La Missione

By lilcutie_el

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Will this be my downfall? ...................... Amary Acosta, a high valued agent. She knew one day, death w... More

Miss: El
Chapter 01: Possession's Mission
Chapter 02: "Decision"
Chapter 03: "I'm in"
Chapter 04: Farewell
Chapter 05: "Move Out" ( part 1 )
Chapter 05: "New House" ( part 2 )
Chapter 06: " Hayden King "
Chapter 07: " Portal "
Chapter 08: " Meet "
Chapter 09: " Threat "
Chapter 11: " Him "

Chapter 10: " Clumsy "

122 94 12
By lilcutie_el

Amary P.O.V

Two days had passed and it was now Sunday night, the night when that party on the black card Ace had given me last Thursday would happen. I parked my car alongside the other cars parked in this large open space in front of the building where the party will be held.I stared at myself for the last time in the mirror here in my car and fixed my makeup.

I'm now dressed in a dark blue long tube gown that has hugged my body and revealed my shape, as well as a long slit on my right thigh that exposes almost all of it.I bought this yesterday from the same mall I went to last Thursday. I paired it with a dark blue high heel and minimal makeup as always. I just let my short hair curl into a big wave hanging freely up-to my shoulder, as I don't bother to go to the salon for some makeover, I believe that I am enough already. only on my personal belief

I let out a deep sigh before I glanced at the entrance of this place where the party would be happening. It was a huge, luxurious establishment all made up of transparent glass, allowing the people outside to witness what was happening inside. At this point, lots of cars were arriving as it was 6:45 pm and the starting time was at 7 pm.

I traced my hand on my left thigh and felt it as it was where my knife holster and three knives were resting.My knife never leaves my side. My gun will do, but my knife can't.

I brought my eyes to my passenger's seat and once again, I let a deep sigh before I grabbed my purse and held it with my left hand before I opened my door and went out of my car.

I killed all my nervousness and replaced it with confidence. As I stand properly outside my car, I try to raise my chin as high as possible.By the way, I'm currently driving the car that my master purchased for me.

I walked slowly but with grace from my car and made my way towards the guards who were standing a few meters away from the main door. I kept my chin up, not showing any flaws in my appearance, as it was how I should play this game.

When I am a few meters away from the entrance, I glance at the people I am passing by because I felt many eyes on me right now. And I can tell that all their attention, whether it's a man or woman, was staring at me. The nerve>_<.

Well, I am not wondering why anymore because what I am wearing right now is so seductive. And I admit that I, including myself, was not able to believe that I was actually wearing it at this place where all the people around me are all from the mafia.

I am not that dumb not to know that what I've been seeing around me. All of them had a gun on their belts, hiding from each other. Everyone was wanted and, probably right now, I was able to face the most wanted person in the world; Hayden King.

I really prepared myself for tonight as I watched lots of videos online teaching me how to walk properly on heels with the higher inches, and knowing me, I'm a fast learner. Mind smirked.

I slowly opened my purse when I was about to arrive at the two men standing firmly. They all had their black suits on, reveling in their big bodies, which can turn a normal sized human into pieces. But their stares at my body never leave the corner of my eyes as I scan my purse, trying to make it fast because I hate how they stared at me, or rather at my boobs.I am now regretting that I wore this thing (*>.<*).

I continued scanning longer, but to my surprise, I couldn't find the thing I was looking for, the black invitation card. I didn't let these two pervert men sense it, I pulled out my phone instead and acted as if someone was calling.

" Sorry, my fiance was calling," I spokeup in a soft but strong voice lying to theme and they just grinned on what I've said. I just walked back away from them before I couldn't stop myself from throwing knives in their mouths and making them swallow them.

I headed back to my car trying to find the invitation, but I couldn't. I opened my car compartment but it was still not there, I tried to recall the things I'd done back then earlier, and there I remembered them. I've placed it on my side table beside the laptop I used last night. I mentally face palmed myself because of my clumsiness. This time that barely happened.

I glanced at my phone to see what time it was and it was 6:55 already. Driving back home was a stupid idea, I could do it now. I can't help myself now from feeling angry and nervous at the same time. I couldn't just leave here tonight as my mission really depends on it at this point.

" Ace," I uttered with hope in my voice as I went out of my car trying to look for a familiar man, but all the men here were all different. I guess he was inside already. I let out a desperate sigh, rubbing my forehead as I tried to come up with an idea of how I could enter now.

At the urging of my situation, a white limo arrived at the entrance and a guy went out from there together with his men. I think 10 men at least. As I watched him from my position, a quick idea popped into my head.

At this point in my life, I've made the most dumbest decision ever. I battled up my worst idea in my head, but I don't have any other way either. I've walked no, I most likely dash over at the person I've seen. Not thinking of the consequences of this action.

The man was approaching too close towards the two men guarding him, with his body guards behind him handling his card before I rushed into their direction. His guards were walking behind him at a distance, so I just passed the theme and carelessly grabbed the left arm of this tall guy who had his hands in his pocket, wrapping my hands around it before he finally handed over his invitation to these two pervert men.

The man admittedly stiffened as well as his men in shock at what I eventually did, but I didn't bother to watch him or the men behind me. What I did instead was just lean too close on him to really make this stupid decision work. I faced this pervert man before I finally gathered all my strength to speak.

" Baby, you didn't wait for me," I cast out from my mouth with such a clingy tone before I turned my head to the person I was leaning on to see his face and the solemn figure I'd discerned. His face was not showing any expression and his light blue eyes met mine, and it made me feel........a bit nervous?

He took his eyes away from me and faced the two men in front of us who were now on the side of the road with their faces bowing down in fear of messing with this guy next to me. It was weird, huh.

He walked along with me on his side, not pulling away from my grip on his arm. That was not really good. I mean, I don't know this person, but I have this feeling inside of me. It was something's not familiar. I can't tell it.

We marched over to the entrance, but the moment I was inside, I was all alone. No one was beside me or behind me. The guy was gone. I can't believe it, I really can't believe it. I tried to locate him in the crowd who were chatting around with a glass in their hands. But he's not there. He completely disappeared, not leaving any sign of whether he was inside or he went back outside.

I was in the middle of wondering how those people disappeared when someone tapped a hand on my bare shoulder, making me jump a little out of the suddenness. A faced the direction where the person who did it was coming from, and it was Ace, laughing so hard.

I slapped his shoulder with great intensity as I was really shocked by what he did, and he winced at it. He fixed his gaze on me. "You scared the living daylights out of me, Ace." "You deserve more than that," I stated to him and walked beside him as we were at the center.

" You really came," Ace said, as we were now at the side of this place, as he snatched a glass of wine from the waiter who passed by us.

I was about to speak back to Ace when the main door shut opened and the crowd stopped talking. The place literally turned into a silent hall where you could hear a pin drop right after the moment the person appeared at the door. An unexpected gasp escaped from my mouth. be continued......

Hi guys:-)

I've decided to post my two updates on one day. I was not able to upload it earlier this week, which is not really good :'(

But yeah, vote ,comment, and follow to be updated♡

That's all for now guys. Keep safe everyone~_~.

-♡Ms. El

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