A Court of Distrust and Darkn...

By courtofroses0326

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Nyx is starting to grow into himself, not just as heir and Illyrian warrior. He has grown from child to a pro... More

Sea Serpents
Meeting of Courts


373 17 3
By courtofroses0326

Nyx's point of view:

     The evening following the meeting with the heirs was uneventful. Sure there were a few disagreements between High Lords and some healthy teasing from each other, but nothing noteworthy. Keres somehow slipped away and avoided attending dinner even after escorting us to the dining hall. The elegant ivory and gold table had been full of food, yet she was the only one I noticed to be absent.

     Though it upset me not to see her, I tried not to dwell that night. Though it would prove fruitless, my evening of sleep was restless, and eventually, I went flying up the coast at dawn. I knew that as the sun rose the next day, my various family members were sure to do morning training before sharing the information from the previous day.

    When I landed on the balcony of our apartments, I was thinking of how the day would proceed. I was intrigued by the idea of seeing Keres, and my chest warmed with a sense of gleeful anticipation. Witnessing how she acted as a princess and not a general amongst the various High Lord's families was interesting despite my little interaction with her. Compared to how I'd seen Keres in our prior, I wanted to know what she thought about when putting on that mask. Was her general attitude the mask or the princess?

    Despite what I assumed was her typical attitude, Keres remained on her best behavior around the future High Lords. If I was to guess, Keres's neutrality was probably for her shrimp of a brother and not because she wanted to. I saw how she desperately wanted to remove Asher's head from his shoulders when he insulted her. Honestly, his disrespect made me want to clobber him. But Keres kept the peace, and what would have only been a verbal removal never happened as she held her tongue.

    I was leaning against the railing on the porch of our apartment when I shook myself from my thoughts. I could sense my family awakening slowly inside. I heard Nesta snapping at my father about something, which caused a growl to echo from the Illyrian inside. I smiled as I listened to their bickering. Listening to our parents, I knew where my friends and I got our argumentive natures. I didn't bother going inside and instead continued to watch the waves. My family was supposed to have a quick conversation before the events tonight. The conversation wasn't supposed to be anything interesting, just a sharing of information. But I was stalling the conversation as I wanted to see the waves and have the chance to sun my wings before hiding them again.

    I heard the door open and close again before I turned my head. Asteria joined me in, leaning against the railing as well. I hadn't seen her for most of the previous day, but I was dubious that she had learned much. She supposedly was in the library for most of the day. Asteria had changed into an iris-colored silk outfit, probably for the heat, but her mind was calling me despite her neutral expression. Her emotions were rampant with uncertainty. I nudged her lightly with the tip of my wing. She stumbled, and her eyes widened and blinked as she focused. It seemed that she didn't expect me to interfere with her thinking.

    I laughed as I said, "That's one for the books. Rarely in the past centuries have I been able to surprise you. Even with presents, you're rarely ever shocked." Asteria rolled her violet eyes as she said, "You guys were never good at keeping secrets. It's like a fun puzzle, trying to figure out everything beforehand. The irritation from you guys is just an added bonus." I shook my head in disbelief before I asked, "Why have you ambushed me in my alone time? I assume to tell me something without the other's hearing."

    Asteria nodded, and while her face was the picture of composure, her emotions were basically yelling at me. I winced as her inner voice echoed in my mind before I said, "Now, dear sister, you can play off your emotions as neutral to our parents, but you know with me, I can sense it." Asteria glared at me and said, "Only because you snoop more with your daemati." I smirked and said, "admit it, my abilities far outway yours in regards to daemati." Asteria only glared and didn't deny it before she said, "Even if I did deny it, you wouldn't believe me anyway. Your arrogant ass wouldn't let you." I gave a mocking gasp and brought my wing to my chest as if wounded by her comment, but she only rolled her eyes at my dramatics.

    We shared a laugh as she threw a weak punch at my arm, which I effortlessly deflected. Asteria pushed our identical midnight hair back behind her shoulder before she said, "I gained some news today. News you'll no doubt be interested in." I turned to catch her gaze and raised an eyebrow. When she didn't comment, I asked her with sarcasm dripping from my tone, "I'm on the edge of my seat, dear sister. Oh, please enlighten me on what you uncovered."

    Asteria shook her head and waved a hand towards all of me, saying, "Cauldron, I wish I could turn that off. You'd probably attract a considerably higher amount of ladies if you shut up every once in a while." For a brief moment, I considered tossing Asteria over the balcony but decided the drop to the sea would hurt too much. Instead, I gave her a charming smile and said, "I've never had trouble before, Asteria. I don't think I will now." Asteria nodded as if she figured I'd say that because she retaliated with, "Good because if you want to win over Keres, you'll need it."    

    I felt my nose scrunch in confusion, but before I could question her, Asteria saved me the breath and said, "Keres has been ordered to search and obtain a marriage. Preferably to a High Lord's son, to help secure favor for her brother." I don't think I heard her continue to speak, but if she did, I wouldn't have heard her over the sudden roar in my ears. It sounded like when the sea crashed into stone, and I'd forgotten I was holding onto the railing for a moment. I released the metal barrier when I felt the railing crush in my grasp. I probably would have torn clear through the fence without the little self-control I had left warning me not to.

    My instincts wanted me to go to Keres to guard her against other heirs and present an offer of marriage. But I'm pretty sure that would end with me being stabbed or thought of as insane. I felt Asteria's worry wash over me mentally, and I let out a sigh as I released the little support I had in the form of the metal railing I was holding on like an anchor. I turned towards my sister before meeting my periwinkle blue gaze with her amethyst. I was gauging if she was serious or just testing my reaction. But when I found no deceiving expression in her facade, I knew she wasn't lying. Asteria, for once, seemed a bit hesitant of me.

    She was remarkably calm, considering how I felt any more information could set me off, and she knew it. She answered me with the tone she reserved for planning through attacks. I realized this was a strategy for her as she tried to communicate what she learned without my instincts taking control. So Asteria calmly stated, "Brother, I know you feel the mate bond and some of the emotions that go with that, including the protectiveness. But considering that you look on the verge of either reverting back to a primordial state to steal away Keres by crushing any rival suitors in the process, I'm going to tell you to calm down before you expose yourself."    

     I gave her a deep snarl, and the pointed canines came fully into view as I said, "Will you just hurry up and tell me what I need to know." Asteria bobbed her head as I leaned back to rest against the wall while facing her. I felt the darkness over my face as my power leached out to create an endless night surrounding me. It felt good to let my energy go a little, but I had to keep it in check so my fury wouldn't cause me to go out of control. Asteria gave me a warning look but didn't say anything about it as she started to say, "To not bore you with the details, Keres is basically being forced into this. Her family thinks it's the right thing to do, to bolster an alliance for her brother."

    I snorted and said, "Like that would happen. Unless a treaty is signed as some sort of dowery or payment, I doubt it would work the way they intend." Asteria didn't look so convinced, and she contradicted me by saying, "I would disagree, the arrangement could create lasting peace. You know how protective and controlling male fae can be. Especially male fae who think they are superior and deserve the best. Keres would be a prize, one which could prove them as an heir that looks for alliances and peace for their Court. It will prove a worthy challenge once they figure it out, and you know how they love a challenge."

    I growled at the mere thought, and though my sister didn't flinch, she did pause. Her eyes watched me closely as she said, "But Keres is determined not to marry, especially to a future high lord. Probably cause she knows what we also know, that most of them are arrogant pricks." I snorted though it wasn't very humorous to me. Of course, this would end up being more challenging than just forging an alliance and getting to know her. I had to know that I would get the complicated mating bond. It's just fate at this point. Cauldron knows when the boys hear about this, they will laugh at me for eternity. Asteria gave me a look as I let out a sigh. I let the night continue to warp around my form, but I drew my wings in close as I said, "Do you think she will hold out for long against her family?"

    Asteria laughed, and it was such a bright sound that it somehow calmed me. Asteria nodded after her laughter ended and said with a bright smile, "Oh, yee of little faith. Keres won't be forced into anything. She will fight tooth and nail when forced to do something she agrees with, let alone if you try and force her to do something she doesn't. Her advisors have tried before to force her to do something. If they find their bodies, I expect they will be somewhere at the bottom of the ocean."

    I grunted as a response, but her comment did wonders to calm me as I said, "You talk so calmly about the murder Keres has supposedly done. Am I to assume the rumors surrounding her and her spies to be true then?" Asteria tensed, and for a second, it looked as if we flipped positions, with me the calm and her the angry. But Asteria folded her hands in front of her, smothering her anger before saying, "Not all of the rumors. I'm sure they blame her and her spies for many deaths. I know that she deals with a problem like a warrior would. You and I both know that the world isn't black and white enough that everything can be solved with diplomacy."    

    I nodded, understanding what she meant, and Asteria continued, "Keres just falls somewhere in the grey. You'll see tonight." I raised my eyebrows at my sister. Her purple eyes sparkled with amusement as she said, "Well, tonight at the ball, she will give us an answer on if she will join us or not. Though if the plan of the Summer Court Queen is in effect, we won't be the only one seeking Keres's attention."

    I felt the annoyance well up in me again before I turned. My father and mother were trying to gain our attention. Though they can't access our minds anymore, they know how to yell mentally to us to get our attention. I nodded to Asteria, and she said, "I will have to tell the family about the plan they have for Keres." I nodded, and I responded with sarcasm, "Go right ahead. I need more control over my emotions anyway. Wouldn't want to tear a future high lord in half tonight." Asteria shook her head as she ushered the way back inside. But as we entered, I could hear Asteria faintly mumble about my last comment, "That would sure be a sight to see." The observation formed a smirk on my lips as I followed her inside.

    I was calm enough that my family's daemati, or their perceptive gazes, didn't pick up on anything astray with my emotions as I joined them in the center room. My mother was subtly trying to get information from Asteria about what we were discussing, but Asteria was too clever for her tricks. I felt a little bad for my sister, as my mother was a relentless busybody trying to find information. But Asteria didn't seem bothered as she joined my mother on the sofa while my Aunt Nesta sat across from them in a plush chair. My father and uncle Azriel were leaning against the wall discussing something in a low tone, but when we sat down, my father turned his attention towards us.

    Azriel, however, looked unusually aggravated as his shadows swirled around him. I gave my uncle a questioning look, and he pushed his wavy dark hair from his face as he said with an aggressive tone, "The General's shadows are blocking mine from gathering information. It's vexing." I couldn't help but chuckle at his annoyance. Azriel rarely got annoyed at anything, but the fact that it was Keres somehow made it a little more humorous. My father, who I figured had been trying to stay serious to make Azriel feel better, was outright laughing as he said, "And who would have thought the spymaster of the Night Court, nearly a millennium in age, would be bested by a girl." Azriel glared at my father, who chuckled at my uncle's expense, but Nesta seemed more insulted by the comment, and her voice snapped at my father, "Keres may be young, but she's not the first or last woman who has ever bested Azriel. Just ask his wife." Nesta's smirk turned to Azriel, whose wings flared out angrily, but he didn't deny it. Though even Asteria laughed at Azriel's expense after Nesta's comment.

    My mother put her hands between them as if that would stop their arguing. Her tone was enough to silence all the others in the room as she said, "Enough, the lot of you. Now, if you're all so excited to speak, was there anything significant you learned yesterday, or have you all been squabbling amongst each other?" Nesta tensed at the comment, and her silvery glare could have burned water, but my mother's determined gaze didn't back off, making my aunt settle. Azriel shook his head and answered her question, "Nothing significant. Little information here and there, but her shadows are debilitating mine. What little information I've got is from earshot." My father nodded and said, "Nothing important was being discussed. Sure there was some bickering and minor details, but mostly all the high lords were drinking and catching up with each other."

    My mother looked at me, and I shrugged before filling them in on the meeting details with the heirs. The conversation with Ceram and the heirs didn't go as horribly as I expected, but it wasn't a thrilling time. You could see the mini alliances forming between each Court, but no heir fully agreed with each other. They were all to focus on proving themselves. Asteria rolled her eyes, and her voice was demeaning as she stated, "Typical males. I wish one female heir had been in that room with you boys to cut the testosterone tension. Would have kept your heads on straight. But no, the misogynism of these Courts is tradition, so we are disregarded."

    My mother agreed, as did my Aunt, before my father, who interrupted them both, said, "It was a meeting for future High Lords. There has never been a High Lord who's a female. So, that meeting has always been the eldest male heirs. Even before the wars, we had something similar, but back then, it was less peaceful." Azriel chuckled darkly, and the shadows that had once been hiding him in the background lightened as he said, "You could say that again. I remember you coming home with blackened eyes and bruises. But you always declared that the others looked worse despite your sister's disputing opinion." My father agreed instantly, but at the mention of his sister, his eyes got a bit far away before he said, "That's because they usually did look worse, and she would always try and disagree to vex me."

    I didn't even argue and tried to shift the conversation when the room fell silent. Both sides of the discussion seemed grateful for that as I told them that the meeting wasn't a complete waste of time. The time together allowed me to catch up with Regulus, who I hadn't seen in years. I even got to speak with Callistus, whom I usually wouldn't get to converse with but the joined space allowed for some discussion over trade between the Night and Day Courts. We discussed the idea of increasing the number of traders permitted to cross between courts and what items we were still not allowing to be traded outside our borders. My father seemed briefly interested in that idea and ensured that he would discuss the concept with Lucian and us before the end of the weekend.

    My mother sensed my mood and knew whatever I had to share wasn't as optimistic as a trade deal. My father wasn't surprised when I went to share my concern over the later three heirs. Asher had gotten on everyone's nerves, and it was intentional. I could see his calculating fox-like amber eyes watching our reactions when he just pushed us a little too far. Azriel snorted and said, "Like father, like son. Nothing good comes out of the Autumn Court." Nesta agreed quickly and declared with venom lacing her voice, "Agreed, considering how it brought me one of my brothers-in-law." Azriel seemed to agree with Nesta for once, as even I knew he never cared for Lucien. This was brewing to be a family argument, which my sister desperately tried to be excluded from. So to spare my sister, I interrupted my mother before she could scold my Aunt about the comment over Lucien. Asteria gave me a thankful look as I continued my meeting report and briefed them about Malachi.

    They looked interested at the new Spring Court heir as we hadn't heard much about him. I mentioned how he joined Asher's cruelty at times, and when he did speak, there was malice in his tone, especially towards me. My mother seemed almost pale at the idea, and I reached for her hand to console her. My mother's blue eyes met mine, and she gave me a soft smile, though the kindness didn't reach her eyes. She patted my hand softly before saying, "Malachi is only a boy. He's not even 100 yet. His anger isn't innate. One day without Tamlin's input, he may grow out of it."

    But when I started discussing Ceram, the others seemed concerned. After Amren talked about him and how we collectively had very little information on him, I tried to figure him out as much as possible. It was evident that Keres's parents put an extraordinary effort into Ceram's training as a High Lord. I knew Ceram from when he was only a child, and he was not the well-spoken and conniving prince I saw today. Ceram played the part of a future High Lord like it was a chess match. He reminded me vaguely of Asteria, but unlike Asteria, Ceram had a taste for cruelty that I noticed. He wouldn't immediately engage when an argument would start. Instead, he would wait for the lines to be drawn, and then he would decide who was most likely to win before he chose a side. Ceram seemed to have none of his father's kindness or dreamer-like attitude towards his people, but he undoubtedly has his mother's coldness. We all agree that we would have to watch out for Ceram in the future. When Ceram possesses the power of a High Lord socially and physically, he will be a formidable adversary.

    That was when Nesta jumped in and said, "I talked with the captain of the Dawn Court." My father and Azriel perked up as she said, "They have been hearing chatter in Dawn about anti-High Lord activists. Nothing concrete, but there still are whispers." Azriel nodded, and his eyes looked almost golden in coloring as he cautioned, "Yes, but whispers can turn into shouts with enough people saying them." Nesta nodded in agreement before my father asked Nesta, "How did you possibly get that out of the general?" Nesta smirked, and her silver gaze shone with unrivaled power as she said, "I can be convincing when I want to be."

    Azriel chuckled at the comment before saying, "I doubt that. You have no practice, considering Cassian never needs that much convincing." Nesta's face turned slightly red, and her face grew cold as she ground out, "Despite your lack of faith, I also got some information from the Summer Court Queen." Azriel raised an eyebrow to bait her, and I knew what she would say. I met Asteria's gaze as my Aunt said, "Your fellow shadowsinger is trying to be pawned off to another court for political ties. She was discussing with me the potential of marrying her to an official in Hewn City."

    I stopped breathing for a moment, but my father said what I was thinking in such a cold voice the air chilled, "What kind of mother would try to send their child there? It's like sending her off to be married into Amarantha's Court." I refused to show the anger that was boiling under me, and even Asteria seemed unaware of this knowledge as her face for once was blank.

    I began to count in my head to try and calm myself. Nesta turned to Asteria with a critical look, and Asteria matched it with a calm expression. Nesta's tone was dismissive as she said, "You already know." It wasn't a question but a statement. Asteria narrowed her gaze before returning an equally chilling expression and stated, "Of course, I know. But what you aren't aware of is that the Queen isn't just trying with Hewn City. She's trying to use Keres as a bridge between courts to improve alliances. Whoever will offer the most for her gets the prize."

    My Aunt looked physically disgusted, and even my mother usually doesn't jump to conclusions about people. But as my mother spoke, her voice filled with spite, "I assumed based on what Amren said that she was distant with her daughter, maybe even a tad neglecting, but this is callous. She's using her daughter as a betting chip, a cash cow for her son. High Lords have done that in the past, but I thought we advanced enough to be away from that."

    Nesta glared at her sister before my father, who probably read Nesta's mind, said, "We didn't actually offer you for Eris. The decision was entirely yours to make. We merely wanted to see how much Eris would give for you. Considering the only thing he didn't want to give up was his firstborn, I'd take it as a compliment." Nesta snorted before she said callously, "Eris and I were very similar then. Marrying someone who knows your pain would have brought him some sense of happiness. But you let me have the choice, and I picked Cassian. Some days I wonder what it would be like to choose Eris." Despite Nesta's snarl at my father and her emotionless words, she didn't seem the least wistful and instead looked almost fondly at the ring on her hand. A gift from Cassian.

    My father shook his head before saying, "Even so, there is nothing we can do for the shadowsinger. If she runs from her Court and seeks asylum, we can provide it, but until then, nothing can be done." I released the breath I had been holding slowly. I knew my father was right, but it still didn't sit right with me. I saw the rest of my family nod sullenly before my mother stood. She fixed her clothes before standing by my father and saying, "Enough with this melancholy. If we think of another way to help Keres, we shall help, but until then, we must focus on our own Court and the rebellion brewing. The morning is yours, but we will join the High Lords for the festivities afterward. Maybe we'll get more pertinent information today about this rebellion."

    I nodded in agreement and took my leave quickly. I needed to go for another flight to burn off steam before focusing on my own task for today. Which would be finding Keres and not only figuring out if she will join our fight but potentially wooing her in the process.    

      My flight lasted longer than I intended, and while I missed lunch, I met with my family to prepare for the gala. My sister wanted me to be dazzling with my attire, but I decided on a simple black suit enhanced by a black and dark blue waistcoat. Instead of putting on a tie, which I hate passionately, I unbuttoned my shirt enough for my Illyrian tattoos on my chest to show. Azriel didn't dress up, choosing instead to remain in leathers. I was envious that he got to wear the Illyrian leathers instead of a suit. If I could, I'd wear one as well. When my father joined my mother's side in a black velvet suit similar to what I wore, he said, "Time to face the wolves."

    I grimaced, and my sister, who was analyzing something over in her mind and had a particularly lost expression, said, "I would prefer the wolves. They're probably less dangerous." My father's smile was almost cheerful, clearly contrasting our unenthusiastic expressions. Rhysand turned to me and said to us both, "Don't look so crestfallen. Find something entertaining to do. Listen to some minds to find information on the rebellion or evaluate how many high fae want you dead or in bed. Make it interesting for yourself. You may actually enjoy the evening." Asteria shook her head before she said, "father, his ego doesn't need to be any bigger. He already knows he could have every fae in that room, don't encourage him." I smirked at her before I said, "My estimates are at least half. But I actually think he was talking to you."

    Asteria gave a vulgar gesture but didn't contest me as mother pushed Rhysand away from us playfully, saying, "Quit being a prick. Don't divert their attention to something meaningless. While we don't like these events, they're great for gathering information. Especially for a damatia." Azriel smiled from his corner and said with a smirk, "At least he's not avoiding the task altogether and smashing buildings out of boredom like Cassian." I gave my mother a teasingly bright smile as I questioned, "Is that an option?"

    Azriel coughed as he tried to hold in a smile before my mother scolded me by saying, "No, that's not an option. Just try to talk with people. It will help it go by quicker." My mother suddenly turned to look at everyone in the room as she said, "Also, no fighting! Any of you." Azriel now looked at me as if he wanted to join my building smashing, and so did Nesta as my mother clarified, "We don't need another blood feud. We already have a bad relationship as it is with the Spring Court."

    Asteria smiled from where she was sprawled out on the couch in a lavender dress and said, "So that means I can still fight with the Spring Court because we already have a feud with them, right?" My mother gave her a warning look before I said, "Of course. Only if you can get a good shot in." My family chuckled wildly before my mother gave up trying to get us on our best behaviors. My father smiled, saying, "Your mother gets the first shot on Tamlin if he starts something. Then I'll let Azriel have a round because it would hurt more." Azriel's smile turned into a dark smirk, making even his shadows drifting around him hide from sight. Nesta seemed offended at this order, and her voice was filled with venom as she said, "I'm shoved in the cauldron because of Tamlin, and the Illyrian bastard still outranks me on the revenge list."

    Azriel glared, but even I knew the sharp-tongued insult wasn't intentionally trying to hurt him. My mother walked between the two of them and said, "Enough. Let's get this over with before one of you gets bored enough to cause a mess that gets us banned from the Summer Court." Azriel chuckled darkly before saying with his voice smooth like silk, "While I wouldn't mind joining the rest of our little circle by being granted a blood ruby, I'll behave if only for our High Lady's peace of mind."

    My mother gave Azriel an appreciative smile before I said, "first one to take a shot at the Queen of the Summer Court will get a prize." My mother gave me a flabbergasted look as my sister and Nesta said, "Done!" My father and Azriel's laughs were deafening. My mother, however, was not amused, and she pointed her finger towards the door, saying, "Get going, all of you, before I decide to winnow you back to the Night Court." Asteria stood with a cheeky smile, but it was my Aunt who said to me, "Can it be a vocal dig at her?" I nodded, and her smirk became deadly. I gave my mother an award-winning smile over my shoulder as I followed my sister and Aunt. I barely noticed the silent form of Azriel behind me, but I assumed leaving my mother and father alone was intentional. We all quickly made our exit because my mother was fuming. Literally considering, I saw smoke billowing from her hands as she lit her gloves aflame. Even Nesta knew better than to push her sister any further. Considering my mother's abilities, she might very well roast us.

    We did wait for them at the staircase, and when my father joined us with a smug smirk and my mother soothed, I refrained from asking what he did to cheer up my mother for my sanity and gag reflex. I, however, let them lead the way. Their sparkling crowns of stars and moons perfectly balance each other. Azriel and Nesta flanked my sister and me as we followed behind my parents.

     The gentle music drifting from the palace immediately put me at ease. As we followed the sound to the ballroom, I noticed the faint drifting of shadows, not from Azriel but from Keres. They seemed to be blocking Azriel's shadows from attempting to flee. I waved one away to let Azriel some peace, but another quickly took its place. Azriel gave me a look that explained it was no use. I will have to reason with Keres if she agrees to become our ally. Azriel may actually try to end her if she keeps blocking his shadows, as even his endless patience was beginning to be frayed.

    I saw the waiting guards jump to attention as we approached the door leading to the ballroom. They bowed respectfully, and for a moment, they seemed to forget what to do before a voice said, "I would open the doors if I were you unless you want the High Lord or Lady to blast their way in." The guards immediately nodded to their superior before opening the doors for us.   

    I saw Azriel trying to size up the superior who seemed to emerge from the shadows, but when I turned to look for myself, they were already gone. Azriel didn't seem surprised by their disappearance, but I noticed his now watchful gaze around the room as we entered.

    Summer Court representatives greeted us, and I masked my face with a constant expression of polite boredom. My father's emotional mask was his usual smugness, while my mother chose a serious, withdrawn act. Immediately after greeting the deligations, my parents went to join the Winter Court across the room. My Aunt went with them, and I was left realizing at the sheer amount of eyes watching us. Many heirs and lords of the varying courts seemed to be watching my sister and me. The Night Court rarely let any foreign members enter, so we were possibly footholds for political gain. I quickly turned to Azriel to try and see if he noticed anything astray, only to find him gone.

    I didn't let their gazes affect my masked expression and only said to my sister, "Next time we have one of these events, remind me that I have other tasks to attend to." My sister smirked as we drifted to the side of the ballroom. She grabbed each of us a flute of champagne before saying, "So, the most influential heir on records, the prince who possesses every power known of the courts, is intimidated by a party."  I rolled my eyes and took the drink from her hands before saying, "What can I say? I prefer our own inner circle to unknown snakes of other courts." Asteria smirked before sniffing her glass to check for toxins. I did the same before she said, "And I prefer strategies and maps to small talk, but we all must make sacrifices in the positions we serve." I gave her a hidden glare behind my masked expression before I said, "I'm still here, aren't I?"

    Asteria nodded before she said, "Yeah, for only one reason." I went to question her, but as Asteria took a slight drink, she nodded towards the opposite end of the ballroom. I hadn't noticed when Keres entered the ballroom, but I saw that while Asteria and I received scheming glances, Keres was outright avoided. The lords of various courts scampered over each other to get out of her way as she passed. Though Keres didn't look particularly menacing. Her dress was a traditional Summer Court silver kebaya decorated on top with a delicate blue lace that was primarily sheer to show the silver dress and her skin underneath. Her silver hair was pulled back into a bun, and a few curls were allowed to frame her face.

    Though what was probably intimidating to the various fae were Keres's shadows. The dark forms danced around her skin as if another layer of lace. The delicate whips seemed keen on keeping to Keres's side, though I saw a few rare instances where the shadows seemed to take pleasure in darting between people's feet just to scare them away. Keres did seem to notice, but it would only bring a smile to her face. It reminded me of how my family frightens Hewn City to keep them in line.

    I turned towards Asteria at the sound of her voice as she whispered, "quit staring before you attract more attention that you're drooling over her." I glared, but Asteria only shrugged and pushed her straightened black hair over her shoulder as she voiced, "It's true. I doubt you would have attended if not for our meeting tonight and the chance to pine over her." I didn't even attempt to argue as I turned back to find Keres. She had approached her brother probably out of duty, as neither seemed pleased to talk with the other. But I did notice Asher and Malachi from the corner of the room. Their expressions toward Keres were of a scheming nature, and I nearly growled at their smug faces as they walked toward Keres. Asteria next to me was smirking before I said, "Are you going to go save her from the heirs?" Asteria's laughter was surprising, and it caught some attention from around the room as she said, "No. She doesn't need saving, as you'll recall."

    Even though I knew Keres didn't need saving, I could almost feel Keres's irritation at being ambushed by the Spring and Fall Court heirs. Though, despite knowing the aggravation was probably my own, I couldn't help but feel that maybe I was feeling Keres's emotions somehow. However, the heirs' surprise when Keres turned away from them was priceless. As she glided towards the Summer Court advisors, I knew her indifference would only spur on the challenge the Summer Court Queen had set for the heirs, but it was entertaining to watch nonetheless.

    Asteria gave me a look that said, 'see, she can handle herself,' and I had to nod my agreement to keep my sister silent. After I finished my drink in a quick mouthful, I said to Asteria, "Well, even if she can save herself from the other heirs. I'm more persistent." Asteria rolled her eyes as she moved to leave my side. But she called over her shoulder as she left, "That's the understatement of the year." I shook my head before making my way toward Keres.

    She was surrounded by soldiers as she spoke with her advisors, and as I approached, I let the smug confidence leak into the carefully constructed mask on my face. The people milling about the ballroom parted to let me pass. As I approached Keres, I was soon blocked by two swords that clanged together. I raised an eyebrow at each of the guards, and while I knew they recognized me just by the slight fear on their faces, they were determined not to let me pass. Keres looked up at the sound of clanking metal, and her smirk was instant on her face as she dismissed her advisor, who scurried away. Though the group of advisors behind her seemed interested in my approach.

    Keres's voice called to her guards, "At ease, minnows, this one isn't a threat. He's just a princeling." The guards seemed amazed at her sentence and her nerve that they didn't move their swords. I waved a hand and watched the blades be misted from their grasp, much to their amazement and dread. Keres's smirk grew as she said, "Shoo. Go find some new weaponry and guard the High Lord." The two scurried away, allowing me to smile with ease at Keres. I bowed my head in greeting respectfully before saying, "Princess, lovely to see you again." Keres grimaced slightly at the nickname I purred out, but her shadows darted towards me. Their darken forms twirled around my neck and chest almost like my tattoos. 

    I smirked as I offered her my arm which now was covered in whispers of darkness. Keres seemed slightly suspicious at the offer but took my arm nonetheless. Her voice did carry enough that even her advisors heard her say, "Call me princess again, Nyx, and I'll be sure to remove that smug smile right off your face." I smirked and said to her in a low voice, "Now, I'd be interested in how you're planning to do that." The smirk that appeared on Keres's face could have rivaled the devious expressions worn by the Autumn Court. I walked with her away from her advisors as I said, "I am quite interested in how you're planning to keep this smirk off my face. Trust me, my sister has tried to destroy my smugness for years. I'm curious to see how you would do it."

    Keres's smile grew equally as smug as mine as she shifted the layers of her dress before saying, "Let's go one v one in the training ring, and I'll show you, High Lord." I gave her a charming smile that would have made anyone swoon, but her gaze remained determined and her shadows now curled around her neck. I felt myself grin as I said, "If you join me in an alliance, I'll consider it. But I'll warn you, I don't pull my punches." She patted my arm, almost demeaning to me, before her voice, smooth as silk, said, "I wouldn't dream for you to pull your punches, Princeling. No pain, no gain." 

     I looked down at her, partly surprised at her comfort with me. Her shadows swirled to my ears and their unknown chatter was barely heard. I took their words as comforting despite being unable to understand them. I watched Keres for a second more before I purred, "I couldn't agree more, Princess." Her face was once again annoyed at the title. I didn't even let her annoyance affect my winning smile as I led her across the ballroom.

    The various High Fae were dancing in the center of the room as we headed towards the towering assortments of food. Keres still hadn't lost her look of annoyance from the nickname as we walked. We were starting to get a little attention from the surrounding fae, so I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Now, don't give me that look. You called me Princeling. I had to return the favor, darling." Keres scrutinized my expression before she responded with, "I have told you that I hate that nickname, but I feel it's useless arguing with you. Considering I know that I'll have better luck arguing with the wall." It was a comment that was a reasonably accurate assumption considering my stubbornness. Still, all I said in return was, "That sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black, princess."

    Her gaze was clearly annoyed, but she didn't argue and instead changed the subject by asking, "why have you interrupted a meeting with my advisors?" I flashed her a charming smile as I said, "because I am much more important." She huffed and gave me an incredulous look before saying, "I don't know what's worse, your name calling or your arrogance." I gave her a disarming smile before saying, "I believe neither. But my flaws are not what I stole you away to discuss."    

     Keres nodded as she knew what I intended to discuss. When we reached the table with various foods towering on golden platters, she tapped her hand on my arm and said in a low voice that even I could barely hear, "Not now. Too many people milling around." Keres had slipped away from my escorting arm as she looked over the food. I saw her swipe a dollop of whipped cream off of some cake, and oddly enough, it made me genuinely smile at her mischievous antics. She gave me a look that made me think that if I told anyone, she might stab me with a fork. I only looked away as if to say I didn't see anything, which made her smile in satisfaction as she returned to my side. Though she didn't stand close to me, it was a more trusting distance than when I last saw her. I took that as a good sign before I heard the music.

    The next song was a gentle waltz, and she raised one eyebrow at my scheming features before I gave a slight half bow and asked her, "A dance, Keres?" Her features were momentarily surprised. Her shadows swirled around my form quickly. They almost seemed encouraging as they darted between us. Keres seemed to debate for another moment before she hesitantly took my hand that I outstretched. She did however use a smirk to hide her previous uncertain and she said, "Alright, Nyx. I'll join you. Though I hope you're prepared for me to lead."

     I chuckled as I led her to the middle of the room. If we were getting looks before, we differently were being watched now. I let my power radiate a little more around me to intimidate the watching gazes. I saw Asteria leading a stunned Samael to the dance floor to try and relieve some of the watching gazes. Knowing Asteria, her graceful dancing would make everyone's head turn, even away from a future high lord. Especially one who was better at close-quarter combat than dancing.

    Keres probably felt both the watchful eyes and my power drifting around. Probably that and her own nerves were what turned her expression cold enough that it could rival Nesta's. Despite the look that made people turn their attention away from us, she still looked a little nervous. I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Don't watch them. Look at me." Keres turned, and her expression reminded me that she wasn't used to being watched. From what I knew, Keres grew up outside of Court as a secret to her own people until her adult life as a general. I gave her a comforting smile, and something between us crackled when her eyes met mine. It could have been the bond we shared or the tension in the room. But her expression relaxed as she met my gaze. Even her shadows stilled around her, as if comfortable. It was an expression that was much too relaxed for the roomful of sharks waiting for weakness.

    So as the music started, to stir her up, I said, "Try not to step on my toes." Her relaxation turned to slight irritation as if she wanted to give me a sharp retort, but it relaxed and brought back the calculated general I knew. Before she could utter a word in response, I put on the sly smile typical of my playboy mask and pulled her close to my front. She placed her hands in mine for the waltz before I said to her silently as we started to dance, "Since we have now escaped the ever-listening fae, why don't you tell me your decision on this alliance."

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