The Odd One Out

By AnimePhysicist

606K 18.2K 7.5K

In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High Sc... More

Before you read
Prologue - Opportunity
Chapter 1.1 - Dilemma
Chapter 1.2 - First impressions
Chapter 1.3 - Deception
SS.1 - Ignorance
SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion
SS. 3 - Ichinose Honami: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2.1 - A Somewhat Normal School Life
Chapter 2.2 - A Tempting Invitation
Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets
SS. 4 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
SS. 5 - Horikita Manabu's Soliloquy
Chapter 3.1 - Classroom of The Poor
Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Masked Angel
Chapter 3.4 - Inexplicable Curiosity
SS. 6 - Conflict And Reconciliation
SS. 7 - A New Beginning
SS. 8 - Sudou Ken: Saved From Suspension
Chapter 4. 1 - Forecast Of The Future
Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set
Chapter 4.5 - Declaration Of War And Love
SS. 9 - The Aftermath
SS. 10 - Sakayanagi Arisu - Helping Hand
SS. 11 - A Genius' Considerate Contemplation
Chapter 5.1 - The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 5.2 - A Bizarre Encounter
Chapter 5.3 - To Hide In Plain Sight
Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos
Chapter 5.5 - All Eyes On Me
SS. 12 - Shiina Hiyori: Book Buddies
Chapter 6.1 - Different Atmosphere
Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations
Chapter 6.3 - Clash of Classes
Chapter 6.4 - Passing The Torch
Chapter 6.5 - A New Era
SS. 13 - A Single Wish
Chapter 7.1 - Intellectual Duels
Chapter 7.2 - Contradicting Truths
SS. 14 - President Ayanokouji
SS. 15 - A Christmas Date
Chapter 8.1 - Starting Over
Chapter 8.2 - Limitless Growth
Chapter 8.3 - Brand New Determination
SS. 16 - Kushida Kikyou: Changing Times
SS. 17 - Cupid's Favorite
Chapter 9.1 - Against The Odds
Chapter 9.2 - So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 9.3 - Closing The Curtains
SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm
SS. 19 - Youth Is About To Bloom
Chapter 10.1 - New Year, New Faces
Chapter 10.2 - A Genius' Experiment
Chapter 10.3 - Becoming Human
Chapter 10.4 - To Live Life
Epilogue - Warmth

Chapter 4.3 - The Puzzle Pieces

8.3K 267 58
By AnimePhysicist

I was exploring the island when I spot a cave near the mountains.  It looked like a potential spot. I moved around near the entrance of the cave, trying to make as much noise as possible. If this was another class' base, then someone would probably hear this noise and come out of the cave to check out the source. I then saw Katsuragi come out, with a key card in his hands.

"Katsuragi, what are you doing out here?"

Another student come out of the cave. Yahiko Totsuka. He's one of Katsuragi's most loyal followers.

"Just looking to see if anyone's spying on us. I don't think there is anyone though."

"Everyone is probably is setting up their base."

"You're right."

They then head back into their base.

Although Katsuragi had a card in his hand, I doubt he's the leader. Katsuragi is not a careless man.

Arisu told me about Katsuragi and his followers. He definitely isn't the type to perform such careless acts. He is a serious man who adheres to the rules of manners and good conduct. He is also calm and intelligent. Taking into account that information, he wouldn't so obviously show his key card, meaning that it is likely that he is not the leader.

Since Arisu isn't taking part in this special exam, I assume Katsuragi took charge of his class. The decisions Class A take will probably be based on him. Therefore, I would guess that Class A's leader is his most trusted follower, Totsuka. However, that's not really what I was here for. I just wanted to explore the island to have a good idea of where each base camp was located.

I left Class A's base and roamed around, until I came across Class C's base, which was on a beach.

A zero-point strategy?

Class C had already spent visibly all of their points on luxuries. Some students were playing volleyball on the sand, others swam in the ocean, and others were laying down on beach chairs.

I quickly left before they spotted me.

With that, I left Class C's base camp. All I needed was to find Class B and their base camp to complete my mission for this scouting session. Class A's base was the closest to ours, on the East side. Class C's was situated towards the Nord part of the island. Therefore, Class B's was probably towards either the center or the West side, as the South was where we started.

I quickly sprinted through the forest while looking at my map which I had marked with the other classes' base camps. Before I knew it, I came across Class B's camp, which was indeed on the very West side of the island.

"Oh hey, Ayanokouji-kun!" Ichinose called out.

"Hey, Ichinose. I came by to visit your base camp, is that fine with you?"

"Of course!"

"Hello Ayanokouji," Kanzaki greeted me with a suspicious tone.

He doesn't trust me at all.

"Come on, Kanzaki. Can't you be a little more friendly towards Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose smiled. Luckily, my relationship with Ichinose more or less came back to normal after Nagumo's expulsion. After all, I had promised to help her, and she had done the same. Class D had also established an alliance with Class B a little while after the midterms, but Kanzaki seemingly isn't a fan of the alliance. No, he isn't a fan of me.

"I can't. He gives me bad vibes. I'll be going now."

"Sorry, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Don't worry, Ichinose. Seems like you guys have quite a solid spot."

"Yeah, we got quite lucky. You know, Ayanokouji-kun, I'm glad things worked out between us even after the... incident. Even though I haven't quite forgiven you yet, I realized I've always enjoyed talking to you and hanging out with you."

"Yeah, but now that I think about it, it's been a while since we last talked."

"You're right about that. Anyway, have you visited the other classes' bases too?"

"Yeah, I saw Class C's base camp, and I also saw Katsuragi and Class A's base camp."

"Already? It's only been a little more than two hours since we started! Just how fast are you!?"

"Well, I guess I am pretty fast. Anyway, I've also come to tell you about this. Be careful about Class C, Ichinose. I'm warning you. Ryuuen plays dirty tricks. Based on what I've been told about him, I wouldn't be surprised if he sends someone to spy on each class in hopes of figuring out their leader. If any Class C student comes here, be wary of them. Tell this to Kanzaki."

Kanzaki is probably the only one in Class B that would not hesitate go against Ichinose's self-destructive generosity.

"Sure. The truth is, I've heard bad things about Ryuuen too. I'll make sure to tell Kanzaki what you said to me."

"Thanks. I'll be going now, I need to head back for lunch."

"Thanks for visiting Ayanokouji-kun!"


"Hey, Ayanokouji, welcome back!" Hirata greeted me when I came back to our base camp, "So, how was it?"

"I've marked out the key areas of this island. I marked out the base camps of all the other classes. As well as all the spots I've come across."

"Ayanokouji... this is incredible! Guys, come take a look at this."

The class grouped around us.

"Is this... the map?"

"Are all of those spots?"

"How fast did you go to travel all this distance?" Horikita asked.

"Pretty fast."

"You're awesome, Ayanokouji!" Kushida said.

"Yeah! With this map, we can get a hold of a bunch of spots!"

"Are you hungry, Ayanokouji? We made some food. Ike took us to a great fishing spot, he said that he's very familiar with the outdoors."

"I'll gladly take some food, thanks."

In the afternoon, we split up into groups. Kushida's group was in charge of gathering fruits or vegetables.

Hirata spent the afternoon going to the spots near our base camp and claiming them. He was accompanied by me, Ken, Miyacchi, and a few other people. I initially thought that anyone could claim a spot as long as they had the keycard, but there was a camera on the invocation site, which probably meant that only the leader could claim the spot with his keycard. Therefore, it was up to Hirata to travel distances to claim spots. But he couldn't go alone, because if someone were to see him, they would immediately identify him as the leader.

The evening came and we regrouped at our base camp for the roll call. However, one person was missing.

"Hey, where's Kouenji?"

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I haven't seen him in ages."

"Kouenji retired from the special exam," Chabashira-sensei said, "He went back on the cruise ship this afternoon."


"Are you kidding me?"

"As a result, Class D will suffer a thirty-point penalty."

The class erupted.

"That bastard!"

"What the hell? We lost thirty points because of that narcissistic guy?"

Kouenji's retirement wasn't unexpected at all. Since the very beginning, he showed no interest in participating in the exam.

"It's too late to complain. Let's just earn those thirty points back," Horikita said.


"Horikita's right!"

If this was Class D from two months ago, then everyone would've continued complaining. However, the class as a whole had matured after the midterms. Now, every time the class was in chaos, all that was needed was someone to calm everyone down. They definitely weren't the immature defects they were in April.

After the evening roll call and dinner, everyone decided to rest well and sleep.


The next day, after the morning roll call. Hirata spoke to us.

"Hey, everyone, please listen for a moment. So far, everything is going really well. So let's continue doing exactly what we're doing! Let's get some class points!"

"Yeah!" the others collectively cheered.

"Kushida," I called her over.

"What? Are you going to boss me around again?"


After I told her what she had to do, she started acting.

"Guys! How about we split up into groups like yesterday? I think the groups worked out fine, but I think we should continue scouting the island. Since Ayanokouji did such a good job by himself yesterday, I suggest he should do the same again today! Let's leave the scouting to him, what do you guys think?"

"Great idea, Kushida!" Hirata agreed.

"Let's get going!" Karuizawa followed.

"Yeah!" Ken was hyped up.

"Take care, Kiyopon!" Haruka said to me.

"I will."

With that, I quickly left our base camp to meet with a certain someone.


"Hey Hashimoto."

"Hey hey King."

"I'm glad you could come meet me."

When the cruise ship was going around the island, it traveled at incredible speed, faster than a cruise ship would typically travel. When I called Hashimoto over, I asked him to meet me on the second day, precisely at this time, at this spot. I had pointed to this spot on the cruise ship when the ship was going around the island.

Now, I planned to use this exam to take down Katsuragi, as part of the promise I made to Arisu.

"Hashimoto, do you know the name of Class A's leader?"

"Haha, the princess told me she knew you would ask me this. Of course I do. Are you planning on taking down Katsuragi?"

"Yes, if all goes to plan. the Class A led by Katsuragi will lose its spot as Class A and he will inevitably lose his classmates' trust. Would you tell me who Class A's leader is?"

"Sakayanagi trusts you, so I have no reason to refuse. The leader is Yahiko Totsuka."

"Thanks, Hashimoto. Now, I also wanted to ask you this. How is Katsuragi tackling this exam?"

"Well, he's going on the defensive, to say the least. He plans on playing it safe and protecting Class A's lead in the class rankings. I should let you know that he's made a deal with Ryuuen. He wants Ryuuen to tell him the names of the other classes' leaders in exchange for private points. How many private points, that I don't know. As a result, Class D and Class B will probably be targeted by Class C."

"I see. That's incredible information, thanks Hashimoto. Unfortunately, that's not going to work."

"Ha ha! I know right! This is so exciting, the Sakayanagi Fraction will rise to the top of Class A!"

"However, if Class A gets demoted to Class B, would you guys be fine with that?"

"Yeah, of course. Sakayanagi predicted this would happen. I also fully trust her and I'm sure she'll lead us back to the top again. If you decide to join our class soon, then it'll be game over for the other classes."

"Seems like you have quite the high expectations."

"Can you blame me? Everyone knows about you, Ayanokouji. Your abilities are unreal. It's a shame that you're in Class D."

"I wouldn't say that. Class D is interesting."

"Is that so? I suppose you have your reasons to believe that. Then, I guess I'll be going now. Do we need to meet again before the end of the exam?"

"That won't be necessary. I'll see you on the final day then. Also, protect Totsuka at all costs. Follow him wherever he goes. If he falls sick or gets injured, Class A would have to change leaders, don't let that happen. I'm trusting you."

"You got it, King. See you."

We bid farewell and I head over to my next destination, Class B's base camp.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun!" Ichinose and Kanzaki walked over to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, Ichinose."

"What brings you here?" Kanzaki asked.

"Yahiko Totsuka is Class A's leader. On the final day, I want you to guess him as Class A's leader."

If both our classes guess Class A's leader correctly, they'll suffer a hundred-point penalty and all their bonus points would be removed.

"What? Where did you get that information from?" Ichinose couldn't hide her shock.

"Someone from Class A betrayed his class and sold the leader's name to me."

"How can we know you're not lying? We'll lose fifty class points if you're wrong."

"Do you not remember? Class D and Class B have an alliance. I won't ruin this valuable alliance just for fifty class points. Look at it this way, this might be your only chance of overtaking Class A. Who knows what special exams await us in the future? One thing is for certain though, at the end of this exam, you guys can comfortably surpass Class A."

"What do you think, Kanzaki?"

"I mean... I somewhat agree, he does have a point. However, what happens if Totsuka is not the leader?"

"Then I'll drop out of school."

"What? No! You don't have to do that! We should believe him, right Kanzaki?"

"Hmm... well, if he's willing to put his school life on the line, I suppose we have no reason not to believe him."

"We'll listen to you, Ayanokouji-kun, but don't say you'll drop out of school like that! You don't have to promise us that! We'll do as you say."

"Right. For someone like you to say something so bold, I'll be a fool not to believe you. You don't have to put expulsion on the table. However, should you make us lose fifty class points, I will never forgive you."

"Of course. Thanks for being so understanding."

"We have to get back to work now, so see you Ayanokouji-kun!"

Don't disappoint me, Class B. When I join Class A, I hope you will put up a good fight.

Seeing that it was almost noon, I decided to head back to our base camp.



"What is it, Ayanokouji?"

"I found out Class A's leader."


"Don't make such a commotion. We shouldn't let this distract our class."

"Right, so, are you sure about who it is?"

"Yeah, Yahiko Totsuka. I want you to trust me and write his name on the final day of the exam."

Of course, there was always the possibility that Class A somehow change leaders if Totsuka falls sick, or gets injured, for example. However, knowing that their strategy is to use as less points as possible while not letting anyone find out who their leader is, I figured that possibility was unrealistic. They had no reason to change leaders. They were extremely well hidden, and Katsuragi isn't the type to make Totsuka fall sick or get injured on purpose, and with Hashimoto's protection, I can almost guarantee that he'll still be the leader on the final day.

"Okay... I trust you. What makes you so sure?"

"I saw his card with my own eyes."

"Really? I suppose that's enough proof then. I'll make sure to write his name."

"Hirata, come look at this," Karuizawa interrupted us.

She brought us near the others where we saw a Class C student sitting in the distance next to a tree.

So that's his plan, huh?

Ibuki Mio. A girl with short blue hair and purple eyes. She is known to be skilled in combat, and has the knowledge of several skills that can rival those of many martial artists. She's part of Ryuuen's group. Anyone who took a step back would see that she's a spy.

"She said she got into a fight with her classmates and fled. Now she's seeking shelter here. What should we do?"

"What do you guys think? I think maybe we should take care of h-"

"Don't care about her," I quietly interrupted Hirata, "She's a spy from Class C."


"What makes you think that?"

"Keep your voices down, or else she'll hear us. Now, listen, she's obviously a spy from Class C here to know of our leader's identity. Look at her, she has dirt in her nails, she probably hid something somewhere in the dirt. When I went to Class C's base yesterday, I saw her with Ryuuen. That being said, don't let her know of our suspicions. Play along for now, and make her think that I'm the leader, and not Hirata. Trust me on this."

"I think we should listen to Ayanokouji," Hirata said.

"That sounds like a good plan," Horikita agreed.

"Yeah... let's lure her into our trap."

"Yeah, we'll put on our best acting skills."

"Also, where did you guys find her?" I asked.

"Karuizawa found her when coming back from her task with her group."

"Should I bring you to the spot, Ayanokouji?" Karuizawa asked me.

"Not now, I'll probably go take a look tomorrow. Could you accompany me?"

"Sure. Just let me know when."

It seemed like that Ryuuen really likes to use dirty tricks.

If so, we'll have to fight back with dirty tricks of our own.

We let Ibuki into our base camp. Soon after, we ate lunch and spent the afternoon doing different tasks.

After the evening roll call, I went over to Chabashira-sensei.


"What is it, Ayanokouji?"

"Just to confirm, if a student from a certain class is caught using violence against students from another class, their entire class will be disqualified, no matter the circumstances, correct?"

"Yes. In addition, that student will have to forfeit all of their private points."

"Thanks, Sensei...

That's all I needed to know."


Author's Notes


The deserted island exam plot in this fan fiction will probably be quite different.
But either this'll turn out good or not, I'm not sure yet.

Kiyotaka's main objective in this exam is to take down Katsuragi's Class A, and as a result take down the Katsuragi Fraction.

Anyways, that's all for now, take care!

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