Starry, Starry Night (Stardus...

By under_a_bus

21.5K 726 218

Y/N didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to finish this school year, pass his classes and maybe build up e... More

Who Will Be The Judge!?
DIO's Curse
Tower of Grey
Silver Chariot
Dark Blue Moon
Yellow Temperance
Emperor and Hanged Man
update :)
Bonus~ (Y/N) meets the other Joestars
The Lovers
The Sun

Wheel of Fortune

1K 45 10
By under_a_bus

"Polnareff! Please slow down! We're literally driving next to a cliff's edge," (Y/N) screeched holding onto the side of the car for dear life.

"C'mon live a little, mon amore," the man said, quickly catching up with the car in front of them and overtaking instantly.

"Polnareff, be careful, you could have sent both of us careening off the cliff," Joseph scolded from the passenger's seat, "And stop throwing rocks out the window and watch the damn road."

"Don't pretend like you aren't also a completely reckless driver, not after the plane," he retorted, pulling around a bend at an alarming rate.

"Well I happen to be wanted for murder at the moment so if you refrain from getting us pulled over I would appreciate that!"

"Mister Joestar, we're basically out of India at this point, you have no real need to worry," Kakyoin had his head out of the window, letting the scarf he had over his hair fly in the wind.

"Yeah, but I'm going to come back right after we end this whole thing," Polnareff looked in the rear-view mirror at the road behind them, "I want to give Avdol a proper burial, he deserve it, a proper headstone and all."

(Y/N) internally cringed, he knew why they couldn't tell him yet but watching Polnareff suffer like he did still thinking his friend was dead and it was his fault, it just didn't sit right with him. Hopefully Avdol'll have recovered before they reach the end of the journey, he wanted him to be there when they took down DIO once and for all.

He stared out of the open window, looking at the road in front of them. It had been the same dusty narrow path for hours now, barely any cars and even less wildlife in the barren land. So what was that blue thing over there. He squinted, trying to get a closer look at what seemed vaguely human. Wait.

"Polnareff watch out!! There's a child in the road," he screamed as the car came to a sudden halt in front a very familiar little girl, "Anne?"

"Don't mind me, keep driving," she hopped into the back, sitting in the small gap between two of the boys.

"I thought you were seeing your father in Singapore? What are you doing all the way out here?" Joseph protested.

"Look Mister, I'm growing up and a girl like me only has a small chance to be able to go around the world like this. You know before I actually have important things to do."

"We've already told you, we would drop you off at Singapore and that would be it," Polnareff started.

"I wonder if this would sweeten the deal," she smirked bringing a collection of models in bikinis out of her overall's pocket, "Just let me join the group alright I promise I won't bother you anymore."

"A girl like you shouldn't have such pictures on her," Joseph snatched the photos out of her hand, chucking them out of the window, "What we're doing is dangerous and not the sort of thing you should be getting yourself into."

"Will you all you shut up," Jotaro grumbled, "Get driving and we'll just drop her off at the nearest airport and send her on the way back to Hong Kong."

"Hey! Don't talk as if I'm not here."

"JoJo's right, we can't just leave her the side of the road."

"Fine, but I'm not happy about this, nor am I driving any slower," Polnareff stepped back on the gas.

They drove for a couple of minutes in silence, no one wanted to continue their conversation about Avdol around Anne. The (H/C) went back to staring out of the window, trying to ignore the girl who was trying in vain to get Jotaro's attention. 'Your like twelve' he wanted to say 'He's not even into to girls' but he kept quiet instead chuckling to himself at his friend's grimace. 

The road seemed a lot more clear from then on, a single narrow road making way into two, allowing traffic to come both ways instead, not that there was any other traffic. Now that he thought about it the only other car he'd seen since leaving the main roads was the one Pol overtook. Weird.

"Damn! It's that stupid car again, and it's speeding towards us," the driver tutted.

"Just let it pass us," Joseph said, putting a hand out and signalling for the car to take them over.

It speeded past them, keeping a good pace ahead until it slowed straight back down very quickly. Their call stalled to almost a halt as they tried to not crash straight into the other car.

"You think it's a stand user?" (Y/N) suggested.

"Sure is acting suspicious."

"Merde! Make up your mind, do you want to be in front or not," he scoffed speeding up again to take back over.

"Polnareff!" Kakyoin shouted, pointing in front of them to where a large semi was coming straight towards them on the opposite road they were now driving on.

They were about to collide straight into it, the car was almost knocked back as the truck barrelled by. (Y/N) whipped a hand to stop Anne from going straight through the window screen as they braced against the impact. If it wasn't for Star pushing them out of the way, they'd be dead or extremely fucked at least.

The other car flew off, the only glimpse of the person driving being a particularly muscular arm hanging out of the window.

"Yep, definitely a stand user," he let go of Anne and leaned back into the seat with a sigh, "Remind me to never get in a car again with any of you, I think I prefer my chances walking."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

The car pulled slowly into the roadside tea house, a small row of cars lined up in front of them. Including one very familiar red car. 

"It's the stand user, he's here," Jotaro muttered, cracking his knuckles before getting out of the car.

"Jojo! Just wait a second we need to think this through."

"Kakyoin's right, we don't know who it is yet, we can't go in without a plan," he turned to Anne, "Stay in the car, this might get nasty."

He followed the others house and into the tea shop, watching wearily as they sized up the men sitting their. Jotaro grabbed the nearest one, pressing them to tell him who owned the red car, Polnareff standing menacingly behind him.

(Y/N) just stood in the corner next to the pink haired student, watching as his friend tried to get them to calm down. He knew it was stupid to try, Jojo was in a mood now and wouldn't stop until he found who was responsible. It was a nice day though at least, sunny and warm, a day he would rather be spending relaxing in his bed than driving through the countryside on their way to Egypt.

A loud rumbling came from behind. The red car, it was leaving, none of these people were the stand user in the end...

"Urm guys, you might want to stop fighting now," he said, running back towards the car and making Anne seatbelt herself in.

"Fuck, he's getting away."

"Step on it Polnareff," Joseph yelled, getting into the passengers side. 

"Already on it."

The car swerved onto the road, at a violent pace that left those in the back gripping their seats for support. Down one narrow lane to the next they followed the last sign around a corner and up to a-

"It's a dead end! Break!" 

The breaks were slammed on, halting the car just inches away from the edge as the (H/C) let out a radged breath happy he saw it in time.

"Then where did the car go," Kakyoin said, turning around in his seat to get a better look around them, "Shit, he's behind us. And coming towards us very quickly."

A swift hit to the rear end of the car sent them careening of the side of the cliff, leaving them to free fall into the cavern. A hook shot out of the car just in time, Hierophant Green latching a cable onto the other car so Star could quickly pull them up to safety, the rest hanging onto the car which was hanging vertically. The other car was pulled swiftly over the cliff in their place, seemingly disappearing out of sight. 

"In the end, he didn't actually have any attack that looked like they came from a stand," Joseph stepped out the car slightly dazed, "Maybe he's just a crazy attacker."

"In that case, a fall from that height would have killed anyone! That's what he gets!"

"But how? This is the only road and he suddenly appeared behind us? This is strange."

"Anne's right, something strange is going on," (Y/N) walked cautiously closer to the edge of the cliff.


They all turned to look behind them, but there was just Polnareff, "Why are you looking at me?! I didn't say that! It was the Radio! The voice came from the Jeep Radio!"

The radio hummed to life again, "Wheel... Wheel of Fortune.. STAND!! That's how it did it! Joestar!"

"It called out my name.. It knows my name! That mans a stand user is after us!"

"Where is the radio signal coming from?! It can't be from the car that fell into the cliff!!!"

"Of course not! It was smashed to bits!"

"Jotaro you good? You being weirdly quiet," he walked back from the ledge, feeling weirdly unsafe so close to where the car fell.

"You're wrong. The car itself could be the stand. The stand we encountered on the south china sea was a ship controlled by an orangutan. This could be of the same kind."

"Wheel of Fortune! That is my stand's name.." the radio screeched.

"Wheel of fortune?" Joseph murmured to himself.

"The ground is shaking..."

"Something's not right!

"Everyone back in the Jeep!"

They scrambled back to the car only to be stopped by Jotaro, "No! Don't get in the Jeep! Stay away from it!!!"

He grabbed both Kakyoin and (Y/N) by the arm and pulled them behind him just as the car erupted from the ground that was just beneath them. 

"Jotaro was right, it's definitely a stand!!" Polnareff fell to the ground.

"It looks like the user is inside the car!" Kakyoin paused, "Look, the crushed car, it's changing its shape."

The metal groaned as it stretched and moved, sharp tusk like pieces emerging from the front, it taking on an overall more animal like look until it was unrecognisable as the small dingy red car it once was. And without warning it moved straight towards the stoic boy.

"Let's see which one of us is stronger."

"We don't know anything about the stand! Don't just face it head on!" the shorter boy shouted in vain as the car shot some black substance towards JoJo.

"What was that? What did he shoot," he gripped his injured shoulder.

"Haha! You said you couldn't see what I did?? But now Jotaro, you'll be able to see the secrets of my attack! You'll know very soon! Only it's the moment you die!"

Polnareff and Kakyoin ran to knock him out of the way of the next barrage of attacks but it was too late, they punctured their way through the three knocking them to the ground. Ace of Gold was summoned instantly, providing a small cover as it's stand user inspected the wounds.

"The wounds are shallow but what is this stuff," he inspected the black tat like substance in the wounds, confused on what it could possibly be.

"It hurts like a bitch!"

"Are you alright Jotaro?" Joseph moved from beside Anne to his grandson.

"You don't have to worry about me but.. I don't know how, but he's controlling the car like it's part of his body!"

"Your feet are my next target!" The car started to move towards them, "I'll crush you all so you can't run anymore!"

They ran between the gap between cliffs, hoping the gap was small enough for the car not to be able to get through.  But instead the car just contoured and forced it's way through towards them, using the moment of suprise to send another round of attacks towards them. The invisible bullets puncturing the ones in front.

Grabbing Anne of the ground, Jotaro followed the others as they climbed the cliff side. Ace of Gold helping (Y/N) pull his way up to the top with the rest.

"Just keep climbing! You really have nowhere else to go! You know why that is? Because this Wheel of Fortune is going to squash you all into meat sauce and splatter it all over the rock face!"

"Oh shit. Spikes coming out of the wheels."

"Oh shit indeed Nori," he silently watched as the car climbed its way up the cliff, making a mental note to never trust any sort of vehicle ever again.

"It seems that we can only fight. Everyone back off. When it reaches the top," Star readied it's fist, "It will expose the bottom of the car. We'll see whose stronger then."

The car breeched the top just as the stand moved to attack, "You're very lively Jotaro! Very lively but you aren't experienced enough. You don't seem calm enough.. much to impetuous... Haven't you noticed that weird smell on you?"

"Shit," (Y/N) instantly recognised what he'd been smelling as that time, the black substance in their wounds was, "Gasoline! It's gasoline, he wasn't trying to attack us but..."

"Have you realised it now? But it's too late," small sparks came from an exposed wire on the side of the car, setting Jotaro on fire.


He was lit up in flames, fully engulfed as they all watched knowing they could do nothing when they were all covered in gasoline as well. He fell to his knees before planting into the floor.

"I won!! I ended part 3 early!!"

"Then who's going to replace me as the main character? I don't think that's going to be you!"

An armed punched out of the ground a couple of feet from the burning form of Jotaro but as the fire slowly burnt out no body could be seen just the charred remains of his coat.

"A moment ago you said there were no more roads to take? You were wrong. Roads are made by one's self. That's why I, Jotaro Kujo will actually show you how to make your own road."

"ORA ORA ORA!!" he pummelled the car door causing it to start to cave in, launching the man out the other side of the car.

"That's it. Now that you've made that track on the ground, you've made your own road. Excellent work."

They finally got a good look at the stand user, a small man with only very buff arms, clearly the ones he was hanging  the side of the window before.

"He's all bones, just pretending to be tough," Kakyoin grimaced.

The car shrank back to its original size as the man tried to crawl away. The rest sat down for a second while Polnareff exacted his revenge.

"How much does it hurt?"

"A lot more when you poke it like that idiot!"

"I'm just trying to be nice you still got some pretty nasty burns back there, here," he got Ace to summon some burn cream and bandages, before wrapping them around JoJo's arm carefully.

"So, Ace of Gold, what does it do exactly."

"Create anything of natural origin I guess, but only small things and they disappear after a while and I need to know what they're exactly made off. Like I can make bandages because they're cotten and the cream because it's made of natural ingredients but not the tube it came in because I have no idea what sort of thing goes into making that."

"What about that life ring."

"Rubber, technically natural. I'm still not very sure."

"Huh, interesting," Kakyoin said, sitting down and resting on his friends back, "Does that mean you can make me a new pair of earrings, I'm missing one and the others broken."

He scrunched his face up and leaned back to look at his friend, and sure enough he was missing one of his cherry earrings and the other was missing the little leaf.

"Fine, they're just metal and glass weren't they."

"Yep," he smiled as a pair of identical earrings formed in the boys hand, "Thank you. And I think you should make yourself a pair too, you'd look good with earrings in."

"I guess I do have them pierced," he'd taken his studs out a few weeks ago but the holes weren't closed up just yet.

A pair of small star earrings appeared in his hands, simple silver coated metal with small green gems hanging from the bottom. They were cute but light and wearable. He carefully secured them in and looked at his friends for a response.

"See they look cute! Don't you think so JoJo!"

"Guess so," he grumbled, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈*¨¨*:·.

I'm backkkkk, sorry it's been so long but I hope to update more of this story! It's not beta read so there might be a few mistakes here and then and the lore on your stand might be a little inconsistent but if it is I'll go back and correct that 🙃

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