Skylanders Academy: The Movie

By Arkogon

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The Skylands was now peaceful again, no more bad guys or villains try to take over or conquer. With the Skyla... More

Chapter 1: Which Heroes the best?
Chapter 3: The Ancient Place
Chapter 4: Skylanders meet the Nightmare King
Chapter 5: The Portal Master Return
Chapter 6: How to find the Dark Rift Engine
Chapter 7: We need the Brain
Chapter 8: The Dark Secrets
Chapter 9: Spyro, Spyro, Spyro?
Chapter 10: No Rift Home
Chapter 11: Spyros vs. the Sinisters Three
Chapter 12: The Devourer of World
Chapter 13: Presto Brain-o!!
Lyrics Song
Closing Credits

Chapter 2: Friends Return

203 2 1
By Arkogon

    Next day, the D-Team returned to the Academy from the sleepover they had.

Zap: "Best.... Sleepover... ever!"

Echo: "Well, you really did tell a scary story. It was a nightmare."

Nina: "Come on, Echo, we both sometimes get nightmares from him. Well, maybe only Hugo, who tells a story of sheep. I mean, why sheep, they're not scary."

They laugh and enter, and meet Stealth, Eruptor, Jet-Vac, and Pop.

Jet-Vac: "Welcome back, Skylanders. So, did you have fun there?"

Camo: "It was great, Professor Jet-Vac. It was fun when we hung out. You were right about the sleepover."

Jet-Vac: "Of course I was right, I'm the genius one."

As they were talking, Nina and Zoran notice their parents are not here with them.

Zoran: "Hey, where's mom and dad?"

Eruptor: "We haven't seen them come out of their room. We thought maybe they're tired so we let them sleep."

Nina: "But they'll never be tired. They are always up and ready."

Stealth Elf: "I think I better go check with them."

She teleports with a pop and arrives at their door, and knocks. As she waits, Spyro opens and sees her.

Spyro: "Stealth, you're up late."

Stealth Elf: "Yeah, and your kids have returned."

Spyro: "Return? But they only return when we wake up in the morning."

Stealth Elf: "It's past morning, Spyro. What have you two been doing?"

Spyro remembers the night of what he and Cynder did, and Stealth caught a glance and saw Cynder in bed asleep. Before she can look more, Spyro interrupts trying not to let her see.

Spyro: "I was staying up late and that's how it happened. So, let's go." As he hurried.

Stealth was confused and wondered what just happened but she followed him, and they arrived in the grand library to meet them all. Nina and Zoran see their father and hurry to him.

Nina/Zoran: "Dad!" As they hug him.

Spyro: "Great to see you two again. Did you have fun over there?"

Nina: "We did, dad. It was great." Then she notices someone is missing. "Hey, where's mom?"

Spyro: "She's asleep. She'll wake up when we give her a surprise."

They giggle, and then something opens behind the others. They turn and see that it was a portal and someone came through surprising them. Flame, Ember, and Sparx came through the portal.

Spyro: "Flame? Ember? Sparx? What are you three doing here?"

Flame: "We need to talk, it's an emergency." As he was worried.

They do not know what's going on and why, as Ember was carrying something in her bag. As everyone was here, including Master Eon and Kassondra, Ember shows them wearing a glove and pulling out a dark crystal. They were surprised, as Ember puts it down.

Camo: "What is that?"

Flame: "The guards found it near the city. It affects one of them when they touch it. It appears it contains...."

Master Eon: "Dark Magic...." As he answered.

They all look at him, as he tells them how he knew it.

Master Eon: I sense it's dark energy inside it. It appears to be some sort of "Dark Crystal."

Eruptor: "Another name we're calling it, but what's it anyway I never seen it before."

Ember: "So do we, that crystal wasn't in our realm for years. We never have history about it."

Kassondra: "That's because it's not in your world, it's ours."

Eruptor: "What?"

Kassondra: "That dark energy I senese before, it belong to Silther."

Sunburn: "The Ice Emperor? I thought he only used ice power."

Master Eon: "He does, but I think I know how." As he explained. "When the Elders trapped Silther and his Cyber-Dragons into his crystal and removed all of his curse from everyone and everything, it appears that all his ice powers were removed from the ice crystal he spread around your realm. But it only left his dark power inside of them, leaving it to be Dark Crystal. And if some of his crystal still remains in your world with no curse only with darkness, then the crystals are still there waiting to be found to spread darkness."

Everyone was surprised that they made the Dragon Realm more dangerous because the Dark Crystal is now born and remains to be found.

Sparx: "So, how dangerous are these crystals?" He asked.

Kaos: "More dangerous. Silther's dark power is more dangerous than me. We must find and stop them before they spread."

Stealth Elf: "But the only thing that destroys the darkness is with light."

Master Eon: "And that's why we brought a friend with Light."

Then someone came and it was Aurora, as they were surprised.

All of them: "Aurora...."

Aurora: "Great to see you guys, again."

She was a lot older than Kaos and she understood what's going on. Flame shows them where they found the rest of the Dark Crystal all over the Avalar. And with it, Master Eon split the team to help them.

Master Eon: "Now then, I need Team Spyro to stay here to keep Skylands safe, and you will be aided with Sprocket and Flameslinger."

Spyro and his friends are happy they can protect Skylands again, and Master Eon tells the D-Team something.

Master Eon: "The D-Team will help Flame and Ember to find all these Dark Crystal so Aurora can destroy them before anyone touches them."

Spyro: "What? They can go there with a dangerous mission while we stay here?"

They stared at him like he wanted to face danger.

Spyro: "I mean, that's great. I really love my kids who are ready to face danger."

Master Eon: "Thank you, Spyro." As he figured. "And now, D-Team, be prepared."

They all nodded their heads, and the D-Team prepared themselves to head back to the realm again. Just as Nina and Zoran were ready, they asked their father why he did not want them to go there.

Nina: "Dad, why don't you want us to go there?"

Spyro: "Me? Not wanting you guys to go there? Why would I say that?" As he lied.

Zoran: "Dad, we heard what you said. Why do you mean, "We can go there with a dangerous mission while you all stay here?" Are you mad that we can go anyway because we're heroes and everything?"

Spyro: "No, no, I'm not mad at you or your friends. I was just making sure you'll be okay when you get there."

Nina: "We are gonna be okay. And you don't have to lie to us. We understand we've been helping Skylands so much and everyone loves us, but not you. So we're doing this to let everyone love you and them again."

Spyro was surprised and couldn't believe they're doing this for them. As he was gonna say something, Sparx had their attention.

Sparx: "Okay, let's go. We have a realm to save."

They agreed as they were ready. Soon, the D-Team were ready and Flame made a portal for them to another realm, as Nina and Zoran looked at their friends and then Team Spyro.

Spyro: "Just be safe from there." As he told Nina and Zoran. "I'll tell your mother you guys are there helping to clean their realm."

Zoran: "We will, and do not worry about us. Nothing's gonna happen."

Sparx: "Can we move on? Not wasting time." As he taps his wrist acting he has a watch.

Once ready, they all enter through the portal, as they watch them return to the realm.

    Somewhere else, the Darkness and Nefarion have collected the remains of Dark Crystal and the Darkness is consuming them becoming stronger.

The Darkness: "Yes, the power. I can feel it when I consume the darkness. Soon, I will be strong again and destroy everything in my path, consuming every Skylands I see."

Nefarion: "And what about the Portal Master? When will we destroy him?"

The Darkness: "Patiences, with enough powers I can bring darkness to Skylands. And I can bring my evil minions to this world for them to collect more dark crystals for me to be strong."

He shows them by using his dark mist circling and creating dark minions, as they spawn and are commanded by him. The minions look like dragons but are evil.

The Darkness: "Go find me more dark crystal, so I can be whole again."

The minions did as he commands, they head to the portal and enter through to find more dark crystals. Nefarion was surprised at how he can spawn minions.

Nefarion: "I'm impressed. How do you manage to create these minions? They look cool."

The Darkness: "Evil always has memories to create an army."

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