Skylanders Academy: The Movie

By Arkogon

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The Skylands was now peaceful again, no more bad guys or villains try to take over or conquer. With the Skyla... More

Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?
Chapter 2: Friends Return
Chapter 3: The Ancient Place
Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King
Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return
Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine
Chapter 7: We need the Brain
Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets
Chapter 10: No Rift Home
Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three
Chapter 12: The Devourer of World
Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!
Lyrics Song
Closing Credits

Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?

374 1 6
By Arkogon

    Skylands was now in trouble because now Overtron has spread his message to all over Skylands that he destroyed Master Eon, Kassondra, Wizbit, Kaos, Aurora, Spyro, and the D-Team, to ashes. Everyone including the Skylanders at the Academy were shocked to see that Overtron is back and the heroes are gone. Jet-Vac and his friends do not believe he couldn't destroy them easily but it was true of seeing the video of the heroes being destroyed and perished.

Eruptor: "He destroyed them? Can't be, can it?"

Stealth Elf: "I don't know, Master Eon, Kassondra, Kaos, Aurora, Nina, Zoran, the D-Team, and Spyro, they can't be gone."

Pop Fizz: "But did you see it with your eyes, he just vanquished them with one attack. And how is he back, we just got rid of him a long time ago."

Jet-Vac: "Well, he's now back again. And our friends are gone."

Cynder: "They're not gone!" As she did not believe. "Spyro and the kids are not gone."

Sprocket: "Cynder, I don't have to say this but they are gone."

Cynder: "No, they're not!" Screaming furiously. "I do not believe anything that I see!"

She was furious to believe they are not gone, but her friends still believe they are gone by Overtron's attack. She wanted not to believe but couldn't because it was all too real as she sobbed of her lost kids and her husband. The others do not know what to do, as Glumshanks and Hugo were sad about their masters gone and do not know what to do next. And Crash knew they wouldn't be gone because he has hope.

Crash Bandicoot: "There's no way they can be gone that way. If I knew Spyro, he would never have been defeated."

Glumshanks: "Even I believe that, but Kaos and Kassondra are gone. Along with Master Eon and Aurora."

Hugo: "Even Wizbit. I wish there's another way we can bring them back. The D-Team, and Spyro." As he moves his hand.

Then suddenly, a portal just almost appeared which got their attention by seeing what just happened. Hugo was surprised that he just almost opened a portal.

Stealth Elf: "Hugo, can you do that again?"

Hugo: "The D-Team, and Spyro......" As he moved his hand again.

The portal appears and fades again, as all of them see that Hugo can open portals with his bare hands.

Hugo: "I can open portals with my hands. I must be a Portal Master by now."

Flameslinger: "A what?"

Hugo: "Wizbit has me and Glumshanks train to be a Portal Master. And I think I can open portals with mine. If I am thinking about them, that means they're alive."

The others believed it might be true as they think they are alive.

Jet-Vac: "Well, what are you waiting for, open a portal if they are alive?"

Hugo began to open a portal by thinking of the D-Team and Spyro, as it began to open a portal. But it is still not opening, as he tries hard to open it wide.

Hugo: "This is how wide I can open it." As he is doing his best.

Just as he tries to open it, Glumshanks think if he too can open it. So he does what Hugo's doing, as they both start making the portal wider. And it did, as all of them couldn't believe they just opened a portal together. Then Cynder sees something through the portal, and sees a figure dragon who looks familiar.

Cynder: "Wait, I think, it's Spyro."

They all take a look to see, and see it is Spyro from the other side.

Eruptor: "It is him!" As he then calls for him. "Spyro! Over here!"

Spyro points at himself thinking they are talking to him.

Jet-Vac: "Yes, you! Come here!"

Spyro hurried to meet them, as they were happy to see he's alive. But when he got closer, their faces became confused, as he, what they weren't expecting, came through revealing he's not what they think he is. They backed away terrified and confused, as the Spyro was trying to calm them.

Reginated Spyro "Whoa! Whoa! It's okay, I understand what you're seeing."

Jet-Vac: "Who are you?!" He asked.

Eruptor: "And why do you look like him, with the same colors and the same dragon, but different?"

Reginated Spyro: "Okay, okay, I know you guys are scared or confused why I look like Spyro, because I am Spyro."

This confuses them more as they do not know what he meant; he's Spyro.

Pop Fizz: "Okay, I do not know what that means you are "Spyro."

Reginated Spyro "I know, I know, this is confusing. But I have one question, does this world have your Spyro with you?"

Stealth Elf: "Yes...."

Reginated Spyro: "And does he look different then me?"

Eruptor: "Yeah, he does look different then you."

Reginated Spyro: "I.... I knew it." As he was happy and surprised. "I'm in another universe where there is another Spyro who looks like me."

As he was surprised to be here, the others were confused why he looked alot like Spyro.

Pop Fizz: "Am I dreaming, or I'm seeing Spyro here with us?"

Stealth Elf: "That can't be. Unless...." As she figured it out. "Remember when Wizbit smashed the vial containing the darkness within, I think it must've affected our universe and have accidentally pulled him into our world."

Eruptor: "So wait, it pulls that Spyro into our world?"

Crash Bandicoot: "Well, if she's right, then we have the Spyro in our world." As he then speaks to Reginated Spyro. "So, Spyro from another world, why are you here?"

Reginated Spyro: "Well, I heard that Spyro is alive. But somewhere...."

Cynder: "He's alive? Where?"

Reginated Spyro: "I do not know, but he's alive because I think I felt his presence somewhere."

Hugo: "So, that means I open to the wrong Spyro."

Jet-Vac: "Maybe try again until we find him?"

Hugo: "If you're right, come on, Glumshanks. Let's do it again."

They both focus on finding Spyro and try their best to open a portal to him.

Hugo: "Find Spyro, find Spyro, find Spyro....."

They waited for another portal to open but it opened behind them. They notice it behind and look, but to notice that someone behind and came through it. And it was another purple dragon but different.

Glumshanks: "I guess we need to work on our portal appearance."

Sprocket: "Yeah, you two should." Then she faced the dragon. "Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Tlos Spyro: "Sorry, I came through that portal behind me..." As he looks back, it closes behind him. "Seems like it's gone."

All of them were confused about who he was, as Stealth knows he is.

Stealth Elf: "You're Spyro, aren't you?"

Tlos Spyro: "Yes, I am...." As he then sees another Spyro in front of him. "Wait, he's not your....."

They both look at each other for a second, then all of a sudden they attack each other with their flames which they both dodge and see they both have the same technique.

Eruptor: "I think I'm seeing two Spyro just did the same thing."

Jet-Vac: "They did, Eruptor. And I guess he was pulled in too."

Tlos Spyro: "Yes, and I was pulled into your world when I was with Sparx."

Pop Fizz: "Sparx, you mean our Sparx?"

Crash Bandicoot: "I think he's talking about "his Sparx."

Tlos Spyro: "And when I was dragged here, I did not know where I was until I heard about "your Spyro" in this universe."

Reginated Spyro: "I heard it too. That's when I begin to find your place until your portal suddenly appears."

Cynder: "Well, we can't even find him. He's nowhere to be found."

Tlos Spyro: "Maybe there is..." As he explained. "When I want to be alone, I go somewhere where it's quiet.."

Reginated Spyro: "And the place where I can view the sky all the time. The hill near the castle is my best spot to view."

Tlos Spyro: "Mine was on the balcony of the Dragon Temple."

As they recall their spots, Cynder figures out where "her Spyro" is.

Cynder: "I think I know where Spyro is."

    Somewhere around Skylands, Spyro was at the spot in the middle of Skylands, where he and Cynder used for their first date and with their kids. He was still sobbing of the loss of the D-Team as his friends found him. They knew he was crying as they all came to comfort him.

Stealth Elf: "Spyro, we're sorry. We know what happened. We are all sorry."

Spyro did not respond but continued sobbing, as they then introduced the others, meaning the Spyro.

Cynder: "Spyro, there's someone you want to meet. And it's them."

Spyro looks back and sees what he is now seeing with his own eyes. Reginated Spyro and Tlos Spyro were in the air and land to meet their counterpart. He backs away, as they show they are no threat to him.

Spyro: "You're..... Me." As he was surprised.

Tlos Spyro: "Yes, and we're sorry about them."

Spyro: "Don't be." As he looked away. "They died protecting me; Master Eon, Kassondra, Kaos, Aurora, Wizbit, Camo, Sunburn, Zap, Echo, and Nina and Zoran. They're all gone, and Skylands now lost their heroes. It was my fault. And I never have the chance if Nina forgives me for trying to help us. Overtron now got what he wanted and plans to take control of our world again. My powers have no effect on him anymore. I can't beat him in the same battle again. I can't let you two stay here, because he will destroy both of you if your universe needs you the most. So, Hugo, send them home."

Hugo: "But I don't have the spell to do it."

Spyro: "I don't care what it takes, just please."

Hugo wasn't sure he couldn't, but the Spyros reveal their sad story as well.

Tlos Spyro: "I lost Ignitus..."

They all listen, including Spyro, as he tells them about his own.

Tlos Spyro: "When "my Ignitus" help me and "my Cynder" to cross the Belt of Fire, he sacrificed himself to help us cross it to the Dark Master. I almost lost control of myself and I regained myself not to become one."

Reginated Spyro: "I lost my friend when the evil Sorceress banished my friends. I blame myself for bringing them to help me but it cost them to be gone. I was foolish to do it. We do not want you to end up like us, Spyro. You have to let us help to save your universe."

Spyro doesn't know if they can help, if they help they too might get destroyed.

Spyro: "If I let you two come, he'll do the same to all of us. I can't let you risk it."

Tlos Spyro: "We can. We may be different but we are the same. It's our job to protect our home, our friends, and our love."

Reginated Spyro: "We all have friends to protect, family to protect, and world to protect. It's who we are."

Spyro wishes they shouldn't come but they're right. Both Spyro protect their world from evil and they will do the same to protect his home.

Spyro: "We always save our home from evil. Because Together..."

Tlos Spyro: "We fly." As he finishes his sentence.

Spyro pauses and wonders how he knew he was going to say that.

Spyro: "How did you...."

Tlos Spyro: "Our friends told us."

Reginated Spyro: "When we were losing our hope."

Tlos Spyro: "Maybe they don't want us to lose hope."

This brings Spyro's courage back, as they all come together to find a way to stop Overtron once and for all, again. Soon, they are all at the M.A.P land where they plan to find the place where he is before it's too late.

Spyro: "Okay, so we all know Overtron is smart to have a secret place where he can use the Dark Rift Engine to devour our home. So we need to think like him, what place is more secret that he knew as a spirit."

Eruptor: "He needed somewhere where no one knew or had been there. That's another thing he really likes."

Stealth Elf: "A place where he can build more armies, well, now he can spawn more."

Jet-Vac: "And to build his secret weapon of his. So, what places we haven't visited."

Sprocket: "Well, I can research anything that Skylands can only know about the place we haven't visited."

Reginated Spyro: "Can I help, I just wanted to know how many lands you guys got around this world."

Sprocket: "Sure thing, just keep up cause I'm a fast reader."

As they read about Skylands, the others begin finding any clues or traces of what Overtron has left. As they work to find anything, Spyro and Cynder are together and this brings things up for them.

Cynder: "Spyro, I think we should talk about something..."

Stealth notices them and moves Eruptor and herself away from them. He was confused as he then noticed them and understood, as they moved away from them.

Spyro: "What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

Cynder: "I know Nina told you about you and your friends not being famous again. But she only wanted for you guys to be happy again cause you were heroes for Skylands."

Spyro: "We were, I just don't know if we can be heroes again. We tried everything to help Skylands to be safe but it wasn't enough. None have applauded us because we're not really, you know."

Cynder: "I understand, but maybe they didn't realize that their old Skylanders were the heroes for training the new Skylanders. Our son and daughter, they were new heroes because we were here. Our powers are the gift for them to learn of being like us, our friends, and our ancestors. They have the strength just like you, because they love you. And everyone in Skylands would always need us to protect them."

Spyro smiles, and then they both nuzzle together as love. Tlos Spyro and Reginated Spyro were watching and saw the loving dragon has love.

Reginated Spyro: "Wow, they really do share love together."

Tlos Spyro: "They sure do. He and Cynder sure have things together. Well, "his Cynder." I have "my Cynder" in my universe."

Reginated Spyro: "Ah..." As he figures, then ask one question. "You guys have kids, right?"

Tlos Spyro: "Not really, not yet."

Reginated Spyro: "Well, you might have kids right now. Even you and Cynder might as, well you know, do it together."

Tlos Spyro: "Yeah, how about yours? Do you have love for someone?"

Reginated Spyro: "Yeah, and it is not, well you know, Cynder because this love I have is a Faun."

Tlos Spyro: "A Faun, huh. So what's her name?"

Reginated Spyro: "Her name is Elora. I know it's weird she's not, you know."

Tlos Spyro: "I understand. Even I met a friend from "my Avalar named Hunter a cheetah." You have a friend named Hunter as well?"

Tlos Spyro: "Yeah, he too was a cheetah. He also has a pet as well, a falcon. And Sparx, my Sparx, think he's better than the falcon."

Reginated Spyro: "Wow, well, "my Sparx" company me with an epic adventure of battling orcs and monsters. I think he will accompany you sometimes."

Tlos Spyro: "He did, sometimes talk too much."

They both chuckle about their alternate friends from each universe, just as when Hugo has found something and calls for, you know who.

Hugo: "Spyro..."

Spyro/ Reginated Spyro/ Tlos Spyro: "Yeah? Oh, sorry, do you mean?" As they point at each other, wanting to know who he is talking to.

Hugo: "Spyro... Spyro... Spyro...."

Spyro/ Reginated Spyro/ Tlos Spyro: "We're all Spyro."

Hugo: "Spyro.... Spyro.... Spyro?"

Spyro/ Reginated Spyro/ Tlos Spyro: "Still Spyro...."

Hugo: "Uhh, "my Spyro," yeah, "my Spyro."

Spyro came and looked at what he was showing him.

Hugo: "This place that we haven't visited before."

Spyro: "What is that?"

Glumshanks: "It's a place. It's called Winter Island. It's a place where we have never gone before."

Eruptor: "Wait, is that the same place where a million years ago when Wizbit froze Nefarion in eternal winter?"

Pop Fizz: "Yeah, that's the same place in Skylands history."

Stealth Elf: "So, that means that must be the beginning where Overtron free him. And his castle might still be there."

Eruptor: "Well, you can't build a castle if you need all the help you get. You just gotta get one that is abandoned."

Jet-Vac: "Seems like Overtron really has been busy doing one thing. But now, we know where he is. So let's all get ready and stop his evil plan."

Reginated Spyro: "I just love the sound of that. I got my flames ready?"

Tlos Spyro: "Flames, you mean, you only breathe just the flames?"

Spyro: "Yeah, and so do I, why?"

Tlos Spyro then shouts out an ice right from his mouth, revealing he can blast an ice too. And it surprised them as well.

Eruptor: "You can use ice power too?" He asked Tlos Spyro.

Tlos Spyro: "Yeah, you two can't do that?"

Spyro: "No..."

Reginated Spyro: "How on earth did you...?"

Spyro: "Anyway, we got saving to do. So we gotta get there before he starts doing it. We need a ride."

Sprocket: "Way ahead of you, Spyro. I mean, "my Spyro."

As she and Flameslinger showed them, Flynn and Cali were waiting with the Dread Yacht.

Cali: "We're ready at your command, guys."

Jet-Vac: "Good, now let's hurry. His day of era is coming to an end."

The heroes onboard the Dread Yacht and set sail to Winter Island. And at Winter Island, Overtron has everything planned for his conquest. And then, he sings.

"Let's get down to business. To complete my plan."
"Did they think they could defeat me?"
When I am gone?"

"We're the smartest brain. You ever imagine."
"But you can bet before we're through."
"And we will be gods."

"Never ever give up hope. But on faith within."
"Once you find your hope. You are sure to win."
"We may not be famous, old, and weak. But we are who we are."
"Somehow we are, who we are."

"We're never gonna stop until it's over."

"Say goodbye to those who knew us."

Pop Fizz:
"Boy, was I wish I would've brought more potions."

"I'm ready to burn this serpent's tail."

Stealth Elf:
"Hope we can still defeat him again."

Tlos Spyro & Reginated Spyro:
"Now we really wish that we knew this guy."

"We are Ready!"

"We must be ready for the Final Plan."

"We are Ready!"

"Together we will save Skylands."

"We are Ready!"

Tlos Spyro:
"With all the strength of our elements. And we do it for our friends."
"Time is racing toward us. Till the darkness arrives."

Reginated Spyro:
"We must be ready. And we might survive."
"We will be suited for. The vanquish the evil."

"So let's do it together, as one, for our friends."
"How could I fix my love for the loss?"

"We are Ready!"

"We must be ready for the Final Plan."

"We are Ready!"

"Together we will save Skylands."

"We are Ready!"

Tlos Spyro:
"With all the strength of our elements. And we do it for our friends."

Reginated Spyro:
"Time is racing toward us. Till the darkness arrives."

"We are Ready!"
"We must be ready for the Final Plan."
"We are Ready!"
"Together we will save Skylands."
"We are Ready!"
"With all the strength of our elements. And we do it for our friends."
"Time is racing toward us. Till the darkness arrives."

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