Love everlasting - Avengers f...

By PoeticMay

18.5K 1.1K 287

You had always wanted one thing in your life, a love that would be everlasting. But for you that was an impos... More

When lightning strikes
Agent jones
Super soldier serum
The right partner
The pain of saying goodbye
An unexpected friend
The two of us
*Dont break his heart*
A life of lies
I cant fix myself
*pure lust*
Going away
Budapest operation
Avengers initiative
Thank you for your cooperation
Mind over matter
Everybody wants to rule the world
The fight of your life
Moving in
The untold truth
Darkness beneath the surface
I hate myself
Im drowning
Down on my knees
Wishfull drinking
Moral hangover
Home is where the heart is
Life sentence
Stolen memories
The right path
The sun
Mission breakout
Trusting in love
Don't die
Broken bones
A dream is not reality
The edge of nothing
Time will tell
Go back in time
Trust no one.
On the run
Ghost story
Hail hydra
I owe you
Who the hell is Bucky?
About damn time
How to save a life
Taking the stand
A helping hand
A crumbled piece of paper
The past is present
History repeating itself
The queen
A letter from the past
*Just have faith*
Refurn to midgard.
The downfall of the avengers
Double agent
Fall to rise
*You started it*
*im gonna marry you*
The warning
He's coming
Welcome to space
Till forver falls apart
Bittersweet revenge
Bad dreams
Burgers and beers
Would you be able to rest?
Suit up
Down memory lane
Once and for all
Doing it all for love
Can you love me again?
I miss her
The face of the past
The last step
Endings beginings
A thousand years
A strange sensation.

One wrong move

86 7 3
By PoeticMay

"Is everyone all right?" Stephen asks.

You all slowly stand up from the ground nodding your heads. "Well that was close" you chuckle.

"Let me just say one thing.. if aliens wind up impacting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you.. I'm sorry" Peter says. You're still not sure whether the kid is joking with you, or seriously believe you're part of the plot of a movie.

"I don't want another single pop culture reference on this trip. You understand?" Tony scoff irritated.

"You think this is a trip?" You hiss. This was far From that. In your mind a trip was hanging out with friends doing something fun. Not risk your life trying to stop a giant purple eggplant from killing half the universe.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming" Peter says.

Suddenly a ball rolls out from the middle of nowhere landing just beside you. Blowing all of you away. When three weird looking people run on board the ship.

"Thanos" one of them yells as he throws a knife towards you.

You crawl up from the ground, teleporting behind him. Wrapping your arm around his neck, and tackling him from behind. When a guy points his gun at your head, holding you stuck. While a girl grabs a hold of Peter. Tony steps in, pointing his hand down at the guy you just tackled placing his foot on his stomach.

"Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out!" The man pointing a gun to your head yells..he removes his mask.. and he's human? "I'm only gonna ask you this one time. Where is gamora?"

"Yeah I'll do you one better" Tony scoffs, removing his headpiece. "Who's gamora?" Tony mocks.

"I'll do you one better.. why is gamora" the man underneath Tony says.

You look down at him confused to what the hell is going on.. what's a gamora.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you. I'm gonna French fry this girl" the man yells. As he pushes his weapon closer to your temple.

"Let's do it, you shoot her and I'll blast him.. let's go!" Tony yells back, pulling out a weapon from his suit.

"Do it quill I can take it!"

"No he can't take it" the woman yells.

"She's right you can't" Stephen agrees.

"Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine I'll kill all four of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself.. starting with you"

"Wait what, Thanos?" You question.

"All right let me ask you this one time.. what master do you serve?" Stephen asks.

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?"

"Wait you're from earth?" You ask.

"I'm not from earth, I'm from Missouri" he corrects you.

"Yeah that's on earth dipshit. What are you hassling us for?" Tony asks.

"So you're not with Thanos?" Peter asks softly.

"With Thanos?" The guy say almost offended. "No I'm here to kill Thanos he took my girl.."

"Yeah well get in line" you hiss. As you break free from his grip. "You're not the only one ready to kick his ass"

"Wait who are you guys?" He questions.

"We're the avengers man" Peter says proudly.

"You're the one Thor and his brother told us about!" The woman says.

You turn to look at her, as your heart skips a beat. "Wait you know Thor and Loki.. are they alive?" You ask eagerly.

"Yeah they're fine.."

"Where are they now?" You ask desperately.

"They went to earth.. looking for someone"'he explains.

They went back for you.. and you're not even there.. but most importantly.. they're alive. And that's all you need for now.

"So... could we call this a truce" you chuckle nervously. Everyone nods as they take a step back from each other. "I'm y/n by the way" you smile softly introducing yourself.

"You're the woman Thor and Loki told us about" the woman says.. "I'm Mantis.." she smiles. "This is starlord and Drax" she introduces..

What the hell was it with everyone and needing cool quirky superhero names nowadays

"Do you have any idea where we are?" You ask, as you take a step outside the spaceship. The planet you're on is in ruins.

"We're on Titan.. this was his home" the man explains as he looks around.

"We still have the advantage.. Thanos is coming for us. We'll use it" Tony says confidently. "I have a plan"

You turn to look at him waiting for an explanation.

"It's a simple one.. we're seven up against him. We wait here, draw him in. Pin him down, get what we need" Tony says. "We just need that Gaunlet." Tony adds.

You turn around watching as one of the strangers yawn uncontrollably. "Are you yawning right now.. seriously?" You groan, angrily, throwing a rock at him.. You only had this one chance.

"In the middle of This, while I'm breaking it down huh?" Tony interferes. "Did you hear what I said?" He asks angrily.

"I stopped listening after you said we need a plan" Drax admits.

"You see not winging it.. isn't really what we do" Starlord says honestly..

"And what exactly do they do?" You scoff, looking at them with your brows furrowed.

"Kick name, take ass" Mantis says proudly.

You roll your eyes at her answer.. god this was hopeless.

Tony takes a deep breath. "Alright just get over here" Tony sighs. "Mister lord can you get your folks to listen just for a minute?"

"Starlord is fine" he corrects him. He waves his hand. As you gather around Tony.

"We gotta lay this out, cause if we all come at him-"

"Alright let's do this instead.. I like your plan. Expect it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good" he interrupts.

"I give up, we might as well do it ourselves.." you sigh. "He's an idiot" you whisper to Tony.

"Hey don't forget that I'm half human, so that fifty percent of me that's stupid.. that's a hundred percent of you" He says confidently.

"Your math is blowing my mind" you hiss.

"Excuse me" Mantis says softly, turning to look at you. "But does your friend often do that?" She asks.

You all turn to look at Stephen, as the time stone glows a bright green color from his chest. His body almost seems to be flickering. While he floats in the air.

"Stephen?" You ask nervously.

He doesn't answer you, he looks like an old computer game glitching. As his head twists and turns in different directions.

You walk slowly towards him, as he breathes out quickly, before falling down, gasping for his breath.

"Are you okay?" You ask concerned. "What was that?"

"I went forward in time to view alternate futures." He explains. As he looks at you in pure panic. "To see all the possible outcomes to the coming conflict"

"How many did you see" Starlord asks hesitantly.

"Fourteen million six hundred and five" he answers.

"And how many did we win?" Tony asks.

Stephen looks at you with saddened eyes. "One" he says quietly.

"Alright then.. tell us what we need to do!" You say desperately. If he knows how you'll beat Thanos. That's all you need. You'll just have to do what he says.

"I can't" Stephen sighs..

You furrow your brow. "Why not?"

"Because If I tell you.. it won't happen" he admits.

You turn around to look at Tony.. rubbing your hand over your face.

"So you're telling me you know how we'll win.. but you won't even tell us" Tony yells angrily.

"That's right I won't even" Stephen scoffs.

"Then what do we do.." you sigh.. "we still need a plan, we know Thanos is coming for the stone" you claim.

"We fight.. with all we've got" Stephen says softly.

You finally sit down, and lay out a detailed plan. It's not good.. but it's all you've got. You just need to get him down, one way or the other. And take that gauntlet. After that you could use it to get you off this planet.

You're hiding behind the ruins of the spaceship. Letting Stephen take the word. He's probably the only one who doesn't have any emotional attachment to this fight.

You look around you as the whole scenery changes... it shows you how it used to look so many years ago.

He was here..

"Storekeeper" Thanos says darkly.

"What is this?" Stephen scoffs.

"Titan was like most planets.. to many mouths, not enough to go around" Thanos explains.. was that sentiment you head coming from him. "When we faced extinction I offered a solution"

"Genocide" Stephen hisses.

"Random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman" suddenly the surroundings change back to the ruins that now stand of his home. "Now you see what happens if I don't interfere"

"Congratulations, you're a prophet" Stephen scoffs.

"I'm a survivor" he states.

" who wants to murder trillions.. I can't allow you to do that" Stephen says coldly.

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist.. I call that mercy" he says softly.

"And then what?" Stephen scoffs. Walking towards him.

"I'd finally rest.. I'd watch the sunrise on a peaceful happy universe. The hardest choices always require the strongest wills"

"I think you'll find ours equal to yours" Stephen hisses, as he conjures his magic.

"Our?" Thanos asks.

You run out from hiding, teleporting right behind him, as you jump up onto his shoulders. Causing him to get confused. While Tony flies down towards you with the wrecks of a building. You jump off from his just in time to escape as the building collapses on top of him.

"See that was easy" Tony scoffs satisfied.

"Sure if your goal is to piss him off" Starlord scoffs back.

Suddenly you get pulled away from the ground, as Thanos stands up from the wrecks. Removing everything in his way.

Tony flies by, catching you. Landing you safely on the ground. "Thanks" you chuckle.

Peter jumps in, webbing him up. While you, Stephen, Drax and mantis attacks him. Starlord jumps on the rocks beneath him. Placing a device on his back, that quickly goes off.

Stephen turns to look at you. "Don't let him close his fist" he whispers.

You nod your head, sending illusions of you all around him. Laughing and taunting him. While Stephen opens portals, which Peter jumps in and out off. Punching him from each side. If you couldn't get him down. You could at least confuse him.

Suddenly Thanos reaches out grabbing you by the throat slamming you to the ground. You choke out. But before you can even think, He throws you violently up into the air. You close your eyes fearing the pain as you will collide with the ground. But you land safely on Stephens cape as it places you in the ground. Patting your head.

Suddenly a strange woman appears out of the blue. She hits him over and over again. She almost looks robotic. He knows her, you could tell by his eyes.

"Now" you yell. Noticing his distraction.

Stephen ties Thanos's hands in place. As you swing in with the help of Peter. Tackling him, While Peter ties him up with his web. Tony runs to the gauntlet struggling to get it off him. Thanos Grunts in frustration. You've got him down. Stephen open up a portal above him. As mantis fall down on his head. Putting him in a trance. He screams in agony.

"Is he under?" You ask, as you help Tony trying to get the guanlet off him.

"Be quick.. he's very strong" Mantis yells.

"Peter help us" you yell. As the three of you try to get the gaunlet free from his hand. You shake your head as Starlord keeps talking.. asking about the woman from earlier.

"Don't" you yell.

"Where is she!" He grunts."what did you do to her?"

"He's in anguish.." mantis says.. "he mourns"

"What does this Moster have to mourn" Drax Ask, trying to hold him down.

"Gamora" the strange Woman says.. "he took her to Vormir.. he came back with the soul stone. But she didn't" she explains.

There's definitely some family, lover drama you're not getting here. But it can't let you get distracted you have to get this off him.

"Okay quill you gotta cool it right now. You understand!" Tony says softly.

"Don't do anything.. we've almost got this off!" You groan. As you feel the gauntlet loosen. "Listen I know you're angry and hurt.. but don't"

Quill yells at him, over and over. When suddenly he snaps, beating him again and again.

"Don't!" You yell.

Tony grabs him pulling him away. As you and Peter continues to work on the gauntlet. "It's coming off I've got it.. we've got it" Peter smiles.

When suddenly he pulls his hand back. Throwing you all violently away. Peter catches you as you roll onto the ground.

Thanos closes his fist, destroying a moon above you, as he forces it down upon Tony and strange. Stephen uses his shield to cover them. But the damage is quite severe. They crawl out of the wrecks. Badly injuried. Blood oozing out. 

Thanos bows down grabbing Stephen by the throat forcing the pendant off his neck. Only to discover it's a fake. You take a deep breath teleporting behind him. As you grab a hold of his neck. Causing him to drop Stephen beside you.

Thanos chuckles darkly. pulling you down from his back. Grabbing onto a sharp piece of metal, stabbing your through the stomach. As he pulls you down onto it. You scream in agony, as the Sharp metal fleshes through your organs. You hold on tightly against his arm, as he drags you along with him. Groaning in pain, each time you take a step.

Thanos throws you down onto the ground. Kneeling down before you. Pulling out the metal piece, watching as your body slowly heals on it's own. He smiles darkly looking directly into your teary red eyes. Before stabbing you over and over again. Reliving the same pain on an endless loop.

"You cant kill me" you stammer, as you taste the blood filling up your mouth. You spit it directly in his face.

"No but I can make you wish I could" He chuckles darkly, wiping it off. "That's what makes this so much more fun" he whispers. Thanos throws the piece of metal away. As he looks down at your open wound, that once again heals. Your tired eyes looking into his. "You have my deepest respect y/n" he smiles. "I think you'll be quite useful for me after im done with you.. I could use a fighter on my team" he whispers.

You shake your head, frozen with fear. As you turn over to look at Stephen and Tony. They're badly injured. "I'll never help you" you groan. "So go ahead.. do you worst" you choke out. The taste of blood lingering on your tongue.

Thanos clenches his fist as a bright purple color glows from the power stone. As he holds it against your temple, you body is on fire.. at least that's what it feels like as you're slowly drifting off. You can't allow yourself to close your eyes.. he'll take you with him.. make you into a whatever he desires. You scream and groan as the overpowering pain consumes you completely. You hold onto the tiny glimpse of hope that somewhere on earth Loki and Thor are alive. You finally had a reason to keep fighting, Through all the pain.

"If you don't hand me that stone I'll destroy you from within.." Thanos says darkly.. "you can't heal what's never existed.."

"Go ahead" you spit.

Stephen looks at you deeply frightened. You keep shaking your head.

Thanos removes the gauntlet from your temple, as you crash to the ground. Before stepping away from you, clenching his fist again.. he was going to turn you into nothing.. erase you from existence. And all you could think off was Loki when he found out.. knowing that Tony would have to life with this for the rest of his life.

"I hope they remember you" He tilts his head, as he points the gauntlet towards you. In the final second you close your eyes.. accepting your fate.. there's nothing more that can be done.

"Stop" Stephen grunts. He takes a few deep breaths, looking over at your crumbled body. "Spare her life.."

You pull yourself up, looking at him.

Stephen don't.. it's okay..

"And I will give you the stone"

Don't Stephen.. it's not worth it.. my life is not worth it

I'm sorry y/n

"No tricks.."

Stephen shakes his head.. As Thanos turns the gauntlet away from you pointing it towards Stephen.

"Don't Stephen..please" you beg him..

Stephen conjures the stone.. handing it over to him.

You sigh deeply, as Thanos grabs the stone placing it in the gauntlet. You keep looking back and forth between them.. This couldn't possibly be the right choice. You were ready, it would be painless and you would have died for something.. now you're living for nothing..

"Thank you so much for your help.." Thanos chuckles.

"You're gonna loose.. maybe not today but I'll kill you if it's the last thing I'll do" you hiss.

"We'll see about that" Thanos smirks, before disappearing before your eyes.

Tony crawls to your side, he's lost so much blood and he's focused on you.

"Did we just loose?" Tony asks, as his tires eyes looks down at you.

"Why would you do that Stephen.." you whimper... "you shouldn't have given him the stone"

"We're in the endgame now.. we have to be ready" Stephen sighs.

"Ready for what?" You ask softly.


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