The Odd One Out

By AnimePhysicist

606K 18.2K 7.5K

In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High Sc... More

Before you read
Prologue - Opportunity
Chapter 1.1 - Dilemma
Chapter 1.2 - First impressions
Chapter 1.3 - Deception
SS.1 - Ignorance
SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion
SS. 3 - Ichinose Honami: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2.1 - A Somewhat Normal School Life
Chapter 2.2 - A Tempting Invitation
Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets
SS. 4 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
SS. 5 - Horikita Manabu's Soliloquy
Chapter 3.1 - Classroom of The Poor
Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Masked Angel
Chapter 3.4 - Inexplicable Curiosity
SS. 6 - Conflict And Reconciliation
SS. 7 - A New Beginning
SS. 8 - Sudou Ken: Saved From Suspension
Chapter 4. 1 - Forecast Of The Future
Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 4.3 - The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 4.5 - Declaration Of War And Love
SS. 9 - The Aftermath
SS. 10 - Sakayanagi Arisu - Helping Hand
SS. 11 - A Genius' Considerate Contemplation
Chapter 5.1 - The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 5.2 - A Bizarre Encounter
Chapter 5.3 - To Hide In Plain Sight
Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos
Chapter 5.5 - All Eyes On Me
SS. 12 - Shiina Hiyori: Book Buddies
Chapter 6.1 - Different Atmosphere
Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations
Chapter 6.3 - Clash of Classes
Chapter 6.4 - Passing The Torch
Chapter 6.5 - A New Era
SS. 13 - A Single Wish
Chapter 7.1 - Intellectual Duels
Chapter 7.2 - Contradicting Truths
SS. 14 - President Ayanokouji
SS. 15 - A Christmas Date
Chapter 8.1 - Starting Over
Chapter 8.2 - Limitless Growth
Chapter 8.3 - Brand New Determination
SS. 16 - Kushida Kikyou: Changing Times
SS. 17 - Cupid's Favorite
Chapter 9.1 - Against The Odds
Chapter 9.2 - So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 9.3 - Closing The Curtains
SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm
SS. 19 - Youth Is About To Bloom
Chapter 10.1 - New Year, New Faces
Chapter 10.2 - A Genius' Experiment
Chapter 10.3 - Becoming Human
Chapter 10.4 - To Live Life
Epilogue - Warmth

Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set

7.9K 281 126
By AnimePhysicist

I specifically told my classmates to make Ibuki believe I was the leader. However, that obviously wouldn't be enough. Thanks to Hashimoto, I knew that Class A and Class C made a deal. Katsuragi is a careful man, he wouldn't trust Ryuuen's words unless he could show proof.

Karuizawa took me to the place where they found Ibuki.

"Here it is, this is the place we found here."

"Thanks, Karuizawa," I said as I started digging.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Looking for something, there it is."

A camera, that makes sense. Ryuuen planned on making Ibuki take a photo with her camera to show Katsuragi the proof.

"A camera? Why?"

"I told you Ibuki was a spy. She planned on taking a photo of our key card with this camera."

"No way..."

"Did you bring a water bottle like I asked you to?"

"Yeah, here."

I poured water into the camera.

"Good, it's broken now. She won't be able to use it to take photos."

"Nice one, Ayanokouji! It's great seeing you help out the class!"

"It's the least I can do."

I put the camera back exactly as I was before and went back to camp with Karuizawa.

"You're actually, like, really cool, Ayanokouji. You know, I was really scared of you at first, but you're actually, like, super nice."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! I mean, everyone in the class thought the same. But luckily they all had the wrong image of you."

"I suppose so. Say, Karuizawa, you and Hirata aren't really dating right? What I mean is, you're pretending to date him to protect yourself."

Karuizawa stopped in her tracks.

"H-how did you know?"

"It's been a while since you guys apparently started 'dating', but you still call each other by your last names. So I figured it was all an act."

"Well, I guess there's no point in lying anymore. Yes, we are not actually dating."

"I thought so. Are you that insecure, Karuizawa? What happened to you in the past?"


"Let me guess. Were you bullied perhaps?"

Karuizawa turned pale. She started putting her hands on the side of her body.

I grabbed hold of her and lift her shirt a bit.

"Stop! W-what are you doing?"

"So that's your dark secret, huh?"

There was a big scar across the side of her body. This could've been a result of her being bullied in the past, but it's uncertain. I let go of her as she seemed completely hopeless.

"Listen, Karuizawa, this is only a temporary solution, and it's not an efficient one."

"W-what are you trying to say?"

"What I'm saying is. To get over your past, you can't keep trying to hide it. You have to simply face it head on. You can't hide behind Hirata's back forever. Why were you bullied, Karuizawa?"

"I was... insecure... sensible, and weak. My bullies that I was an easy target... and... soon after, they were after my body and sexually assaulted me..."



"Do you think your past determines who you are now? What makes you think you cannot change?"

I am truly a hypocrite.

Those words seemed to have awakened something with Karuizawa.

"D-Do you really think I can change?"

"Of course, it won't be that easy. But Karuizawa, this is the only way you can truly get over your past. Work on yourself, help the others, lead the others. Don't be mean to others as a way of protecting yourself. Don't act like how your bullies acted. You are you, Karuizawa. And only you get to decide who you are. I also suffered in my past, but I'm fine now, as you can see."

Am I really fine now? I wonder.

After a few seconds of silence, Karuizawa let out a sigh of relief.

"I suppose you're right. After all, you've suffered a much tougher past than me. I can't even imagine what you went through, but my past suffering is probably nothing compared to yours. I've decided. I'll do as you say. I'll work on myself. I'll become a better Karuizawa Kei."

"Good for you. Now, we should probably head back. Don't tell anyone about the camera, by the way."

"Yeah," she said as she put on a genuine bright smile, "Thanks, Ayanokouji. Looks like I owe you one."

Slowly but surely, Class D is starting to mature.

With that, we head back to our base camp.


"Welcome back, Ayanokouji, Karuizawa!"

"Did you guys find anything?"

"Nothing really," Karuizawa said as she noticed Ibuki attentively listening to our conversation, "I suppose our suspicions about Ibuki were wrong."

"I'm glad that's the case. Thanks for taking care of all this Ayanokouji. As expected from our chosen leader," Hirata said.

"Hirata, why don't we take tomorrow off to swim in the river. I think everyone deserves a break," I suggested.

"Yeah! That's a great idea! I'll let the others know."

"Sounds good."

Time flew by, and before we knew it. It was time for the evening roll call. After that, I decided to talk to Chabashira-sensei again.


"What am I, your mom?"

"Tomorrow, I want you to come a little earlier than usual for the evening roll call. There's something I want you to see."

"Huh? Whatever you're planning, it better be worth it. I can't arrive here too early or else the other teachers might become suspicious of me."

"Don't worry. You won't be let down."

"I'm expecting great things, Ayanokouji."


"What in the world are they doing?"

"Are they serious?"

"What the hell?"

In the afternoon, a few Class D students visited Class C's base camp. It was safe to say all of them were confused by what they were witnessing.

Class C had spent all their points in luxuries. It was understandable that my classmates would be confused.

"Seems like we have visitors, kukuku."

A magenta-haired young man approached us. He was accompanied by a strong dark-skinned young man with sunglasses who looked like his bodyguard.


Although I never met him face to face before, I knew what he looked like.

"What are you thinking, spending all your points like that?" Horikita asked.

"I do what I want, Suzune. This is the way we chose to tackle the exam."

"I don't remember giving you permission to use my first name."

"I don't need your permission, Suzune."

"A Class C student came to our camp yesterday. So that's how you assert dominance? Anyone who goes against you just gets beaten and thrown away," Horikita said.

"You should've seen the state she was in. I don't appreciate your methods, Ryuuen," Hirata followed up.

"Oh, Ibuki, huh? That was simply because she refused to obey me. Beating her up is an appropriate punishment."

The Class D students were disgusted by his words. Or at least, they pretended to be.

"This is ridiculous. We've been here for a minute, and I've already seen enough. Let's leave."

"Leaving the party so soon? Why don't you join us so that I can show you how to have fun," Ryuuen teasingly said.

"Gross," a few of the girls muttered.

Ryuuen turned his attention to me.

"So we finally meet, eh? Ayanokouji, I must say, on the outside, you don't even look that impressive after all, kukuku. I'll tell you this, when the time comes, I'll smash your face."

"Is that so?"

"But before that, I'll beat you at this little game. I'll let you know that you shouldn't estimate me."


"Tch. Every time I look at your face I want to beat you up."

"Let's go, Ayanokouji," Horikita said.

"Yeah, this guy's scary," Karuizawa agreed.

"Let's head back," Hirata said.

With that, we departed and left Class C's base.

Ryuuen, you said you will beat me at this little game.

However, I never considered you a player in the first place.


"Yeahhh! It's time to relax!"

"Finally a break!"

These past days, Ibuki stayed in our base camp. Although she was distant, we made sure to give her some hospitality. Today, she was sitting on a tree trunk close to the river.

We took today off to swim in the river like we planned. After yesterday's visit to Class C's base camp, everyone agreed to take today off.

Horikita, who didn't want to swim, was sitting between the two tents and watching over our belongings, along with a few other students who didn't want to swim.

"Horikita, watch this bag, there's my key card in it."

Noticing Ibuki looking at me, I put the bag where Horikita was and went back into the water.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ibuki wander off into the forest, towards the spot where Karuizawa's group had found her.

Everyone was enjoying there time in the water. Everyone was too distracted to notice Ibuki missing. A while after, she came back without anyone noticing. To everyone, it was as though she never left. Even Horikita, who was watching us, didn't notice.

Ibuki probably went to grab her camera, but after noticing that it didn't work anymore, she came back empty-handed.

I approached Hirata.


"What is it, Ayanokouji?"

"Can we use some points to buy a camera?"

"What? Why?"

"Something incredible will happen tonight. Something that can help us climb the class rankings."

"Can you elaborate?"

I told him the exact details of my plan.

"W-what? Are you insane, Ayanokouji?"

"Who knows."

"This plan... if this works, then it'll be a huge boost for us. But is there no other way? I'm not a fan of these methods, Ayanokouji."

"This is without a doubt the best way, but it's quite risky. Are you willing to take the risk? Class C is more dangerous than we know, this is the best way to deal with them. If we pass on this opportunity, who knows what might happen in the future."

"You're right... But what makes you so sure this will all happen?"

"Because the reason I did everything I did up to this point in the exam was so that this exact situation could take place."

"Dude, you're scary, you know that?" Hirata chuckled.

"I guess. So what do you say?"

"Hmm... You have my permission."

"Thanks, Hirata."

With that, I got out of the water and changed into my clothes. I then head over to the starting point of the exam.


"Ayanokouji, what is it with you again? Are you hitting on me?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"I'd like to buy a camera."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, that'll be 10 points. I assume you have your class' permission?"

"Of course."

After she gave me the camera, I put it in a bag and head back to the base camp. Hirata looked at me, and I nodded. I put the bag with the camera in the boys' tent.

I head back into the water and went over to the Ayanokouji Group.

"Hey, Kiyopon! Where were you?" Haruka asked me.

"Yo Kiyotaka!" Ken cried out.

"The Masterpiece is here!" Akito followed.

"It's been a while, Kiyotaka," said Airi.

"I went to the starting point to discuss some things with Chabashira-sensei."

"Oh, about what?"

"Just some details about the exam."

"As mysterious as always, Kiyopon."

We continued chatting and relaxing in the water.


It was finally almost the moment I had been waiting for.

It was soon roll call. With Chabashira-sensei already here, everyone was outside of the tents, including Ibuki, who was still sitting where she always sat.

"Hirata, are you ready?"


While Ibuki was paying close attention to me and my movements, Hirata hid behind some trees and set fire to the tents using the matches we got on the first day of the exam. I must say, that was quite unlike him. It seemed like I did a good job convincing him of this plan.

"Everyone watch out! There's a fire!" Kushida screamed.


"Our tents!"

"My clothes!"

"What the hell?" Chabashira-sensei said.

At this moment, I was standing behind the tents close to the bag that had Hirata's key card in it. This afternoon, I had put the bag at this specific spot, just for this moment.

Just as I expected, I sensed Ibuki approaching me from behind. After all, this was her only chance to grab a hold of the key. Using the chaos, she thought she could steal the key and escape.

I saw through all that. No, it would be wrong to say that. I made her think that this would be her only chance.

With her camera broken, Ibuki's only choice was to steal the key card. Otherwise, there'd be no proof of Class D's leader. As part of their deal with Class A, Class C promised to tell them the other two classes' leaders. This was her only way of getting that proof.

She had secretly approached me. I must admit, for any other person, this would've been unnoticeable.

However, unfortunately for her, I'm not any other person.

When she felt like she was near enough, she jumped and lunched a kick towards my head. As part of my act, I didn't dodge the kick, took the hit, and fell onto the ground, also acting like I was knocked somewhat unconscious. Of course, I was not, but that kick was definitely powerful enough to knock someone out and did hurt me.

"Tch... I thought you would put up more of a fight."

She then quickly grabbed the bag and started looking for the key card.

"What are you doing, Ibuki?"

Perfect timing, Hirata.

Hirata came out of the shadows, holding the camera in his hands.

It was night, so it was hard to see Hirata. What's more, Ibuki was so focused on not letting me notice her that she didn't focus on her surroundings. Also, even though it was dark, the light from the fire made it so that the camera could record the scene quite clearly. In other words, we had just recorded proof of an act of violence.

I stood up. My clothes were covered in dirt, my head drained in blood as I had hit a rock.

"That was a powerful kick, Ibuki."

"W-what? What the hell? And you! Where the hell did you come from?"

"That's enough, Ibuki. Thanks for helping us disqualify your class," I said.

Those words left Ibuki speechless.

"You..." she clenched her fists.

"What was that noise?"

"Ayanokouji? What happened to you?"

After hearing the noises we made, my classmates approached us.

"Ibuki!? What did you do to Kiyopon!"

"What's the meaning of this, Ibuki?" Chabashira-sensei said.

"I-I... it was an accident! I didn't mean for this to happen!"

"That's wrong, Sensei. We caught everything on camera," Hirata said.

"You bastards!"

"I see. Hirata, Ayanokouji, Ibuki, you're coming with me to the starting point. The rest of you, stay calm. The fire has stopped spreading for now, and help will arrive anytime now."

Just as we started to leave, help arrived and the fire was extinguished.

When we arrived, Hirata showed the video to Chabashira-sensei, who was shocked. Sakagami-sensei, Class C's homeroom teacher, was called and also came back. The other two teachers came back soon after.

"Oi, Sakagami. Your students sure do like to play dirty."

"Tch. Your students use even dirtier tricks."

"It's called cleverness, Sakagami. Seems like that's the end of your class' fun."

"I'm afraid Class C will have to be disqualified from the exam," Mashima-sensei said.

"Now now, this is quite the drama!" Hoshinomiya-sensei, Class B's homeroom teacher, said with excitement.

"Tell your class to pack up their things and head back to the cruise ship, Sakagami."


"Ayanokouji, are you okay?" Hirata asked me, "Your head is covered in blood."

"You should get patched up, Ayanokouji. Go to the infirmary over there."

"Can you continue this exam?"

I knew you would ask me this, Hirata.

As soon as I heard this, I pretended to faint and fell and the sand.

Looks like my job here is done.


Author's Notes


Disclaimer: Karuizawa will overcome her past mostly thanks to Kiyotaka's talking no jutsu. I'm not really motivated to write about her character development, as I think it would've been extremely similar to the LN plot, which is something I want to avoid as much as possible. Hope you understand.

Anyways, that's all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless.

See you soon!

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