My Bestfriends Brother's

By kitty_owner_

14.8K 181 8

Jade's love life hasn't been sparked up much after her break up with her last boyfriend but when her playmat... More

The Brother's
Sleep Overs
Secrets Are Fun
Torn Clothes
Take All Of Me
Brother's Fight
Twists and Turns
Ancient History
Tug Of War
Jay's Girl
Catch Up
Around In Circles
Whole Hearted Decisions
Surprise Appearance
With Love

The Date..

1.1K 17 0
By kitty_owner_

~~Jades P.O.V~~

After an eternity of awkward cold stares and a bit of Kelly's stubbornness we finally agreed on going out on the date but We decided on meeting them at a night club down the street from the house incase we needed to leave early. "So how do I look?" Kelly smiles doing a small spin showing off her outfit; she decided on black jeans with a see though back tank top with the matching black bra underneath and some basic black pumps to match. "You look stunning as always." I smile leaning against the headboard of her bed "you know we have some time before we have to go." She smirks crawling up the bed to me, she swings her leg over me so she's straddling me "I told you I won't, we've been friends forever and we have fun now but that's all I want it to be. Fun Kelly and this can get complicated fast." She huffs crossing her arms "but it's fine for you to flirt with my brothers constantly?" I raise a curious eyebrow at her "I dont try to well not always anyways." She rolls her eyes making me sigh "you see what you're doing right now? If you can't handle what we do then tell me and we can stop but that doesn't mean I love you any less Kels."

She sighs letting her arms fall to her sides "I'm sorry, you're right maybe we shouldn't do what we do. I mean we need to get some boyfriends and I don't think that's gonna work if we're always on each other." She giggles sliding off me onto her bed "can we not tell my brothers though? I like making them jealous." I chuckle nodding "anything you want." Her gaze falls back on me "do you have feelings for my brothers or do you like any of them. I know everyone flirts cause it's fun but I'm curious." I shrug feeling the heat rise to my face "I don't think I'd call them feelings but I guess they're all cute in their own way." She leans against her wall putting her legs over mine "so you've never thought of Ian in that way?" I stay silent for a moment in shock "well I dont know.. Like I said kels  I haven't really looked at any of them like that." Not even Jay? I quickly shake the thought out of my head.

"Okay whatever you say." I sigh looking at my phone "what time are we heading to the bar?" She looks at her phone "it's already 8 so they should be there by the time we get there." We run down rhe stairs after gathering our things but as we try to make our escape I feel a hand lightly tug on mine "you both be carfule and call one of us if you need anything." Ian keeps his daggers on Kelly while holding me in place "do you want me to go to your house and get you some clothes?" Ian moves his gaze to mine filling my stomach with a warm feeling "um yeah if you don't mind" he smiles at me pulling me a little closer "do you need anything for a shower?" My eyes widen. I need underwear! "Well actually I kinda need some underwear." I mumble the last part feeling my face flush "I'm sorry.. what?" He asks confused "underwear." I say a little louder making his eyes widen in surprise "oh.. right yeah of course." His face flushed with embarrassment like mine.

After pure embarrassment we head out to the club to meet the guys. I don't usually look foward to these blind dates just because none of them are ever my type so I always end up waiting for Kelly to have a quickie so we can go home or I end up heading back home alone. We walk up to the bar taking a seat on two of the free stools "so are you excited?" I do my best to smile with a small shrug "to be honest I'm a little pooped out after work and I'm still pretty hungry." I giggle rubbing my belly "well then you probably shouldn't drink too much or Ian will kill both of us." I nod in agreement knowing damn well Ian would kill me if I got shitfaced with randoms again.. it happened once and I got the biggest ear full with the world's worst hangover so never again. "Kelly?" I hear a deep voice behind me making us both turn around in our stools "Austin!" She gushes wrapping him into a tight hug "so I guess that makes you Jade?" The guy from the pictuer peeks his head up at me. "That's me. You are?" He shoots me a nervous grin sliding his hands into his pockets "Roger."

I nod with the best fake smile I have in me "well how about a drink?" He asks taking a seat next to me "you know I could go for a drink." He chuckles tapping the bar "can I get a margarita and a be-" I shake my head making a face at him "not a fan of margaritas?" I playfully stick my tongue out "I have to really be in the mood for one but how about you just get me a beer to start?" His eyes widen in shock "wow, alright then let me get two beers my good man." The bartender smirks at me as she puts the drinks infront of us "I'm a beer girl too." She chuckles before walking back to the other side of the bar. "So why a bar? I mean usually a date is not at a bar?" Roger chuckles taking a sip of his beer "well to be honest Kelly has brothers-" he puts his hand up stopping me "say no more, I got three sisters. This is close to home huh?" I take a sip of my beer smiling with amusement. "Guess over protective brothers think alike"

He playfully nuges me "yeah well you never know. I mean I'm not a weirdo but you totally could've ended up with a nut case." He says finishing his beer "how do I know you're not a nut case?" I feel my nerves slowly begin to dissappear despite our playful conversation about weirdos.. I feel almost comfortable "well I am but not in the way you think, I'm a weirdo in the sense that I put out fires for a living but have legit caused about two small ones with my grill and I happen to like staying at home a little more than everyone else. My buddy over there begged me to come out." He points to Austin who is already trying to take Kelly to home base. "Well to be honest she did the same thing to me, I don't really like doing this type of shit considering it's always a creep who just wants to get me into the back seat of his car." I feel the heat rise to my face as I finish my sentence "oh I didn't mean you!" Roger chuckles while tapping the bar again "no worries, honestly I get it." 

I sigh taking the beer from the bartender "well why don't you tell me about yourself?" I smile giving him a playful nudge "hmm well I already told you about my sisters and you know know im a closet loner and that im a fire man so how about you tell me a little about you?" I take a small swig of my beer holding it in my mouth for a second.. I dont talk about myself much so when ever I have to do it on one of these dates I always say the same thing. "well I am a piercing tattoo artist from the city and I live in a pretty decent house with huge guard dogs  to keep me company." The last part was a bit of a lie but im not about to tell someone I live alone. He shoots me a side eyed smirk taking a sip of his beer "and here I thought you worked in an office." I lightly shove him making him chuckle "well I figured either you did it on the side and you worked in a book store somewhere or you actually just work as an artist." 

I set my beer down gently clinking the glass against the bar before turning my gaze to meet his "so now you know a little about me, what'd you think?" Roger's gaze holds mine for a second before his sweet smile spreads across his face "well why dont I show you?" he says slowly leaning into me but before I can decide what to do I feel a tug on my arm "sorry Jade but we should get to heading home, it's late." my eyes widen as I look down at my phone screen "holly shit It's already 2." I get up quickly grabbing my wallet off the counter "wait! are you really gonna cinderella my ass right now?" Roger chuckles holding his hands up in disbelief "well yeah kind of but instead of a shoe how about I leave you my. number?" he nods handing me his phone "alright now that's more like it." I can't help the stupid grin spreading across my face. Kelly and I quickly say the rest of our goodbyes before running out of the bar giggling "oh you know damn well your brothers are gonna kill us!" she nudges me a bit with a smirk "I saw him leaning into you but you didn't look like you were into it so I pulled us out of there, dont you remember I set our phones two hours ahead so it's actually twelve." 

I raise my eyebrows in surprise "Girl! what if that shit didn't work and one of them had looked at their phones?" she shrugs with a sly smile "then I'd call one of the guys to bust us out of there." I sigh feeling the stress I had been holding in release all at once, I didn't realize I was so stressed... I was having a good time until the end.. "He was a great guy but-" Kelly cuts me off "but not your type, I know." I sigh feeling a bit disappointed in myself for not at least getting one kiss in but at the same time it just didn't feel right. "We had a lot in common dont get me wrong Kels but it just wasn't there for me in the end." She sighs as she walks up the porch plopping down on one of the seat swings. "Jade sit with me for a second." I groan plopping down on the seat across from her letting myself sway "why did you get all serious Kelly on me." she pushes her hair over her shoulder so it's out of her face. 

"You and Jay seem to be getting along differently now and days." I roll my eyes sitting back in the seat "Im just saying that maybe you could give it a chance." I sigh running my fingers through my hair "What if things dont go well Kels and what would Ian think?" she groans throwing her head back in frustration "who cares what he thinks Jade, if he was a real friend then he'd want you to be happy." but what if I like him too? I sigh putting my head against the wooden bar "Okay well then how about this, I'll let this die if you agree to let whatever happens happen no matter what others think." I bite my lip feeling the nerves run across my skin giving me goose bumps "deal." I mumble. "alright so did you bring the blunt or do I have to go in and get it? she smiles wide pulling out the preroll from her bra making us burst into a fit of laughter. 

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