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By Readaholic_DB

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62 2 2
By Readaholic_DB

At some point in their lives, about one in four Americans will experience depression.

⇒The average age of onset of depression is 32.

⇒Untreated Depression Is the Most Common Cause of Suicide.

⇒In America, someone attempts suicide once every minute, and someone completes a suicide once every 17 minutes.

⇒Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is the term for depressive periods that are related to a change of season. SAD is four times more common in women than in men.

⇒Mentally talking to yourself during tasks is a good way to keep yourself focused.

⇒Depression is the type of mental illness that causes people to feel sad for long periods of time, generally more than two weeks. People who feel depressed often describe feeling sad, empty, or irritated.

⇒ Due to our natural instinct for protection, we naturally tend to focus on the negative of a person more than the positive.

⇒In China, someone takes his or her own life on average every two minutes.

⇒People who are depressed are more prone to illnesses like colds than non-depressed people.

⇒Depressed people might not look depressed.

⇒A small amount of stress helps you to remember things better but a large amount hinders your memory.

⇒Sleep more or minimum 7 hours a day. Sleep makes you more creative and makes your memories stronger plus it releases the stress and pain from your body and decreases the anxiety and depression for better life.

⇒Depression can increase the risk of developing other health issues.

⇒Friends are also important part of depression recovery .We are social animals and we tend to secrete serotonin and other good neurochemicals when we communicate with others . We feel safe in the company of others . Serotonin is found to be in low levels in depression that causes mood swings .

⇒Depression may aggravate inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

⇒Singing and dancing when tense helps you avoid anxiety and depression.

⇒ Holding in tears and pretending to be okay puts a lot of stress on your mind as well as your heart. Crying keeps you healthy.

⇒Some diseases are interconnected with depression, such as thyroid problems, heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, obstructive sleep apnoea, and chronic pain.

⇒More than half of caretakers of elderly family members have symptoms of major depression.

⇒The first mental asylum in the U.S opened in 1773 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

⇒Abraham Lincoln suffered from chronic depression

⇒It is more likely someone will die from suicide than from homicide. For every two people killed by homicide, three people die of suicide.

⇒The total cost of depression in the United States are estimated to be $44 billion: $12 billion in direct costs of treatment, $8 billion in premature death, and $24 billion in absenteeism and reduced productivity at work. These do not include out-of-pocket family expenses, costs of minor and untreated depression, excessive hospitalization, general medical services, and diagnostic tests.

⇒On a worldwide basis, depression ranks fourth as a cause of disability and early death according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

⇒Freud, who revolutionized the practice of psychiatry with his theories of the unconscious, postulated that depression comes from anger turned against oneself.

⇒Researchers have found a direct relationship between depression and the thickening of the lining of the carotid artery in women, a major risk factor for stroke.

⇒One in 33 children will struggle with depression.

⇒Sufferers of depression may experience more cognitive impairment on less sunny days than on sunny days.

⇒Once men hit midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease of testosterone.

⇒Long-term use of marijuana leads to changes in dopamine production and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.

⇒Major depression can lead to physical changes in the brain.

⇒Video games are more effective than battling depression than counselling is.

⇒Eating seafood rich in Omega-3 may help pregnant women with depression.

⇒Your Depression can result in two major changes in the way you sleep.
• sleep too much(hypersomnia)
•sleeping too little(insomnia).

⇒Emotional pain is remembered more than physical pain and has more effect on your behaviour that causes depression in most of case.

⇒Women may develop depression during the premenstrual period and during perimenopause.

⇒Feelings of depression in overweight kids can start as early as kindergarten

⇒The most common types of suicide include copycat, euthanasia, familicide, forced, honour, Internet, martyrdom, ritual, attack, and cop suicides.

⇒Some experts believe that 25% of drivers who die in auto accidents cause them subconsciously. "Autocides" are suicides disguised as automobile accidents.

⇒One quarter of cancer patients develops depression.

⇒As many as 15% of those who suffer from some form of depression take their lives each year.

⇒Experiencing depression can cause people to withdraw from others in their lives such as their family, friends, or partners. Many people who have depression have a hard time in school or work. They miss assignments, can't concentrate on their work, or feel overwhelmed by activities. This can lead to missing school or work.

⇒Depression a physical physiological disorder but we don't know enough about the brain to be precise. That's why psychology and cognitive science exist because we can't precisely fix depression so we have to abstract to higher-order concepts. Neuroscience exists, but we are still making headway.

⇒The high rate of home foreclosures have plunged many homeowners into depression. Researchers suggest that the foreclosure crisis is, consequently, a health crisis.

⇒Depression is a hidden illness meaning sometimes depressed people don't look depressed .Depression can alter some areas of the brain and alter some brain circuits.

⇒Depression can be as hard on your loved ones as it is on you. Those closest to you may start to feel unloved and may distance themselves so they aren't pulled into your pain. Remember that others are counting on you.

⇒Accepting negative emotions helps in regaining and maintaining peace of mind.

⇒The very last person in your mind before you go to sleep is either the reason for your happiness or your pain.

⇒People who laugh even at silly jokes are the most depressed persons.

⇒Dogs Get Depressed, Too.

⇒Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. Symptoms of a depressive episode can include: loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, change in weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness, and thoughts of death or suicide.

⇒Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.

⇒Brain-imaging research suggests that the elderly who suffer brain tissue damage due to high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol are more likely to develop depression. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regulatory, and getting appropriate and timely medical care reduces the risk of developing depression in older age.

⇒A person with depression will not look into your eye.

⇒A recent Dutch study suggests that depressed dads are twice as likely to have an infant who cries excessively than dads who are not depressed.

⇒Alcohol is a depressant. So are marijuana and a host of other recreational and street drugs. Self-medication is not going to get you better and will surely make you worse over time. Remember that all medications, including anti-depressants, have side effects.

⇒The most depressing season is winter, and it's believed to be due to the lower exposure to sunlight.

⇒Attempted suicide was once considered a felony in Kentucky.

⇒Monday appears to be the day on which most suicides occur. Saturday sees the fewest.

⇒If you feel sick, simply looking at a picture of a loved one can soothe the pain.

⇒Chronic pain can be another symptom of depression. At the same time, being in continual discomfort can cause you to become depressed. When you are depressed and in pain, it can be hard to know which came first.

⇒When a person is critical, it is a sign of their low self esteem. So don't take things personally.

⇒Day Dreaming is good for your brain. It makes you more creative but in some cases, it can cause depression.

⇒During 2008, 140 American soldiers committed suicide, breaking all previous suicide records in the military.

⇒Anxiety and depression disorders are closely related. Nearly 50% of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

⇒People don't choose to be depressed, but they do make a choice about how to deal with it.

⇒Overweight children feel more lonely and anxious than their normal-weight peers as early as kindergarten. Both boys and girls who felt depressed in kindergarten got worse over time.

⇒When children have both asthma and depression, their asthma typically is worse than that of asthmatic children who are not depressed.

⇒Hiding your thumb behind all fingers is a sign of nervousness, it indicates that the person wants to remain unnoticed in the group.

⇒If you're suffering from depression and want an easy escape from it then, eat Bananas they are the best way to get rid of it.

⇒Overthinking is the hardest part of depression. when it becomes a habit, it needs consistent effort to get rid of it. Overthinking is problem-solving gone wrong and could be accompanied by anxiety. Mindful meditation is an efficient tool to exercise the brain and CBT can change the thoughts related to it.

⇒Roughly speaking, losing something makes you twice as miserable as gaining the same thing makes you happy.

⇒Researchers have recently found that those who suffer from depression are at risk for low bone mineral density. Depressed women are especially at risk for developing osteoporosis.

⇒Talk with yourself once in a day. Otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in the world.

⇒A depressed woman is more likely to give birth early, increasing health risks for both the woman and the baby. Between 14% and 23% of pregnant women experience some sort of depressive disorder.

⇒Seeing faces or shapes in the clouds or in fire has a name: pareidolia.

⇒Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may become socially withdrawn or become violent or abusive.

⇒The earliest medical description of depression dates back to Hippocrates, the Greek "father of medicine," who attributed depression, or melancholy, to an imbalance of the body's four humours. The theory was that too much black bile created a melancholic temperament-literally melanin (black) and cholia (bile). To overcome depression, Hippocrates recommended rebalancing body systems using relaxation and healthy living strategies as well as blood-letting and leeches.

⇒Never be worried if someone doesn't like you for the way you are. Because someone will always like you even more for the same reason.

⇒Almost one in fifteen American adults suffers from depression.

⇒The word "suicide" comes from two Latin roots, sui ("of oneself") and cidium ("killing" or "slaying").

⇒Although women attempt suicide about three times more often than men, men complete suicide about three times more often than women.

⇒The lifetime risk of developing depression in those born in the decades after WWII is increasing. The age of depression onset is becoming increasingly younger. Today the average age for the onset of depression varies between 24-35 years of age, with a mean age of 27.

⇒Depression can Occur When Something Bad Happens in Your Life.

⇒Self harm and suicidal thoughts are signs of deep trouble during depression. It must be dealt with immediately and need immediate attention .People who self harmed themselves twice will do it again . IT must be dealt with immediately .self harm is a cry for help.

⇒Only 10% of our mind is conscious. Meanwhile, subconscious doubts, fears and desires come out in the form of your dreams. Dream Analysis is helpful to find the true meaning of your dreams.

⇒Depression is a mental disorder that affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. And it can strike anyone.

⇒In established market economies such as the United States, depression is the leading form of mental illness.

⇒Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you. If you have thoughts of suicide, please call someone immediately. Don't let a temporary glitch in your thinking cause you to harm yourself or another.

⇒There is increasing evidence that individuals with a family history of suicide are more vulnerable to becoming victims of suicide themselves.

⇒The first suicide recorded in the Bible was Abimelech, who lived in the twelfth century B.C.

⇒Build good habits, changing habits will change your life! You cannot change your future but you can change your habits and surely your habits will change your future.

⇒During the Middle Ages, mentally ill people were seen to be under the influence of the devil or other evil spirits.

⇒Depression is a purely psychological disease.

⇒September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day.

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