The Infinity Dragon Emperor:...

By averageidiot132

7.6K 217 178

Prequel to The Infinity Dragon Emperor. Y/N was your average Japanese delinquent. Colourful hair, flashy clot... More

YEAR 1: Chapter 1: The Problem Child
YEAR 1: Chapter 2: Encounter With The Supernatural
Year 1: Chapter 3: Fallen Freestyle
Year 1: Chapter 5: The Quest For Cake
Year 1: Chapter 6: Don't Let The Dead Bite

YEAR 1: Chapter 4: Brick Wall Brawl

607 21 27
By averageidiot132

//Y/N's Empty Lot//

"Hmmm..." Y/N stared at the papers infront of him. "Carry the get 224."

Yes, Y/N is doing something productive. His lazy ass decided he should get to work on the stuff his dad brought. Normally, he would be totally lost, but Ophis helped in return for more jelly filled donuts.

"That's math done. All that's left should be..." Y/N looked at the last of the work he needed to finish, before a pouty frown appeared on his face. "English. Ugh! I get the point of math, but why the hell do I need to learn english!?"

"Many reasons." Ophis answered. "From what I have read online, Japan is a tourist hotspot. People from all over, who speak many different languages, come here."

"And? It's their job to prepare for their vacation! Why should I have to waste time learning a language I couldn't give less of a fuck about!?"

Ophis shook her head. "I'll teach you, the swear words if you suck it up."


Y/N looked up at the sky, grey clouds signaling the coming rainfall. "Ugh, I haven't exactly thought about rain."

Indeed. It hadn't rained since he started living in the back alley and he had no shelter for rain.

"It is, around Lunchtime. We can, head to Cafe Alps, until the rain stops."

"Let's hope there's no protesters this time."

Y/N packed his things into the duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Would you like, me to carry it-"

"Haha funny short joke, shut the fuck up. You're just as short as me." Y/N walked out of the alley and headed for Nakamichi St.

"..." Ophis pouted, staying still.

Y/N noticing she wasn't following groaned. "Jeez, you are the embodiment of twitter! Can dish out jokes but the second someone claps back they're a misogynist homophobe!" Turning around, Y/N's jaw dropped.



"Are you sure, you would not like me to carry it for you?" Ophis's voice was much deeper and borderline hypnotic.

"...N A N I ! ? ! ?" Y/N's mind struggled to comprehend the current mindfuckery Ophis had inflicted upon him.

Ophis chuckled in amusement. "You're adorable, when confused."

"What the fuck man!? She looks like my teacher!" Y/N turned around as Ophis slowly caught up to him. "Relax Y/N! You are not falling into any trap! It doesn't matter that she's hot now!"

Ophis smile widened as she heard his thought. She didn't need to set traps. She wanted to tease Y/N and that's what she'd do. Wrapping her arms around Y/N she pulled him into her chest.


Ophis leaned down to gently whisper into his ear. "If you do well in school, I'll be sure to reward you~."

"WOW! OKAY! WE SHOULD GO BEFORE IT RAINS!" Y/N pulled himself away from Ophis and frantically speedwalked to Cafe Alps, Ophis following behind with a slight smile.

"Hehe. O kawaii koto~." Ophis chuckled, before blinking in surprise. "Where did that come from?"


Mizuki stood outside of Cafe Alps. She had asked people for directions to the Champion District, but due to the fact it was full of bars they refused to tell her. So she was here hoping Y/N would be in the mood for coffee.

"Ugh, it's gonna rain." She complained while looking up. "I should've listened to daddy and brought an umbrella."

Scanning the streets once more, her eyes finally spotted her target. Y/N sighed upon seeing her wave frantically.

"Great, time to do some free babysitting. I should charge for this." Y/N and Ophis walked over to her.

Mizuki looked up at Ophis. "Um...hi."


"Just ignore her." Y/N walked inside, dragging Mizuki behind him. "While you're here, help me with my english."

Now a normal person would walk away the second Y/N started making demands. But you see, Mizuki Kujikawa is no normal girl.


"Don't be rude."

Y/N rubbed the back of his head. "What are you my mom?"

The two worked together on their english, Mizuki breezing past it. However, Y/N's small brain could only comprehend so much moon speak, so after a few hours they took a break.

"No way!" Mizuki slammed the table, shocking some of the patrons.

"Yeah, I ran away and my dad decided it was too big a hassle to drag me back." Y/N sipped from his cup of coffee. "Fucking old man. What's so wrong with my mother that I can't even know about her?"

"That's terrible." Mizuki commented. On the outside, she was fine. However, inside she was an emotional wreck. "*sniff* I'm so lucky to have a loving family!"

Y/N looked out the window, his eyes narrowing. "So, any creeps following you. Perhaps a 14 year old boy with black hair and a ponytail?"

"Huh? That's specific."

"Just answer the question."

"Well, I wasn't exactly paying attention while I was waiting for you." Mizuki shrugged. "Besides, almost everyone in Japan has black hair. W-well, not us, but you know what I mean."

Y/N's stare turned into a glare, whatever he was looking at realized it was spotted and ran off. "Hmph...must be my imagination then." Y/N changed the subject, not wanting her to panic. "Looks like the rain let up. Somebody picking you up or...?"

Mizuki shook her head. "My family lives at Kamurocho Hills."

"So you're rich too? Figures. Well, we'll walk you over. C'mon."

Y/N left some money on the table and began making his way out of the cafe, Ophis and Mizuki behind him.

The two continued their conversation while they walked.

"So what do your parents do?"

"Oh, they're both retired. We lived in Europe until we moved here 3 years ago."

"Explains why you're so good at english." Y/N grumbled.

"He is, still following us." Ophis leaned down to whisper into Y/N's ear.

"Got it." Y/N whispered back.

Scanning the road, he spotted an empty beer can. He took a running start and punted the can, ricocheting in an overdramatic fashion before bouncing around a corner behind them.


"Ah! shit!" A voice complained.

"Huh? What was-"

"Don't matter. Lets go." Y/N forcefully dragged Mizuki.


"Thank you for bringing me here! I'll see you around!" Mizuki waved as she went inside the massive building.

"Yeah, you too brat." Y/N mumbled to himself. "Now to deal with that jackass."

Y/N turned around and looked for a secluded area, already knowing his tail was creeping behind him. He eventually found an empty alleyway with enough room to move around in. He felt the strange feeling of a barrier forming around him.

"Alright, this should be good. So, you another devil?" Y/N turned around to see their stalker.

"Yep, name is Kiji Miorta. That thing hurt y'know." Kiji's eyes narrowed.

"Please, I know exactly what you want. That can was just the tip of the iceberg."

Kiji chuckled, reaching into his coat pocket. "Good to know you have the gist of things."

Y/N's instincts screamed at him and he ducked down.


Y/N looked behind him to see a massive crater in the wall. Looking back he saw the cause. A massive, tri-barreled revolver firing custom .600 nitro express cartridges. The cylinder was also massive, with a 12 cartridge capacity

Y/N's jaw hung open upon laying his eyes on this abomination of a gun. Mainly over the fact it was a gun, the horrible design choices didn't really matter so long as it shot bullets. "What the hell!? I thought this was gonna be a fair fight!"

Kiji tilted his head to the side. "What gave you that idea? I'm a devil, mate."

"Oh yeah, you are."

"Still though...impressive instincts!" Kiji clapped, a smirk on his face. "I mean, I knew you were an impressive fighter considering what you did to that crow. Still, any other human wouldn't be able to dodge a bullet."

Y/N huffed. "Lemme guess. Your slave driver sent you to spy on me? That'd make that other guy your master." He recalled the first devil who tried to fight him.

"Hmm? You know my big bro?"

"I assume so. He tried to force me into joining him, so I hit him in the dick."

"...Pfft..." Kiji lowered the gun, trying to hold back his laughter. "HAAAA HAHAHA!" He failed. "I-is...Is that why he was so spooked when I mentioned you? That's fucking hilarious!"

"Eh?" Y/N blinked.

"Gonna be totally honest with ya, I had no clue about any of that." Kiji reigned in his laughter to offer an explanation. "You just kinda came up in conversation. I learned about you and wanted to see how I measured up, maybe offer for you to join me when I get my pieces. Guess that last thing is off the table then?"

Y/N nodded. "Yeah, I prefer the way I am now. No benefit of becoming a devil can sway me."

"Mm. I can respect that." Kiji twirled his gun and put it back into his coat pocket. "Still want that fight, but I understand you probably want nothing to do with me."

Y/N failed to grasp what exactly happened. He was expecting a devil to have a holier than thou attitude, but this guy was surprisingly reasonable. "Ugh...Fine."


"You want a fight; I'll give it to you. On one condition."

"Sweet! What do ya need?"

"An apartment."

"Come again?" Kiji's enthusiasm was replaced with confusion.

"I live on the street now. Get me an apartment and I'll fight you."

"That's it? Say no more!" Kiji smiled and crossed his arms. "Let's just call this our first contract. Here's hoping to many more!"

"Tch. C'mon. Let's head to an area with more space."

//Champion District//Empty Lot//

The two had came to Y/N's soon to be former home.

"Street rules." Y/N said before bouncing on his heels, relaxing into a very fluid stance.

"Can we mutually agree to no nutshots?" Kiji asked before cracking his knuckles.

"Fine by me. Fights over when one person quits."

The two stared eachother down, before running at eachoher, screaming. Y/N spun left and brought his left leg up for a roundhouse, but Kiji merely took the kick, completely unphased.

"The hell!?"

"Heh. Guess big bro considers this enemy territory." Kiji chuckled to himself.

"He's must be, a pawn. He just promoted, to a rook."

"Meaning-" Y/N's thought was interrupted as Kiji grabbed his leg and flung him over his head like a ragdoll, smashing his head into the ground.

"Meaning he's tough, and hits very hard. Your attacks, will do little damage." Ophis explained.

"Thanks for the warning!" Y/N growled before punching the ground to hype himself up. "Don't you know rule one of shounen? Don't attack the protagonist when powers are being explained."

"Explained, huh?" Kiji's eyes glimmered as he watched Y/N rise to his feet.

Y/N was glad he chose the area they fought as he reached beside the couch and pulled out a random bowling ball he found before yeeting it full strength at the wide open devil. Kiji's eyes widened as he wasn't quick enough to dodge the speeding ball, said ball burying itself into Kiji's stomach. Kiji leaned cluched his stomach in pain.

Y/N ran forward and leaped, raising his leg high into the air before it cleaved down onto the back of Kiji's head. Not letting up, Y/N then crouched down and hit him with a knee and following up with a double dropkick that knocked Kiji down.

Y/N rose to his feet quickly. "Yeah that's right! Who do you think you are!? I am!?"

"Urgh...Why the hell do you have a bowling ball?" Kiji groaned before getting back to his feet. Kiji reached back into his coat and pulled out a metal bat. He twirled the bat in his hands as he slowly approached Y/N. "C'mere. I wanna hit a homerun with your head."

Y/N was uncharacteristically levelheaded, constantly shifting his weight. "Ophis, what's the easiest way to break an arm?"

"Twisting it?"

"I'm being serious here!" Y/N mentally screamed as he narrowly dodged a swing from Kiji's bat.

"*sigh* Twist the arm, and target the elbow."

"Take this!" Kiji shouted as he raised the bat above his head, ready to swing down.

Y/N spun around with his leg raised and caught the bat between his calve and his thigh. He grabbed Kiji's left arm and twisted it before bringing his right knee up to break it. Kiji knew what was happening though, and he sweeped Y/N's left leg from under him and he fell on his ass. Then to assert dominance, Kiji quickly locked Y/N into a fujiwara armbar.

"AH FUCK!" Y/N yelled in pain as he tried desperately to get out of it, before eventually tapping out.

"HA! VICTORY!" Kiji released Y/N.

"Told you, you should twist it." Ophis smugly commented.

"Shut the hell up." Y/N scowled as he tried to get some feeling back into his arm. "The hell man? That other guy was so much easier to fight."

"Ha! Only reason I'm in my bro's peerage is because my parent's don't think I'm ready for a peerage. I've got him beat in combat prowess."

"Ya don't say? Fucker nearly broke my arm."


The two boys looked over to the entrance of the empty lot and saw F/N looking on in confusion.

"...I don't wanna know. Here's your work." He tossed another duffle bag at Y/N before leaving.

"Ugh. Great."

"Alright! Let's getcha set up with that apartment so he can't find ya." Kiji offered his hand.

"Appreciate it." Y/N replied before grabbing Kiji's arm and pulling himself to his feet.


The two were making their way to an apartment building Kiji's older brother owned outside of Kamurocho.

"So..." Kiji broke the silence. "During the fight you seemed to know exactly what to do at that exact moment. You even adapted to my promotion really well."

"So?" Y/N rose an eyebrow.

"Well, that kind of stuff would be believable if you were used to doing it. When did you start using my brother's fighting style?"

", yesterday?" Y/N answered the question.

Kiji smirked lightly. "You learn quick huh?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Heh...In that case. The best way for you to get stronger is to fight against different styles. Alright!" Kiji shouted.


"Prepare yourself Y/N!" Kiji declared while pointing. "From tomorrow onward, keep ya eyes wide open! I'll be coming for ya!"

"Huh!? For what!?"

"It's been fucking forever since I've had an opponent as good as you. With how fast you learn, the more we fight the more you'll adapt and get stronger!"

"Psh! Fine then! You only won off a fluke anyway! Bring it you devil bastard!"


"OI!" A loud voice came from the building they arrived at. "BE QUIET! I JUST PUT MY BABY TO SLEEP!"

"Ah! Sorry Yamanaka-san!" Kiji apologized to the woman who had already shut the window. "Here, the key to apartment 310."

Y/N took the key and nodded. "Thanks again for this, Kiji...uh...should I call you sensei? Y'know since you're teaching me?"

"Satan no! No honorifics!" Kiji gagged at the thought.

"I can see why his parents don't let him have his own peerage thingy."


Y/N walked into his apartment and looked around the empty place. "Guess I need to buy myself a futon." He mused while dropping his two bags onto the floor. He sat down against the wall and looked up at the cieling.

"The devil, is onto you." Ophis appeared next to Y/N, back in Loli forme.

"Huh?" Y/N looked over at her.

"He probably has an idea, about me. Your fights will also help him, find a way to kill me."

"Are you always this suspicious?" Y/N rose an eyebrow.

"Devils are, a traitorous and deceptive species. One must always, be cautious of them."

"You speak from experience or is this racially motivated?" Y/N joked.


"...Experience it is..." Y/N nodded to himself, feeling guilty.

"It is...alright." Ophis assured. "I would rather, not talk about it."

"Fair. Still though, I don't believe he's planning to kill you." Y/N stated. "He's a different breed. Built different."

"Then you are, naive."

"Mmhmm. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Wake me up before noon." Y/N laid down and instantly conked out.

"Impressive." Ophis was fascinated by Y/N's ability to sleep whenever.

She thought on the conversation for a moment. "I, am right about this...right? It's logical, to assume a being of sin is sinful." She looked over at Y/N once more. "He is, a foolish why is he capable, of causing this conflicted feeling?"

She couldn't find an answer, just a feeling. A feeling she felt before.

"No...Not again. You cannot, let it happen again." Ophis went to the other side of the room and sat down, basking in the silence.

Yes...Silence was all she would ever need. Her only desire. Everything else is merely a distraction. The teasing earlier today was nothing more than seducing him to help her fight Great Red.

Nothing more.


I have to present something in like half an hour. Wish me luck.

Anyway, for the next few months this will be my main story. I'll return to the other one at some point, but with the way I'm taking things you'll need atleast some context.

That's about it.


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