Tilted Axis

By GalacticGroovin

104K 3.9K 7.4K

1938. One year before the start of WW2. Gon Freecss. A young man only 18 years old has decided to enlist in t... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6


1.1K 52 115
By GalacticGroovin

Killua POV

I scratch my head roughly. My skin feels like it's been covered in ants. I look at my fingers and see the dirt caked under my nails. I roll my eyes and try to smooth my hair down. Each strand feels stiff like a stick.

"I am disliking this plan of his more and more." I groan. First covering my hair in mud and dirt, now I'm in an abandoned half burned out home looking for clothes. I step over a collapsed support beam into what looks like a bedroom.

Ash rests in the carpeting but the room seems mostly untouched from any fire. The floor creaks and groans as I step in and observe the room. A large bed resided against the wall. The sheets and blankets pulled to the floor.

"They either left in a hurry or..." I step to the right side of the bed and the carpet crunches under my foot. Looking down I see the familiar rusted color of dried blood in the moonlight. "Dragged out by force." I finished.

I clutch the MP40. The only reassurance I hold currently. I already hated the part of disguising my hair with mud, but having to come out here alone leaves me uneasy. I take a deep breath. "Calm down. Just treat it like reconnicance. The troops should be in the west. They won't come back here."

Holding the gun in one hand, I start looking through dressers against the walls. I had been checking every house that was stable enough to enter. Currently only three on this street. Gon's plan requires me to find some civilian clothes and something to use as a white flag. I'm getting ready to call it and head back to the truck after having no luck. Took me an hour just to go five kilometers. I imagine it will take just as long to get back.

I turn my gaze away from the dresser and stare out the broken window. The night air blowing in with the moon bright overhead. "Least I'll be able to see on my way back. Doesn't make it much easier to see here though."

After much searching I eventually came across some sets of clothes that should suit my needs. Simple clothing as one would expect. I set the folded pants and shirts on top of the dresser. I look at the sheets. "Maybe these could work for a flag?"

I remove any blankets that remain on the bed. Upon throwing them to the ground I see what was hidden underneath. The white sheet had a large stain of blood. It nearly looked like a poor representation of the Japanese flag. I press my fingers to the stain and they come away clean. It's dry. No way of getting that out.

I scratch my irritated scalp again. "This disguise won't last if we actually find French troops to turn to." I turn around the room slowly. Did I miss anything?

My eyes quickly lock onto a closet. The door opened just a crack. I step closer when a sound reaches my ears. I quickly grip the gun with both hands. When I take another step the sound comes from the closet. How did I miss this when I entered? It sounds like something shifting around. Damn it, I let my guard down. Should have swept the room first.

"Out! Hands where I can see them!" I say in German. My tone is level. Any unease gone as if I flicked a switch and my training kicked on. I continue to watch the door. The sound of shuffling continues behind it, but nobody steps out.

I slowly shift my feet walking closer bit by bit. "If you step out now, I'll make it quick."

The sound stops. Silence falls on the room. I crouch down and place my hand on the knob. In a swift movement I swing the door open and aim inside. The first thing to catch my eye is a white wedding dress that hangs on the rack. I push clothes to the side and still see nobody inside.

"What the hell?" I stand, stepping away and observing it. "Then what was making that sound?" I ask. I soon get my answer when something brushes against my leg causing me to flinch.

Looking at my legs I see a small silhouette of a cat weaving between my legs. It stares up at me before giving a quiet mew. Eyes reflecting the little light in the room. "Well, Guten Abend little kitty. What are you doing here?" I smile and kneel down, placing my hand out for it.

It sniffs my hand before bumping its head against my fingers. "Did the army miss you?" The small cat trots back into the closet for a moment. I look back at the white dress. "Amazing that survived. Much less the cat. At least I found our flag."

I turn my attention away from the dress when I hear the cat again. It's mew sounding muffled. When I stare at it it looks like it's holding something in its mouth. "What have you got there, small friend?"

I place my hand out again and something cold lands on it. I hold it to the light and feel myself gag when I see it's a pair of fingers. A pinkie and ring finger held together by a small chunk of flesh. Small white bones poking out from it. The finger still held a silver wedding band.

"Ugh. Really wish I didn't ask." I remove the wedding band before dropping the fingers. The cat scurries to them quickly. Well if the need arises, we have something to use as a bribe. "Now how do I get these things out of here?" I look between the clothes on the dresser and the wedding dress. I shove the ring in my front pocket while I think.

I hadn't thought to grab a bag of any kind when I left. Not like we had any. Maybe I can use something else. I examine the pillows on the bed. Both stained but less so than the sheets. I remove the pillow from one and shove the clothes in it. I grab the other and shove the wedding dress in it. Best I can at least.

I take to the sheets, ripping them into strips and tying the two makeshift bags together so I can carry them over my shoulder. "These will work." I mutter as I sling them over my left shoulder.

The cat meows again, rubbing against my leg. "Can't very well leave you too can I?" I place the gun on the bed and carefully pick up the cat. It doesn't resist as I put it in the front of my uniform. "You must like the interaction." I say as it purrs against my chest.

I roll my eyes. I come here for supplies for a mission and come back with a cat. Illumi would never let me hear the end of that. I retrieve my gun and carefully navigate out of the house again. A cool breeze hits me as I exit.

I hadn't realized at first how much the house stank of smoke and decay. I adjust my hold on my gun and the pillowcases on my shoulder as I return down the street.


After what I would guess is 20 minutes, I hit a snag on my walk back. The road I had crossed is now buzzing with activity. Headlights from trucks and armored vehicles making a heading westward. A convoy of troops.

I crouch low in some tall grass as I watch them pass. I didn't expect them to make night movements. "Alright Killua. Keep calm. Just let them pass." I say under my breath. But as I watch them I feel tense.

I can't help but worry about the worst case situation. What do they know? Do they know that I was captured? Or do they already think it's desertion? Is it possible they've seen Gon and the truck? It's possible they passed the spot where it's hidden. I bite my lip.

As it is I wouldn't stand any chance just trying to get by that convoy line. I've got bags of clothes on my shoulder, mud in my hair and a cat in my uniform. I lay flat on my back when a light sweeps over my location.

I hear shouts but can't make them out. Then I hear the familiar crack of a KAR and dirt sprays into the air to my right. Only one thought entered my mind now. RUN!

I hop to my feet and press hard against the dirt running low through the grass. More shouts travel in the night air. The cat hisses in complaint as it's suddenly getting jostled around. I hear another shot but don't bother to check where it hits. I ran parallel to the convoy keeping away from the road. "This damn thing has to end at some point."

As I run the shouting becomes fainter but more spotlights are being turned on. There's no way they think I'm just a random civilian. Did they have a sniper identify me through a scope? I've seen plenty of convoys take pot shots at things but not at this degree.

My legs burn under me, the soles of my feet feel like they are on fire. So this is the feeling of running for your life. No other thoughts except escape. My mind feels empty and clear. No concept of time or planning. Just to run and keep running, even as lights fade away. I don't stop when I pass the final line of panzer 2s.

When I eventually do stop the lights are far in the distance. The sound of German and engines are completely silent now. I lean over with my hands on my knees. Not to catch my breath, but to slow my mind. They could have shot at me for any number of reasons. I just hope the worst case scenario hasn't come to pass. If Gon was found and killed, what then?

I feel heat rise to my cheeks when I think of the Englishman. The bright smile he gave me even when he was my hostage. Eyes that glow like the sun. He gave me my reason to free myself of this war. Please don't be dead.

I rub my face and feel dirt smear on my cheeks. What would I have done if we hadn't captured him? I'd imagine I would have continued to be the monster the Nazis wanted me to be. I imagine if I hadn't read that damn journal of his none of this would be happening.

"Good job." My brother would say sarcastically. "Instead of breaking your captive, you let him break you! Not only that, you started to feel for him! Has our training meant nothing to you?"

Well excuse me brother. But I struggle to demonize someone after I've seen the parts I didn't want to. What they are like with their families and friends. How anyone can demonize someone after knowing more about them is beyond me.

I let out a sigh and stood straight again. Looking left and right, I see nothing else on the road. The convoy has moved on. I need to get back quickly. Push these thoughts out of my mind until my life isn't in danger. I push myself into a jog as I get started again.


The leaves and branches crack under my feet as I continue my stride to the truck. After getting lost running from the convoy, it took me significantly longer to find it again. It fills me with relief to see it where it was left.

I slowly creep up to the back and bang against the metal. Three hard beats. Five quick ones. Followed by two slow ones. The passenger side of the truck opens and a flashlight turns on.

"Killua? You finally back mate?" Gon's voice cuts through the night air. Hearing his voice is a relief to say the least. He greets me with a smile. "Took you a while eh? Why is that? I would have wagered that you would be faster."

"Please. Right now just let me rest. I've got the stuff." I lift the pillow cases from my shoulder. When I open my mouth to speak again I'm cut off by the cat meowing.

"D-did you just meow?" Gon asks bewildered. I push away the heat that wants to rise in my cheeks from embarrassment. Instead I roll my eyes at him.

"No I didn't." I drop the pillow cases and carefully pull the cat out from the front of my uniform. It passively sits in my arms looking at its new surroundings.

Gon's eyes narrow and his mouth turns to a flat line. "I sent you for clothes and you came back with a cat?" He steps closer and the cat seems to stiffen in my arms. It's low purring vanishing. "You're like me aunt. Go to the store for milk, come back with the milk as well as bread and eggs for brunch." He laughs and stretches his arm forward slowly. The cat sniffs at his fingers before relaxing.

"Well I couldn't very well leave it. It was eating human remains. What I can only assume was its owner." I lift the cat up and inspect it in the light. Its fur is dark with spots of white in random areas.

"Well she must have been eating well." Gon says, stepping closer. "Think she'll eat the rations?"

"She?" I ask.

"You see a pair of male testicles I don't? The cat is obviously female." He states, before petting behind her ear whispering to her.

"Look, I didn't exactly check earlier. It was pretty dark in that house. The gender of the cat wasn't exactly a priority at the time. Not to mention I had a bit of an incident on the way back." I sit down against the tire of the truck holding the cat in my lap. Gon sits across from me quietly.

"On the way back there was a night convoy. I didn't think they would move troops at night. It could have just been a last minute movement I don't know. But they took some shots at me."

"Do you think they saw through your disguise?" He asks.

"It's possible but I doubt it. They probably only saw a figure with bags on its shoulder. It wasn't uncommon for me to see convoys and troops take pot shots at civilians. Especially during the early days back in Poland." I rub my face and the dirt feels like sandpaper. The dirt that had been moistened by sweat is now dry.

"Christ mate. Well, be that as it may, I'd say the plan is going well." He comments. He pulls his canteen from his hip and the handkerchief from his pocket. "Now sit still and relax. I'm sure you are tired of having dirt all over you."

Before I can protest he's soaking the piece of cloth with water and gently wiping dirt from my face. The water feels refreshing taking away the dried sweat and dirt. Last time someone cleaned my face was my mother when I was young.

The cat flinches when some water drops on her. Gon turns his attention to the feline. "Oh don't you worry kitty. Once he's done you're next. I don't want fleas."

"Why are you wiping my face anyway?" I eventually ask. "I'm more than capable of doing it myself." My voice nearly catches in my throat.

"I know. But relax. This plan of mine could have gotten you killed. Plus you did the same when you believed I was injured. Consider this returning the favor." He douses the cloth in more water.

I'm not sure how to respond to it. Why such concern rose up when only days prior I was beating him senseless. Until he cracked the shell I surrounded myself in. Even with that, he's treating me with kindness as if it didn't happen.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asks. While I was in thought I didn't realize my eyes were locked on him. "Do I look funny?"

I laugh lightly. "No, I'm sorry. Just lost in my own world." I focus my attention on the cat, petting behind her ears. Gon Freecss. The man from England that fell from the sky. When I look at him, I feel full of admiration. Even when in the face of danger he was making jokes. It's like nothing can shake him.

I wonder what he thinks when he looks at me? Or if this feeling I get when I look at him is truly admiration. Illumi was once talking about a book he read, where the characters were in love at sight. I only rolled my eyes. Yeah. As if that could happen.

I sat quietly as he continued to wipe the grime from my face. Until his finger brushed against my lip lightly. It feels like a jolt traveled down my spine! I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to hold my composure.

I put out my hand. "Ok, Gon. I can take it from here."

He arches his brow but obliges my request. I wipe my face roughly. His fingers too soft. His touch too gentle! An accidental brush against my lips shouldn't be causing chills!

When I'm done I give him the cloth and canteen. I place the cat on his lap, then stand stretching my back. "I'm going to wash this crap out of my hair. No more putting dirt in my hair."

"Fair enough. It was just a precaution this time. It might have helped you too." He rinses off the handkerchief. "Also can you pass me another canteen?"

I nod and step to the back. I grab a canteen from one of the crates and toss it to him before grabbing one for myself.

(WC:3009 Hope you guys enjoyed this one! Longest chapter yet for any of my works. Next chapter might be slightly delayed depending on how it progresses as well the the one that comes after but we will see.

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