Kion x Fuli - is she the one...

By OutKDCgamer

9.3K 83 19

Kion is trying his best to be a great king and mate to Rani but all he feels like is that Rani only wants him... More

Chapter 1 updated
Chapter 2 updated
Chapter 3 updated
Chapter 4 ( Updated)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
You chose how the stoy ends
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Final chapter
Bonus ending
cut scene of the original script part 1
Cut scenes original script part 2
Update of oncoming chapter
The next chapter

Chapter 7

601 8 0
By OutKDCgamer

Kion at the pridelands his home he smiled as a breeze slowly blew his face and mane the smell of the dirt and the smell of sweet grass made a purr rumble in his throat

Fuli spoke behind him:" it's perfect isn't it

Kion looks back seeing Fuli she was next to him she said calmly:" I hope everything goes well with you heading back to Pride rock

Kion smiled and said:" hopefully so even though Vitani the leader of the lion guard I'm sure I be able to do something maybe help my dad or Kovu or just find something out

Kion looks at her and said:" what about you

Fuli smirked and said:" I probably go back to my old home and do what I do best hunting and running

Kion smiled at her he then looks at pride rock his home he said:" indeed home


Kion and the rest of the group began walking Kion stop he could smell the new lion guard he said:" I smell Vitani she near with the guard

Vitani spoke calmly:" indeed you do

Kion and the rest of the group saw Vitani, Shabaha, Tazama, Imara and Kasi coming out of the bushes Vitani had her Eyebrow raised and said:" seems to me you have something to tell else back at pride rock Kion

Kion smiled and said:" Indeed I do

Kion looks at the group You guys can go see how everything is back at home and your family as well I bring Baliyo and Nirmala with me and if you want Fuli you can come with us

Fuli smiled and said:" of course

Kion smiled back and said to Beastie,Ono,Anga and Bunga:" hope to see you guys around

Bunga smiled and said:" definitely

Makini smiled and said:" it be great to see Rafiki again

Bestie flap his small ears and said:" wouldn't have it any other way

Ono and Anga nodded their heads at him

Kion looks at Baliyo and Nirmala and he smiled at them both making sure their welcome

Kion smiled at Fuli and she smiled back at him and gave him a nod

Pride Rock

Kion looks up he saw the tall rock his home he heard Vitani spoke up:" Kion you alright

Kion blinks and said:" yeah it's just me taking it all in again

Vitani nodded her head and said:" I'm sure Queen Kiara and Kovu will welcome you back as your her brother

Kion smiled and said:" hopefully so

Kion felt someone nudging him he saw Fuli her green eyes on one of his amber eyes she said:"  we're doing this together kion alright

Kion smiled and nodded his head he smiled at the thought of his sister and his parents then he thought of Rani would she attack the pride lands he ignored it as he reach the top and saw the lionnes he remembered he smiled and said:" hey Kiara

Kiara smiled at him and said:" Kion your here

Kion and Kiara went to each other and nuzzled Kion smiled and said:" seems your ruling the pridelands well

Kiara smiled and said:" I am and I see oh...

Kion knew what Kiara must have been looking at he blinked his one eye she looks at him confused and concerned she said:" Kion did something happened at the tree of life

Kion was thinking what to say he looks at Fuli she was giving him a truthful answer but kion gave her a pity look he thought out his words then lied:" yes everything find I just fell badly

Fuli was about to say something but kion blocked her with his tail over her mouth and said:" but we are pretty tired

Kiara smiled and:" of course will show you to some nice dens with you and the rest of your group

Kion smiled and said:" thank you

Nirmala and Baliyo both smiled and nodded their heads Kion looks at Fuli he saw her look of saying we need to talk

Kion asked Kiara:" is it ok if I get Fuli back in her den if that alright with you

Kiara smiled and said:" of course have a nice night Fuli

Fuli nodded her head as Kiara and the others left Fuli mumbled:" et ur mail ot by vouth

Kion blushed in Embarrassment and said:" oh yeah sorry about that

Fuli looks at him and said:" follow me

Kion followed Fuli away from priderock as Kiara was looking down at him she knew her brother was lying about something she saw him and Fuli leave she turned around and went back to her den

Few minutes later

Kion was following Fuli as they near a watering hole Fuli angrily turned around and said:" why did you lie to Kiara about Rani

Kion looks at her and said:" I don't want her to freak out over nothing

Fuli hissed angrily:" over nothing! Who gave you that scar Kion , who bullied you and who was the one that made you a false king that believe you were her mate but just only wanted to use you for the roar

Fuli step towards him and spoke softly:" who threatened to harm the pridelands if we leave

Kion looks down he said:" I Know but Rani couldn't be serious she has no army * sits down near the pond and he saw his reflection of his new scar the blood was healed but he saw his eye was pale white he covered it with his paw and said:" she gave me this to remember what I did

Fuli felt pity for kion she nuzzled him making him blushed for a minute then he did the same thing with her

Kion and Fuli looks at each other then stop and blushed Fuli spoke calmly: We should get to my den it's not that far

Kion nodded his head and said:" ok

Kion and Fuli walked past the watering hole and over a field Fuli saw her old den she said:" home sweet home

Kion saw the den it was small but enough to fit a cheetah size like Fuli Kion said:" doesn't look that bad

Fuli smiled and said:" well I better get to bed so see you around

Kion smiled and said:" yeah count on it

Kion and Fuli look at each other Kion looks at Fuli green eyes and her beautiful spots he blushed then looks away and walked away while saying:" see you soon Fuli

Fuli blushed and said:" see you later Kion

Fuli went inside her den she thought of Kion his mane and she blushed and said to herself:" your a cheetah Fuli and he a lion you can't have feelings for him right?

Fuli thought she shook her head and began to sleep

As Fuli was sleeping in her den fast movement brush some reeds nearby her den as dark green and yellow eyes watch her

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