FATED MATES (To Have And To H...

By malecfanstories

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Simple Malec (Au) More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 14
Ch 16
Ch 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123(epilogue)

Ch 13

218 20 2
By malecfanstories



Magnus woke up with a heavy  hangover and he had a little pain on his cheeks. Like he hit something in sleep, not that bad but he felt that discomfort … he checked around his room for water but nothing was there.. His dress was down on the floor, nearer there he saw a black tiny box down on the floor which was broken.. He took the box in his hand… and didn't know whose it was? … How did this thing  come  to his room? .. All he remembered was talking with cami… he took that box and saw an ear jewel on it.. He took it in his hand, he turned and twisted it  with a smile .. That's the ear cuff in archer shape…he smiled at the cuff. He didn't know whose gift this was…  but he loved it… 

Rose opens his room door not before knocking it… magnus smiled at her lovingly but rose looked upset and faked her smile … he didn't understand why rose looks like that, he wanted to ask but before that he needed that coffee his hangover headache killing him too much… 

"Call me if you need anything else sir," she said, about to leave… 

Before rose could Leave "hey rose.. Did you know whose is this thing" he asked, showing the ear cuff… Rose shook her head as" no ".. Magnus thought it looked suspicious and the jewel was his type. 

Magnus :rose??? Is everything okay?? You look upset today?? Did dad hurted you by saying anything (he asked walking towards her) 

Rose :He didn't do that to me sir.. (she said indirectly) 

Magnus :then?? (he asked knowing there is more to the story) 

Rose :sir… 

Magnus :ma!!! Please 

Rose :He did that to you and  Alec … (she said looking down at her hand) 

Magnus - :alec??? (he was more than shocked and worried) wait !! Is Alec  here?? (he checked the doorway but none was there) 

Rose :No sir!Not now ! He was here last night , I think he misunderstood you with Ms. Belcourt , at least that's what I think.. You were not in the right mind last night.. You look like you are high on weeds…I saw Alec leaving the house crying and cursing himself for loving you.. He looks broken sir… I saw him before with you.. He has a vibe, his face is full of life.. But the alec I saw last night was something else I can't explain.. (she said looking down at the floor) 

Magnus :wait!!! What happened?? What did I do!? What are you talking about?? (he was confused) 

Rose :I don't know what happened in this room sir.. But I followed him and I saw him in full anger, he was asking you that…(she hesitated to ask first but then continued) . Whether you kissed her or not  and you said yes.. (magnus breathed hard on hearing that… he knew what alec meant) he left after hearing your dad's Mean words…(she said and looked at magnus face..) 

Magnus :no!!!(he swallowed hard) No!! (he muttered by holding his head, he sat on the bed by crossing his legs over his chest, he started to get sweat, a unrecognizable fear of losing alec starts to consume him ) 

Rose:sir…(she started but she knows Magnus needs someone who cares for him ) Magnus!! … (she called and Magnus looked at her with glassy eyes) don't cry.. Go to him.. Clear things out… I am more afraid about what happened last night than you are… Please, you are stronger than you think.. Go to alec.. Get him back… (she said caressing his cheeks, he nodded and took his car keys, he wiped his tears on the way) 

He drove straight to lightwood house.. on the way to his home, lots of things running in his mind, what happened last night, he tried to recollect but he couldn't remember anything.. as much as he tried, his head ache got even worse. 

. He knows someone should have shown That video to Alec, but how?? Who?? And why was Alec there last night?? What did he see?? What happened? And where is cami?? He doesn't have an answer for any of his questions…but he knows his alec will listen to him… maybe after a slap or a fight or argument he would have listened to him . Because he knows his alec trusts him and loves him … he has this blind hope but he doesn't know how much this affects the other person… 

he reached alec house knocked the door expecting alec to open the door… but to his disappointment Maryse opened it. Her eyes widened on seeing him… "what happened?? You look ghosted kido" she took Magnus inside and  gave him a glass of water to drink… "don't you have school today??" she asked 

Magnus : where is alec?? (he asked nervously, his eyes searching for that one person) 

Maryse : Is everything okay between you two? (she asked suspiciously) 

Magnus :yes!!! I hope so.. Why??? Why did you ask like that?? (he asked looking away,) 

Maryse :because he said he is gonna continue his studies in Chicago. He went to school earlier to complete the process of transfer… I asked him how Magnus could let you go.. he said you know this and you are okay with it … (she said like recognising all she heard from alec wasn't true because it's clear magnus don't know anything about it ) 

Magnus :what?? When did he say this to you? (he was broken equally as alec on hearing this) 

Maryse :God!!! . It's a quick call magnus.. He came home last night, he didn't join us for dinner, he said he ate with you so I left him alone… and then he made this decision, he said this to me in the morning . Robert, Izzy and Jace were upset too but he isn't listening to them … he is leaving this evening..I try to stop him but  I don't know why this kid is not listening to me either …. 

 he realized something horrible would have happened last night and the video affected Alec more… deep down he knows he is gonna lose everything…if alec is ready to leave him what he did last night.. And he was angry that he is not even get chance to explain anything 

Maryse  saw Magnus zoned out 

Maryse :magnus?? Are you okay? (she shakes his shoulder) 

Magnus :yeah.. I am fine.. I gotta go… I will see you later… (he said and drive straight to his school) 

Maryse didn't understand anything but she knows they are not on good terms.. 

Once he reached he saw Alec coming out from the office room… he had files in his hand and his back bag was full,looks like he vacated his locker.. Magnus  didn't park his car.. He ran to Alec when he saw him coming out of the exit door .. Alec saw him without any emotions, he was on full verge but it's clear in his face he has cried the whole night.. His eyes were red and puffy.. He looks fed up. The Alec standing in front of him is totally different. The pain of betrayal might change a person's attitude… 

Magnus :Alexander!!! (he said and the look on Alec's face shows how angry he is) I went to your house.. And Maryse said you are leaving .. (he stuttered looking at alec eyes.. Still those eyes doing things to him) 

Alec :So what?? (he asked plainly while adjusting his back bag . Which is hanging in his shoulder right  now) 

Magnus :alec!! I get it you saw that video.. Let me explain… (he couldn't finish, alec raised his hand to mute magnus) 

Alec :don't waste your time on explaining yourself to me … go and be with whoever you want (he said and took a step Forward but magnus Stopped Him by holding his hand,) 

Immediately, Magnus took his hand back once he saw alec shot him with a death glare

Magnus :yes.. I kissed her.. But listen to me.. I did that to save her. Those bullies have the video of Camille having sex with 

Alec :you!! (he  said and raised his eyebrows, he didn't mean to hurt magnus but anger taking him over ) 

Magnus :how could you decide that by yourself…. no.. That's not me..!! you misunderstood us (magnus tried to say but he already lost his hope.. How could Alec think that is him in that video.. He is not  even ask him about it) 

Alec :Okay I misunderstood that clip and I misunderstood that kiss and I Misunderstood that  you drunk upto your neck and you  both had fun last night, I misunderstood that you will wait for me… like I have waited for you.. And I misunderstood that you loved me like the way I Loved you…. (he said.. His voice mixed with anger and pain, before his tears drip down from his eyes.. He gobbled it ) 

Magnus looked at him in disbelief 

Magnus :God!!!Alec, believe me.. I didn't do anything wrong … I love you (he tried to clear everything) 

Alec :don't use that word love…!!!I was worried that I sense something is not okay with you.. I thought it's just you missed me.. So I came earlier to see you and you…(he took a pause) look at you… (he chuckled).. Okay when did this kissing thing happen? 

Magnus : 2 days ago… (he said looking at the floor…alec shook his head in disappointment ) but trust me alec. Hear me once..  I have my reasons… 

"2 days???" Alec chukled painfully "you don't even want to say that to me?? You had 2 days time… I was talking with you last night also .. (he remembered those dirty texts he sent to magnus) I was ashamed of myself.. You always want this intimate thing to happen between us… Before I left, when I asked for it.. You deny that offer.. I thought you loved me even without these intimate things … but now I understand you just played with my feelings.. When I pushed you away, you fed up with me, you decided to let me go.." he said shaking his head in pain 

Magnus :no… that's not true…Alexander!!! your words hurting me… why don't you listen to me…let me explain it dammit . (he shouted in frustration) 

Alec : what you want me to listen, everyone has their own explanation for the mistakes they have done.. . You said it by yourself you kissed her.. Even if you have a valid reason behind it.. Will you accept if I do the same, like I kissed someone 2 days ago and wait until you hear it from 3rd person and then I apologise.. Will you accept that??? I was coming to see you after all these days of distancing and saw my boyfriend kissing and fucking  another women in video and I don't believe that.then I came to you to talk about it.i want to clear things with you, I had this blind faith on you… But you are doing the same in front of my eyes…I can't be with someone like you who always run behind sex (he said by showing that disgusting feel in his face) 

Alec had his reasons but Magnus was broken into pieces.. How could his alec not even trust him..? 

Magnus :You are talking like I am some kind of whore … (he took a step back) 

Alec looked away like he didn't hear that word but Magnus expected him to say no.. 

Magnus :alec!!! (he still want to hear that alec didn't mean like that) 

Alec : Enough, it's enough magnus. I am not ready to hear any of  your shits… do whatever you want…it's over  (he said and walked away) 

Magnus stood there like a statue.. He couldn't imagine this in dreams… he saw Alec walking away from him… this distance became too much now… At the same time he didn't want to continue this argument because the other person already made his decision , there is no use in begging …magnus knew someone loving him forever wasn't possible.

Magnus :You are right.. (he said plainly.. Making alec stop there and listen to him) 

Magnus :You are right!!!.... I can't be with someone.. Who doesn't trust me, who is not even ready to  listen to me.. If this is how you think about me then you don't  even know me at all.(which makes Alec even more angry) . I am ashamed to think that I love someone like you, who is judging me without giving me a chance to explain, even before hanging the prisoner, they ask their last wish, but you (he looked at alec with teary eyes filled with anger) … I can't live my life explaining myself and begging around you all the time.(he said looking at the ground) .what if something like this happens in future??may be after 5 yrs or may be after we got marrie?? (he didn't complete the word fully ) what if in future someone showing you new clips of video and saying this is  me fucking someone else, and you came with the video questioning me about it and indirectly calling me with names…what will I do?? I can't live this life by explaining myself to you all the  time, I am not ready to watch my love life die in front of me everyday… If you can't trust me then there is no point in being in this relationship…I thought I found someone for life…but now I realized once cursed is always cursed..it's better we end it before it gets even uglier .. you are right it's over… 

Alec saw him swallowing hard.. He hasn't heard Magnus' words with this much anger…he knows he is going to lose him forever. A part of him is confused  and a part of him wants to give up and it won … he is struggling hard not to cry in front of Magnus, he doesn't want to show his weaker side  and on the other hand asmodeus words questioning his dignity .. He heard Magnus saying it again . 

Magnus :it's over!!! (he said and walked away without looking back.. "what a fool I am to think that he knows me well " he mumbled to himself. ) 💖 TBC 💖 

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