Larry Stylinson one-shots πŸ’šπŸ’™

By Mmmmm_isa

755 30 29

Louis and Harry one-shots for you all to read!!! I hope you all will enjoy my one shots :) Anygays luvs, le... More

New English teacher Mr. Styles
I get so lost inside your eyes
Watch the butterflies meetπŸ’šπŸ’™
Beaten #2

Handsome teacher

126 7 10
By Mmmmm_isa

The schooling system here is a bit different so focus on the story more than other things, thank you😁

Alsoooo, enjoy, this one's a bit longer than normally, Hope you like it!!! 💗

Summary: Harry needs a new kindergarten for his daughter, Louis has a place in his special class, so he takes the little girl in.


"Daddy!!!" Shouted a little girl as she ran from her room to her dad's. She woke up explicitly early today and decided to bother her father by waking him up.

"Shit." Harry whispered as he heard her running closer to his bedroom door. It was Saturday and he had a really rough week at work and wanted to sleep in. He thought his four year old daughter could sleep at least till 8 am on the weekends, but well, he was wrong. That little monster tented to wake up around 6:30 am even on Saturdays and Sundays. But what wouldn't Harry do for her, right? Even if it meant waking up at the ungodly hour.

He heard the door slowly open and still pretended to sleep, maybe she would go downstairs and watch a movie or something. But of course, she was stubborn like him so she made her way to his bed and sat down beside him. He was glad she didn't jump on him like she sometimes does.

"Daddy, it's time to wake up you know?" She whispered and tucked a curl behind his ear. She was the sweetest creature Harry has ever met.

"I know love, but before we do that, let's give Daddy a little cuddle huh?" He whispered back and slowly opened his green sleepy eyes at her. She smiled and slid under the duvet and cuddled close to Harry, resting her head on his chest.

And that's how Harry got her to sleep again for another three hours.



"Daddy, can I tell you something?" Lizzy asked her father as she was sitting at the table and Harry was making pancakes.

They woke up again at around 10 am that morning both of them well rested. They made their way downstairs still in pyjamas and Harry started to make their usual breakfast for Saturday, blueberry pancakes with strawberry jam and as a side dish, raspberries. A fruity daughter for a fruity men.

"Yes of course sweetheart." He replied and started preparing things onto the table. Lizzy got up and took her plate and fork, which were decorated with frogs, and put them onto the table as well. She was always thought to put her things onto and from the table and she did it every time. Harry was proud of her.

" friend Mark is moving away and I don't have any other friends at my kindergarten anymore. And I don't like it there Daddy, like I really don't." She said and he turned to her from where he was started to make tea, their another weekend tradition.

Let's say he was surprised, she always said she loved her friends in kindergarten and had so much fun with them. And the teachers were amazing too, one of them was flirting with Harry ever since Lizzy's first day there. Sadly, he was gay so no chance with her.

But he thought she loved it there. Maybe he should have asked about her feelings on the moving kindergarten situations first.

God, another big mistake Harry, fuck.

When Lizzy was two, their lives changed forever. It was hard for both of them and even though his daughter was only two, she was a smart little girl and talked normally. They had to move, they just had to and it meant her leaving her previous kindergarten and moving to a new one. Harry thought it was the best decision, but maybe he was wrong.

"Why Lizzy? Why don't you like it?" He asked and sat opposite of her. He cut her pancaked into little frog shapes and put her cup of tea in front of her.

She sighed. "The kids are mean to me, because I don't have a mummy. I always say it's okay that I am fine with having just  dad but they make fun of me and say it's not enough and you will not raise me good. Markie always defended me, but he moved to another town and is not there anymore." She said as she started eating, not looking at her dad.

Harry felt furious. These kids didn't even know what happened with her mother, how could they make fun of someone for it then? How could they say he will not raise her good? He has done it for the last two years alone and he thinks he has succeeded quite good. He would yell at the kids parents so gladly but he knew he had to be stronger than that and deal with it as an adult.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner Lizz?" He asked and she looked at him finally, relieved he wasn't angry at her.

"Because I thought you would be angry at me for loosing mummy. And that I couldn't stand for myself, as you always told me to." A single tear rolled down her cheek and onto her frog shaped pancake.

Harry gestured for her to sit on his lap and as she did so, he wiped at her eyes and forced her to meet his gaze.

"I will never ever blame you for your mum leaving okay? It wasn't your fault and it never will. Never. And I know I always tell you to stand for yourself, but it's hard and sometimes even Daddy can't do it you know? I am so glad and proud of you for telling me this, Lizzy, so proud. If you ever feel sad again or just want to tell me something, go for it yeah? I am all ears." He said and kissed her forehead and then nose, making her giggle.

"Okay." She replied and nuzzled her face into her father's chest, hugging his t-shirt tightly.

"I will speak to your teachers about it on Monday and if it doesn't change, we will think of some solution, okay?" When he felt her nod, he kissed her hair and sighed, cursing those who hurt his daughters feelings.


Well, it didn't work.

Harry talked to Lizzy's teachers and they said they will talk to the kids, but when his daughter came home every day more miserable, he decided he needed to do something about it.

He kept her home from kindergarten on Thursday and Friday, calling she was sick, in reality, he was tired and hurt by his daughter being miserable from a place that should only bring her joy.

So on Saturday, they made their way to Niall's house.




Lizz and Niall called out at the same time, running towards each other. Niall was Lizzy's godfather and her absolute favourite uncle. She loved Liam, but Niall was Niall, as she always said. Niall and Harry were best friends since kindergarten and lived always around 20 minutes from each other, just because they wanted to. The Irish lad helped Harry with the little girl tremendously in the last two years and he couldn't be more grateful for him.

"Hey Hazz!!!" He greeted him as well, pulling him into a side hug, because the little creature occupied his other hand.

"Hey Ni, everything good?"


They spent the whole day at Niall's and once it was time to leave, Lizzy seemed to want nowhere.

"Lizz come on, we need to go home."

"No Daddy, I want to stay with Nini. We can have a movie night!!! Don't tell me you don't want to, it's going to be so much fun!!"

"Yeah Harry, it's going to be fun!!! And we can order pizza!!!" Niall said as well and Harry shot him a look saying he has no say in this decision.

The only thing that kept him from sleeping at Niall's was the bad beds he had. And because Harry liked his heavenly awesome bed, he didn't like Niall's hard uncomfortable beds. But well, a night with his daughter and best friend could do, even if his back was going to hurt for the next week.

"Okayyyyy." He said and ran towards his daughter picking her up and walking towards the living room and sitting on the couch. They ordered pizza and watched the first Harry Potter movie.

Harry didn't know how it didn't scare his daughter, he would be shiting his pants if he was a four year old.


"How's life going?" Niall asked as he made his way back downstairs. Lizzy fell asleep in the middle of the movie and Niall went to put her to bed. Once he was done, he picked two beers from his fridge and walked towards Harry.

"You know, normal. Work and Lizzy take all of my time, which is normal and I am not complaining. But she has trouble in her kindergarten and I am struggling to find her a new one." He said and sighed into his beer.

"Well, that's good news, because my mate Louis is a teacher and has his own kindergarten where he teaches about ten kids in one class. It's actually a really good kindergarten, the program is so good, they do so much fun stuff together and the teachers are fun. Louis is the headmaster but also has his own one class, he calls them the special kids, I am sure I can get Lizzy there." He spoke and Harry immediately was interested. It sounded good, amazing actually.

They talked more about it and at the end of the night, Harry had Louis' number and a promise from Niall to speak to him too, to get Lizzy into Louis' class. Harry told him he didn't need to do that, but his best friend knew Louis would be glad to have this amazing kid in his class and also to have Harry as her father. He knew these two would get along just fine.


"Hello, this is Louis Tomlinson speaking" Harry heard on the other side of the phone and immediately liked the guys voice.

Not now Harry, not now.

"Hey, this is Harry Styles. I am calling because your friend Niall told me about your kindergarten and I wanted to ask if you would have a place for my daughter there. I understand if you are full, I just needed to shoot my shot." He chuckled a bit and then frowned because he couldn't say it a bit better so it didn't sound so weird. God why was he so stupid sometimes?

"Oh yeah! Niall told me about you and Elisabeth, am I right?" God, he sounded hot.

"Yeah yeah, that's her." Harry tried to sound normal, maybe or maybe not totally failing at that.

"We are actually full at the moment, but because Niall told me all about your amazing daughter and he may or may not mentioned how being a single father is hard for you but you are amazing at it, I may have a spot in my class for her." Harry stood up from his chair from excitement. He mentally prepared to kill Niall later for telling Louis this but if it got his daughter into Louis' kindergarten, he minded a little bit less.

"That would be lovely, thank you so much. I might need to kill Niall for giving you these informations, but that's beside the point." He said and heard Louis chuckle on the other side of the phone.

They ended the conversation a few minutes later, agreeing to a meeting with both Harry and Lizzy on Wednesday and Harry felt happy. If everything went well, his daughter would have a new kindergarten and it sounds like an amazing teacher. Hopefully, the kids will be as good as Louis told him they will be.


"Hello Mr.Styles and Hi Elisabeth, or should I call you something different?" Louis greeted them on Wednesday morning.

Harry explained everything to his daughter the night before, everything about her possible new school and she sounded actually really excited to go there. He hadn't seen her this excited for a long time.

"No Elisabeth, Daddy calls me that only when I am bad which is not that often right dad?" She asks Harry and makes her puppy eyes at him. He chuckles and replies with "sure love, sure." before looking in Louis' direction again to find him smiling at them sweetly.

If Harry thought Louis sounded hot over the phone, the guy was a hundred times hotter and cuter in reality. He had fluffy soft looking hair styled in a fringe that fell into his eyes a little bit, which were the bluest Harry has ever seen in his life. He was slightly shorter than Harry but seemed to be about two years older. His posture was confident, but smile sweet and eyes reassuring. Harry had never seen someone so beautiful.

"He is lying, but call me Lizzy!! Or Lizz!!" She said and smiled up at Louis with her sweet little smile.

"Okay Lizzy, then follow me, I am going to show you the place." He said and gestured for both of them to continue.

They had a brief tour of the whole place and both Harry and Lizzy seemed to be taken aback. It was all so beautifully decorated, all bright and warm colours everywhere, it had four classes for four different ages, from two to five. Every class was decorated the same, with slightly different details, depending on the age they were built for. All the kids had the same kitchen and a room to play in, the same big backyard and closets. It was a big space, but already felt so friendly and kind.

"So, how was it? Liked it?" Louis asked once they sat outside, where all the kids played at the moment. Lizzy was on Harry's lap with Louis sitting next to them on the bench.

"Yes!!! It was awesome!!! I really liked the playroom, it had my favourite animal there and my favourite colour as well!!! Did you see Daddy?" She said excitedly and looked at Harry with nothing but happiness in her eyes. Harry smiled at her and almost wanted to cry at how happy his daughter was.

"Yeah I saw, maybe you can have a purple frog as your sign here." Every of the kids had their own specific animals or a car or whatever they chose, so if they lost something, everyone would know it was theirs.

"Can I have a purple frog, Mr. Tomlinson?!"

Louis chuckled. "Of course Lizzy, and call me Louis okay? Mr. Tomlinson makes me sound old." He laughed again and Harry smiled too. His laugh was so cute.

"Yayyyyy!!" She smiled and clapped her hands together. She wanted to say something else but someone interrupted her.

"Hi!! I am Tiffany but everyone calls me Tiff or Tiffy. Are you new here?" She asked and smiled brightly at Lizzy who smiled as well.

"Yeah, I just saw the place I am spending a day here, to see if I like it." She said a bit shyly, but her smile got bigger when she heard Tiffany's next words.

"Would you like to go play? We are starting hide and seek, but because you don't know it around here, we can hide together!!" She said excitedly and Lizzy looked at her father, jumping from Harry's lap onto the ground.

"Can I Daddy?" She asked and both of the little girls looked at Harry. Louis just sat beside them, looking at the scene happily.

"Yeah of course, I will pick you up in the afternoon yeah? And-"

Before he could answer, Lizzy kissed his cheek and ran off with Tiffany's hand in her and shouting "Love you Dad!" after him. Harry just smiled and leaned against the black of the porch.

"Everything okay?" Louis asked and Harry remembered he was there as well. Well he knew he was there and didn't miss how their knees were touching.

"Yeah, I just...haven't seen her this happy in almost two years so it's a little overwhelming for me." He chuckled, still watching Lizzy play with the kids.

"I am glad she is happy, she looks like she needed it. To play, I mean, with friends." Louis said and Harry should take it as offensive, but he didn't, because it was true.

"Yeah, I suppose. Her best friend just moved away and other kids didn't want to play with her because she doesn't have a mum." He said and surprised himself with telling this to Louis, complete stranger.

He hasn't told anyone his feelings about the whole situation with Hailey, Lizzy's mother. He needed to make sure his kid was feeling okay and safe, so he forgot about himself and how he actually felt about it. He put the problem and feelings into a closet in the back of his mind and kept them there.

"Oh, I am sorry. But I am sure she is going to have amazing friends here. I mean, look at them, looks like they know each other their whole lives huh?" Louis pointed at the group of kids, which included Lizzy, playing hide and seek. Lizzy and Tiffany were hiding behind a giant marshmallow made of wood and were talking like best friends. Harry loved it. He also loved that Louis didn't ask anything about Lizzy's mother, he seemed to catch that Harry didn't feel practically fond of sharing the story.

"Wow, that's...awesome. You have amazing kids here. I am sure Tiffany just coming to Lizzy and asking her if she wanted to play without thinking about her family situation meant a lot to her. At least it did for me." He said, eyes locked on the pair of girls still.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked at Louis. His hand was warm against his skin even through the shirt Harry had and it comforted him in a sense he hasn't felt before.

"You are a good dad Harry, really good. You just had a bad experience in life, whether it was your family situation or whatever, your daughter adores you and has you as her hero. And because of that, she is like her father, kind and friendly and funny, she just needed to find the perfect friends for her. And I think she did." Louis looked into his eyes the whole time, hand still comforting more then ever. Harry smiled at him and wanted to hug him, because these words meant so much, so so much. He almost wanted to cry.

"Thank you, Louis." He said and Louis only nodded, smiling brightly.


When Harry drove to the kindergarten again that afternoon, he felt happier than ever. His daughter was happy, and probably found new friends, and he just got promoted at his job, something he wanted for a while now, it allowed him more free time and more money, so he wasn't complaining.

He saw parents going in and out of the main door and wandered which one belonged to Tiffany, he wanted to thank them for raising her well. He supposed he will ask Louis about it.

He stepped inside and saw Louis talking to a guy with dark hair styled upwards, taller than Louis with slim figure and brown eyes. They both seemed comfortable with each other so maybe they were friends? Harry felt a little jealous, he wanted to make Louis laugh as well.

"Harry!! Hey, glad to see you here." Louis called once they locked eyes and the taller man looked at him as well, smile on his face.

"This is Zayn, father of Tiffany." Louis introduced him and they shook hands, Harry thanking Zayn for raising an amazing kid as Tiffany was. Zayn just smiled and blamed it all on his partner, but Harry knew he did a big part in parenting as well.

"Daddy!" All three of them heard and saw two little girls running towards them, both jumping into their fathers arms.

Harry caught Lizzy and adjusted her on his hip. She immediately started rumbling about her day and what they did with Tiffany and how much she enjoyed it. She also said Louis was the best teacher ever, at that, Louis ruffled her hair and Lizzy gasped, playing annoyed.

Harry loved it, he loved how much his daughter talked about her day, how much fun she had, how good of a school this is, and how of a good teacher Louis was. This kindergarten was absolutely incredible.

He needed to sent Niall a check to Nando's.

They said goodbye to Zayn and Tiffany, girls having a big big hug and dads exchanging phone numbers because their daughters seemed to want visit each other the sooner the better. Louis just stood there and admired.

He was proud of Lizzy, she seemed shy at first but she was the loveliest kid he has ever met. She could be a sneaky little monster, but helped everyone, even asked him if he needed something. She made sure everyone had a friend and everyone loved her for it. She seemed to bring his whole class together. She was the missing piece.

Louis knew she got it from her dad. Harry was charismatic and funny, knew how to have a conversation, but was also clumsy and insanely beautiful. He was amazing with his daughter and seemed to know what to do. Louis adored him and at the same time wanted to kiss him and feel his bigger body against his.

They arranged a few more things and soon Louis had a new student he already loved so much. He was also sporting a big crush on her dad.


A few months have passed and it was now November. To say these months weren't interesting is untrue. They had been weird, but amazing at the same time.

Lizzy loved her new kindergarten and friends. She befriended her whole class and even some kids from other year devisions. She came home happy every day, telling Harry all about her day and what she had done. They did a lot of fun stuff and played a lot outside. They also learned how to read and write a little, so Harry has a stock of letters from his daughter saying she loves him. He gets one every day. Lizzy and Tiffany also love to spend time together outside of school, so they meet up most weekends with Zayn and sometimes his partner as well in the park. They even have little get togethers and sleepovers too. It's cute, really cute.

Harry loves how his daughter is the happiest she has ever been. It warms his heart every day and even on hard days at work, her smile after he picks her up makes his whole day better and he forgets about stupid work. They also learned how to work like a team more. Lizzy said she wanted to help Harry around the house, which he declined, but made her do small tasks like folding their blankets every morning, because she wanted to feel special and do something for her dad.

It had been amazing months for Lizzy, but Harry as well.

Harry didn't know if Louis was doing it on purpose, but he made sure to meet him every day when he came to pick up Lizzy from kindergarten. It started out simple, Louis saying how good she was that day to showing Harry her drawings and photos from the day to asking Harry about his day to inviting him for a coffee at the backyard as Harry let Lizzy play a bit more.

It was nice, they slowly got to know each other on a different level than friends. They texted quite often, almost every day just about their work, families and absolutely nothings as well. Louis had been lots of times at Harry's house and vice versa. Sometimes with Lizzy, sometimes with Niall, sometimes just by himself. They acted like friends but were more touchy and needed the other like sun needs its moon. They weren't dating, but both Zayn and Niall were sure it was going to happen eventually.

They actually formed a new group, Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam. Sometimes Tiffany and Lizzy were there too, but not much. Harry found himself in an environment of guys who accepted him for who he is and for his past as well, even though he hadn't told anyone details about his past, no even Louis. He just couldn't bring himself to tell him. And Louis knew Harry hadn't told him everything, but he waited for him to say something himself knowing it was probably hard.

Life has been actually pretty good.


Harry made his way into the kindergarten, but was met without Louis. He was always the first one he met, today was an exception.

He was met by his running daughter though. So he picked her up and sat onto the bench with her.

"Look Daddy!!! It's my letter for you today!!" She said excitedly as he opened it and saw a beautiful tree with three people underneath.

It was him holding Lizzy's hand, but on the other side of her was...Louis? Wait what?

"Lizzy, who is that?" He asked, confused.

"That's Lou you silly." She said like it was an obvious thing.

Wait what?

Before he could ask, her friend Jack was pulling her into the playroom again. Harry nodded that she could go, telling her he will be at Louis' office.

Something was off with Louis, he felt it.

He still knocked on his door and heard a little Come In before walking into the room where Louis sat on his chair trying to look presentable, but failing miserably. He looked like he had been crying. Harry's heart immediately sank to his stomach and he made his way over to Louis who sat on the couch again once he saw it was Harry.

Harry just pulled him into a hug and kissed his head. He didn't ask, he let Louis his comfort and let it up to Louis if he would share about what was bothering him. He did, eventually.

"My sister is pregnant, but her partner left her and now she is all alone on a baby and she has to go to live with our parents again and she said it will maybe cost her her job." Louis said as he cried into Harry's shoulder. He knew how it felt when everything came apart in one day.

"And our parents...are getting a divorce and I don't know what to do Haz. Everything is falling apart. They are all so young and now the divorce and plus that shitty boy leaving. Everything in one day." He sobbed harder and Harry hugged him tightly to his chest, whispering encouraging words to his hair.

And then he decided.

He was going to tell Louis what happened that day. To make Louis think of something else, or maybe to make himself feel better, he didn't know.

"You know...the worst day of my life was the day Hailey left us. That was the day everything came apart and has finally started to come back, but the wound is still there."

"Haz no, you don't-"

"I want to shhh." He said and held Louis tighter. He breathed in and out, continuing.

"You know how she got pregnant with Lizzy, she practically used me in a club when I was 19. But I put up with her, because it was still my baby and I was going to take care of her as her dad. The two years weren't ideal, but it wasn't that bad, being a parent with her. But one day, one morning, I came downstairs at my parents house and there was Lizzy, on a table in the dining room, laying in some clothes and a note. It said only Bye, nothing like an explanation to what was happening, who did it, nothing."

"So I woke up my parents, my mum took Lizzy into the shops and me and my dad went to Hailey's house to see if she was there. It was just her dad, who said she left a while ago and he didn't know anything about her. So we kept looking for weeks, but even police didn't find her. She disappeared like nothing, like she just didn't leave a two year old kid with her dad who still lives with his parents and had three jobs so he could pay for his daughter and sometimes even her. One day, she sent a letter saying she was never coming back and that she doesn't want Lizzy anymore."

"And since that day, everything fell apart. Like everything. With my saved up money, we moved to London into a tiny apartment and I started my current job. It was horrible Lou. So I understand, everything can crush in one day and it's absolutely horrible, but I know you are strong and you will figure something out, okay? You are the smartest and bravest man I know so don't give up, just like I hadn't, and look where it got me. Life has been horrible to me, but there is always the light at the end of the tunnel, it can be a person, a thing, a memory, but something is always there. You just need to hold onto it." Harry finished and Louis didn't know what to say.

"I...thank you for explaining what happened, love. I didn't know it was that bad, but you came out as a stronger man and person and that's what is amazing about you." Louis said and smiled at Harry, touching his knee.

"And I promise you, I am going to keep onto my light at the end of the tunnel and I will not ever let go." Louis said after and it made Harry happy. That Louis will follow his advice and maybe because of his light, he will be alright soon.

What Harry didn't know was, that he was Louis' light.

Harry smiled and pulled Louis against him again, murmuring a little You got this into his soft fluffy hair.

"How about me and Lizzy cook you dinner today, huh? How does that sound?" Harry suggested hoping Louis will say yes. It was Friday so maybe he could sleep over as well. Let's not get carried away shall we?

"That sounds really lovely Hazz, I just need to finish some work here, but I promise to come as soon as possible okay?"

"Okay." Harry agreed, not liking Louis working so much, but he didn't say anything. He just wiped under Louis' eyes and fixed his hair before smiling at Louis and finally looking him in the eye.

As he sank lower and lower into the deep ocean in Louis' eyes, he remembered Lizzy's drawing. What did she mean? Does she want Louis as her dad? Or does she just sees him as another father figure? Or her best friend? She once draw him, her and Niall in one picture, but said it didn't mean anything. So does this meant something?

Shit, how does one get out of Louis' eyes, Harry needs map.

Gladly he was not the only one lost. Louis was gliding through the forest of Harry's eyes as he remembered every little touch of Harry's, his encouraging words, all of his compliments he ever gave Louis. He remembered his curls that were reaching his shoulders almost, the locks Louis liked to trace his fingers through when given the opportunity. The way Harry's hands bought him comfort, the way he felt safe inside Harry's arms and Harry's arms only. He remembered his lips, those full pink lips that looked so kissable. And he remembered the crush he has on Harry, how he has fallen for him in the past couple of months. He loves Harry, so much.

And Harry loves Louis to pieces, none of them are too brave to do the first move.

Harry wanted to say or do something but he heard crying outside and immediately knew it was Lizzy. Both of the mens eyes widened and they jumped up and left the office. On their way outside, they were met with Beth, another of Louis' students. She lead them where Lizzy was, holding her knee and crying.

It was bleeding like crazy and Harry immediately sat beside her and pulled her onto his lap. She started crying into his shirt and he caressed her back and held her tight. Louis was there in a second with bandages and medical stuff. He firstly wiped the blood away that still kept pouring from it so he tried to stop it.

(Idk how medical stuff works and is called in English so excuse it, thankssss)

Once it did stop and Lizzy's cries came to a stop as well, Louis pulled out the bottle with disinfectant inside and Lizzy knowing dam well what it was, started crying again.

"Lizz, you know we have to do it." Louis sighed and held Lizzy so she wasn't moving much. Harry told her a story of what happened today at work. One of his coworkers proposed to another coworker and it was very pretty. Lizzy kept looking at her knee but Harry kept her gaze on him and even if there were tears falling down her cheeks, he kept telling her the story. It visibly helped.

"And we are done, good job Lizzy." Louis said and kissed her head. He pulled out a purple patch with frogs on it. Each kid had a lot of equipment with their chosen sign.

She squealed excitedly and tears were long forgotten and only joy was on her face. Harry smiled at both Lizzy and Louis, glad that Louis has things like that for his kids, making him the best teacher.

Also it made Louis even more attractive to Harry.

Lizzy tried to stand but Harry had a good grip on her so he stoop up with her on his hip. They waited for Louis to put the stuff back before going to the front of the school.

"Thank you Lou, it means a lot. And the patch too." Harry smiled at him and Louis just waved his hand, saying it was nothing.

"See you later you both, hopefully I won't be disappointed with the food you are going to cook." Louis joked.

"You are coming over?!" Lizzy tried to break free from Harry but didn't succeed. Why was her dad so strong? Ugh.

"Yeah I am little one, so don't cook some snails or something" Lizzy gasped.

"That's funny, I just bought some yesterday, we should cook them. What do you say Lizz?" Harry kept going on the joke, Louis frowning.

"Oh yeah, we should-"

"No, don't, guys-" he was interrupted by Harry and Lizzy leaving, talking about how they are going to cook the snails.

"Guys!!! NO SNAILS!!!" Louis shouted after them as the father daughter duo spared him one glance and sending him an air kiss. Louis groaned and hoped they were really joking, but was excited to see them later anyway.


"Hi Lou!!! Come on in!!" Louis was met with jumping Lizzy at the front door. He finished with work and went home to take a shower and packed some things for himself because he will most likely be sleeping over. He also stopped at their local flower shop and bought a rose for Lizzy and sunflower for Harry, his favourite.

He kept them behind his back as he stepped into the house he grew very fond of. It was beautiful after all, a bit big for just two people. It had a big kitchen, living room and backyard. Upstairs it had four bedrooms as each one had its own bathroom plus two bathrooms downstairs. And that wasn't all. It was a big house indeed and Harry said he needed two years of saving and some help from his parents to afford it. It paid off.

Harry was in his home attire and cooking in the kitchen. He was really good cook and Louis loved that about him. He couldn't do pancakes without burning them. Lizzy was standing on a stool beside her dad and was helping him cook. She couldn't cut or do the big tasks, but Harry always found something for her to do. Louis loved the sight, he loved both Lizzy and Harry to pieces and wouldn't be opposed to walking every day home from work to see these two cooking together. He is getting a bit carried away here.

"Hi Haz, Hi Lizzy." He announced he was there and Harry turned towards him smiling. God, the dimples.

"I have something for you." That had Lizzy turning as well. She loved getting gifts.

Louis showed them the flowers, the little girl immediately reaching for the rose and smelling her. Harry stepped from the counter where he was cutting peppers and gave Louis a big hug, thanking him for the flower. His heart did a loopty loop as butterflies erupted in his stomach. Louis was so cute.

They put the flowers into a vase and soon started eating. Lizzy and Harry made pasta with their amazing tomato sauce and basil on top. Louis loved it but had to ask if they didn't put snails into it.

They looked like a family.


After an afternoon full of fun things, board games and a movie, Lizzy was too tired to even move. She laid across both Harry's and Louis' legs, almost asleep.

"How about you go to sleep little miss?" Louis asked and laughed a bit when Lizzy made a disagreeing noise.

"Come on Lizz, you are basically dead, at least be dead in your own bed." Louis tried again. He loved the girl, but he needed a second alone with her father.

"You are not my dad Lou, don't tell me what to do." She mumbled.

"Elisabeth that was rude, and come on, we are going to bed." Harry said sternly and Lizzy immediately sat up when she heard he full name. She hated to make her dad mad.

"I am sorry." She said head hang low.

"Can Lou put me to sleep?" She asked in a whisper. Harry didn't know if he should allow her to, she was rude after all, but he knew Louis loved it as much as Lizzy did.

"If he wants, sure." Harry replied.

Both Louis and Lizzy cheered and stood up, making their way upstairs.

"Under one condition young lady." Harry said when they were almost out the door of the living room.

Both Louis and Lizzy groaned, Louis as a joke, Lizzy knowing she is still in trouble. "You will promise me not to be rude to other people when you know what they are saying it's true okay? If you do, you apologise to them." Harry said and kneed in front of his daughter who was holding Louis' hand.

She let go of his hand and stood in front of her father shyly.

"I promise dad." She said and hugged her dad as tightly as she could. Harry smiled and rubbed her back, knowing she was really sorry. "Alright love, go to sleep now yeah? I love you."

"I love you too Daddy." She let go of the hug and smiled sweetly at him and held Louis' hand again, leading him to her room upstairs. Louis smiled at Harry as well before following Lizzy.


"Lou?" Lizzy said as she laid under her blanket and held her fluffy frog. Louis sat beside her and just finished reading her a bedtime story.

"Yes love?" He sat the book aside and cuddled closer to her.

"Do you like Daddy?" Louis' eyes widened at that, not knowing why she asked him that.

"Um, yeah, why are you asking me though?"

"Because Daddy loves you, I heard him when he was calling Nini and he said that he loves you and wants to be with you." Lizzy said it as it meant nothing, but Louis' belly erupted with butterflies and a grin appeared on his face.

"He really said that?"

"Yeah he did, you silly. Do you love him too?" She asked with her big green eyes that reminded Louis of Harry. He loved those eyes so much. Lizzy looked at him with so much hope in her eyes, wanting Louis to say yes so he can make her dad happy.

"Yes I do Lizz, I love him so much." He said sweetly with the biggest smile on his face. He couldn't believe he said it to her, she was the only person who knew.

"Then tell him Lou!!! He is waiting downstairs for you to give him kissy kisses." Louis laughed at that and swat her arm gently.

"Since when do you give me dating advice young lady?" He smiled and she giggled, rolling her eyes.

"Since you nor dad are too brave to tell each other, someone has to motivate you silly." Hm, Louis supposes that's true. He is too afraid to tell Harry about his feelings.

"Alright miss, I will think about it, but you have to go sleep now okay? So your dad isn't mad at both of us, because you were up late." Lizzy smiled at his answer, making herself more comfortable and hugging her frog closer to her chest.

"Good night Lou and good luck." She whispered when he gave her a kiss on her nose.

"Thanks Lizz. Now good night, sleep well." He whispered back and caressed her hair.

Louis waited until he was sure Lizzy was asleep, but stayed a bit longer, just thinking.

Is he really going to do it? The one thing he has wanted to do since forever, tell Harry about his feelings and possibly make him his. Will he love him back? What if Lizzy lied just to give him courage? No, she wouldn't do that, would she? Ugh, stupid feelings.

Okay, he was doing this. He is going to tell the curly lovely lad about how much he loves him and wants him to be his boyfriend. Here it comes.

He left Lizzy's room and closed her door slowly, not to wake her up. He walked downstairs and was met with Harry washing the dishes and quietly singing some tune. Louis just stood there, in the hallway, and listened to Harry mumbling some song, washing the dishes and swaying his hips to the rhythm. How could someone be so attractive while doing this? God, Louis is whipped.

After a while of admiring the younger lad, he decided to go and help him. He shouldn't watch him without helping with anything. He walked up to him and placed his small hand onto his lower back, making Harry jump a bit but relaxing immediately once he recognised it was Louis.

"Is she asleep?" He asked, giving Louis a small smile and continuing with washing.

"Yeah she is, she must have been pretty tired because once I finished reading she was practically dead in the second." Harry started laughing, Louis doing so as well.

"Yeah she does that a lot, can't relate though, I have to run at least a marathon to fall asleep within a second." Harry said and turned off the sink, washing his hands and drying them.

"Want something to drink? I have your favourite beer from the last time Niall bought like twenty of those." Louis nodded and laughed at the memory.

Two weeks ago, the five boys and two little girls had a dinner together at Harry's house. Everyone bought some chips or another food, Niall though, bought twenty beers of his and Louis' favourite kind, saying Harry buys terrible beer and he needs to drink something. So he ended up drinking ten of them, Liam one, Louis three, Zayn and Harry stayed sober. It was very fun getting drunk Niall into bed that night.

"Thanks Haz." The curly lad nodded and they sat on the couch, knees touching gently. Louis loved it. Harry did so as well, considering if he should tell Louis about his love for him.



They both started laughing historically, hands on their stomachs and beer almost spilling from the bottles. They laughed and laughed just because they said their names in unison, both of them needing it so much. They didn't realise how much of a good time they have with each other. Sure, they enjoyed being with the other more than the other lads, always wanting to be with one another, possibly just the two of them. But now, as they laughed cuz of absolute nothing, it clicked. Something clicked inside their heads, both of them looking at each other, still panting from laughing so much.

Louis couldn't wait any longer, he knew this was the right moment, he just didn't know what to tell Harry. Should he just kiss him? No, that's weird. Should he tell him the three magical words out of nowhere? Nah. Maybe a long dialogue about how much he means to him will do. No, he is saving that for a proposal. So he should just-

So he kissed him. His head was saying too much and Harry's lips looked too kissable at that moment that he forgot about all his speech and authority, leaning in and pressing his lips to Harry's.

His lips were so soft, Louis has never felt something so nice. They were soft but raw at the same time, wet but dry and completely delicious. Louis could just kiss Harry all day and all night and he wouldn't mind one bit. It wasn't until Harry kissed him back, holding his face with both of his big hands, that Louis felt a shock of electricity travel through him and he smiled against Harry's lips.

Harry set aside Louis' beer from his hand and bought him even closer, Louis almost on his lap. Louis' hands traveled around the younger lads neck as Harry's occupied themselves on Louis' waist under his T-shirt. The skin was smooth there, so smooth Harry was already addicted and he kissed Louis deeper, not wanting for the kiss to end.

Harry was the brave one this time, licking Louis' bottom lip to ask for entrance Louis gladly gave. Harry licked inside Louis' mouth and battled for dominance with the smaller man's tongue. Louis won and grinned against Harry's lips as he was pulled closer so he was straddling Harry, their chests pressing incredibly close.

They had to catch a breath after a couple of minutes, both panting hard, foreheads pressed together firmly.

"Fuck, I love you." Louis said, not caring about his words. He realised what he said once Harry stilled underneath him and he was forced to look him in the eye.

He didn't know what to do, did Harry loved him back? Or not? Should he apologise and say this was a mistake? No that's not true and pretending this was a mistake would be too hard. He would kiss Harry the very second he said it and never let him go. So what should he do? Shit his eyes are so green, oh god. But does he love him back or-

"I love you too Lou, so much." He heard and he focused his mind and eyes again, seeing that Harry was smiling at him with crinkles in his eyes and fuck, those stupid butterflies started again. He felt so happy in that moment he couldn't bring himself to speak or move, so he just smiled his sunshine smile and rested his forehead against Harry's again.

"I thought you wouldn't, I thought you wouldn't love someone like me." Louis whispered and opened his eyes again, meeting with green orbs looking at him sweetly.

"Love, I love you so much, only you. I love every single thing about you, even the ones you think are stupid. I can't think of loving someone different." Harry said and Louis couldn't stop smiling. How did he deserve him? Oh and his dimples were showing, god dammit.

"You are the sweetest Haz." Louis planted soft kisses all over Harry's face and finally gave a big sweet loving one to Harry's full puffy lips he loved so much. He couldn't get enough of this man.


"You know, Lizzy draw a cute picture today at kindergarten, did you see it?" Harry asked Louis once they were in bed, both in their T-shirts and boxers, cuddling. Louis had his head on Harry's chest, slowly caressing his tummy while Harry ran his fingers through Louis' soft hair and caressed Louis' arm with his other hand.

Both of them didn't know how much they would enjoy just laying and cuddling with each other until now. They both felt so warm and safe. Like home.

"No, I didn't. What did she draw?" Louis asked curious. Lizzy normally showed him every one of her drawings or letters to her dad, but today was different. She hid it away from him and refused for him to see it.

Harry tried to not get away from Louis as he pulled out a drawing from his bedside table and shut it again. He showed it to Louis without an explanation and waited until it hit him.

His eyes widened at the realisation, looking at Harry. "Is" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah it is, she showed it to me today when I came to pick her up, but didn't get to explaining why she draw it." Harry said, bringing Louis closer to him. He was still staring at the photo, totally stuck.

Did Lizzy want him as her dad? Or what did it mean?

"We can ask her about it tomorrow if you want." Harry suggested softly and Louis nodded, setting the paper on the bedside table next to him and cuddling closer to Harry's warmth.

"Will we tell her about us?" Was Louis' question. He would like to tell her, but didn't know if Harry felt the same way. When he felt him giggle, he smiled, relieved.

"I think she would come downstairs and already feel it in the air. She is a little sneaky detective." Louis laughed with him, looking him in the eye.

"Yeah that's true, I feel like she is going to be happy." Harry smiled, his mind still couldn't comprehend that Louis was so damm beautiful. And he was his.

"Not happy as her dad right now." Harry said, closing the gap between them and pressing his lips onto Louis' thin ones. It was even better then the first time, both men completely lost in moving their lips together, tongues meeting each other momentarily. They were so happy. And safe.

Once they parted, Harry planted a sweet kiss to Louis' forehead, the older man making himself more comfortable on Harry's chest.

"Good night Lou."

"Good night, love."

Louis closed his eyes, smile creeping on his face. He couldn't stop smiling. He was just so happy.

As he drifted off to sleep, letting the darkness consume him and the first images from dreams creep out in his mind, he felt Harry's lips on his forehead again and a small 'I love you' fell from his lips.


"Daddy!!! Louis is not in his room!! Someone stole him!!" Lizzy shouted as she ran through the hallway from Louis' normal guest room to Harry's room. The door was closed, so she didn't know if she could enter, but when no one answered her, she quietly made her way in. Once she saw the two man cuddling, she knew what it meant and was so happy about the fact that maybe Louis could be her dad as well.

She loved Louis so much, as her teacher, as her friend, and maybe as her dad as well. He has always acted like a dad to her, making sure she has everything, sometimes even picking her up from kindergarten when Harry was sick or couldn't make it. She slept in his house once, because Harry had to go to another city for some emergency with work. He spent most of the weekends at their house, just to eat lunch, or sometimes for a sleepover. She was so used to him being around that she felt he could be her dad. She would love it. She just didn't know if Louis would too.

And now, that maybe her dad and Louis finally confessed their feelings towards one another, maybe, just maybe, she could ask him to be her dad. But it was too soon, she knew it.

"Daddy, Lou, it's time to wake up and cook our traditional pancakes." She whispered once she crawled onto both Harry and Louis, laying on top of them.

Harry woke up first, already sensitive to his daughter's voice in the mornings. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, remembering what happened yesterday and smiling to himself. He looked at Lizzy and then to Louis, giving him a kiss on his head.

Lizzy smiled and cuddled on the other side of her dads chest, not wanting to wake Louis up. "You said you loved him daddy?" She asked, whispering.

He smiled at her, nodding. "Yeah I did sweetie."

"And he did too?" Her eyes full of hope.

"Yeah he, did too." At that, Lizzy planted a kiss to Harry's cheek and he smiled, sneaking an arm around her body to pull her closer.

They stayed like that for a while, Lizzy falling asleep again, Harry admiring his little family. If he could call them that. Louis was finally his and he wasn't planning on letting him slip through his fingers. He will always make sure to be the best partner for him, and the best father for Lizzy. They both deserved so much and Harry was more than willing to give them just that. The whole world.


When Harry woke up again, there was no one with him in the bed. The spot Louis laid in was cold already and his daughter was no where to be seen as well. He looked at the clock, seeing it's already 10:30 in the morning, so he made his way to the bathroom to take a wee before slowly going downstairs.

He heard Louis and Lizzy before he saw them, shouts of 'Louis no!!' and 'Louis you burned it' echoed through his ears. Once he stepped into the kitchen, he saw a mess. Louis was at the stove with Lizzy on a stool next to him, scolding him for every move he did. Harry recognised they were making their traditional pancakes, but made no move in helping them because they looked too adorable to interrupt.

Once he heard Louis groan for a hundred time in ten minutes because of the scolding, he decided to step in and help.

"Good morning guys." He said as he entered the kitchen, acting like he hasn't been watching them for the past ten minutes.

Louis immediately turned and smiled, relieved someone could save him from the little monster.

"Hi love, we are making you pancakes." Louis sneaked an arm around his waist and pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"First of all, gross, second, can you do it daddy? Louis is not good at cooking." Harry chuckled while Louis pouted and stepped away from the stove.

Harry looked at his boyfriend softly before kissing his forehead and finishing the rest of the pancakes.

Once it was all done, Louis and Lizzy prepared the table and they all sat around it. Like a family. Louis and Harry next to each other while Lizzy sat opposite of them, admiring as the two adults stole as many kisses as possible. They were all about light touches and soft small smiles. It was beautiful to watch as they both lit up whenever they felt the other ones touch or caught the one smiling at the other. Both Harry and Louis were much much happier then yesterday, it was noticeable to everyone, even the spider hanging in the corner in the kitchen.

They acted like a family. They smiled and laughed and suggested what should they do the whole weekend together. Lizzy listened to Louis as he was her dad as well and had a big urge to call him that. Not yet though, she knew it was early for that.

Once they ate breakfast, they watched their favourite movie in the living room, Harry curled up under Louis' arm while Lizzy was sitting next to him on the other side, grabbing his hand every time she saw her favourite character.


2 years later

"Dadda!!! Have you seen my purple T-shirt?" Lizzy yelled through the house while running around, looking for the shirt.

It was the first day of the school year, and she was leaving kindergarten and going to a normal elementary school. Louis extended his teaching methods and opened an elementary school last year, so Lizzy was going there, along with all her friends from kindergarten. Her and Tiffany already made plans for their future, not just where they are going to sit and how many new friends they are going to make. They also knew what their job is going to be and what business they are going to run together. It was fun listening to them talk about it all the time.

Because Louis was the principal, he had to be there today too, to introduce himself to the parents he didn't know from kindergarten and to the new students. He was already up and eating breakfast downstairs when he heard his daughter behind him.

"Have you seen my shirt?" She asked breathless. She couldn't find Harry so she had to find Louis. She picked her outfit the night before and was very proud of it, but if she didn't find the shirt, it would be ruined.

"No I haven't sweetie, where did you put the outfit last night?" Louis asked, looking at his daughter with a look that said 'I know where it is, I just want you to remember it yourself'.

"Ugh...I don't know. Was it, my chair maybe? no." She stood in front of Louis for whole five minutes thinking while he finished his cereal.

All of a sudden, her face lit up and she ran away, probably to her room, remembering where the shirt was. On the way to her room, she met Harry in jeans and a shirt, hair all wet from the shower. "Tell dada I love him for me please!" She shouted at Harry and disappeared into her room.

Harry went downstairs confused, but sneaked his long strong arms around Louis' waist from behind to surprise him. The older man jumped from the shock but quickly relaxed once he knew who it was.

"Lizzy told me to tell you she loves you." Harry said and kissed Louis' cheek, stepping away to make his own breakfast.

Louis chuckled and put his bawl into the dishwasher, putting all of the dirty dishes inside as well.

"What are your plans for today love?" He asked while he tried not to mess up his work attire by the dirty plates.

"Go with Lizzy to school, meet the handsome headmaster, go to work, go and see Niall because he said he needs to see me alone, dunno why. Pick up my daughter from her school and relax." Harry stated as he started to put things into his yoghurt.

"The handsome headmaster can bring your daughter home if you ask him." Louis said and started the dishwasher.

Harry chuckled as he finished his breakfast and sat down on one of the stools. Louis sat opposite of him, drinking a glass of water. A habit he picked up from his lovely boyfriend.

"It's okay Lou, I know you have a lot of work since today and tomorrow are both opening days. You have to meet everyone etc, I don't want you stressing out with picking Lizzy up."

"Hey, it's no problem okay? I am her dad too now, which means I want to pick her up even if I have a busy day. And, I know you have been working your ass off, so I think an afternoon with Niall will take your mind off things. Just let me help Haz." Louis said with his puppy but serious eyes.

It was true. Louis was now Lizzy's dad as well. She called him dad after a few months of Louis and Harry dating. They moved in together after that into Harry's and Lizzy's house, living like a proper family. Like a year back, Lizzy asked Louis to be her adoptive father. She wanted him to be her dad officially too. She wouldn't have his name, but he would be listed as her dad everywhere now. Both Louis and Harry cried when she asked him, not believing she would actually want it. Let's say it was very emotional day.

The adoption process was long, but after a long few months, Lizzy was finally officially Louis' daughter. It happened about three months ago, and since it was summer, they haven't established a routine like a proper family. Of course Louis helped with Lizzy as much as possible even when she wasn't officially his, like a normal father, but it now felt different. Good kind of different.

"I know Lou, we are gonna have to have some routine and everything. Once we know her schedule and our schedules as well, we can talk about it okay?" Harry said and sipped from his water.

"Yes, but I am picking her up today." Oh god, why was he so stubborn?

"Okayyyyyy." Harry said, making Louis smile and Lizzy shouting a big yes as she overheard the whole conversation.


"Alright, good morning everyone!! I am Louis Tomlinson and I am the principal of this school. So if one of you lovely kiddos will be in trouble, you will go to me. I wanted to say how glad I am you all chose my school to go to, it means a lot to me. I hope you will like it here, all the teachers and subjects, our kitchen and everything else. I will leave the rest of the class to Mrs. Hill here, but I would love to meet all of you parents one by one outside if that's okay." Louis said to the new class and parents.

They were all in one classroom, the kids sitting around round tables while parents stood at the back. Harry was there too, not wanting to miss his daughter's first day of school even if she had one parent there already. They met up with Zayn and Tiffany in front of the school while Louis went to his office and the two fathers with their daughters went inside the classroom. They were met with a lot of familiar faces, but also introduced themselves to some new parents they saw and made small conversation. Harry didn't mention Louis being Lizzy's dad, they agreed to it mutually. They didn't want people thinking Lizzy gets some special treatment because of it. They learned that from kindergarten. They knew people would find out eventually, but they would avoid it as much as they could.

Once the class started, Mrs. Hall, their new head teacher, introduced them to their new school, gave the kids some gifts, the parents got some papers with what they were gonna learn in the following year. She was very nice and Harry immediately liked her, knowing his daughter was in good hands. Once Louis gave his speech, the parents gathered outside of the classroom in a smaller open room, where they all sat on couches and chairs. Louis answered a lot of questions about the school, the teaching system, how it is treated when a kid is bullied and another important things. Harry didn't ask anything, he knew all of it from what Louis told him already, but was still very interested in what Louis' answers were and how politely he talked to everyone. And how amazing he looked in that suit.

Once it was over, some parents wanted to talk to Louis alone, so Harry and Zayn just sat there, talking about how their daughters have grown up so fast while waiting for the class to end. Before the bell rang, Louis finished talking with everyone and winked to Harry, waving at Zayn and leaving to his office.

Soon enough, all the little monsters came running from the classroom all happy and smiley. Lizzy found her dad very easily, jumping into his arms.

"Daddy daddy!! Mrs. Hill is so nice! She gave me a lollipop! And we have new friends!!" Lizzy started telling him all about  her first class and he wanted to cry. When did all the time go? Wasn't she born yesterday?

Harry and Zayn smiled at each other while the two little girls told them all about the kids, the teacher, the lollipops they got and many more. They were so excited. Harry had to thank Louis for creating the best school ever with a thank you blowjob or something later.

"Dad will pick you up. Once the classes ends, Zayn will take you to dad's office okay?" Harry says to Lizzy before she goes off to the classroom again.

"Okay!!" She smiles giving Harry a big sloppy kiss in the cheek and running off with Tiffany. Zayn and Harry shared a soft smile, before leaving the school and going to work.


"Hello Harold, I see you have finally made time for me." Niall greeted Harry at the door to his new house. He got promoted in his job so he could afford better house now. He moved just ten minutes away from Harry's house. Harry loved it because whenever he needed, he could just take his car and drop Lizzy off at Niall's.

"Ni, for the hundredth time, the summer was really busy and I apologised like ten thousand times." Niall still played annoyed ad he stormed off into the kitchen with a 'whatever'.

"So I know that you were strictly against the idea of throwing Lizzy a party, but I teamed up with Zayn and Louis so now both Tiff and Lizzy are getting one, today."


"We knew you would disagree so we planned it behind your back so now we are going to your house and decorate it all. No complaining. Also we are picking Lizzy's present on the way there."

"Niall why- what? Wait, a present?" Harry was confused, let's say. He didn't want to throw a party for Lizz not because money was tight, but because he saw how so many kids think that every special day like this one deserves a party. Yes, he planned on buying a cake for them, watching her favourite movie and maybe buying her her dream fish, but he didn't want something big. And the fact that his boyfriend and best mates agreed without talking to him about it made him not happy. He just didn't want her spoiled.

But he went with Niall and didn't say anything because he knew once Niall is set on something, he does it.


Harry hummed from where he was looking out of a window.

"Have you ever wanted a dog?" Niall asked, almost like it was a secret.

A dog? Why was Niall asking him about a dog?

"Um, I am more of a cat person but I have always wanted one." Harry says, looking at his mate with confusion written all over his face.

Niall makes a happy sound and jumps in his seat a bit, almost forgetting to slow down on a red light.

"So you want one?"

Niall seems suspicious.

"I don't know about now but one day yeah."

"But you wouldn't be opposed to having a dog now right?"

"What are you getting on mate? You are acting really suspicious." Harry was so confused at this point. Was Niall getting him a dog? Or Lizzy?

"I am thinking of adopting a dog so I was wandering if you would mind sometimes watching him for me." Niall says like he has already done it and smiles at Harry shortly.

Okay, so he is not getting them one. Good.

"No it's no problem. Lizzy will love him and I am sure Louis won't mind."

"Okay, thanks mate." Niall smiles at him before turning back to the road again with mischief in his eyes.


Once they were done with decorating, having Zayn and Liam help them as well, they waited for Louis and Zayn's partner to come back with the girls. Harry still didn't really like the idea, but gave in when Niall bought his favourite beer. Yeah, it was easy to win Harry over. Especially when you were Niall.

Once the door opened, the four old men jumped from behind the corner and screamed surprise. Lizzy and Tiffany screamed from the shock but also from the excitement as they ran into the living room to see the cake and decorations. There were balloons everywhere, their favourite drinks, their favourite singer on and two wrapped up presents on the couch. It was a party for two little girls, but honestly, for their fathers as well. It is hard watching their kids be so big yet so small, growing up too fast.

They all laughed, danced, screamed, drank and ate till they couldn't anymore. The girls opened their presents, finding there two beautiful matching backpacks for school. They also found some pencils and another equipment. They looked so happy, Harry secretly loving the party. Louis held him tighter against his waist, leaving small kisses on his cheek, jawline and neck. Harry felt content, safe, happy.

"I will be right back!" Niall said and ran outside.

He made it back just a minute later, telling Harry, Louis and Lizzy to close their eyes and stand next to each other. They were all confused but once Harry heard barking, he knew what was happening.

Niall bought them the fucking dog.

"Anddddd open!!!" He yelled and all three opened their eyes only to see a little fluffy brown dog running towards them and jumping into Lizzy's arms.

She was crying, crying from happiness, because she has been asking for a dog since she could speak. The dog was licking her face and jumping on her, making her fall back on her bum, hugging the creature tightly while kissing its head. Harry felt overwhelmed, not knowing what to think, and Louis? He stared at the fluffy creature with wide eyes and a small smile. He has always wanted a dog, but never had the guts to ask Harry if they could get one. So now, that they had one, he didn't know what to think.

Harry knelt down next to Lizzy, taking the dog from her because he was practically licking her face with everything he had and she was wet, but laughing. Harry hugged him to his chest, not wanting for his daughter to be suffocated even more. He just wanted to put him back on the ground, but the dog started to muzzle into his chest and licked a stripe over his cheek. And Harry laughed, he laughed and sat back against the cold floor as well, scratching behind his fluffy ears and kissing the dogs head.

Louis knelt next to him and scratched his back and ears, already loving the dog so much. Harry let his head fall onto Louis' shoulder, loving how much of joy the dog already brought everyone.

Okay, maybe he was wrong about not wanting one right now.

The others just looked at them with adoration in their eyes, knowing the dog is going to fit right into their little family. Niall received a big thank you hug from Lizzy and a promise of a serious conversation from Louis and Harry.

They thanked him later too, though.


As they went to sleep that night, Louis turned the lights off downstairs, making his way to their bedroom. He was about to close Lizzy's door, but saw Harry curled up in the middle of the small bed with his daughter curled up against him on one side, the dog laying on his other side next to him, Harry's hand on his tummy. Louis smiled to himself, changed into pyjamas, took the dog into his arms and slowly laid his head on Harry's chest with the fluffy creature somehow comfortable between them. He felt Harry's hand sneak around his waist, giving his hip a little squeeze. He kissed everyone's forehead before smiling to himself, taking a photo to memorise it.

To memorise this beautiful moment.

His family.

Hope you liked this one, it took me like a month to finish it😅

Anywaysss, love you all and thank you for reading it🦋💗

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