Skylanders Academy: The Movie

By Arkogon

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The Skylands was now peaceful again, no more bad guys or villains try to take over or conquer. With the Skyla... More

Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?
Chapter 2: Friends Return
Chapter 3: The Ancient Place
Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King
Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return
Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine
Chapter 7: We need the Brain
Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets
Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?
Chapter 10: No Rift Home
Chapter 12: The Devourer of World
Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!
Lyrics Song
Closing Credits

Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three

230 3 3
By Arkogon

Overtron has consumed every part of Skylands into his crystal and began his new powers now. He and Brain are almost ready to change Skylands into theirs.

Overtron: "All the Skylands' energy, finally mine. I can now be able to open rifts to any universe I want, including the Dragon Realm as well."

Brain: "Yes, yes, I know, but can we just do it now?"

Ovetron: "Yes, yes, I was getting to that part."

Before he can do it, Spyro interferes with their devouring as he takes his heroic pose. And Overtron was surprised he's alive.

Overtron: "You're alive? That's impossible!"

Spyro: "It's possible, and you're gonna pay for what you did to Master Eon and the others, and the team."

Overtron: "Well, at least they won't be the problem. After all, it's just you and me."

Brain: "And me.."

Overtron: "Not you!" As he grabs him on top. "You will keep guarding the Dark Rift Engine until I get rid of him, and this time he'll wipe for good."

Brain: "*Sighs* Fine." As he flies and keeps guarding the Rift Engine.

Overtron: "Now then, let's finish what we started."

Spyro made his move, and they both attacked with their abilities. Spyro uses his flame but it then absorbs into Overtron's crystal.

Overtron: "Do you forgot my crystal can still absorb your powers making me strong?"

Spyro: "Yeah, I notice now." As he fights.

He fights with every might, as Overtron hits him with one strike and is ready for the final attack.

Overtron: "This time, I'll make you gone forever!"

He blasts his powerful attack which hits him. He was hurt, and he was confused why he's not disappearing.

Overtron: "Huh? That's impossible. You're supposed to disappear into thin air."

Spyro wondered, too, how he survived the attack. But Overtron doesn't care about that question and wants to get rid of him for good. He is ready for his powerful attack but a lightning bolt strikes him. The two Spyros came to aid their Spyro, as Brain was shocked to see two Spyros.

Brain: "Two Spyros? I think I must be dreaming."

Overtron: "Two of them?" As he thinks and finally understands how. "Now I know why I can't destroy you, because of them. The two Spyros are in this universe which means they are keeping you here. If I destroy the three of you together, then you both will be wiped from existence."

Reginated Spyro: "That's not gonna happen, because we defeat any villains from our universe."

The three Spryos stood ready, as Overtron calculated and knew he needed to fight the odds.

Overtron: "I think I need to change the odds to even, by gathering the perfect villain that you Spyros are gonna face."

He then starts by using all his powerful magic and begins opening two portals between him. Then one came through from the left, which was an ape warrior. And the other came through was a dinosaur. And the two from different universes were confused and wondered where they were.

Dinosaur: "Hey, where am I? What is this place?"

Ape: "And what are you, reptile?"

As the two of them wanted to know, the two Spyros know who they are.

Tlos Spyro: "Gaul?"

Reginated Spyro: "Ripto?"

The two nemesis look and see their true enemy but confused there's three Spyros, as Overtron tells them.

Overtron: "You two, will help me destroy these Spyros. If you want to return to your world."

Gaul: "Fine, but I wanted to destroy that Spyro." Pointing at Tlos Spyro.

Ripto: "Well, I don't know what's going on but that Spyro is mine." Pointing at Reginated Spyro.

Overtron: "Choose one, I don't really care which Spyros you take."

The villains bring their weapons, and the Spyros ready their fight of their own. The Spyros take on their arch enemy but it seems like they are not good at fighting them.

Spyro: "Guys! I needed help here!" While battling Overtron.

Reginated Spyro: "Little busy here!" While battling Ripto and dodgine from spells attack. "But I need backup!"

Tlos Spyro: "I'm kinda battling an old enemy here that I defeated before!" While battling Gaul.

Gaul: "Before? I have never been defeated before!"

Tlos Spyro: "And you will again!" As he blasted his lighting at him but hit Reginated Spyro instead. "Sorry!"

Reginated Spyro: "I'm okay...." As he gets up and continues battling Ripto.

None of the Spyros aren't strong enough to defeat them, as Overtron unleashes his powers on all of them.

Overtron: "None of you, Spyros, can't defeat us. I now have the powers of the Portal Master which granted me to open any villains from every universe that I can bring to create my army. And nothing can't stop me!"

As he was about to unleash again, Tlos Spyro uses his Earth elements to stop him from doing it. It causes an explosion which blined the villains, and they do not know where the Spyros are. The Spyros hide somewhere where they do not know what to do.

Reginated Spyro: "What the heck is going on out there? I keep yelling at you, Spyro 2!"

Tlos Spyro: "I know, but I thought you were Spyro 2."

Reginated Spyro: "What? I'm not Spyro 2."

Spyro: "Stop arguing, both of you! Listen to Spyro 1." As the Spyros stop talking and listen to him. "Look, we're clearly not very good at this."

Reginated Spyro: "I know, I know. We suck. I don't know how to work as a team."

Tlos Spyro: "Me neither."

Spyro: "I do. I've been in a team, okay? I don't wanna brag, but I will. I was in Skylanders."

Tlos Spyro: "Skylanders?"

Spyro: "Yeah..."

Tlos Spyro: "That's great."

Spyro: "Thank you."

Tlos Spyro: "What is that?"

Spyro: "Wait, you don't have the Skylanders?"

Reginated Spyro: "Is that a band? Are you in a band?"

Spyro: "No, I'm not in a band. No, Skylanders is like "Skylanders Unite!"

Tlos Spyro: "How's this helping?"

Spyro: "Look, it's not important. All we gotta do is focus, trust your ego and coordinate our attacks. Okay?"

Tlos Spyro: "Yes. Okay. Let's pick one target."

Spyro: "Right."

Reginated Spyro: "We take them off the board one at a time."

Spyro: "Now, you got it." As he then gave each themselves a number. "Spyro 1, Spyro 2..."

Tlos Spyro: "Spyro 2.

Reginated Spyro: "Spyro 3."

Spyro: "Spyro 3."

Spyro: "Alright, let's do this. Ready?"

Reginated Spyro: "Wait, wait, wait!" As he pauses them for a second. "I love you, guys."

Spyro/Tlos Spyro: "Thank you."

This brought courage to each of them as they were ready to take on the villains.

Spyro: "All right, let's do this."

Reginated Spyro: "Let's go."

Spyro (Spyro 1), Tlos Spyro (Spyro 2), and Reginated Spyro (Spyro 3) take their flight and land to their heroic pose, ready to take on their villain. The Sinisters Three; Overtron, Gaul, and Ripto prepare, as the Spyros engage the battle of their foes.

Meanwhile, the Skylanders are still busy battling every dark minion in the air and on the airship. Cali and Flynn have finally finished building this secret plan. And when they did, they finally saw what it was about this secret plan.

Flynn: "Another Dark Rift Engine? Why on earth Master Eon wants us to build another one if Overtron just built one already?"

Glumshanks: "Maybe it's something we need to control. Like the Portal Master."

Hugo: "You're right, Portal Masters can open portals to anything. If we use our powers together, we can open a rift somewhere."

Cali: "Or someone. Quick, start the engine and control the rift."

Flynn starts the engine, as it starts to open a rift, and Hugo and Glumshanks use their powers to take control of the rift without letting it devour anything around them. Once they did it together, the rift started to open and it was stabilized until it was fully controlled by them. And it worked, the rift was finally in their control. Then something they see from the other side surprises them the most. Outside, the others can't keep fighting many minions and Doomlanders until something happens. The Doomlanders stopped and then turned against the dark minions, giving the heroes confusion as to why they were turning against their army.

Crash Bandicoot: "What's going on? Why are they turning against their army?"

Sprocket: "Don't know, but this is our chance!"

They helped the Doomlanders and destroyed many dark minions, as all the evil foes were being destroyed one by one. Soon, all the dark minions were gone, as the Skylanders cheered. And then, the Doomlanders bowing to them makes them confused until Flameslinger senses a presence behind.

Flameslinger: "I think I know." As he turned around.

They all look behind and see why as they know who they are bowing to. Back at the castle, the Spyros battle the villains as they take on one enemy.

Spyro: "The Ape dude, first!"

They agree and focus on him, as Gaul battles them but only wants to battle Tlos Spyro.

Gaul: "You are a coward, Spyro. You don't have the strength to defeat me."

Tlos Spyro: "I heard that before when I defeated you."

This enrages Gual and swings his giant dual sword at him but only swinging at Reginated Spyro. Then together, the Spyros have beaten him and are ready to defeat him.

Reginated Spyro: "This is the part where we sent you back."

And they did, he was closer to his portal where he came from and it was pulling him in.

Gaul: "You will be destroyed, Spyro! If it's the last thing I do!!!!" As he was pulled into his universe, and the portal closed and disappear.

Tlos Spyro: "Good-bye, Gaul." Seeing the last of Gual. "Who's next?"

Reginated Spyro: "Next, Ripto."

The Spyros face Ripto, as Overtron knows what they're planning.

Overtron: "Brain! I need power."

Brain: "Are you sure? Harvesting Skylands' energy will...."

Overtron: "It will help me to destroy them! Now, do it!"

Brain released energy of Skylands and it was consumed into Overtron's crystal. He was full of power and rage, unleashing everything at the Spyros. Ripto sees the power he never knew and wanted for himself as he uses his wand to steal his. Overtron sees he betray him over with powers.

Overtron: "You betray me?!"

Ripto: "Those powers will not be yours anymore. Now, they are mine! I will steal what you're using and destroy all of you and rule this world! Mwa-ha-haa!"

Reginated Spyro: "He's stealing his power! We can't let him do that. If he has all those powers he'll change Skylands into something even worse!"

Tlos Spyro: "Then we gotta take what gives him the powers. Spyro 3, anything we can stop him?"

Reginated Spyro: "Yeah, we need to take that staff! That's the source of his powers."

The three of them charge at Ripto, but he notices and swings his staff creating a pulse wave at them to the ground. And he has them on the ground with his magic.

Ripto: "You three, can't stop me! I will win and turn this world into my empire forever!"

Overtron: "You will not take this world from me. Brain, do something!"

Brain uses his Mind Magic which has helped and turn Ripto's staff into his energy source. He drained all of it back, and regained full strength, as Ripto was now weak with his staff. And he was in trouble.

Ripto: "Wait, I was just helping you to be more powerful."

Reginated Spyro: "I don't think he's happy, Shorty."

Overtron was furious and was going to destroy him, but Tlos Spyro and Reginated Spyro stopped him, and Spyro was the only one to deal with Ripto. But he had no knowledge about him and ended up being defeated.

Ripto: "You, dragon, you may look like the other one but I will steal from you and I will take this world as mine."

As he was about to steal his, a blast shot his staff away from his grip and released Spyro. He looked and to his surprise, Master Eon, Kaos, Kassondra, Aurora, and Wizbit were alive.

Spyro: "Master Eon! Kaos! Kassondra! Aurora! Wizbit! You guys are alive!"

Kaos: "We sure are, and it seems like you need the team."

Then the six mysterious dragons appear and reveal to be the D-Team, as Spyro can't believe they're alive too. And see Nina and Zoran are alive as well. He tells them they need to send him back to the portal where he came from, and they do as Ripto was dragged into his world.

Ripto: "You will pay, Spyro! You will pay!!!!!!!" As he was dragged into his world, and the portal closed.

With him returned, they all now face Overtron as he defeats two Spyros by tossing them out of their sight. And he sees them alive.

Overturn: "Impossible! How are you all back?"

Master Eon: "You can't destroy things that need to be destroyed. Those we were destroyed will never be destroyed. Now, Skylanders, it's time to stop him!"

The Skylanders come out and give everything they got on him, as the Doomlanders join in to fight with them.

Spyro: "The Doomlanders? How-?"

Jet-Vac: "Let's just say, someone wants him defeated too."

Then Nefarion steps in and uses dark magic at Overtron, as he collapses being weakened. He tries to consume more Skylands from the machine but then Hugo and Glumshanks stop it by using their powers to reverse the flow and shut it down. Skylands was now saved from being devoured, and Overtron and Brain are surrounded by them. Then Spyro hugs the D-Team, happy they're alive and back.

Spyro: "I can't believe you're all alive! How?"

Cali: "It's absolutely, they were alive the whole time. Master Eon's instruction was for us to find them. We build another Dark Rift Engine for Hugo and Glumshanks to contain it which opens to another dimension where they were alive by Overtron's attack."

Flynn: "Yup, and now, we finally got the whole family back together."

Spyro was glad and hugs his kids, and his wife, because he's happy they're not gone.

Spyro: "I miss you kids so much. I thought I lost you two." As his tears flow.

Nina: "We will never be gone, dad." As hers flows. "We never leave you by your side."

Spyros burst into tears and hugged his kids, and Cynder was happy they're back together again. Then the two Spyros came which surprised the others who were gone for a long time in other dimensions.

Sunburn: "Zap, zap me right now. I think I'm seeing two Spyros." As he thinks he's hallucinating or dreaming.

Spyro: "Right..." As he introduces them to them. "Everyone, this Spyro 2 and Spyro 3, they're from different universes. And they helped us."

Echo: "So, wait? There's two Spyros from two different universes? How's that possible?"

Zoran: "I don't know, but me and Nina just got three dads!" As he was surprising and believing.

As they were introducing, Overtron was weakened and was furious he wasn't powerful enough, and Nefarion wanted revenge.

Nefarion: "Seems like you didn't get rid of me, Master. Now it's revenge."

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