
By JoniiG

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Loosing your memory at the age of six, can also mean loosing a crucial part of your life. Y/n has to come fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 4

203 4 0
By JoniiG

Bakugo was, in his own way, being distant with you. He was quiet in class, not making any snarky comments on others anymore. That scene must've been terrifying for even him to change his attitude.

He felt ashamed of himself.

You and a Quirkless nerd had to come to his rescue . How could've that happen? He is stronger than you. He was stronger than that villain. There is no one who can match up to him. He is going to be number one. He is going to be the best hero that has ever existed. So why couldn't he...beat that guy? Why couldn't he blast him and destroy him into a million pieces? He had to be captured. You had to help him. That damn nerd had to jump in and help him.


Deku was not what he was mainly thinking about.


Bakugo is not stupid. His ego may be in the havens but he knows strength when he sees it. Even if you were not able to come to his aid, he knew you could have gotten him out of there. So he decided on something he never thought he would.

He was lazily standing in front of you, with his hands in his pockets, wearing his black school uniform and that angry expression on his face. He looked serious, though. What would he want now? He hasn't talked to you since that villain episode. Not even acknowledging your existence. And now he is here. In this abandoned park, looking for you.

Well. Since he found you here, he was more like following you. No one except Izuku knew you came here.

"About what?" you sighed, looking at him with hooded eyes and maybe a little annoyed for interrupting your alone time "You haven't talked to me since that-"

His face twitched for a second "Don't talk about that." he bit.

Guess that's a sensitive topic, now. You don't blame him. It kind of is for you, too. Reminding yourself that you were unable to- you know what? You're not going there right now. He is finally talking to you and judging from his expression, this looks important.

"Yeah, whatever." you said rolling eyes "Can it not wait? I'm busy." you lied back to the tree, lightly stretching your arms and closing your eyes. Acting though, eh? Guess you do have some things in common.

"Heh?!" he took his hands out of his pockets and clenched them "You aren't doing anything, you bird brain!"

"Silence, you undeveloped homosapiens." you shushed him pointing your index finger to him, your voice changing as if you were a royalty or something "You are disturbing my inner peace."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Come one, his reactions are priceless. Who wouldn't tease the hell out of him? "YOU GOT A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING, BIRD BRAIN?!"

"Fine, fine." you said putting your hands up in defeat "What do you want?"

His shoulders fell, his face softened and took a deep breath. Okay, this has started to worry you. Like a lot. Why is he acting so weird? "You want to go to the U.A, right?" he said.

You raised an eyebrow and looked at him like he was an unknown thing 'Huh? This is about...U.A.?'

He followed you all the way here for what? That? He already knew that. And he most certainly was not happy about it. Something was odd. You could feel it. See it in his eyes.

"You are weak." he continued without letting you answer his previous question.

"Jeez thanks." you answered sarcastically.

"You are not passing the entrance exam if you don't get stronger." still ignoring you. Seriously now, he came here to look down on you? Well, this does mean that he is going back to himself.

"Ugh." you let out a groan out of annoyance "if you came here just to bully me-"

"Train with me."

You either misheard, going deaf or he actually said what he said. He was looking at him in disbelief. You blinked fast, shaking your head, trying to process those three words that came out of his mouth.


Bakugo decided to train you until the entrance exam. Train you. Not with you. He did say that he was going to fight you at some point, but you were way weaker than him right now. So he was going to make you stronger and beat you. Prove to you that he doesn't need help from anyone. That nerd is Quirkless, so he doesn't need to worry about him. He's not going to pass anyways.

But you have now started turning into a threat to him. He may know how your quirk works since you were friends as kids, but he never saw you actually using it. And that was the scary part. Had Death Arms not caught you that time, you would be able to do something, not much as to beating the villain but enough to save him.

No! He didn't need saving. He had everything under control. He managed to save you. Had he not acted in time, you would've been the one at his place. And even if you were, he would've gotten you to safety in no time...right?

"Come again?" you said, now on your feet with your arms crossed to your chest with a confused face

"Tch." He looked away "You heard me. You're not passing U.A. on that level."

"And you want to help me pass because...?" you said, lengthening your sentence, waiting for an answer

"I'm not helping you!" He snapped. "You think I'm weak because I was not able to get out of that damn villain's grasp." his eyes were full of anger "You are looking down on me." but there was something else inside them that you couldn't decipher "So you are going to train with me and then I'll beat you."

Come on. He is not a fool. He knows damn well you are not weak. You did need to get stronger, though. And he wanted to be the one who would make you, because that day he saw potential in you. That is the only reason he made this decision, though, the idea of helping you was ignorant to him. It felt like you were going to look down on him even more but he won't let that happen. He'll prove to you that he didn't need you, Deku or anyone.

Deku. That nerd had the nerve to act like a hero and jump into the scene trying to help him. No, he didn't help him! As if he could do anything at all. Did he really think that throwing a bag at a villain would make him retreat?! How stupid. He could've easily gotten killed back there. He's just a hopeless, Quirkless nerd!

You had no idea of what to say. Training with Bakugo? Sure, you may achieve more with his help rather than when you train on your own but...they way his words pierced your chest...they hurt. You remembered the moment he said the exact same words to you after the villain's attack. Your breakdown on your garden's bench. How lonely you felt when you really weren't 'He wants to prove a point, huh?' you thought

"Fine." you said "I'll train with you."

He turned around and walked away. "Come to my house tomorrow at six."

Your eyebrows knit together "The hell are we gonna do in such a short time?"

"In the morning, bird brain."

'Oh. Well, ten months of training with Bakugo.' you thought 'Let's see how this goes.'

You grabbed your bag and started walking home. You thought maybe you could fly but you're still wearing your school uniform so that's a no for today. You took your earphones out of your bag, plugged them to your phone and listened to some music on your way home. You thought of texting Izuku, see what's he up to, but re-reading your last contest made you change your mind.

You were starting to worry about him. You got that he maybe is indeed busy but he has never avoided you this much. Asking him directly was pointless since he rejected you last time. You just wanted to know what was going on. And even if it's something personal, which you would totally respect and understand, you had to at least know that everything is okay. 'He'll talk to me eventually.'

You had lunch with your parents, as usual. You told them about Bakugo and that you would be training with him for the next few months. They weren't sure if it was a good idea or not but they didn't say anything. They thought that if they did, it would seem like they didn't want you to get stronger. They do not want that, of course, not by a long shot. After talking to them, you went to your room to study. You figured this weekend was going to be exhausting, so at least you could get school out of the way.

It was now night time. You were sitting on the roof. That's how your parents know you need some alone time and not bother you. You thought about it for a good thirty minutes and finally decided to call Izuku. This time, though, you were going to straight up ask him the reason he was acting like this. You had to call three times. He picked up at your fourth try. He was panting. Like he just ran a marathon. He also sounded really tired.

Izuku: Hey, Y/n! Sorry for not picking up earlier I was just-

Y/n: Why are you avoiding me?

Izuku: ...

Y/n: Did I do something? Did I hurt you? Was it me who avoided you? What did I do, Izuku?

Izuku: Y/n...I'm sorry. No, you didn't do anything, it's just...

Y/n: Did you get bored of me? You could've just told me.

Izuku: What? No, no, no! It's not like that, I promise!

Y/n: Then what? I'm worried about you, stupid.

*he let out a sigh*

Izuku: I'm sorry I made you feel this way, Y/n. Truth is...I am training.

Y/n: Training?

Izuku: Yes. For U.A.

Y/n: I see.

Izuku: I have a strict schedule I need to follow. Everything happened so fast, I lost track of time and didn't realize...I was somehow leaving you behind.

*your lips formed a soft smile*

Y/n: It's ok, Izuku. I understand and...I'm proud of you.

Izuku: Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n: Don't think I'll just let you get ahead of me. I'm also training.

*he giggled*

Izuku: I'm sure you are.

Y/n: Izuku?

Izuku: Yes?

Y/n: Let's go to U.A. together, okay?

Izuku: Yes. Let's do it.

Y/n: Well, you should sleep. I need to get up pretty early and I'm sure that schedule contains sleeping hours, am I right?

*he laughed*

Izuku: Precisely.

Y/n: Then we'll talk another time. Good night, Izuku.

Izuku: Good night, Y/n.

You ended the call and felt relieved that everything was okay. Now, your only thought was what to expect from Bakugo tomorrow. He surely is going to be demanding and loud but you didn't doubt him. You knew he was going to be helpful, even if he wouldn't accept it. You looked up to him, after all. He may be a narcissistic little bastard but you know better than that.


You were both training in Bakugo's big backyard. You first did some warm up like running and stretching. After that he said he wanted to test your combat skills, so you had a one on one fight. You were the first to strike going for a direct attack but he dodged easily. How the hell does he have such good reflexes? You couldn't even touch him.

"Is that the best you got?" he said smirking, while still so effortlessly avoiding your punches and attacks. His hands were casually inside his jacket's pockets, the only movements from him were a quick tilt of his head and body "You got a lot to learn from me."

"Are you ever going to fight back?" you said still trying to land a hit on him "Or are you just gonna-AH!" he grabbed the fist you were about to punch him with, with his bare hand, then, while reaching for your arm, he tuned his whole body around and with all his strength threw you to the ground "Fuck, that hurt."

"You always go for a straight up attack." he said, backing away from you "You're, also way too predictable."

"Well," you said, getting up and facing him. "It's not like you're trying to attack me either."

"I just did." he said "How did that end up?" you rolled your eyes "Come at me again and this time try to use another attacking method."

You ran to him again and tried to kick him this time, only for him to dodge again, but this time you got to at least make him get his hands out of his pockets. He still was winning, though. With reflexes like that it's impossible to hit him.

"Come on, bird brain." he said "Are these your only moves?"

"I'm a normal human being, you idiot." you said between attacks "I only have two legs and two-" that's when you realized what he meant.

You got yourself up from the ground by flapping your wings once, twirled and finally kicked him, causing him to even stumble a little "I see."

"Did you finally get it?" he said

"You only said to come to you." you said landing back on the ground "You never said I couldn't use my wings."

"Well, would you look at that." he raised his eyebrows as a sign of sarcasm "The bird brain actually has a brain."

You rolled your eyes while sighing.

"Now that you figured that out," he said, taking his jacket off. "I'll get a little serious."

You smirked "Bring it boom boy."

You managed to have a serious fight with Bakugo after several hours passed. It was now noon and you were both taking a break. You were laying down panting, not having the strength to move a muscle anymore. Bakugo said he'd bring some food and water so until he was back you were just staring at the blue sky.

You were starting to doze off from exhaustion. When you closed your eyes for just a minute "Ow" you felt something like electricity hitting inside your brain but it didn't hurt enough to open your eyes. As everything was black you suddenly heard a muffled voice. Were you dreaming? It surely felt like it. The voice kept saying the word over and over again. When it got a little clearer you realized it was a little girl's voice. You opened your eyes but you were no longer inside Bakugo's backyard.

A dark room, with moonlight coming from a small opening like a window, at the top of the wall, being the only source of light, surrounded you. There was a bunk right next to you and not too far in front of you, iron bars. It looked like a cell. Where the hell were you?

"Y/n?" you heard the girl's voice again but this time clear as ever "Why aren't you sleeping?" you turned your head following the sound of her vocal. You couldn't see her face. Just...a body getting up from the bed next to you "Don't worry." she said "He'll be fine. Just rest, okay?"

He? Who is she talking about? And who is she and why the hell can't you see her face? Where exactly were you? You were with Bakugo a few moments ago and suddenly you were in a prison-like room. What is happening? "Everything is going to be fine, Y/n'' she reached to pat your head "I promise I'll never leave you." and hugged you.

You hugged her back "Thank you, Me-"

"BIRD BRAIN!" you woke up from Bakugo's yell, gasping and then heavily breathing, with panic written all over your face "I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD-" Bakugo noticed your current condition and ran to you "Hey, what happened?" tears started filling your eyes. He got up in a sitting position "Oi! Don't ignore me! Tell me-"

"I remembered something." you said, still panting,as if you weren't breathing the whole time you were dreaming, the tears still running down your cheeks "Something from my past..."

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