By Khaleese07

318 10 0

It's much easier to go out at night and kill other people's demons, than to stay and face your own More

Sunny day
Panick attack
Damned likeness
Casual meeting
Fighting with a demon
Useless obsession

Treat not so harmless

13 1 0
By Khaleese07

The wind caresses her face as she sat on the bike and took the road that would take her to work. The speed never failed to fascinate her, the adrenaline that flowed along her veins as if to imitate the rapid motion of the two wheels that darted on the cold asphalt that night, the images of the city of Seoul made of lights and shadows that flowed around her, painting an almost perfect picture of that eventful night, the wind that embraced her body, making the skin that met cold as ice... Usually that feeling wouldn't bother her, indeed she liked to feel face to face with the evening breeze, but that night was very different, the cheek was still sore from the slap received not an hour before and obviously the skin was more sensitive to the pungent contact of the air.

Arriving was not a problem but doing it in time for her turn was another matter, in fact the night was the moment in which the city of Seoul shone in all its beauty, the streets became more crowded than the day can ever be seen, young people began to live their lives at night among the great lights of a pub or a club, the wait at the traffic lights became longer and more frustrating having to wait for other vehicles in front of them to be awake and sober enough to restart when green shows... in short, although she hated to admit it, Ryujin arrived late.

As she entered through the back door of the club, the phone vibrated in her jacket pocket and when she took it off, she pulled it out, checked who it was, and didn't wait more than a second to answer.

<< Unniee, all day long I try t- >>

<< Yuna, everything is fine?? >>

<< Yes? Why, something happened unnie? >>

<< No, no... I just think it's strange that you call me at this time, you know I have a shift at work. You didn't come home, did you? >>

<< I am at Lia's, I already told you, why? >> She sighed of relief listening to the answer. Right now, she wanted her sister as far away from his uncle as possible.

<< Nothing, I thought you called me because you changed your mind. >>

<< Actually I wanted to talk about Yeji-Unnie... >>

<< Yeji? >>

<< Yes, because of today with Yeonjun. >>

<< Oh... >> Oh, yeah, she honestly didn't know how to answer her sister, why ask her when she was best friends with the direct concerned.

<< What happened unnie? >>

<< Didn't you talk to Yeji? >>

<< Yes, we tried, but she didn't say much... >>

<< Well, I don't think it's my decision to tell you what happened. >> It was the truth, she didn't know why the brunette hadn't told what had happened to her friends, but surely she had a reason.

<< Unniee, please, I'm just worried, that idiot won't stop making her life a living hell. >> Well, this had perhaps caught her attention more as she was climbing the stairs to reach the club.

<< Yeonjun? >>

<< Obviously, who could be the idiot if not him. >> She barely suppress a chuckle at that comment.

<< Honestly I don't know what they were arguing about... >> Although it might have seemed like a lie, in reality it seemed strange that behind those acid-filled words of the boy, the only reason was simple coffee, but she had no idea what the real fuse that had tunerd on that hatred was.

<< Did you happen to notice how Yeji was? I know she can't stand Yeonjun with all her might, but I also know that sometimes when they fight he's too hard with words and for how much she wants to hide it, Yeji-Unnie feels bad about it. >>

<< Has it happened before? >> Maybe, she was curious, maybe.

<< What, that they had argued before? >>

<< Mhm. >>

<< Ehm... >>

<< Yuna? >>

<< Yes, it has already happened, but I can't tell you anything else about it, really Unnie. >> So there was more to it than just the arguing...

<< Okay, well, Yeji was fine, a little upset, maybe because of anger, but nothing serious. >>Why was she lying for that girl? But part of her thought that maybe what happened after the fight had to remain between the two of them, or so he thought Yeji wanted.

<< Can I ask you another question unnie? >>

<< Of course. >>

<< Why did you intervene? >> Why did she intervene?...

<< Because Yeonjun is an idiot and I was starting to hate the nonsense that came out of his mouth? >> It was the truth, it was really hard to hear all that nonsensical noise.

<< I understand, but I was surprised to hear it. Weren't you the one always telling me to stay out of trouble? >> Oh Yuna, if you only knew...

<< That's right, you need to stay out of trouble. Now I have to go, I have to work >> She answered as she entered the club, greeted by the music that rang throughout the room.

<< Yah, Unnie, why do I feel like you're not telling me the truth? >>

<< I'm sorry, Yuna-ah, but I really have to go... >> She went on, making her way through the crowd of sudden dancers emanating a perfume that was a mixture of alcohol and sweat.

<< Yah, Unnie- >

<< Be sure to have fun with your friends and go to bed early, goodnight Yuna-ah. >> She said before hanging up and approaching the counter where she would have to work.

<< Finally, I thought you were lost for Seoul! >> The voice of her colleague could barely be heard because of the music and the chatting of people at a rather loud volume.

<< I'm sorry, Chan. >>

<< Don't worry, I covered for you with the manager. >> A genuine smile greeted her on the friend's face.

<< Thank you. >> She smiled back and then took a seat behind the counter and started her work.

She looked at the blonde man waving at her and then getting lost in that ocean of people. She didn't like to make friends, but it had become an inevitable thing with the boy. After all those months of working together and maybe the sympathy they feel for each other in having to be in a similar dump for a little money, they decided to become allies and not enemies. After all this time, having someone to rely on besides her sister was more important than she thought.

<< Two Old Fashioned! >>

Maybe the music had been turned down, maybe the people around her had suddenly stopped talking, but she had managed perfectly to hear that voice.

<< Hey, did you hear me?! Two Old Fashioned! >>

The second time that voice reached her ears, her eyes rose from the bar where she was already preparing another cocktail and met with a couple she had begun to dislike.

<< Are you deaf? I said... Shin Ryujin?? >> In front of her there was in all its glory Choi Yeonjun and the expression of wonder immediately turned into a grin on the boy's face, while he carried his thumb towards the nose and opposing it against the skin of a nostril, pulled up with his nose.

<< Yah, I didn't want to believe it when they told me that this was one of the best reviewed places in Itaewon. It's definitely smaller than most and not to mention the location, it's pretty much hidden... >>

She would have preferred not to listen to the boy's words, but she knew that she couldn't stop him from continuing to speak, so she decided to focus on her work and prepare the two cocktails as soon as possible.

<< Honestly there are many clubs that I think are better, bigger, more supplied with goods. How many people will enter this premises? Barely a hundred? >>

Why was that idiot talking to her? Didn't he have better things to do than sit there and irritate every single cell in her body?

<< I was curious, I must admit. I couldn't help but come and see with my own eyes because people like this place so much. But honestly it seems only a false advertisement, that maybe you do yourself, eh Shin? >>

<< The reviews are not distorted, Choi. Maybe they are just proof that you are wrong. >> She finished talking, bringing the first glass she had prepared towards the boy, while she looked him straight in the eyes, noticing the irritation reflected in them and his touching one of his nostrils and then pulling up with his nose.

<< Yeonjun oppaa, why are you taking so long? >> A girl, probably of their age approached, wrapping her arms around the boy's right one.

<< I'm waiting for the cocktails you asked me, maybe in addition to being mediocre in music and in the management of the venue, this club is it also in the choice of staff. Why don't you go back to the table and wait for me? I'll come back with a drink, let's just hope it doesn't suck like the rest here. >>

He was looking into the girl's eyes as he spoke, but eventually his gaze returned to Ryujin, clearly pointing out that his harsh words were addressed to her in particular.

<< Sure, oppaa, but don't be late, don't forget that we have to... >> The girl approached his ear, and then continued whispering.

A smile, or rather a grin, smeared on his lips as he listened to the girl, without taking his eyes away from those of Ryujin, but his attention was clearly turned to something else. When the girl finished talking, Yeonjun finally turned his eyes to her, giving Ryujin a chance to better observe their reactions. He wrapped her little waist with one hand, while he lowered himself to be able to whisper in her ear, the words of him, inaudible to the blue, caused a giggle from the blonde and between a word and another he left light kisses on her neck, not failing to provoke a reaction, in fact she supported her left hand on the his chest, not opposing at all to his actions.

In a different situation she would have looked away immediately, not interested in seeing two teenagers prey to their hormones, but instead of looking elsewhere she looked better at the two because she had a question wandering through her mind to which she wanted to give an answer.

Her eyes like those of him, her iris flushed and her pupils dilated, while both seemed to suffer rather from colds, or, something had irritated their noses and she doubted it was allergy.

<< Now get back to the table, okay? I'll be right back with the cocktails. >> Yeonjun let the girl go, not without putting a kiss on her lips, and then turning his attention to Ryujin.

The blue one looked at the girl until she reached a table little aside. A dozen people sat on the sofas around, although this didn't stop other people from approaching without shyness and after exchanging a few words, between laughter and a few sips of alcohol, leave not with empty hands or not anymore just with a glass of beer or a cocktail in their hands...

<< You know Shin, I understand that I have taste, but I don't share. >>

His words brought her eyes back to his eyes and left pure perplexity on her face.

<< That girl, I'm sorry, but she's with me tonight, you can try another day and try your luck, even if you should use a lot of it. >>

<< I'm not interested in her. >>

<< You aren't, are you sure? >> Yet another grin formed on his lips and the disgust she felt towards him only increased.

<< Unlike you, Yeonjun, I respect people. I have respect, and therefore I don't consider girls just an object to do what I want with and then throw it away. >> The tone she used brought with it an underlying anger that was emerging within her.

<< Oh please, use them and throw them away? You know, for your information, she threw herself at me the first second she saw me, I'm just giving her what she wants, how generous of me, right? >> The fact that the grin never left his face, showing how proud the boy was of his words, made her hand grew hard its grip around the bottle of Whiskey she was pouring into the glass.

<< Are you proud of yourself? Are you proud that any girl runs after you because being with you, even just one night, is a reason for merit and respect and instead who doesn't want to or who isn't to your taste, deserves only contempt and is derided every day in that damn school? >>

These words seemed to awaken something in him, who got up abruptly from the chair and approached the bench to the point of coming into contact with the wood and making to lean out towards the girl, he was stopped.

<< Your cocktail. >> The blue pushed the glass towards him to keep him from getting closer.

<< Stay away from Yeji. >> She wasn't going to finish her speech with those words, but they seemed to come out of her lips so naturally that she didn't give her brain time to record them or her lips to stop saying them.

Those words seemed to surprise the boy seriously, but he quickly recovered and another grin appeared on his face.

<< Why, afraid that she too is one of those who throws themrselves at me? >>

<< No. I know she would never do that, because she knows what kind of man you are... . >>

<< You'd be surprised to know how close we are to each other moew than you think. >> Added the boy, while despite the obstacles, he managed to get closer to the girl until their faces were a few inches away.

<< I don't care how close you are. >>

<< So why do you want me so far away from her? It's none of your business, Shin. I'll be close to her as long as I damn well please. >>

<< It's my business, Choi. After I saw how you treated her for a simple stained shirt, what did you do, with that stupid expulsion- >>

<< Do you think it's stupid? Ha! You know how I could get you and her expelled tomorrow. >> It didn't matter how much it might have irritated him, that damned grin wouldn't fall, the satisfaction of his actions and words remained fixed on his face.

<< I know you can, but I also know you won't. >> This time it was Ryujin who had a slight grin on her lips, which surprised the boy in front of her.

<< What the hell are you talking about? I can call my father right now and have him expel you- >>

The moment he pulled the phone out of his jeans pocket, Ryujin was quick to take it out of his hands, then calmly laying it on the counter exactly in the middle between the two of them, placing some distance between them.

<< You know, Yeonjun, you may find this place so boring and not up to expectations, but the boss is a very serious and rigid guy, who does not like types of fun too extra or illegal, is a bit old-fashioned. >>

<< What are you talking about? >> The irritation painted on the boy's face was evident, but also the anxiety with which he was biting his lower lip, an action he had repeated decisively in frequency that evening between one grin and another.

<< I'm trying to give you some advice. What you and your friends are doing, well, of course it's illegal but here it's especially more dangerous. >

<< What are you talking about?! >> This time he raised his voice in anger, but the eyes that stole fast glances at the table and the breath that was getting shorter and shorter betrayed him.

<< I don't care if you do it in other pubs and they let you do it, but here drugs are forbidden. >

<< Drugs? You are wrong- >>

<< Really? That's why your eyes are so red, 'cause now that it's been a few minutes since you walked away from that table, and you're breathless and you're still pulling up with your nose, like you've been snorting all night? >>

It wasn't the first time she had seen the effects of the drug manifest on a person and for this reason it wasn't difficult to distinguish them with those of alcohol, sometimes having an alcoholic uncle who sometimes took drugs was helpful.

<< So? It's none of your business what I do or what I don't do, Shin! >>

<< It is, Choi, it is. Because if I call my boss right now and tell him what's going on, well it could be a big deal for you and your friends. >

Now the boy's anger, mixed with the number of drugs and alcohol, was manifested and despite the middle desk, he grabbed the girl from the collar of the shirt, thus capturing the attention of the people nearby who looked at them with amazement.

<< Are you threatening me, Shin?! Do you think you can? I'm Choi Yeonjun, if I want I could ruin your life, both at school and in this damn club! I could destroy you and it would only take a call to my father- >

<< All right, call your dad, I'll call my boss in the meantime, but I'm warning you, he's got a deep hatred of any kind of drug, so he's probably gonna call the cops, but that's okay, right? It's not a problem if he will show surveillance footage as evidence of what you were doing. It's not a problem if your father finds out. >>

The grip on her shirt loosened a bit, but despite that the boy didn't let it go. Hate was written in the eyes of both but they stared to each other without blinking.

<< Ms. Shin, do you need help? >> The voice of one of the bodyguards attracted the attention of both, letting them out of that battle of looks.

<< No, don't worry Mr. Kim. Everything is under control. But if there will be need in the future I will call you, don't worry. >> She showed him a fake smile but that was enough to get a nod from the guard, who almost instantly walked away from the counter.

<< Let me go, Choi. I think we're done here, don't we? We have a deal. You leave me and Yeji alone and I avoid sending you to prison, it seems fair, doesn't it? >> Feeling his fingers let go of the fabric of her shirt, it made her raise the corner of her lips in a victory smile.

<< Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to my job. >>

Without looking at the boy again, she left him alone with the two cocktails ready in front of him, while she continued with her work.

Today was certainly a intense day, she couldn't deny it. Many events, many emotions. She felt more tired than she already was and was seriously thinking of heading straight to bed after finishing her shift which would be over in a few hours, but she knew she had a second job to do. Unfortunately she hadn't realized that something else extremely surprising could happen, certainly not what she was seeing with her own eyes. The girl sitting in front of her seemed lost in her thoughts, but when she looked up she seemed as surprised as she was to see her.

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