
Por hannahB0019

1.9K 81 5

Sawyer breaks apart a fight that happens in his bar. But the woman he meets that night keeps showing up and t... Más

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight


64 2 2
Por hannahB0019


   My mom decided to throw my fathers birthday at fox trot. She also decided not to tell me because she knew I wouldn't want her to, so she waited until it was a night I was closing and they ambushed me. She even went so far as to change the name on the reservation. She is too sneaky for her own good. My father looked as pleased as ever to be here. He only criticized the food, the look of the place, and the options of beer I have four times and they've only been here for two hours. It's also the first time I've seen Elain since the other night and she won't even look at me.

"Dad." Bryan calls while standing up and heading over to him holding a box with a gold bow on it. I hold back the eye roll I so desperately won't to let go. I turn my head to focus on anything but what is about to happen with the cheesiest father son duo out there. I end up focusing on Elain trying to get rid of some of her wine without being noticed. I end up reaching over and taking it from her. She glances to my mother who sits next to me, but I know she isn't looking she's too focus on my brother kissing my dads ass. I take a big gulp of her Chardonnay. I then chug my water because I fucking hate wine. She gives me a grateful look and pulls the glass back to her. I turn back to my father just in time to see him opening his gift.

It's a stethoscope. My dad inspects it before turning it over to read the side. "The hero I aspire to be, dad I love you." My dad reads the engraved side of the scope tears welling in his eyes. I almost throw up all over the table. Is my brother four years old giving our dad a school project he made him for Father's Day. That is cheesier then the hallmark movies I watch at Christmas time, or the ones mom makes me watch with her. A laugh slips past my lips. Everyone at the table turns to face me. I try to stop myself, but I end up in a fit of laugher. I laugh so hard tears well in my eyes. I look up to see my mom covering her own smile and Elain turns her head.

"Is something funny?" My brothers angry glare does nothing to stop my amusement. "No. No. I'm fine." I wipe under my eyes and let out a deep breath. "Real mature." My brother barks. "At least he put thought into his gift." My dad adds. That wipes the smile off my face. His words towards me usually have that effect. I'm not getting into this here. "Sorry." I say without genuine regret. When I turn away from them my eyes lock on Snow White. She is frowning down at her Shirley temple. I don't like that look on her face. I turn away and try to focus on my mother. She is asking me if she can have book club here when it starts back up again in the spring. I nod half listening half wanting this dinner to end.

I spot Alice closing out her last table and I stand. "It's been a lovely dinner but I need to get back to work, Alice's shift ended and I'm closing. Stay as long as you want and don't worry about the bill it's covered." I walk around the table and head straight to the bar. She doesn't notice me right away. Her drink is empty so I slide over a new one. She studies it still frowning but then I plop three cherries in it and she perks up. "Yay!" She looks up at me and smiles. "Hi foxy." I pop a top off of a corona and slide it to the old man that comes in every night and smells like aftershave and cinnamon. He grunts in appreciation.

"Hi Snow White." She takes a cherry and pops it into her mouth. "Mmm. Don't tell her but the girl didn't make it this good. She didn't even add the cherry." I fake an exasperated look. "I think I have to fire her, it's a shame she is a good worker." She throws her head back and laughs. "I appreciate that." I dish out a few more orders before I see my dad walk Bryan and Elain out. Elain smiles at me and my dad and brother don't even acknowledge I'm here. Typically. I glance over to the table and see my mom cleaning up. I quickly rush over to her. I grab the dishes out of her hands and she scowls at me. "This is my responsibility not yours." She grabs a few cups and follows behind me towards the kitchen.

"Your my son. Your my responsibility." I kick open the kitchen door. "Martin can you please grab the glass from my mother." I motion to the small stubborn woman trailing behind me. He hops out of the dish pit and takes them out of her hands. "Now get your butt home." She watches me clear the plates and hand them to Martin, then she follows me back to the table. "Who is that?" I collect all the wrapping paper and stuff it into a bar glass. "My dishwasher." She cocks an eyebrow. "Don't be smart with me, who is she?" She inclines her head to the bar where Snow White is sitting. "A customer." She smacks my arm. "You are so annoying." I chuckle and take the rest of the glasses to the dishwasher in the bar. "Hello." I whip around when I see my mom is now occupying the stool next to her.

"Hi!" Snow White beams taking my moms out stretched hand. "Mom I think dad is waiting for you." My mom ignores my not so subtle hint of telling her to leave. "I sent him home with Bryan." She waves a hand at me. Amusement spreads across snows face. "Mom huh. So your  the woman that birthed the best Shirley temple maker in the country." Mom laughs and gives me an approving look. I shake my head and pay out the old man at the bar. It's closing time and he is the only one here besides my mom and new friend? Yeah, I think I'd consider her a friend. "Well if that's the case I need to try one of those." My mom points to the glass in front of my friend. "Make that two please." Snows adds.

I nod and make the women what they want. I place them down in front of them and my and snow watch as my mother takes a sip. She keeps a blank expression as she takes in all the flavours. "The anticipation is killing me." Snow whispers to me. "So?" She slaps a hand on the bar and smiles. "That is the best damn drink I've ever had." We all burst out laughing and snow high fives me. "I told you." I shake my head and start putting up the chairs. I keep glancing over and watching them talk. It makes my heart warm. I've never brought a lady friend around my mom before, it's nice. They laugh and whisper and when I place the last chair up and lock the cash in the office my mom is putting on her coat. "It was nice meeting you.."

"Umm it's.." she looks at me and smiles. "You're going to love this. My names January." January. I smile. Of course it is, and it fits her perfectly. "Sawyer." I add and she smiles at me. "Wait you two haven't exchanged names?" My mom asks. "Nope, it was our little game, and I guess it's over foxy." I shake my head at her. "Not yet Snow White." My mom looks at us confused, but also happy. "Well goodnight you two." I walk her to the door and hug her goodbye. "January?" She looks up at my mom. "Yes?" "Are you free next Wednesday?" January looks at me and I close my eyes. "Mom." I warn. "Yeah I am." She looks nervous. "We have brunch together every afternoon, I'd be happy if you joined." My heart races while me and my mom wait for an answer. Do I want her to come see how dysfunctional my family is? Not really, but do I want her there? Yeah I kind of do.

"I'd love too." She looks to me to see if that's okay and I nod. "Great see you in a few days." My mom leaves and I lock the door behind her. "Are you okay with that? I probably should of asked you first." Her cheeks turn pink and she turns away from me reaching for a few bags under the seat she was sitting in. "Yes I'm okay with it." If I really didn't want her to come I would've said something. "Okay." I then convince her to let me give her a ride home tonight. It's too late for me to be okay with her walking. To my surprise and disappointment she is only a five minute drive from my bar. I park in her driveway and she doesn't make a move to leave. "Please don't think I'm a weirdo, but I got you something."

I pinch my eyebrows together, she got me something? She thought about me? "Okay?" She pulls one of her bags on her laps and giggles. "It's really not a great gift and I'm totally okay with you not using it, but I had to. It was perfect." She laughs again and pulls out the worst thing I have ever seen. She covers her face in both embarrassment and uncontrollable laughter. "Oh my God this is terrifying." I'm holding a white taxidermy fox head, a horribly taxidermy fox head might I add. It has one goat eye and one I'm hoping fox eye. But that's not even the best part. The body is none other then a Snow White clock. Equipped with the seven dwarfs and everything. "This should be illegal." I comment and she barks out a laugh. "But you can't tell me it wasn't fate." I shake my head in disbelief. It is pretty fucking ridiculous. Like what are the odds.

"It's horrible." I turn it away from me. "I know." She cringes when I face it in her direction. We laugh for a few more minutes before I shove it back into the bag. "Thank you, for thinking about me." I say because I sure as hell am not thanking her for the that thing. I feel like I have to take a shower now. "No problem." She gets out of the car. "Goodnight foxy." I smile. "Goodnight Snow White." Even though we know each other's names, I think I like our nicknames better.

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