A Miraculous Mermaid Tale

By AvatarSnips

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Miraculous Ladybug AU: In a time of mermaids and pirates, Gabriel Agreste lives with his young son, Adrien, i... More

Prologue Pt. 1
Prologue Pt. 2
Chapter 1: Eight Years Later
Chapter 2: Onto Land
Chapter 3: The Town
Chapter 4: Preparation and Attack
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6: On An Adventure
Chapter 8: The Port
Chapter 9: Pirates
Chapter 10: Dreams and Nightmares
Chapter 11: Félix
Chapter 12: Suspicions
Chapter 13: Adrien Returns
Chapter 14: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 15: Worst Fears
Chapter 16: Aftermath and Into the Sea
Chapter 17: Dark Depths
Chapter 18: As Night Falls
Chapter 19: A Song
Chapter 20: Drowning
Chapter 21: A New Strategy
Chapter 22: Storm
Chapter 23: Master Fu
Chapter 24: Battle - Part 1
Chapter 25: Battle - Part 2
Chapter 26: Awakening and Return Home
Bonus Chapter 1: The Wedding - Part 1

Chapter 7: Dancing

69 2 0
By AvatarSnips

Nathalie hadn't had a nightmare in years, though it seemed to be a night for firsts.

People said pain couldn't be felt during dreams, but she was feeling plenty. The ever-present burning in her chest was accompanied by a chilling vision. Her nightmare consisted of a dark and silent ocean. She seemed to be frozen in the water, with nothing but black seaweed below her. Slowly, the plant snaked upwards and looped around her arms and tail, knotting tightly.

Nathalie was pulled down into the unending darkness. She was forced to watch as her tail morphed into legs and the water became suffocating.

There was no one to save her.

With a cry, she abruptly awoke from her dream, shooting into a sitting position.

It was just a nightmare, but she found herself unable to breathe. She grabbed her chest, gasping for air between coughs.

A hand settled on her back. "Take deep breaths," came a voice.

Nathalie squeezed her eyes shut. A few moments passed and the coughing subsided, allowing her to breathe again.

She opened her eyes, turning her head to see Gabriel sitting next to her.

"Sorry," she murmured. "Just a dream."

"Are you okay?" That seemed to be his most frequent question, but she found she didn't mind.


"Are you sure? You're crying."

"I am?" She touched her face, surprised to feel tears. "It's probably from the coughing."

Looking unconvinced, he stood. "You should get ready before the children wake up," he suggested. "Do you need help standing?"

Nathalie dried her face with her sleeve before taking his offered hand and standing slowly. Feeling no signs of dizziness, she moved to head to her room.

"Please let me know if you start to feel worse," Gabriel said, hesitantly releasing her hand. "And, thank you. For last night."

She gave him a smile and nodded, stepping away. Nathalie made her way down the hall, quietly entering her room. Once inside, she caught sight of her reflection and winced. Her hair was loose and tangled and there were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The pain had mostly faded from her chest, so she focused on getting ready.

Gabriel watched Nathalie leave the room with a frown on his face. He was worried. She was getting worse, he knew it. What he hated most was the fact that she was trying to hide it. She probably thought it would make him worry less, but it had the opposite effect.

Some part of him had hoped that Nathalie was miraculously recovering after seeing her last night. She had looked so peaceful and different somehow.

Perhaps it was because she hadn't been in her formal attire and her hair had been loose.

Regardless, it was a good kind of different. But he was still worried.

"Now, let's discuss business," Alya said, inviting Nino into her and Marinette's room. Hopefully, Marinette wouldn't come back in the middle of their conversation.

"I'm all ears," Nino replied, sitting on the edge of Alya's bed. She stood in front of him, arms crossed thoughtfully.

"Let's face it: we have two potential couples who are hopelessly in love but have no idea," Alya began. "And I have the perfect idea to get them together."

"What were you thinking?" Nino asked excitedly. He had to be as invested in them as she was.

"A little dance. I saw Luka playing the violin the first day we got here and I know Juleka plays the guitar. If I can get them to help out, I know this'll work!" Alya paused. "But I'm concerned Luka might not agree to it."

Nino frowned. "Why not?"

"He has feelings for Marinette. I've seen their recent interactions and he's smitten."

"I think Luka will agree," Nino assured her. "He seems like a great guy and I'm sure he wants Marinette to be happy."

He stood. "I, uh, do have a request," he started, cheeks reddening. "If the twins agree to help us, will you dance with me?"

Alya raised her eyebrows, a grin growing on her face. "Nino Lahiffe, are you asking me on a date?"

Nino averted his gaze, rubbing the back of his head and stammering. "Well, I-"

Alya laughed at his awkwardness. "I would love to," she replied, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Save for Marinette, she'd never seen a face so red.

With Tikki in her arms, Marinette went to the dining room for breakfast. Both Adrien and his father were already at the round table. They weren't talking, but Marinette still felt like she was intruding.

"You can come in, Marinette," Adrien told her with a soft smile.

"Oh, right," she said awkwardly, joining them at the table. Like every other morning, Adrien motioned for her to sit next to him. Gabriel was on Adrien's right.

Soon, Alya and Nino came as well, the former sitting next to Marinette. She seemed to be nervous about something, but Marinette was surprised to see how the manner between Alya and Nino had shifted. They were sitting slightly closer together than necessary and Nino had red cheeks.

The chef brought their food - this morning the meal consisted of a fried egg and some bread. He was a quiet man who didn't speak much English. Marinette felt as if he were familiar; he shared many similarities in both appearance and personality with her mother. However, Marinette still didn't know his name.

The group thanked him for the food, but like every day, he left before she could ask. She wasn't very surprised, though she still felt disappointed.

With a tiny sigh, Marinette bit into her bread. Ever since coming onto land, she'd been amazed by the food. As a mermaid, she'd never experienced dry foods like baked goods. Maybe she could convince her parents to bake something once she got back home. That would only be possible on land, however.

Nathalie eventually joined them, looking exhausted.

While Marinette and Adrien fed the kwamis- cookies for Tikki and cheese for Plagg -, Alya spoke. "Nino and I had an idea. We thought it might be nice to have a dance of some sort." With all attention now on her, she paused briefly but kept her confident gaze. "It might help raise our spirits after the past few days. Luka and Juleka have agreed to play their instruments for us."

"Is that okay, Father?" Adrien asked.

Gabriel thought for a moment, looking hesitant. "I suppose there's no harm in it. It would be a good activity for you kids."

Alya and Nino shared a rather obvious look. "We were hoping you would dance as well?" Nino said, gesturing to the two adults.

"Are you sure?" Nathalie asked, surprised. "Wouldn't it be more enjoyable if it was just the four of you?"

Alya shook her head. Marinette narrowed her eyes at her friend; she had no problem with the adults joining them, but Alya was clearly up to something.

"You guys deserve something to cheer you up," Alya continued. "You've had more, well, stressful situations than the rest of us recently."

"Very well," Gabriel said. "If Nathalie's not too tired, we'll come. And no one is to be on the deck after the sun has set, understand?"

All four teens grinned. "Thank you, sir," Alya said.

As soon as they were excused from breakfast, Marinette took Alya's arm and pulled her aside. "I know that look on your face, Alya Césaire. What are you planning?"

Her friend shrugged innocently. "Just something to lift spirits and reveal feelings."

"'Reveal feelings'?" Marinette repeated. "That's why you wanted Mr. Agreste and Nathalie to come, right?"

"You're right there, girl. But they aren't the only ones I'm invested in, if you get my gist." Alya waggled her eyebrows teasingly, bumping Marinette with her shoulder.

"Alya!" Marinette said in exasperation, blushing as she pushed her away.

"You'll be thanking me by tomorrow, trust me."

"Father, can I ask you something?" Adrien asked, hesitantly standing in the doorway of the cabin. Gabriel put down the book he'd been reading, gesturing for his son to come in.

Adrien sat in the armchair opposite him, the question burning in his mind. "Why did you never tell me mom was a mermaid?" he asked.

"If I did tell you, I worried you'd want to someday meet the mermaids. You of course know now that not all of them are as kind as your mother was."

"Right. But you didn't even consider telling me as I got older?"

His father looked uncomfortable. "I did at times, but I never got around to it."

Adrien stayed silent. "How did you meet her?"

"You know I used to spend time chasing and apprehending pirates, yes? They'd captured her to sell, but I was able to intervene. Right away I could tell she was different from other mermaids I'd met, like Audrey."

"And why does Audrey have a grudge against you?"

Gabriel sighed. "When I first met her, she was in her human form, so I obviously didn't know she was a mermaid. She actually helped me quite a bit as a fashion designer, but I now know it was just a ploy to seduce me. It almost worked, too."

Adrien wrinkled his nose. "Were you, like, together?"

His father raised an eyebrow. "She did have feelings for me at one point, but when I told her I didn't return them, she tried to drown me."

"Wow . . . I don't think you've ever told me this much about you, Father."

"I do apologize for that," Gabriel sighed. "And I'd like us to be able to talk to each other more often if you'd like."

Adrien smiled, thankful his father was trying to be more present. "I have one more question, but it might be . . . hard."

"You want to know how your mother died?" Gabriel guessed after a moment. Adrien nodded. "She was ill. I don't fully know what caused it, but it may have been magic."

"So that's why you're so worried about Nathalie," Adrien realized. "Is she going to be okay?"

Gabriel was quick to reassure his son. "Yes, Adrien, I'll make sure of it. The guardian, whoever he is, will be able to help her."

Marinette was practically shaking from nervousness and excitement as she went on the deck, but the gentle music calmed her. Luka and Juleka sat on the stairs, each playing their instruments.

Everyone else was already there, though they seemed to be waiting for her. Alya grinned when she saw Marinette.

"Good, you're here!" Without hesitation, she took Nino's arm and dragged him to the middle of the deck. The two started to dance, huge smiles on their faces. Their synchronization wasn't perfect, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Come dance with me, Marinette," Adrien said suddenly, taking her hand before she could reply. As they moved towards the other couple, Adrien settled his right hand on her waist and took one of hers with his left. She hesitantly placed her free hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know how to dance very well," she admitted, a small squeak in her voice.

"Don't worry about it, I'll help you," Adrien assured her. He started to sway with the music and she joined him, still nervous.

"Just move with me," Adrien prompted, carefully pulling her through a few steps. "See? Not so bad."

There was a blur of movement and Alya was suddenly moving Adrien's other hand to her waist and hers to his shoulder. The two blinked as Alya gracefully twirled back to Nino, a smug look on her face.

Marinette shrugged, letting out a giggle. Adrien pulled her closer, smiling. "We can dance like this too, I guess," he said.

Instead of feeling scared, Marinette returned his smile, leaning her head on his shoulder. She didn't care how much Alya would tease her later.

"He seems happy," Nathalie observed with a smile as Adrien danced with Marinette. She saw Gabriel nod out of the corner of her eye.

"We could join them if you're feeling up to it?" He offered his hand. Nathalie only hesitated for a moment before putting her hand in his. Thankfully, she knew how to dance after spending so much time with the Agrestes. Once on the dance floor, it was easy for them to move in harmony with each other.

"I realize I never properly thanked you for saving my life. Again," Gabriel said quietly.

"You don't have to thank me, but you're welcome."

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Just this is more than enough," Nathalie assured him. "The kids were right, it is relaxing."

Following their dance, he gently spun her around, leaving them closer together. Nathalie felt heat rise to her cheeks and she faintly realized the music piece had ended.

Neither of them moved, even when the music started up again. She couldn't read Gabriel's face, though he seemed to be lost in thought.

Her heart was pounding, drowning out everything else. She'd been this close to him before, multiple times, but something felt different this time. And surely she was imagining that he'd leaned slightly closer, something in his eyes she couldn't place.

Nathalie didn't have the chance to see what was going to happen as her vision blurred and her knees buckled. Seeming to snap out of his trance, Gabriel's arms tightened around her, holding her up.

"What's wrong?" he asked, letting her slump against him.

"Dizzy spell," she managed. "I'll be okay in a minute . . ."

"Take your time." She felt him sigh. "You don't have to hide your illness from me, Nathalie."

"I'm sorry," was the only thing she could think to say.

"We'll figure out how to make you better," he told her. "I promise."

If her red cheeks had calmed, Gabriel's tone re-sparked her blush. Nathalie was glad he couldn't see her face, though he could probably feel her quick pulse, which hadn't settled. Maybe he'd blame it on the dizzy spell.

Once she recovered, she straightened again. "I'm alright, but I'm going to take a break." She didn't quite meet his eyes, still embarrassed. She caught his and Adrien's concerned looks as she sat on the empty staircase.

Gabriel eventually sat next to her after appearing to have some words with Adrien. They didn't speak, only silently observing the teens.

Nathalie wanted to ask him about what had happened - or almost happened - but it was likely he wouldn't know either.

She managed to convince herself that she'd only imagined it. Her feelings were one-sided. That she was certain of.

It was probably the curse getting to her.

Before tonight, the only person Gabriel had really danced with had been Emilie. He'd had lessons for both Adrien and Nathalie and had occasionally participated, usually just to show the steps.

During the dance tonight, he'd felt a familiar feeling come over him, the same one from the previous night on the deck. He still didn't know what it was, but it was something he hadn't felt in a long time.

It also seemed to only be present when he was around Nathalie, which didn't alleviate his confusion. He was certain he'd figure it out eventually, but for now, he didn't want to worry about it. Her health was more important.

Marinette looked to the side of Adrien's head as they danced, eyes widening slightly.

"Adrien, look," she said. Confused, Adrien turned his head to follow her gaze. A grin began to spread across his face as he saw his father and Nathalie dancing. Both teens watched as he spun her around and paused as the music ended.

When neither of them moved to start dancing again, Adrien grew excited. They were standing too close together to be platonic, anyone could see that. Even from where he was, he could see Nathalie's blush.

Then he could swear that his father leaned even closer before she suddenly slumped against him, obviously from a dizzy spell.

"Oh no," Marinette murmured, tightening her grip on Adrien's shoulders.

As Nathalie went to the staircase, Gabriel came over to Adrien and Marinette, seeing their worry.

"She's okay," he said, though it was clear he didn't believe it himself.

Adrien nodded anyway and his father joined Nathalie on the stairs.

"We can take a break if you want," Marinette said after a moment.

Adrien exhaled. "No, it's okay. It's a good distraction."

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