The Voyagers

By faltskogulvaeus

901 42 108

abba in space 🪐 Four voyagers join forces in effort to protect their new home planet, its ruler, and their l... More



104 6 37
By faltskogulvaeus

Something unusual was brewing that afternoon. It was sensed those threatening vessels in the sky were more than for the sake of celebrations; it was never planned. Those crafts which appeared as fighter jets were not built by the Empire, nor was it the model used on Theradan. The Emperor knew first, it was an invasion. The question remained ultimate to those taken by surprise and unwarned– an invasion by who? For what reason?

The Captain, a man bearded with thick black hair that covered half his face neatly considering the amount, had moved promptly to reach the space station for all the information they'd yet to receive. Only issue was, there was no service to reach.

They'd watched the jets open and release gas of a peach color, falling low and touching the heads of the people present who were there to watch the day. Some hid their faces, turning from the gas, and others reached out to touch it, oblivious enough to be enchanted by the beauty of the sparkles infused in the vapor. It was only a brief ten seconds with the release, but those ten seconds were enough to witness people falling against the ground unconscious. It could have been a harmless temporary weapon, however it did the job that was needed to distract and delay anyone from interfering. Citizens, beings, animals, officers, and troops. The Emperor's guards had been victims too and their protection revealed to be absolutely useless. Safe areas were found to be the stage at the monument and fortunately, the cliff those two digital humans now stood on, watching the scene below them.

Agnetha pressed against her wrist to reach communication with Captain R, with much less luck; no messages were to get through. Frida had tried for the same. She could see the Emperor and his right hand in the distance, but as close as they were it hadn't mattered. They'd never be able to catch their attention.

"Communication towers must have been taken out," Frida explained. "I can't get through to them."

"I'll try on my end." She glanced to the ground, seeing bodies lying like piles. It was a scene that upset her but she and the rest of her people were built with the ability to think past it. "Their soldiers are down, they'll need us."

The monument those wary officials had stood on had been evacuated for a more secured area, hidden from the menacing jets which were still covering the region.

"Our army is not able to respond to the crisis; they are unconscious, Your Majesty," Captain R had made aware. "Empyrea's operations team have already noted the issue and are preparing to descend for back up."

"There is no time. What of the digital humans?" Orion suggested. "They are already here, are they not? Why not rely on them now?"

"Seems that is the resort. Have we communicated with Commander Björn?" Alphazar had asked, observing his brother Orion and Captain R, both without words to add just yet.

"We have tried. The locator devices are not operable at the moment and we cannot see what has entered or left the planet. They have a massive block on all ends and we are trying to bypass the interference–"

"Try again."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He sent a message through again, speaking towards his wrist. He then turned in another thought. "Do not forget you have Agnetha and Frida. They are trained with excellence and the four of them are highly programed... They know the ins and outs between Theradan and Essleon and they will not fail. As four–" The thought had provoked fear in the Emperor. It was too soon.

"First Björn and Benny. The four are my greatest asset. I will not jeopardize them together."

"You will experience far greater damage and jeopardize Essleon's safety instead. Is it your wish, Your Majesty? You must trust your greatest assets, now or never," he urged. There was no response. "Benny, Björn, do you copy?"

"Copy!" They'd answered only for the fifth time. "We're already descending, just behind the last fighter jet—"

"Nothing," confirmed Captain R to the Emperor.

"Are the messages not going through?" Björn had turned to Benny, both seated in their respectful spots on their spacecraft. Who'd have known they took the wrong craft that day? They thought they'd go for a celebration, and in weeks of training with no threat on the radar, the day had come for an actual battle and their army was already on the ground, in a similar situation as most of the people.

"Appears not. There seems to be some kind of interference. They might not be receiving any of our messages. Seven crafts have left the atmosphere, there's one remaining that's still in the region," Benny announced as he read the map. "Follow it. We'll just follow them and I'll work on getting communication."

There was tapping against the clear screen. If the messages were not being received by Benny and Björn, maybe they would be by Agnetha and Frida. Finally granting, the Emperor approved for Agnetha and Frida to be contacted.

"Agnetha, Frid–"

"Yes, Sir, we're aware of what's happening. We are here. We're already on it." It was both a surprise and relief that the communication was received.

They women finally reached their spacecraft, cloaks removed and starting up the engine. When they had elevated, they had checked the map, targeting the spacecraft. It was much more relative than they had predicted, they'd found two ahead of them, and to their surprise they were replicas to their own craft, not the same as the ones they found above the monument. It must've been so that way the invader would not be attacked, but that was something the two women wouldn't trust. As far as they knew, they were the only two conscious people after the craft.

Beams had been shot from the guns on AA1, the registered craft for Agnetha and Frida, and aiming for the first ship ahead of them, BB1, coincidentally the one Benny and Björn shared. The sudden blue beams had taken the two pilots by surprise. Who was shooting at them? Whatever for? They were not the ones to be after.

Swift and quick, AA1 had accelerated and was suddenly at the right side of BB1, two crafts identical in making, just different accent colors. The target for both was another similar spacecraft ahead of them and yet neither could focus on that one anymore. Not until they'd handle themselves at first. The right beams on BB1 made a 90 degree turn, and before any preparations could be made, there was a blast that pushed the heavy ship at their side over.

"Who the hell is that?!" Agnetha growled.

"As if we need another ship to worry about," Björn said to Benny.

"They must be after us to let the other one get away."

"Pity," Björn laughed. "I allow nothing to get in the way. Not today." He saw AA1 approach again and strike at them again, but it was an unfortunate miss. AA1 had swooped under BB1, a direct alignment and gently had raised until they were almost locked. It was unfelt, though could be seen on the radar, the craft was just below them. Before they could calculate, AA1 lifted them and back as they had elevated straight up, causing their ship to change direction.

"Ha. How about that?!" Frida exclaimed. Taking control again now having BB1 off track and behind, they spotted the invading craft they were after. There was only one way to stop them: to get ahead of them. Speed was indescribably fast, having gone over 70 km ahead, and giving AA1 the ability to turn back with enough time to directly face the replica craft. They blasted lasers, strong enough to destroy through the outer steel of the latest models of high end crafts and into the core. Luckily, the make of the Theradan's models are crafted for endurance even with the deadliest of strikes, therefore it would take a lot more, but strikes are often strong enough to cause a great distraction, and that leads to a different kind of destruction.

The approach of the unidentified craft towards AA1 was alarming, but the ladies had not held back. They had their own set tactics in mind. With AA1 in front and BB1 in the back, it could have been an ensured clash of three. They'd seen an individual through the windows of the opposing craft they'd never seen before, and heading onwards towards the ship, Agnetha voiced her fear, unknowing where it'd come from all of a sudden.

"I've got this," Frida assured confidently. Their collision was to happen, it was for certain, and in a quick second, the unidentified craft lowered fast, directly heading towards the ground and crashing straight. BB1 was left to AA1, facing each other for the very first time, both blasting straight, beams of red, yellow, orange and blue. There it was, four eyes meeting for what was counted to be no more than a split second before each craft descended and landed straight to the ground, on a field unknown, a plateau of nothingness but grass and trees to surround.

Each had to fight the speed of their ship before they should crash into the forest of purple trees. The gravity was pulling and their best decision was one the four pilots concluded together, turning the ship to avoid a clash. The ship slid on grass and had made its 180° turn until the first sight in front of them in a very grand distance was the crashed invader craft, and past that were led to be the ship of their own personal enemies.

That day, the Emperor had a face of concern. His people were unconscious still, he'd not known for how long it'd remain this way. The army was just entering the planet's fields and should not be far off, but his most trusted avatars were not to be found or heard of and something was certain to be terribly off. Nothing good could come of this, and he was prepared to see it even without a resolution yet made.

"Whatever the protocol is that we must follow," Orion took the attention again, "The first must be to protect the Emperor," he reminded them. "Let us move things to a more secure place to avoid any unexpected matter."

"I must stay here and wait for communications. Our back up troops will be arriving," Captain R had responded.

"And I will ensure my brother, the Emperor's safety first and foremost."

"Becca. I've not heard..." Alphazar had turned, but his brother eased him quickly. She was already in a protected lockdown, there was nothing to worry about. Knowing this, Alphazar proceeded the path down the corridor of the building, and upon entrance into a near empty room only used for a display of artifacts, the five guards that stood in the room had fallen to the ground once the door had swished closed, locking them as the only two people. Alphazar swung around, his figure in black and gold to find that his brother was not surprised at all. Beneath his feet, Alphazar felt a pull, some kind of immense, unexplainable force keeping him from being able to move even for a step.

"What is this?" He'd noted a small device in Orion's hand and assumed it was what controlled the room.

"I have warned you endlessly, Alphazar. You have not thought to listen to me once."

"What have you done?"

"You don't understand what has happened but I will clarify it to you. I've told you countless times... these people have become a threat to us as now you have built something that has potential of great power. If it is not them who will eventually turn their backs on you, their creator, now they are to be in the hands of a dark ruler, who plans to claim them in the making of an army of his own. He will find the formula you spent your life working on. He will find it, and he will take it to make use of what he will. People of Earth will bring damage. They have brought damage. And in consequence it's going to endanger our planet. We have always been better off without them."

"They are wiser than you give them credit for. They will not do it."

"Even when they discover how much you manipulated them into believing they have no real identity?"

"A temporary program so that they keep a straight path with their duties until the entire plan meets completion. I've not lied to them. They will know one day."

"Will they see it as such, do you think?" Orion questioned, "Or will they withdraw their trust in you when they discover their history with one another? Their savior taking yet another five years from them." There was silence. "Viamus will insist your work be passed to him. Where is the manual? Where have you kept your reports, Alphazar? Give up your project to him and save us all. Save yourself. I will save you, brother, only if you give me the manual." The Emperor's disappointment became visible as he understood what had occurred.

"Never on my soul and my Empire," he spoke.

"Viamus will never release you until you give up this project. Let me save you!"

"This is not the way! Even for a thousand years, I would never! When have you let the darkness cloud your mind?" Alphazar responded. "Do not let him control you. We can always fight the darkness, Orion. We always had. I advise you once. Do not do this. I will not stand to watch this project be used for evil." His brother's eyes were uneasy to read. "The darkness can never win."

In a few moments, the doors had opened to bring in five men dressed in black from head to toe, their figures tall and slender, limbs strong enough to break sturdy subjects in a single swing. Essleon had always noted these figures as sun-frighters for any sunlight would cause an immediate reaction, burning into their flesh until they'd become of ashes. For such reason their suits of black remained on in protection.

Alphazars head shook disapprovingly. Now he knew, being held captive, Essleon was in danger.

"Do not fear me, brother. I will take excellent care of the Empire in your absence. When you return, you will thank me for saving you."

The heat was rising from the spacecrafts, unseen but entirely felt. The craft had opened and out of one had been Benny and Björn, both in black suits with beam guns held for protection. Their eyes were set towards the unknown craft, one that seemed to be smoking and destroyed by its sudden crash. They noted no movement from AA1. They'd get to that too, without a doubt, but their initial target was just in front of them, perhaps its pilot was to be found deceased by the looks of the crash.

"I say you go on first, Commander," Benny signaled, leaving his pal to roll his eyes.

Björn gently crept towards the already opened door of the spacecraft, unknowing what he'd come to find first. It was nearly broken in two, roughly attached. Has the pilot already exited? Something he'd never come to know completely. But it was so. The pilot was standing a distance back, observing the interaction of four individuals. A hand was raised to communicate.

"Operation completed successfully. All four are in contact." Upon sending the communication, the woman's form had changed, immediately bringing her arms together, which soon turned into wings and her body had shapeshifted to disappear into the sky unsuspected.

Fire seemed to have started on the ship's interior, but before another step could be taken in, a whack had knocked the two men off the ramp unexpectedly and they'd knocked to the ground without any choice. They could not tell whose work it was, though quite predicted. AA1.

Rolling over, Benny noted it wouldn't be wise for him to make any move. He'd have to surrender. A tall woman with fire red hair had eyes blazing into his and a figure though petite, he'd never question the strength of it. Her suit was similar to his, it was obviously in uniform, and now as expected, an arm stretched out holding a gun that could easily end him in less than a heartbeat. His chest rose and fell beneath her foot, a dangerous black platform boot.

"Don't even dare to move," she warned. And he had listened, not because she would end his life, but because part of him was charmed by her. He glanced over to find what knocked him over wasn't this mysterious woman. There was one similar to her, with blonde hair that moved with every push or shove. He understood what that metal feeling was that knocked them over– a hovercraft much like the ones they have from their own ship. It was slick black and lined with LED particular to taste. Hers appeared to be red, and honestly, he thought to himself, it matched her vicious character.

Björn had pushed himself off the ground, after falling straight on his face. It was failed, having his back to this person, he knew that he shouldn't have moved so slowly. She didn't hesitate to knock into him again so he'd fall another time. He was livid, jaws clenched and he rolled over quickly, already sensing this person would not give up. A knock against her leg had her slip to his advantage, but she wouldn't settle there. Her arm raised to hit him with the edge of the gun but he'd caught her wrist fast, throwing her over his shoulder with his leg before he could think about it, and he stood to his feet, turned and awaited knowing she would not call it quits yet.

He watched the tall blonde figure stand and then turn, and seeing her face at last had him struck in his own spot, unable to move, unable to think, unable to fight. His eyes were true madness when he had seen anger like he'd never seen it before on a face he'd only ever known to be most tender and gentle. He could not blink in fear he'd lose her, that girl he adored for five years without knowing of her— name or location, one he had only dreamt of, unknowing if she was real or a fantasy. However, the woman, in reality, had other plans.

Her slow rise from the ground escalated into a fast run and kick with both legs off the ground, pushing straight at his chest until he fell, being pushed back some feet away.

"Oh, hell," Benny moaned seeing that. He hadn't even thought to duck or turn.

What was Björn doing? He had no fight in him. He didn't want to. He had stopped immediately, only watching the blonde woman turn him over to place cuffs on his wrist to restrain him. He was helpless against the ground and her knee to his back held him in place momentarily until another turn and he met her cold blue eyes.

"Who are you?" she demanded, in the same voice he had memorized for as long as he had known of her, however her words were cutting sharp and her tone was rougher. When Björn hadn't breathed a syllable, his friend came for the rescue.

"Who are we? Who are you?!" Benny shouted, feeling a tighter press onto his chest by Frida's boot, yet again. He'd given her a glare, almost testing her to do it a third time.

"Agnetha, Frida. Do you hear?" Benny and Björn glanced at one another with questions, for they knew the voice.

"Who sent you?" Frida demanded, insisting on knowing now before letting them up.

"Frida! Copy?"

"Copy, Sir. We're just..."

"Captain R?" Benny breathed.

"Report to Empyrea," he ordered, the men raised their brows in surprise. "Let them loose."

Agnetha sat up with a frown, eyes falling down to the man helpless beneath her, eyes unmoved and he gazed with a hard expression. She, too, was angry for she'd realized now whoever she and Frida thought they captured were not the invaders. They'd let the only person that they could get answers from disappear.

"I don't know who you are," she breathed. "Stay out of our way," she bit at him. She pushed herself off of him, standing and walking away as she tapped against her wrist. Björn tilted his head back watching her walk towards the black spaceship that now glowed red like her hovercraft. Whoever they were, it was proved to be that they are digital humans, too.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Björn called, motioning to his hands. Agnetha made an expression, emotionless and careless, leaving him as he was. Björn turned his eyes angrily, frustrated with the situation at hand. All of the situations at hand, for that matter.

Benny felt Frida finally lift her leg and he was able to breathe and clean the dirt off his all-black-suit. He picked up his gun from the ground and beamed it at an angle, melting the iron that Björn was confined to in order to set his hands free, before Björn thought to dig out his own keys to set himself loose of the shackle around his wrist. That woman was from Theradan all along. How did he not find her before?

"Tell me that I didn't see you lose to a girl." Björn watched Agnetha strap into the front of their ship through the window and beside her was a fire-haired Frida settling in. If eyes could speak, theirs declared war onto one another and the handcuffs she trapped him in dangled on his fingers as he thought. "What the hell, man?" Benny asked. "You didn't even try to defend yourself either. What was that? I was the one who had a gun to their chest." A puffed chest let out a sigh as Björn distracted his eyes from her to his friend.

"Because that is her, Benny," he growled. "She..." he led him to her with his blue eyes, "Is the same girl as the one from my dreams."

There was hesitation as Benny pondered. His eyes relaxed, coming to a conclusion. "Oh! Oh, that is wonderful," he breathed. "So we are doomed if this is what the girl of your dreams is like on the very first meeting."

At last, the boys were settled into their seats. They switched on the necessary parts of the engine and prepared for flight. They both observed as the sky was zapped through with the large matte black ship breaking into the clouds, leaving a red glow around where the women penetrated through the planet's atmosphere.

Would he meet her again? That was a self-promising must.

She was quite similar to how he envisioned her, physically, but different in all other aspects, Björn reflected. She was fierce and nearly unapproachable. Attractive, like all the flowers she'd shown him in his dreams, but if he were to label her as one, now he knew which she would be.

She was a lethal, red rose. Not just from physical appearance, like her sharp beauty that'd killed him from when he'd seen her, or the accent color of her ship. Quite disappointedly, it was more like the thorns he did not expect to find. He took this meeting as a lesson, however, for the next time he'd cross paths with her, he'll be sure to be far more prepared.

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