Runaway || Book 1

By Elizabethenderson00

84.1K 2.1K 194

The Alpha only wanted an Heir, when he soon began to realise his human mate wasn't going to produce on he qui... More

O n e.
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
Chapter Five.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
New Book!
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
C h a r a c t e r s
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
N e w B o o k
Important notice.

Chapter Six.

4.8K 124 15
By Elizabethenderson00

Bringing this story back home, struggled too much with good novel, Wattpad is my comfort zone, I've been writing on here since I was 14 and I can't change it now 🫶🏼

I will re upload all chapters and carry on with the story whilst doing my other one!

Thank you everyone! Keep voting! Keep commenting! All your comments help me to continue and realise people actually enjoy reading my books.


The pregnancy seemed to take a bad turn, Eliza was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum shortly after the first scan, she could barely sit up due to being so weak, throwing up over a hundred times a day even on anti sickness tablets it was killing her. She lost over 35lbs and was beginning to realise she needed help, more help than her brother could give her.

The front door opened revealing Jerome with Ivan on his tail, he looked over at his mate to see her thin as paper and white as a ghost laying on the sofa with her sick bucket on the floor next to her, she was fast asleep but her heart beat wasn't steady as it usually was, he could tell her body was giving up on her.

"She looks dead" His voice cracked as he stepped closer. Jerome put his hand out to stop him. "Let her sleep, we will pack her belongings and carry her back when she's awake" Jerome headed straight for her bedroom whilst Ivan stood watching her shallow breathing, he couldn't believe how much this was effecting her, all to carry a child, most women would of given up by now, the doctors told him more than 75% of women who suffer with HG abort before 12 weeks. Yet here she was fighting for her and the babies life. How did he ever doubt her? How did he ever let such a strong and stubborn woman walk out of his life? How did he think he would cope without her?

They waited after cleaning out her small cabin before she woke from her deep sleep only to continue vomiting. Ivan rushed to her side within seconds holding her hair back.
"Ivan?" She groaned out, her eyes swollen from the straining and crying.
"It's me" He hushed as he rubbed her back as she fell into his arms.
"Let's get you home" He whispered as he kissed her head before picking her up into his arms, he could tell the difference in weight from the last time he held her, truth be told, it had been a long time since her held her, he stopped appreciating her when Amanda came on the scene, he lost himself in something fun, and abandoned what was real, all because he was in a rush to have a child, not for a family though, just an heir, he did it all for the wrong reasons.

He held in the tears as he walked back through the forest with his one true love in his arms, reassuring her they were nearly home as Jerome walked behind them with her belongings. Everything he'd put her through in the past few months playing over in his head, his never regretted something so much as he did letting her down and hurting her. Only he could be the fool in a love triangle, yet he called her naive and gullible.

He laid her gently on the bed they once shared together but soon cringed when he realised he had shared the bed with another woman. He quickly scooped her back up and took her to the living room where he let her rest before turning back to their room to change the bed completely, he didn't even bother getting the tools, he began ripping it, every post, every bed slat torn by his bare hands, his breathing was completely out of control as tears streamed down his face, he stopped when he heard a loud crash behind him, he turned to find Jerome standing with the tool box by his feet, he shook his head at Ivan as he began to take over.

By evening Jerome had gone out and brought a new bed for Ivan and Eliza and helped Ivan build it before they moved her back into bed, a sick bowl beside her and a nightstand full of medication. She sat up and took the smallest sip of water before her eyes teared up and she began to throw up over and over.
'How can one drop effect her so badly?' Ivan asked Jerome through mind link.
'We're still not sure Alpha' He replied bowing his head.
'Call the pack doctor, I want her on IVs' He watched as she sunk further into the bed wasting away. She's only human, she hasn't got the healing powers they all have, it's going to take her forever to recover from this, if she even makes it through the pregnancy, that is.

The doctor arrived shortly after and set up straight away.
"HG is one thing Alpha, but her placenta is already failing, she's so malnourished and dehydrated she's now suffering placental insufficiency, I'm not sure if this is a viable pregnancy anymore, I'm sorry" The doctors words left the full grown man in tears on his knees. He needed her to abort this baby before it killed her as well, he thought having an heir was all that mattered but over the past week his realised the only thing that matters is still being able to see his mate, hearing her heartbeat, seeing her eyes light up when she smiles, the sound of her laugh, it was all that mattered now and he would do anything to keep her here.

Sorry, it's only a short chapter but I thought why were on the page of her pregnancy let's raise some awareness on HG & Placental Insufficiency. It's two things very close to my heart as I suffered HG with my first two children and Placental Insufficiency with both children and the one I'm carrying now. Updates will be happening more often from now on x

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