finding another aisle for him to devour.

Crash Bandicoot: "That's not good."

Jet-Vac: "Of course it's not good, we now have to face a giant Overtron who's gonna eat our entire universe. How are we gonna stop him now?"

Stealth Elf: "There has to be something we can stop him. Something we have never tried before."

Hugo: "We can open a portal for him. He can be sent somewhere far away."

Wizbit: "That will bring him back still he has the power to travel through any universe, and he will devour something that we do not know where we sent him."

Sunburn: "We can try Spyros' Aether again."

Zoran: "That can make ten time the size worse. Something that can devour him more than all of us."

Master Eon: "Wait, say that again?"

Zoran: "Something that can devour him?"

Master Eon: "Yes, that's it." As he figures out how to stop it. "We can devour him by using the Dark Rift Engine."

Eruptor: "But we don't have one."

Glumshanks: "Actually, we do. The engine we just built when you guys were fighting."

Pop Fizz: "So, what does that mean?"

Master Eon: "It means we can trap him into other dimensions with nothing he can't devour, just like trapping the Darkness."

Spyro: "And I have a plan. All we have to do is distract Overtron to keep him busy...."

Tlos Spyro: "As you guys set and start the Dark Rift Engine in front of him........"

Reginated Spyro: "And we flee away from this place as it swallows him into a void where he never again hurts this world."

The Spyros agreed with it together, as they others wonder how they do that.

Eruptor: "Is it me, or did the Spyros just get along very fast?"

Stealth Elf: "They're Spyros, alright."

While they set everything up, Godagemions was beginning to devour every Skylands' isle into his stomach-mouth. He grew stronger and bigger, until the D-Team caught his attention by mocking him.

Nina: "Hey, Overtron! How hungry are you?! I heard that you may get a stomach ache from eating all those chunks of rocks!"

Zoran: "Is your mouth that big, or the other mouth of your stomach that big?!"

Sunburn: "Do you know why you're going so slow, because you're gaining weight!"

Camo: "How many stomachs do you have in you? I heard that you ate a giant castle with your big mouth!"

Echo: "Who am I listening to?! Your mouth, or the big mouth from the stomach?!"

Zap: "Do you have another mouth from your butt?!"

Their words have agitated him and wanted to devour them so he won't hear a single word of them. Then Team Spyro and their friends get him and say anything to keep him distracted. Glumshanks and Hugo place the Dark Rift Engine right in front of him and start it. Then they ran to Flynn's ship, as they sailed to get away. Back with the heroes, they were losing isle from his devour until he got them right where he wanted.

Godagemions: "At last, I finally have you all here. When I devour you all, I'll devour every Skylands, then the Dragon Realm, and finally, every universe until I have enough to rebuild a new universe for myself. I'll be the God of the Universe!"

Spyro: "Well, here's one thing I have to say for Gods, "Can't prove you are giant because you're a god!"

Godagemions: "Wise words, but now it's time to finish my dessert."

As he was about to devour them all, a rift was ripping aparts behind and began swallowing anything with force, and Godagemions sensed a force being pulled in as he looked behind to see it pulling anything in. The Skylanders watch right when the Dread Yacht emerges with their friends onboard.

Cali: "Quick, get on!"

They get onboard, as Flynn steers his ship away before they get caught into the rift's force. But Godagemions notice their escape as he begins to devour them with force. The rift rips open and begins to drag him in it but he brings along the heroes by dragging them into his stomach-mouth. The Skylanders hold on while Flynn struggles to escape his wraith but can't because his force was too strong.

Flynn: "I can't get us out of his mouth's path. We're going straight to his mouth!"

Master Eon: "Then we give what he wants. Everyone, focus and channel your powers. We must push him back in."

All of them channel their powers and focus on Godagemions, but Nefarion and the Doomlanders did not, but he sees all of them doing it including Wizbit. He knew he must do it as well as he did the same and the Doomlanders joined in. Together, they all focus right before they're getting close to Godagemions' stomach-mouth. He was almost closer to them as he reached them, but they unleashed their powers and it blasted right to his face causing to loose balance and was pulled into the rift. He was pulled into the rift as he clung onto the rifts' side and held on.

Godagemions: "You.... can't.... Wi-i-i-i-i-inn!!!" As he was then dragged into the rift.

They finally relieved it was over but one void was behind them and charged towards Wizbit, but Nefarion pushed him as he was dragged into the rift with it.

Wizbit: "Nefarion! We must go to save him!"

Kaos: "You crazy, we can't save him, it's his fate."

Wizbit: "No one deserves fate. We mustn't let him be trapped with him! Even evil doesn't deserve this fate."

He was right, they all agree they do not let bad guys to their fate so Flynn steered his ship to the opening rift and went through. They now enter the wormhole as they travel, and see Nefarion floating and attacking Godagemions with all his dark magic. He sees them and confuse why they came to rescue him.

Jet-Vac: "Quick, get onboard!"

Nefarion: "You're rescuing me? Why would you save me for what I've done?"

Stealth Elf: "Just get onboard, please!"

Nefarion got onboard, just as Godagemions saw and made his chance to devour them. The Skylanders are now being dragged into his mouth and can't escape his grip.

Pop Fizz: "We're not going anywhere! We gotta do something!"

Wizbit: "Yes, we are." As he then looks at Nefarion. "Nefarion, remember the magic we use when we're little?"

Nefarion knows what he means, as he and Wizbit prepare to give what Godagemions want. Then Brain helped by making their magic so powerful, they focused and created a powerful magic ready to take him out once and for all. Godagemions see what's happening and do not understand what they're doing.

Godagemions: "Wait, what.... Wh-what are you doing?!"

Nefarion: "Giving what you wanted, Overtron. A perfect prison."

They unleash it, and it strikes right at him, blowing him out into existence and creating a force pushing the Dread Yacht out of the wormhole and out of the rift far away from it.

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