Fruk one shots

By jelsa_fnaf_lover

1.7K 90 52

These are all story ideas I want to do, so I will let you all like the one I will write next :) More

A Terrible Accident
The way of your movements
Somebody's Watching me
Childhood Friends
Art class
Speed dating
The Hunter's Prey
Seven minutes in heaven
The Nutcracker (part 1)
The Nutcracker (part 2)

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder

126 8 3
By jelsa_fnaf_lover

"Sir, please just calm down!"

"Why should I? I ask you for one simple thing, and you all can not do that!"

"We will make things right!"

"You better! now leave!"

I threw a bag at her associate, and she ran out of the room crying. I swear I am surrounded by idiots sometimes. I was hard on the people who worked for me, but it was for a good reason. I was one of the most successful models here in France, and I did not make it this far being nice. Talking nicely to people does not help you succeed at all. My agent was Mr. Jones, he was pretty young, but I decided to let him take me on since I felt generous. He trusts me to make many decisions for myself, and I respect that. I had been the face of the agency for the past five years, ever since I was recruited at seventeen.

I threw myself on a seat and began to pour myself a drink. There was a sudden knock on the door, and I turned my head to look. "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bonnefoy; we hired a new assistant like you asked."

I lifted an eyebrow at him and nodded, remembering, "Right! Because the other one was an idiot!" I spoke. He continued to look at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Well! bring them in already!" I said, annoyed. He nodded at me nervously and quickly left the room. I swear to god I am going to kill someone today. I looked to my right and saw how my secretary was talking to someone. They were talking a lot, and I could hear the person sounding nervous.

"For god sake! come in!" I yelled.

The door suddenly opened up, and my secretary pushed a guy inside. He had messy hair and eyebrows that needed to be trimmed; he dressed like an elderly person, and his hands rested against his bag. I began observing him and saw as he jumped from the door shutting behind him. I started lifting an eyebrow as he looked down at the floor. "Well? show me a resume or something!" I demanded.

"Right! sorry!" He finally spoke. Was he British?

He began to shuffle through his bag, and I could see how he grew increasingly anxious trying to find it. I sat up straight, putting my drink down. "Ahh! It is here!" he cheered. He pulled the item out, and out came other papers that fell to the floor. Great! They hired an idiot!

"oh! sorry, let me just, uhh... I am usually not like this at all," He was fumbling and began to pick up the papers from the floor quickly. I rolled my eyes, looking at him, and began to stand up. He was shoving things into his bag, and I walked toward him. He stood up quickly and gave me his crumbled resume. "Sorry, I am just nervous right now; I promise I am not like this all the time," He looked up at me.

Our eyes finally met, and I saw that he meant it. He was serious and did not look embarrassed at all. His skin looked soft, and as I came closer, I could smell the cologne he was wearing. I smiled at him slightly and looked at the name on his paper. "Arthur Kirkland, what an Interesting name. Are you as interesting as your name?" I asked.

"Depends on who you ask," He responded. I looked up from the paper to him, and he looked very stern. "You know, as my assistant, you and I will spend lots of time together, how do you feel about that? I am sure you have heard some stories?" I asked. "Yeah, there are quite a few," He spoke bluntly. I gestured for him to follow me and pulled him to sit next to me. I began to pour him a drink and slid it toward him.

He did not take it and continued looking at me as if he were ready for anything. He was honestly attractive when he looked like that. I smiled at him as I began to drink and put an arm around him. He had been sitting up straight and looked extremely tense. "Well? are you going to ask me anything?" he asked. My eyes widened at how he spoke to me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, and he seemed very unamused.

"Is that what you want me to do?"

"Well, I thought that you would,"

" that so?"

I placed my cup down and pulled him closer to me. I grabbed his face with my left hand and forced him to look at me. We both began to look into each other's eyes. He looked shocked that I had done this, and I was sure he could see how annoyed I was. "You do not think anything! you hear me? I tell you what to do, and then you do nothing more and nothing less."

I squished his cheeks between my fingers and moved his face from side to side. He looked at me angrily, and it was not the response I thought I would get from him. "If you wanted a slave, then you shouldn't have put up a help wanted poster, I am your assistant if you will have me, but I will not stand to be talked to like some dog," He responded between my hand. He pushed my hand away from him, and I felt my blood boil.

"Have we come to an understanding?"

He looked away from me with his eyes closed, waiting for a response. My anger suddenly calmed down, and I found it amusing. No one has ever had the balls to talk back to me; it was hilarious. I felt myself starting to laugh, and he looked at me, confused. "What is so funny?" he asked. "Pfft, you are funny," I laughed.

He moved away from me, annoyed, and I could not help but smile looking at him. He was going to get on my nerves, but I still wanted him. "When can you start?" I asked. His head shot toward me, and he looked utterly speechless. "You still want me to work for you?" He asked. I scooted closer toward him and placed my fingers on his chin, pulling him to look at me. "If you will let me have you," I whispered. His cheeks slowly turned red, and his shocked face soon turned to annoyance. "Well, I need a job, so I suppose I do not have many choices," He spoke earnestly.

"Great, you start tomorrow; I will email all the important stuff," I smiled. I continued to force his face to look at me, and he pushed me away. "Then, I will see you tomorrow," he spoke. Arthur stood up and grabbed his bag. "I will be looking forward to it," I whispered.

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