Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

502K 13.8K 3.3K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 3

9.9K 209 25
By Scratch_your_head

*Door knock sounded

"I'll get it!" April yelled. It was 10 a.m. in the morning. Girls were barely up since they didn't have much classes lately.

April yawned and opened the door. Her eyes opened like wide saucers.


"Who is it Ape?" Gracie asked coming out of her room in long sweatshirt. She looked at April when she didn't reply. "Ap-... " Words got stuck in her throat when she saw who came behind April. It was the devil in flesh, Ajax Santiago. Behind him came some men, each of them carried guns.

Shay was about to scream when Victor pointed the gun at her to shush her.


Ajax sat on the couch in the living area. Victor stood beside him in uptight posture. There were seven of their men standing at their positions. The girls were also standing there shocked and scared since they were put on gun point.

"Where is my girl?" Ajax asked in his thick voice.

Gracie almost flinched at that dark voice. Amy was right, he is scary; she thought.

When none of the girls said anything, Victor asked; "Where is Ms. McCarthy?"

Shay gathered some courage and said; "Amy is not here"

The girls jumped in their places when the room filled with Ajax's dark laugh. It was far from amusement rather it sounded sarcastic. Like he was laughing at her pathetic lie.

"Don't try to act smart Miss. Mitchell. I know she didn't leave the apartment today." Ajax said. They looked at him surprised.

"I've eyes on my girl" He added with a smirk.


Amelia felt a mild headache as she woke up. She yawned and stretched her arms in the air. She looked at the wall clock and saw that it was past 10. She pulled thr covers aside and got out of thr bed hoping that any of her dorm-mate would be up. She came out of her room in her pj's and thin shirt. She was rubbing her eyes to remove the sleepiness from them. She slept late at night and had a mild head ache now.

As she stood at her room door, she didn't realize the evil eyes of the devil which were now focused on her small form. She was unaware of the fact that she was standing in the vicinity of the man who was going to change her life. He openly gazed at her body which was covered in a thin shirt and small pj's. She looked beautiful even with her morning face and crinkly outfit.

But her clothes were not appropriate to be worn in front of men other than him. He passed his men a death glare and they immediately looked down. Only he was allowed to look at the precious beauty standing in front of him. No other man should lay their lowly eyes on his girl. Only he should be the man in her life who could see her ethereal body in as less clothes.

Victor signalled the girls to keep their mouth shut.

"Shay!" Amelia called sleepily. Ajax kept staring at her as her soft voice reached his ear making him feel things he had bever felt before. "I need coffee" She said. When she didn't hear a reply from her friend, she finally decided to open her eyes.

"Ahhhh...... " A scream left her lips. Her eyes were widened in surprise. There he was, sitting in her living room wearing an all black suit and staring at her with his deep eyes. She felt shivers running in her body

Ajax looked at her with intense gaze. "Good morning love!" He greeted.

"Y-you... "
"W-what a-are you doing here?" Amelia tried not to stutter but she was scared out of her wits seeing him in her house, pointing guns at her friends.

"I told you, I'll pay you a visit love" He said normally like it wasn't a big deal and he wasn't there with his guns.

"I t-told you t-that I-i don't want to do anything with you, so please go" Amelia tried to get him out of their house. She didn't think he would actually come here.

"What's the rush love? I'm here to spend some time with my girl" His each word increased the fear inside her.

"I'm not your girl! " Amelia tried to sneer but she looked like a cute kitten to Ajax. He rubbed his thumb on his lower lip.

"You just don't know it yet. But I will make sure that you will know it well" Ajax said with a promise in his words.

"Now go put something on first and then we will talk" He said and gave an overall look to her body.

It was only then Amelia realized her state. The fear and shock didn't let her think anything before. Pink tink appeared on her cheeks as she realized that she was wearing pj's. She hurriedly went back in her room and put on her grey night robe.


"Come here!" Ajax ordered.

Amelia shook her head; "No, l-let my friends go" She didn't want to anywhere near that dangerous man. Her only focus was to get her friends safe and make him leave.

"Come here and sit love, your friend Shay will make coffee for you" Ajax said calmly.

"M-my friends... " She mumbled.

"I will let them go, only after talking to you" He cut her off. His voice hed authority and she found herself complyibg to him.

She looked at him hesitantly and then at her friends. They were scaredly looking at her. April was giving her sympathetic looks. Amelia knew her friends cared for her and they were in this position only because of her.

She took reluctant steps towards the couch in front of Ajax and hesitantly sat on it. His eyes didn't leave her for a second. Shay went to the kitchen with two guards following her. She wouldn't be able to decieve both of them.

"T-there is nothing t-to talk Mr. S-santiago" Amelia couldn't hide the fear in her words. She was scared to even call him.

Ajax narrowed his eyes at her. She remembered that he told her to call him with his first name. But she could care less.

"Yes, You are mine and that's final. Now if you want to do some young stuff and go on dates or want an engagement then I'm okay with it. But know that you will be marrying me in the end, no matter what" He said looking straight in her eyes.

"This is absurd! " Amelia said in disbelief.

"Amy doesn't like you" April sneered at him.

"And she will not be marrying you" Gracie also intervened.

Ajax didn't look away from Amelia's face but the veins in his neck were pulsing. His tattooed hands which had rings on them formed a fist.

"I don't like anyone interfering when I'm talking to my Lia" He gritted his teeth. April and Gracie shuddered in fear.

"They are my f-riends" Amelia said gaining some courage from their presence.

He stared at her face for few seconds and then said; "We will be talking in your room now" His words scared her more.

"Never!" April yelled.

"Or my men can just shut them up" Ajax said as his man dug the nozzle of the gun in April's head making her whimper. Amelia looked at them scared, her friend was trying to stay strong for her sake.

"No! "
"We will go in my room" She said.

"Good!" Ajax said.

She stood up with a heavy heart and moved towards her room. Ajax followed her.

Amelia turned around when he closed the door. She looked at him scared.

"No need to be scared love, I won't hurt you." Ajax tried to calm her down but she was far from being calm. Her nerves were all active. She moved back as he stepped towards her. He tried to touch her arm but she pulled it back. She didn't want him to touch her. He clenched his jaw but didn't say anything about it.

"Sit" He ordered. Amelia looked at him unsure but sat on her bed nonetheless, scared by his intense eyes.

"Listen Lia, I love you and I will make you mine. So don't try to resit my love" He said standing in front of her.

"I-I don't w-want to be w-with a guy l-like you" She managed to form the sentence.

"Guy like me?" Ajax raised his brow.

"Y-you do bad s-stuff" She mumbled.

"What bad?" He sounded amused by her mumbling.

"I-illegal" She again mumbled.

"Illegal? Like mafia?" Ajax was amused by her choice of words.

"Y-yes M-mafia" She hurriedly nodded her head. 'Adorable' he thought.

"That's where you were wrong love." Amelia looked at him confused

"I'm not involved in Mafia. I am the King!"

She felt her head spinning at his words. Now she was more scared. Gracie was right, he was at the top of the food chain and he just admitted it.

"S-so you h-hurt p-people?" She asked, fear was visible in her voice.

Ajax smirked at her; "My girl is so innocent"

"Yes my love but what I do is far more than hurting" He added.

Amelia stood up from the bed. She was scared and wanted to get away from him.

"Uh uh... Sit back love, we don't want your friends outside to feel any discomfort" Amelia got the threat in his sentence. She sat back and he sat beside her making her squirm. She was glad for the gap between them but she couldn't help the squirming.

"Now here is what's going to happen. I will give you some time to get adjusted to the fact that you are mine. Meanwhile you will be my girlfriend. And at the end of it, I will make you mine completely." He explained.

"No... Please" Amelia pleaded.

"It's non negotiable for you love"
"Now give me your cell phone" He demanded.

Amelia hesitantly picked the phone up from the side table and gave it to him. He took it and unblocked his contact no. He also saved it with boyfriend.

"Don't try to block me again and if you will change the contact name, there will be consequences love" She felt like crying, he was already controlling her.

"Please, I don't even know you" She again tried to plead.

He hummed thinking for a second; "We can do something about that" He said and she knew she wouldn't like his next words.

"I will take you on a date tonight. Be ready at 7 o'clock. I will send you the dress. I won't like it if you won't wear it love" He said.

Amelia shook her head; "I-i w-will not g-go anywhere w-with y-you."

"Oh love, you will. We don't want to hurt your friends now do we?" He asked with an evil voice.

Amelia shuddered at his threat. She shook her head No.

"Then love be ready on time" He said and cupped her left cheek. She felt the fear run through her veins when he leaned forward. But he moved to her right cheek and pressed a kiss on it which was surprisingly soft. He got up and turned to walk out of the room.

She sat there frozen in her place, scared by his touch.

After few minutes, she heard the front door opening and knew that he left. Her friends immediately barged in her rooms.

Ap: "What happened Amy?

G: Are you okay Amy?

S: Did he do something?

They asked worriedly. Amelia looked at them and tears brimmed her eyes.

A: He...

She couldn't even speak woth the tears that seemed to settle in her throat.

S: Yes Amy? He did what?

Shay tried to coax her into sharing.

A: He t-touched my c-cheeks, he kissed it.

Her tears fell down.

Ap: I'm going to kill that son of a bitch.

Gracie wrapped her arms around Amelia and let her cry on her shoulded.


Amelia had told her friends everything that happened in the room.

G: So he admits that he is a mafia.

Ap: he is the king.

S: what can we do about it.

A: i want to go to police or at least campus security so that they won't let him in.

Ap: i don't think it will work.

S: why?

Ap: he is a mafia king shay, no one will listen to us.

G: he would have the police on his side.

S: Bloody bribed police

A: we have to do something. Please do something.

Amelia said crying. She was so overwhelmed by his visit.

S: our baby.

A: please do something, i don't want to go anywhere with him.

G: we know.

A: please do something

She was crying and hiccuping.

Ap: you are our baby Amy, we want to save you too but...

G: but he is so powerful. No one can do anything.

S: he said he will give you some time to adjust before marrying you and officially making you his, right?

Amelia nodded.

S: then may be you can take as much time as you can and he will get over this stupid infatuation of his.

A: he will?

G: yes baby, he uses women like tissue paper. He has different girl for every event.

Ap: he will get over you soon.

S: men like him don't know how to settle.

G: yes Shay is right.

A: but i don't want to get 'used' by him.

She cried more. The thought was scaring her.

Ap: oh I know Amy but you will have to distract him from touching you.

G: we are not telling you to stop resisting.

S: he will get fed up of your constant rejection and then he will move on to some other model.

A: Yeah, may be.

G: so why did he came here beside taking his stupid claim on you?

A: he texted me last night. His texts were as weird as he is.

Ap: controlling, claiming and threatning?

A: yeah.

S: you should have blocked him.

A. I did but he texted me with some other no. I would've blocked that too but I knew he had multiple numbers to contact me. It was no use.

G: did he say something?

A: he said that I cannot block him, neither from my cell phone nor from my life.

A. I was so scared

S. Awww... Why didn't you come to us?

A: I didn't want to disturb you guys.

G: you can never disturb us Amy.

Ap. Yes Amy, this difficulty came to you but we will face it together.

A: I don't want you guys hurt.

S. We know and even he does hurt us, know that it's not your fault.

Ap. You have no reason to feel guilty about.

G. We've known each other since almost forever. We may not be best friends back then but we are now. And friends have each other's back.

A. Thank you so much guys, I love you all.

Ap. We love you too bitch.

April made Amelia crack a smile.

S: okay now forget it I will warm your coffee for you.


It was 5 o'clock and Amelia was dreading that forced date. She had barely eaten all day. Her friends were also worried about her and were discussing any possible way out for her.

*Door bell rang

Shay opened the door. There wasn't anyone but as she looked down, two boxes were present. She looked around and then took them inside.

"Who was it?" Gracie asked.

"No one" Shay replied.

G: huh!

S: someone left these boxes on the front door.

Ap: He said he will send her the

They looked at each other,their friend was already very much tense, they didn't want to bother her. But it wasn't in their hands.

G: we have to give it to her.

S: she is already very worried. I don't want her to cry again.

Ap: we can't control the inevitable.

S: yeah, you are right.

They knocked Amelia's door. Gracie opened it after not getting any reply for a minute. Amelia was sitting on her bed, her head rested on her knees while she looked out of the window. She looked lost in her thoughts.

S: Amy?

Amelia came out of her mind and said yeah!

Ap: this came for you.

April placed the boxes on her bed.

A: it's from him isn't it?

G: we are so sorry Amy.

A: don't be, it's not your fault.

She took a deep breath and opened the bigger box. The girls gasped as they looked at the dress inside it. Gracie took it out. It was a navy blue, sleeveless, short dress.

"It's so pretty" April swooned.

"What's in the second one?" Gracie wondered.

Shay opened it; "There are heels."

Ap: these look so expensive.

G: there is a note too.

Amelia took it to read.

'Blue, my love's favorite.

Your SK'

A: He knows my favorite colour.

G: he said he had his ways of knowing about you.

S. He is such a creep.

Ap: This is some real good stuff.

G: yeah!

A: I don't want any of it.

The happiness of the girls flew out of the window. Sadness covered their faces. All those expensive things were a waste if their friend didn't want them.

A. Isn't there a single way to stop this?

G. You can tell your parents. May be your dad can do something.

Ap. Yeah, he is a businessman too. He must know Ajax.

A. I don't know that but Dad is in Australia for some work. I can't disturb him and even if I tell him now, there is less than two hours left.

G. That means we can't do anything.

Ap. No, Ajax will come for her in two hours.

S. God! I hate his name.

A. He had told me to call him by his name.

S. Did you?

A. No I told him that we are not that close.

G. Yes! Although his name is hot but we hate him.

S: shut it Gracie!

A. If you have a crush on him you can have him.

Ap. Everyone's got a crush on him but there is a but...

G. And that bit is that he kills people and do drugs and stuff.

Ap. Although it should be a turn on

S. But it's a turn off so shut up guys.

A. What's turn off?

Ap. Awww... Our baby Amy.

G. Forget it.

S: don't worry Amy baby. If you don't want to go on a date with that creep, you won't.

G: Yes Amy, we won't send you with him.

A: thank you guys!

Ap. Now if you don't want the sress, can I have it?

A. Gladly

S. Nobody is having it. We will throw it on his face.


Only few minutes left in 7 o'clock. Amelia could feel every hair on her body rise in fear. She didn't dress up for the date. The girls had been so courageous when they decided that she wouldn't go on that stupid date. But as the closck was ticking, they could feel the dread inside them.

Exact at 7 o'clock, the door bell rang.

Ap: don't worry Amy, I will handle him.

She opened the front door and was surprised to not see Ajax Santiago. But the man who was standing in front of her looked familiar. He was the one who stood out among all the other guards, Ajax brought in the morning. But she was glad that she wouldn't have to deal with the devil.

"I'm here to take Miss McCarthy" The unknown man said.

"Tell your boss that she will not be coming" April was about to close the door on his face but he stopped her with his muscular arm.

"I'm afraid that it is not possible" He said.

"She told you already that our friend is not coming so get out" Shay said coming towards them. She needed to support April in handling the big guys.

"Please call Miss. McCarthy." He insisted.

"Can't you hear?" April seethed.

"I will need to talk with Miss. McCarthy about this matter." He again said.

"We will not allow you to scare her" Shay said.

"I will not dare to scare our queen, Miss. Mitchell"

"We said No"

"Please don't make me use force" He said. The girls raised their eyebrows but stilled when he pulled out his gun.


Amelia was sitting beside Gracie trying to hide herself in her chest.

"Amy!" Gracie mumbled as she saw a big guy with tattoos coming in their living area with guns pointed at her friends.

Amelia's breathing increased. "L-let them go!" She said. She didn't expect it when Victor lowered his gun immediately.

"Good evening my queen!" He greeted.

"My name is Victor Orena. I am King's right hand man" He introduced himself but she could care less.

"I'm here to take you to Mr. Santiago for your evening" He informed.

"I don't want to go" Amelia said as she hugged Gracie. Fear was visible in her eyes. Victor sighed and stepped aside. The girls watched him alert when he pulled the cell phone out of his pockets and called someone. He spoke something in an almost inaudible voice and then came back to them.

"Sir wants to talk to you Mam!" He forwarded his cell phone towards Amelia. She looked at it with wide eyes and shook her head.

"I insist Mam" He said. She hesitantly took it from him. Her hand was almost trembling as she brought the cell phone up to her ear. There wasn't any sound from the other side.

"H-hello!" She gathered some courage to speak.

"Hello love!" A deep masculine voice sounded from the other side. Amelia wanted to toss the phone in Victor's hands and run but she composed herself.

"I-I don't..." Before she could complete her sentence, Ajax cut her off.

"I am giving you twenty minutes, love. Go inside your room and get ready for our date. I want you here in half an hour or my man won't spare your friends" His voice sent chills in her body. She didn't dare to say another word.

She handed the cell phone back to Victor and dragged her body towards her room. April went after her but Victor stopped the other two.


Amelia wore the dress with heavy heart. April left her hair open since she didn't want to do anything so she only partitioned them from center. She didn't want to apply any make up but April put a pink lipstick on her saying that it would cover for the lack of any other product. This will seem like she did something. April tried to stop her from going but Amelia told her that it wasn't a choice. She couldn't risk any of their lives.

She wore his gifted high heels and dragged her body out of the room. As a cover, April put a black overcoat on her. Amelia liked the extra layer of protection. She hoped that she wouldn't have to take it off. April wanted to say that she was looking so pretty but it wasn't the moment. The poor girl was going through a lot.


Victor lead her out of the apartment towards the car. Amelia noticed that there were five cars in total. He opened the door of the middle one. All the guards settled in the two cars before and behind her. Ajax had sent high security to bring her to him. None of the guards dared to look at her body. Even Victor kept his eyes casted down when he spoke to her. But all that respect meant nothing to her when they were still forcing her and could kill her friends.


>There is an instagram page for the fans of this story. Do check it out here,

>I will be posting some pictures and gifs related to the chapter and our main leads on my Instagram account. It will be fun and you guys can enjoy it.



Words count: 4065

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~Till then

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