Best Familiar Ever

Da drippy_boiz

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Louise is worried that she won't be able to summon anything when she tries to summon her familiar. She think... Altro

Chapter 1 - The Summon
Chapter 2 - Prove Your Worth
Chapter 3 - Rivals And Maids
Chapter 4 - A Huntsman's Duty
Chapter 5 - This Is A Robbery
Chapter 6 - Staff Of Destruction
Chapter 7 - Louise Are You Drunk?
Chapter 8 - Real Love Or Fake Love
Chapter 9 - Maid Me Like You
Chapter 10 - Road Trip
Chapter 12 - A Surprisingly Quiet Voice
Chapter 13 - Confidence Building
Chapter 14 - Can We Keep Them?

Chapter 11 - Dragon Vs War

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Da drippy_boiz

Hello. I'm back once again.

Let's get started.


It's been a few days since the incident with Louise and the Prince.

Few things have happened.

Damien has gotten much closer to both Siesta and Louise. Bad part of that is they compete with eachother. What for? Damien has no idea.

He's been focusing on the map the principal gave him. He's comparing it to a world map and trying to find where it is. This dragon was interesting him.

Also, a bad thing has happened.

See, they put the Prince somewhere safe. No one knows where he is and no one will know until they're sure no one is after his life.

The bad thing about is Wardes and his men must have spread it around that the Prince was killed. To be fair, he doesn't know he's alive.
He doesn't know what Damien is capable of really.

So, despite their efforts, war is on the way. And the students may get involved.

Damien has no idea how this all makes sense, but he just knows it's not a good thing.


Louise walked into her room to find Damien in a worrying state. The map of the world was in the wall and the map he was given was next to it. He has markers on it for potential spots.

Louise was followed by Siesta. She sort of had to accept that the maid was his friend and he was fond of her.

"Um... Damien? Is this a code red?" Siesta asked.

"Ah, perfect timing girls! I just found it!"

That got Louise interested.

"You did? You found the dragon?"

"Yep! See, I analysed the map constantly and found it didn't match any part of the map, even when I made a mini version of it." He held up a smaller version of the map. "Then I realised something. I'm lookin at it wrong! Literally! The old fucker handed it to me as he was looking at it from his perspective!"

He handed her the map and brought her over to the big map. He moved it to a certain spot and she saw no correlation.

Then, he flipped it.

"Oh. There it is." She said seeing the match.

"Yep! Found us a dragon!"
Damien and Louise were walking with the usual group of Kirche, Tabitha, Montmorency and Guiche. Siesta was here on Damien's request to witness this magic shit.

"I'm surprised you found it so fast my boy."

Damien looked to the guy that was apparently the only teacher looking out for Louise. Her godfather.

"Me too. Honestly I'm not a map guy. So what's the deal with this dragon?"

"Well, it has been dormant for years ever since it arrived and it has never awoken. Upon analysing those marks on your hand I found this is a unique marking and not some old scribbles. The one with that mark is said to be able to make even the most complicated things work easily. I am still researching more of it."

That made Damien look at his hand with the markings.

"Hmm... Makes sense then that I could use the rocket launcher without ever using one before. Felt like I knew everything about it." He said.

Soon, they arrived. It was an old farmhouse that was clearly unused. They went to the larger building when they saw nothing. Maybe it was inside.

They opened the doors to the barn and when they did, Damien's eyes widened.

"... Holy shit..."

"Is something wrong Damien?" Siesta asked.

"You look surprised." Louise said with a hand on his arm.


"This is the Wings of the Dragon. She has laid dormant for years. We hope you can wake her."

Damien stepped forward. Was he seriously looking at this?

"That's... Not a dragon... That's a bullhead."

They all looked at him confused.

"Um. How is that a bulls head?" Guiche asked confused.

"No, that's the name of it. It's called a bullhead. It's an airship from my world, built by Atlas. In good condition too. It's more advanced than the one Wardes has, with automatic guns and rocket launchers. It was made for the war, there's multiple types, and it dominated most battles. There's transport bullheads, carrier bullheads and this is a fighter bullhead. Got the name Warhead for its purpose. Why do I know all of this?"

He looked down to see his hand was on it. He quickly pulled away.

"So this is from your world? I see... Then perhaps....." The teacher seemed to think. "Perhaps it's possible for you to go home."

"What?" Damien asked unsure if he heard that right.

"What?" Louise felt her heart sink.

'I mean... I want him to if that makes him happy.... but I don't want to let him go...'

'Please don't leave Damien. I know it's selfish, but I will miss you dearly if you go.'

Louise and Siesta were panicking a bit. If he wanted to go home they'd understand, but it'll be sad to see him go.

"Go... Home? To Remnant?"

"Yes. There's an eclipse occuring and there's a theory that the eclipse is a portal to another world. Supposedly that's where this beast came from." The teacher explained. "It happens tomorrow during the first battle of the war."

Damien was in thought. He had no idea what to do now.

Home... He hasn't been there in a while. He misses it.... But he also has friends here.

Wherever he goes, he misses someone.

"The decision is yours."

Damien nodded.

"Cool. Uh, let's just uh... I need to think."

Damien turned around to walk and think.

Louise and Siesta were worried. Would they lose him for good before they even get to confess? It's blatantly obvious to them both now that they like him.
So if he leaves, they'll be heart broken.

Damien was pacing as he thought.

"I want to stay with Louise... but I miss home... Could I come back?...... No, I doubt it.... What about Beacon? And my dream?... I'm... Not really a Huntsman..."

They watched as he paced around thinking about what to do.

Louise prayed he decided to stay. She knows it's selfish, but she can't stand the thought of him leaving and never returning.

Then, she heard him say something that nearly shattered her heart.

".... Yeah... That's what I'll do... I'll.... go..."

She stood there, shocked. He would just leave her like that?

She felt like crying and tears formed in her eyes. She stormed off.
"Yeah... That's what I'll do... I'll go fight the war..." He said quietly and thought to himself. 'My job is to keep her safe and that's what I'll do.'

He then saw Louise walking off like she was upset.

"Louise? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked following after her.

"Don't! Just.... Don't!" She said not facing him. She sounded like she was breaking.

Damien was confused.

"Louise. If something is wrong, just tell me... Please."

She only got more sad.

She turned to him with tears going down her face.

"If you're going to just leave me then leave me! I don't know why I even liked you anyway!"

She turned and ran off.

"Louise wait!... I'm not... leaving..."

He felt bad. He made her cry and he won't see her until tomorrow when she and the rest of her school are made to fight a war.

"... No she isn't. You!"

Damien turns to the teacher. The others all left aside from Siesta who was happy to hear he wasn't leaving.


"I need help!"
Damien stood outside the school the next day. He was between the school and the outer wall.

"You sure you have everything?" Siesta asked.

"I do. I'm positive I-"

He paused when she held up Derflinger with an amused smirk.

"-have everything now. Thanks Siesta. I don't know where I'd be without you." He went back to what he was doing.

"One second. I believe I earned a reward for being so helpful." She said turning her head silently asking for a kiss.

He sighed.

"The things you do to me woman."

He got down from the bullhead and stepped closer. He very quickly planted a kiss on her cheek and went back to what he was doing. "Happy?"

She looked like it. She smiled brightly with a red face as she squealed in delight.

She then composed herself.

"Ahem. Yes, that was quite satisfactory."

He laughed.

Last night they went moving the bullhead to the school. Louise's godfather was currently trying to make more fuel.

The issue was, the fuel was dust. Something Remnant has and this world doesn't.

The man though was positive he could get more if it.

Damien was planning to crash the war. The enemy apparently had wyverns. Smaller dragons that were tough, but not incredibly so.

The bullhead should be enough to kill those things. As long as he isn't shot down.

"So what is the plan then?" Siesta asked.

"Well. Crash the party, kill a few mini dragons, make sure Louise is safe and kill Wardes. He's the leader. They'll fall quick when he's dead."

"I can't help but notice you only want to keep Louise safe. Any reason?" She asked teasingly.

He went a bit red.

"Uh... Not particularly no... She is my Master. It's my job to keep her safe."

Siesta giggled. He hates that specific giggle. It means trouble.

"I thought she was more than a Master?"

"Yeah. Well. I. Um... Sh-Shut up."

Thankfully the teacher came back.

Looking over they see a lot of dust.

"I was able to make a few barrels of those crystals. This should be enough to keep it going." He said.

Damien checked them and there were a lot of dust crystals.

He grabbed one.

"Huh. Basically the real thing. Electricity is just flowing through it." He hadn't felt a dust crystal on his hand in a while. He handed it to Siesta. "Here. Hold it."

She grabbed it and felt static. This small crystal was very powerful.

"Wow. These are a common thing in your world right? Hard to believe something like this is so normal to you."

"Siesta, you work as a maid in a school that teaches magic where that magic could do everything you do. Don't question my world when this one is stupid. No offense man." He said to the teacher.

"None taken. I am inclined to agree."

He went to fueling the bullhead and after a few minutes he was done. It did not take long at all.

He looked to Siesta who was still holding the dust crystal. She was holding it close.

"Having fun there?"

She nodded.

"Cool. Just be careful. If you aren't it could-"

Suddenly there was a burst of electricity from it. Damien was fine, just Aura damage, but Siesta's hair was all fuzzy now.

"-do that... I'll let you keep it."

The crystal was still intact.

He then went to the last barrel left.

"As for me. I'm going to keep a few on me. Just for good measure." He said as he put them on his belt.

He had three of them for when he needed.

"A good Huntsman never leaves without dust."

He made last minute checks, then was ready to go. He got into the cockpit and started the engine.

Siesta was surprised by the loud noise and covered her ears. Damien looked out the window of the cockpit.

"I'll be back whenever I'm back! These dragons won't know what hit'em!" He shouted over the engine.

"What?" Siesta shouted unable to hear him.

The bullhead went up and after a second it flew off. It was very fast.

"Good luck Damien! Come back alive!" She yelled out to him. "Be safe. Please."
Louise sat on a horse ready to charge into her death.
Whoever decided it was a good idea to enlist students for a war is a moron.

'If Damien were here... he would keep me safe... Now I'm all alone and I can't do magic to save my life.... I hope you're back home safe Damien.'

She looked ahead waiting to be told what to do.

Then, she noticed others looking up at something. Following that was a noise that sounded like some sort of.... Actually she doesn't know what it sounds like. She never heard it before.

Looking up she sees something. That dragon that Damien found. What was it?

"A bullhead or something.... Guess there he goes. Bye forever Damien."

She gave a small wave.
She then noticed something.

"Is it coming down?"

It was indeed coming down at an angle towards the enemy.

Suddenly they heard loud banging.

A hail of very small arrows the size of stones were falling on the enemies and they were falling quickly.

Soon the bullhead went low where it turned to go back up.

"Damien? What's he doing? If he fights he won't get to go home!" She shouted confused.

"Perhaps he doesn't wish to return home." Kirche suggested.

They all watched in amazement as it tore through the wyverns and soldiers. It launched things that exploded when hitting either the ground or a dragon.

When the area in front was clear it flew down low and slowed down to hover in front of them facing to the side.

It opened a door from the side and Damien was there.

"Ms. Vallière. Your Chauffeur for this evening." He said stepping out and bowing while gesturing inside.

"... You... Didn't leave? You aren't going back home?"


She felt herself tearing up.

She got off the horse and ran over to him. She hugged him.

"You idiot! You'll miss your chance to go home if you fight here! Don't you want that? Stupid idiot dog!"

"Louise... I am home... You're the most important person in my life right now. I am not going to let you fight a war. Now come on, were going to show that Wardes who's the better motherfucker." He said.

He brought her into the airship and sat her down next to him in the cockpit.

"Now. Hold onto something."

They were back in the sky in seconds.

Louise couldn't believe she was flying. Not with a dragon, with this machine.

"Alright. Let's kill a few lizards for fun." He said with a sinister smile.

They did just that, well Damien did, Louise just watched and was impressed with how well he was doing.

"How are you so good at this?"

"The mark on my hand apparently."

He noticed Tabitha having issues on her dragon and went to help. Shooting the wyverns down that were harassing her.

"Nice dragon Tabitha! Mine fucks them in two whole ways! Missiles and Brrrrt!"

The battle goes on for a while. Eventually, they manage to get a good amount of the dragons down.

Louise immediately recognised the bigger one coming for them. Wardes.

"He's behind us! It's Wardes!"

"Alright. Let's give him something to play with."

Damien turned the missile launcher to face him and fired all of it.

It looked like they hit.

"Yes! Suck my dick Wardes!" He then saw the smoke clear to show a magic barrier. "Argh! I hate magic!"

He made the bullhead hover instead of fly and turned around shoot the turret at him. It wasn't very accurate so not many hit and the shots that did hit the dragon. It's scales were strong.

Louise went wide eyed when she saw a powerful yet small magic blast go straight through the window and hit Damien in the chest. His chest plate suddenly withered away like it was really old suddenly.

She recognised that spell. The spell to age something or someone to the point they turn to dust. Damien was lucky he had his armour.

The hit did hurt though.

"Fuck!" He turned the thing around to fly straight. A shot hit the back and caused the back door of the bullhead fly off. "I just felt like I was an inch away from death! My Aura was sending me warnings. What was that? Louise?"

Looking over, he saw her with a rather angry look.

"A withering spell. You're lucky to be alive..."

She was growling in anger.

"Louise. Are you alright?"

"Don't ask if I'm ok! You were almost killed! You're lucky he can't use that anymore or it'll kill him!"

"Well I'm sorry! You're just important to me Louise!"

"And you're important to me too you dumbass! How do you not realise that?! I've been so obvious even Guiche saw it, GUICHE!"

"... I.... Don't follow."

"Ugh! Of course you don't you amazing dumbass!"

Damien took a while to think, but he eventually got it and it clicked.

"Oh.... Well damnit, if we're going to die here." He put the ship on autopilot. He pulled her close. "At least let me step out of line for a bit and be honest."

Before Louise could get out a "wait what?" he pulled her into a kiss.
She was shocked. He was kissing her.

Without an ounce of hesitation she kissed back.

After a few seconds, they separated. Louise then stood up.
She knew what to do now. She knew how to do this. She could end this fight. With one single spell.
She would not let him die now. Not after finally getting through his thick skull.

She went to the back to face Wardes and pointed her wand at him.

"Louise?! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I know what I'm doing." She said plainly.

"That's great, but wait until we aren't a couple hundred feet off the ground!"

Before he could get her to sit down a shot hit one of the turbines on the side making the bullhead spin out of control and plummet to the ground.

"Fuck!" Damien cursed as he held onto Louise to keep her safe.

They braced as the bullhead crashed into the dragon Wardes was on, which killed it and destroyed the other turbine, and it crashed to the ground.
Damien shot up and looked around immediately.


He noticed her getting up a little away from him.

"Damien! Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. You?"

She nodded.

They watched as a blast of magic went between them. Looking to where it came from they saw Wardes. He didn't look too bad at all for a man who fell from a few hundred feet.

"I hate magic." Damien scowled.

Louise suddenly pointed her wand towards Wardes and his army a good distance behind him.


"I know what to do. I think I can use magic now. I can cast a powerful spell to get us out of this situation."

"Ok. And what's the catch?" He asked.

"I need time to cast it, to charge it. I'll need five minutes." She said already starting.

".... Ok... Start doing that." He stepped forward and drew Derflinger. His own swords weren't on him. He must have lost them in the crash. "I'll get you that five minutes."

"Ready to help buddy." Derflinger said.

"Damien... I'm serious. I'm going to need that whole five minutes... You know what happens if you die... I can't save you...." She looked to him. "Don't die on me Damien. That's an order."

He smirked.

"Hmph. Mind your own business."

She smirked at that as he approached Wardes.

The two glared at eachother.

"Back for another round Damien? I'm glad to see you aren't a coward." Wardes said with a smirk.

"And I'm glad to see you aren't dead. Yet. I want to do that myself." Damien replied with his own smirk.

"I hope you aren't as disappointing this time. I don't plan to let you live." Wardes told him getting ready.

"Alright then..." Damien held Derflinger in front of him. "Let's dance."

They immediately ran at eachother and clashed swords.

Pushing eachother back Damien avoided a blast of magic and ran in. He hit Wardes a few times to see he had a magic shield around his body. Like Aura.

"Copying my Aura? I should sue!" Damien shouted kicking him away.

"I have to admit you do have some interesting tricks!" Wardes should shooting a number of different elements in different directions.

He ignored the fire one and focused on blocking and deflecting what wasn't fire. He blocked the last one and blocked a strike from Wardes.

Damien is pushed back and the sword is knocked from his grip.
He looks to see Derflinger stuck in the ground. His own swords are conveniently there too.

"Meh. I'm down to get a little hands on."

Wardes was surprised when he was punched in the face suddenly.

"Ah. Ahahahaha. You were smart to only say you learned the sword!"

Wardes ran in and threw a few jabs at Damien with his sword who dodged all of it and hit him across the face with his elbow before following with an right hook.
He then reeled back and threw a punch with his hand covered in fire that connected with Wardes chest. It threw him back.

"Gotta keep some things as a surprise. I've fought with my hands plenty of-Ack!"

He was caught in the back with a rock that hit like a bullet.

"You are not very observant however." Wardes said pointing his sword at his face.

Damien saw it glow and quickly raised his hand.

"And you're dumb enough to believe I'm out when I'm down!"

He shot a stream of fire that hit Wardes and made him fall to the ground.

Damien took this chance and ran for his weapons.

He grabbed the two swords and connected them and then grabbed Derflinger.

"Let's get back into the fight buddy."

"You know it."

Damien turned to face him and ran at him. Wardes did the same. They clashed blades again.

"Your Aura seems to be good at resisting magic. That must be why you can't be held by magic."

"Yeah. Figured that out with that Count Mott guy."

Pushing him back Wardes thought he had the upper hand when Damien encased his double sword in fire and threw it to Wardes who had to deflect it.

He didn't expect it to come back and hit him in the shoulder as Damien caught it and blocked a strike.

Damien messed up his footing and was hit a few times before being pushed back.

"That's it. I'm ending this!"

Damien moved the sheath for Derflinger to his left above the other one. He encased his swords in fire and swung at Wardes a few times. He pushed him back and made a burst of fire in front of him. Wardes made the mistake of running in when he couldn't see what Damien was doing.

Damien put his double sword in the ground and put Derflinger in the sheath. Now he waits.

"What are ya doin buddy?"

"You'll see."

With his thumb on the hilt he forced Derflinger out of the sheath making it fly out. While it was still on the way out he caught it with his right hand and swung aiming for Wardes.

In one swift motion, his arm was severed and he wasn't even able to follow the movements.

"Argh! Ngh!" He fell to his knees.

He looked down to his arm on the ground and then to Damien who was stepping back. Just so he isn't in Louise's way.

"Ha. Hahahahahaha. I see... Yes, I see how you have gotten this strong so quickly." He held his hand out covered in his own blood. "You're a fast learner Sir Damien. You learn and adapt to your situation... Hahaha, I like that. Yes, I like that.... If anything, I would like to thank you.... For giving me a real send-off. That was quite the battle... Shame it is my last, but I am glad a battle like that was my last..."

He looked to Louise who was almost done.

"Look after her."

"I plan to..."

Damien looked down at Wardes and didn't actually hate him or want to kill him regardless of what he's done.

He has to respect someone like him. He earned it.

"I'm ready."

Damien looked to see Louise give him a nod.
He quickly ran over to stand by her.

He watched the army as it approached. Dragons and soldiers all walking towards them for the purpose of killing them.

Damien was curious what this would do. Louise sounded genuinely confident she could cast this spell.
He believes in her.

Just then, a black ball of magic shot forward towards the army. It made contact and a huge explosion followed that covered and destroyed the entire army.

Not a man or dragon was left behind.

Damien just turned to Louise with a surprised Pikachu face.

"That's what your explosions were?!"

She smiled and gave a small giggle.

"Seems so."

"How many times have you hit me with that?"

"Enough for you to not step out of line anymore." She threatened.

"Bullshit you won't do it. You'd miss me." He told her.

"Prove it."

"Ight. Bet."

He dropped his weapons on the ground and she dropped her wand. They moved closer and pulled eachother into a deep kiss.

After about two minutes they pulled away for air.

"... S-So... Bet you'd miss that... Huh?" He teased with a slightly red face.

She nodded with an equally red face.

"Yeah... I would.... Damien?" She looked up at him, her smile only growing.


"Can I... say something that might sound a bit weird?" She asked.

"Well, unless it's telling me you would rather be friends with a weapon than a person then I don't think it'll be weird. Long story." He said seeing the confused look.

"... I.... I lo.... Thing is I.... Ugh! Damnit why is this so hard?"

He laughed.

"What's so funny? Huh?"

That only made him laugh more.

"Hahahaha. I think I know what you're trying to say... I'll go first... Louise... I love you.... A lot.... Sad I had to get Guiche to tell me that cause I've never been in love before..." He said looking away. "But, you know... I know now."

"Yeah. You do... And you have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that.... I'll try to emulate that feeling for you and say that I.... I love you too, Damien."

"... Ok. Wow, that does feel great to hear...."

They stayed there for a bit just enjoying the moment.

"Yeah... Day one with the bullhead and I destroyed it. I'm not a fixer I'm a breaker. I can't even recognise any of the parts." He said looking around.

"Yeah. You also saved me. Thanks again."

"Anytime at all Louise... We tend to constantly save eachother."

"Hehe, true.... So, will we head back?"

"Yeah. We saved the whole school so we better get something out of it."

They laughed at that.

Damien picked up his weapons and they made their way back.

"So what was that magic? Never seen that element." He asked.

"That was void. An element my family use to be known for. Why?"

"Just cause I was thinking of a few titles for you. To replace Louise the Zero."

"Aaaaand here we go."

"Seriously. Think about it. I was thinking Louise the Hero since it's nearly the same. Then there's Louise the Void. That's a cool name. Uh, Louise the Bomb... No that sounds like a terrorist. How about Louise the-"

Louise just sighed as he went on about these different titles.

She watched him as he rambled.

"Please don't ever change Damien. That's an order." She said with a smile.

Damien paused at that and gave her a smile back.

"Yes ma'am."


And that's this part done.

Let's get to the next one whenever I do that. Peace.

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