Love everlasting - Avengers f...

By PoeticMay

18.5K 1.1K 287

You had always wanted one thing in your life, a love that would be everlasting. But for you that was an impos... More

When lightning strikes
Agent jones
Super soldier serum
The right partner
The pain of saying goodbye
An unexpected friend
The two of us
*Dont break his heart*
A life of lies
I cant fix myself
*pure lust*
Going away
Budapest operation
Avengers initiative
Thank you for your cooperation
Mind over matter
Everybody wants to rule the world
The fight of your life
Moving in
The untold truth
Darkness beneath the surface
I hate myself
Im drowning
Down on my knees
Wishfull drinking
Moral hangover
Home is where the heart is
Life sentence
Stolen memories
The right path
The sun
Mission breakout
Trusting in love
Don't die
Broken bones
A dream is not reality
The edge of nothing
Time will tell
Go back in time
Trust no one.
On the run
Ghost story
Hail hydra
I owe you
Who the hell is Bucky?
About damn time
How to save a life
Taking the stand
A helping hand
A crumbled piece of paper
The past is present
History repeating itself
The queen
A letter from the past
*Just have faith*
Refurn to midgard.
The downfall of the avengers
Double agent
Fall to rise
*You started it*
*im gonna marry you*
The warning
Welcome to space
One wrong move
Till forver falls apart
Bittersweet revenge
Bad dreams
Burgers and beers
Would you be able to rest?
Suit up
Down memory lane
Once and for all
Doing it all for love
Can you love me again?
I miss her
The face of the past
The last step
Endings beginings
A thousand years
A strange sensation.

He's coming

86 8 2
By PoeticMay

The ships closes in on you, you've never felt such fear, watching as your ships goes entirely dark. You're only four people.. and you have no idea what you're up against. It could be one man alone.. or an entire army.

"Okay Loki now is time to tell me who the hell that guy is"

"His name is Thanos.. he promised me everything I destined as long as I returned the mind and space stone to him.." Loki explains.. "he promised to bring me you"

"And now we're on a ship.. in the middle of nowhere.. with the space stone up against him?" You ask nervously


"Well that's doesn't sound ideal"

You feel the ship shake, as they fire against you. Your Engine slowly failing, when a light gleams before your eyes, blinding you. Loki quickly pulls you away.

Darling You're gonna need to do exactly as I say alright?


Stay behind me.. don't make a sound, don't move. Don't do anything. He's not here for you.

We can't just hand him the tesseract-

I said don't.. just stay behind me

You take a deep breath, doing exactly what he says. You have no other choice, but to trust him.

Out of the beaming light A tall alien looking man steps out, followed by five, even weirder looking creatures. They fire multiple shots against the four of you, as you desperately try to seek shelter. But there's no place to hide, you have nowhere to go. And as much as you fight back, you're up against something far more powerful. It all goes by so incredibly fast.

Heimdall lays defenseless on the ground, bleeding massively from a wound in his stomach. You didn't even realize what was going on before you as well was laying on the ground, out of breath. As Thor wields Mjolnir to no use.. you're outnumbered. And your ship is burning.

"Hear me an rejoice" one of the men speaks.. as he walks towards you. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Titan"

You lift up your head, following his every footstep as he gets closer to you.

"You may think this is suffering" he states. "But no.. it is salvation" he resides his voice.

You turn you gaze from him to Thor, as he lays unconscious on the ground beside you. You don't dare to move or say a word. You just lay there.. accepting whatever fate might happen.

"The universal scales tip towards balance, because of your sacrifice." The man says. "Even in death you will become children of Thanos"

Loki stands quietly, as the only one of you not hurt from the attack. He doesn't say a word, barely moving a muscle. This was the man Loki feared.. one you would all soon learn to fear.

Thanos looks down at you, wiping away the tear from your cheek. "Don't worry child.." he whispers soothingly. "I know what it's like to loose.. to feel so desperate to do the right thing.. but all you do is fail" he says darkly. "It will all be over soon"

He smiles at you before looking over at Thor, pulling him up from the ground by his armor. Thor groans in pain, finally gaining conscious again. Then he takes your hand softly helping you up from the ground. You look at him with nothing but fear in your eyes. And what you feel as he touches you, is far worse than you could imagine..

World salvation..

That's what you see.. but what you feel is pain.. death and violence. He's on a mission, and you're in his way.

"So this is the woman you love?" He asks mockingly He grabs you by your hair, pulling you forward as you look into Lokis eyes. Trying to keep your focus there. But listening to Thor choking as he pulls him with him.. Its a sound you'll never forget. Loki is cornered by Four nightmare looking creatures.

He throws you down onto the ground, as your head falls, you don't have enough strength to keep it up. Thanos lifts up his hand, clenching his fist. An infinity stone glowing a deep dark purple hue. He's already got one.. and you have one here on the ship.

Thanos turns to Loki. Tilting his head slowly. "The tesseract, or your brothers and lovers head" he demands.. you look up from the ground in fear, looking up at him in fear. "I assume you have a preference" he smiles darkly. As he reaches down, you feel the cold piece of metal against your skull.

Don't say a word.

You look up at Loki, not understanding anything.

"Oh I do" Loki says coldly. "Kill away" he hisses.

You don't feel anything but pain.. as Thanos grabs Thors head holding it in place, as he tortures him, sending volts of electricity through his head with the stone. The mix of the crackling sound and Thors groans of pain, mix together. You turn to Loki in desperation trying to get him stop.

I know.. don't say a word.. don't do anything.

Lokis voice echoes through your head.

It'll all be over soon I promise my love.

After minutes of torture, Thanos let's go his grip om Thors head. Smirking before grabbing a hold of yours. His hand clenching around your skull. As the shockwaves hits over and over. You scream in pain. As you body crumbles.

Lokis eyes begins to water as he hears your muffled screams, and the terror in your eyes. "Alright stop!" He yells desperately. His lip quivering.

Thanos releases his grip on you, as you gasp for air.

Lokis eyes water. As he looks down at you for one last time. As he conjures the Tesseract in the palm of his hand.

"Brother don't" Thor screams. But before he can do anything else, Thanos cuffs him up, by his mouth, legs and hands, using scraps of metal.

You don't understand what's happening, why isn't Loki doing anything to help you..


He ignores you completely..There's something wrong.

Thanos smiles satisfied, as he lets you go, walking towards Loki.

"I assure you.. the sun will shine on us again" Loki says softly as he looks down at you.

I'm sorry my darling. I can't save us both.

Loki what are you-

Know that I love you.. I have always loved you.. we'll say hello again.. you are the Sun.. and they need you alive. Warn them, tell Them Thanos is coming.

Loki turns his head, nodding his head subtly at Heimdall. Giving him a signal.

"All fathers. Let the dark magic flow through me one last time" Heimdall says softly.

And before you realize what's happening. The biffost opens taking you away. You crash through the walls down into a building. You breathe shackingly as you look around you. When a head pops up, looking down at you.

"Thanos is coming.. he's coming" you say in between breaths. "Thanos.."

"Alright calm down who are you?" The man asks you.

"I'm-.. I'm-" you stutter. Yet you're mind is working far to fast for you to progress anything.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice asks, looking down at you.

You tilt your head questioningly. You recognize his face but the man standing in front of you, isn't the same one you knew.


"Wait you two know each other?"

"We used to" Stephen smiles, as he grabs you hand helping you up. "Who's coming?" He asks you, as he wraps his weird cape thing around you.

"Thanos.. he's- where.. where am I?" You ask softly, you're hyperventilating. "I need to go back.. I have to he's coming-" you stammer confused.

"Wong get her some water, and some sedatives.. she's in shock" Stephen says. As he sits you down on the part of stairs you hadn't just broken. "Is there someone I should call?" He asks softly.

"Tony.. Tony stark" you breathe out.

Stephen nods his head, before opening up a portal walking through it. You tilt your head in shock... guess it wasn't just you who had a lot of explaining to do. You couldn't believe it. After all these years. If it was under any other circumstances you would have been more in shock but that wasn't possible right now..

"Here you go" Wong says, handing you some water and pills. You smile softly before chugging it down. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"No.. I'm ehm- I'm not" you choke out. "I think my.. my" you trail off, not even daring to think about it. "He hurt my.. my friends" you choke out. "He's like a big giant eggplant looking guy, and he had this glove thingy with rocks in it.." you choke out.." my friend called it something.. infinite.. no-"

"Infinity stones?" The man asks.

"Yeah.. and he's like collecting them.. and I saw what he was going to do.. I felt it" you sob. "We need to stop him.. before he-" you speak so fast you barely understand yourself.

"It's alright.. you're gonna be fine. Will find your friends. And then-"

"Are you like a wizard?" You ask out of the blue.

"You could call us that.. we protects our reality, from potential threats." He explains.

"That's why he send me here.." you sigh.

You get up from the staircase, walking towards the portal as you see hear Tony's voice.

"Who's we if I may ask?" He growls

"Tony.." you sigh. As you walk out beside Stephen.

He looks you up and down, as he realizes the state you're in. "Y/n?" He says confused to why you're here.

You walk towards him, as the tears finally starts to stream down your face. As you hold onto him, for dear life. He wraps his arms around you. "You're okay.. I've got you" he whispers.

Tony grabs your hand as he follow you back through the portal you just went through.

"Are you okay?" He whispers.

You shake you head, and you cling onto his hand together than before.. you were far from okay, for all you knew Loki and Thor might as well be dead.

"Alright y/n tell us what happened, and don't leave out any details" Stephen says.

You sit down on a couch, trying to piece together a way to explain everything you just witnessed, all the way from the beginning. Thors warning about the infinity stones.. your ship getting attacked. The torture.. the endless amount of torture. Your vision as you reached into his desires. And his plan.

"I'm sorry infinity stones.. the thing in visions head is an infinity stone?" Tony asks confusedly.

"It's all connecting now.. why all these things kept happening it's all been leading up to this.. he's collecting the stones" you say eagerly for them to understand everything.

"What exactly is an infinity stone.. how is it so powerful?" Tony asks.

"Well let my try to explain" Wong says. "At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing" Wong explains. As he uses his magic to create a visual way to explain it. "But then the Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurtling across the universe"

You easily recognize the stones.. you never realized what meaning they'd truly have.

"These six infinity stones each control an essential aspects of existence."

The stones glow as they mention each of their names.. Thanos already has the space and power stone.. Tony looks mortified. You've never heard him stay quiet for so long.

"But there's only five" you state as you look up.

Stephen smirks, as he opens up the pendant around his neck. The sixth infinity stone is with him..

"Tell me his name again" Tony sighs deeply.

"His name is Thanos.. he's a monster Tony..He attacks planets, takes what he wants and kills everyone that dares stand in his way" you explain.. "when he touched me I could see his desire.. world salvation.. but his cost is to eliminate half of the universe" you say

Tony looks at you, shaking his head.

"He gave Loki the Sceptor.. he ordered the Attack on New York that was him.." you add.

"Y/n did he say where he was going next?" Stephen asks.

"No.. I don't know.. it all went by so quickly.. but since two of the stones are here on earth.. he'll be coming for them" you say.

"I'm sorry but if Thanos needs all six stones why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?" Tony asks.. you honestly can't tell if he's being serious or not.

"That's not how it works, if you remove the stones From the timeline, there's no telling what chaos will disrupt" Stephen explains.

"Okay I've got to lay down.. this is to much" you sigh.

"I'm sorry but it seems kind of simple-"

"Nothing about this is simple"

Tony and Stephens starts yelling at one another. Trying to prove which one has the best plan.

"Guys not now.. we have the stone. And vision is somewhere out there with the mind stone.. so we have to find him" you say firmly.

"Yeah small issue there y/n" Tony shrugs.. "I don't know where he is"


"You've been gone a whole year y/n.. a lot has happened since then" he sighs.

"What another discussion? Can't I leave you guys for one minute alone" you scoff.

"The avengers broke up completely.. I havnt seen or heard from anyone.." Tony admits.. "the only person who could find them is-"

"Don't say his name" you sigh.

"Who could find him?" Stephen asks.

"Steve Rogers" he scoffs..

"Then call him!" Stephen scoffs irritated.

"It's not that easy.." Tony says.

"Oh but I think it is.. if Thanos gets that stone.. we don't stand a chance.."

"I'll call him" you say confidently.

Tony looks at you in shock.

"Tony I saw what he could do with only one stone.. there's no telling what he'll do if he gets all six.. I can't let that happen" you admit. "Thor and Loki are probably gone" you say quietly. "Thanos is coming.. and we don't-"

"Alright.. I get it" Tony sighs.. "here" he says as he hands you his phone.

You grab the phone, searching through Tony's contact list. When you hear the sound of people screaming coming from the outside. Followed by a massive crash, causing the whole building to shiver.

You turn around as you notice Stephens hair blowing.

"Please tell me you're doing that" you say frightened.

"I wish I was" Stephen sighs.

The screams get louder, as you see people running for their lives outside the door. Tony walks to open the door and as soon as he does the screaming intensifies. Cars crashing into each other.

Guess it's to late to make a phone call now..

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