Endergirl (SLOW UPDATES)

By Redlerman16

2.8K 32 6

Based off a fanfiction.net story. You're a 18 yr old male young adult that plays Minecraft a lot and you some... More

Chapter 1: Not us, but her
Chapter 2: But why are the donuts gone
Chapter 3: Cunning woman
Chapter 4: An unexpected axe wielder
Chapter 5: W- We didn't, n- nothing happe-
Chapter 6: A bone chilling scream
Chapter 7: I'm going to fucking kill you
Chapter 8: Cookies and cream
Chapter 9: Pure Malicious Evil
Chapter 10: Well it worked, didn't it?
Chapter 11: Pop
Chapter 12: You're tone deaf
Chapter 13: Exactly, what I was thinking
Chapter 14: The very same
Chapter 15: Stupidity
Chapter 16: Touch her again
Chapter 17: What's the café?
Chapter 18: Snowflakes in a blizzard
Chapter 19: Cold, dead hands
Chapter 20: Another one bites the dust
Chapter 22: Criminals among us!

Chapter 21: Were you worried?

41 1 0
By Redlerman16






Were you worried?

It was warm.

Which was unusual, considering the time of year. I felt a type of emptiness within me. Not a longing emptiness or an emptiness that ought to be filled... Just a kind of, peaceful, emptiness.

A series of disjointed memories came rushing into my head like a tropical storm, quick and unforgiving. I jolted and snapped my eyes open.

A small laugh escaped from behind me. "Calm down."

I tried to turn my head, but a stab of pain suggested it was a bad idea. I groaned as my muscles began to throb and twist, as if my injuries were only just being inflicted. "W- What happened?" My voice was a little cracked and came out in a rasp

The mystery speaker spoke once more. "If you've forgotten me, I'll kill you."

The phrase sounded familiar... But for the life of me, I couldn't place it. I looked around the almost too white room. It took me a few seconds to realise it was all sideways, with the floor being on my right and the roof on my left. The slightly comfortable mat beneath me seemed an awful long way from the ground, but maybe it was just because I didn't want to fall.

I tried to avoid asking who she was, and instead went with something safer. "Where are we?"

"They said it was a hospital, I think. We didn't really have much choice..."

The hospital... Why were w- It was as if my brain simply snapped together. Like two pieces of Lego forming that satisfying click. We were being chased, we crashed... "Amber..." I spoke slowly, finally realising who lay behind me.

A moment passed before I felt her shift a little closer, nuzzling her head against the back of my neck. I noticed now that the comforting warmth which surrounded me, radiated from her. I let myself relax slightly, putting the torrential downfall of thoughts on hold for the moment. The familiar tug of her healing padded at my wounds, nulling the pain ever so faintly.

"Idiot." She mumbled.

It was only a few moments later that the sideways door was pushed inwards. A tired looking man strode through it, a white doctors coat hanging from his shoulders which displayed the occasional speck of blood. He gave me an amused, yet exhausted, glance. "How're you feeling?"

Caught a little off guard, my response was unarguably inappropriate, considering where we were. "Dead."

But he smirked slightly, which seemed to excuse the slip up. "Well, by all means you should be. As soon as they wheeled you in here I thought you were a goner."

I swallowed. "Thanks, for treating me then."

"I only stopped the bleeding and sanitized the wound." He said with a laugh before nodding at the girl behind me. "That's all she would let me do."

I tried to glance back at her, but she only pulled closer, hiding from both our gazes.

The doctor continued. "I don't believe in miracles... But I can't honestly say that I know how you're still breathing." When I offered no explanation, he spoke once more before turning to leave the room. "The police will want to talk to you as soon as possible, and there's a very agitated principal pacing in the lobby."

"What happened to our friends?" I asked abruptly, stopping him halfway out the door.

His gaze hesitated on the well-maintained floor. But when he looked up, only a weary smile adjourned his face. And without another word, he started forward again, walking out the door.

Perspective Change: Sky

The bleak cover of darkness tugged against the evening sky.

How poetic. One could simply say it was nearing dusk. But I suppose its human nature to prolong the inevitable, even if it is just a full stop. The subtle glint of sunset cast a golden highlight to each roof, throwing shadows that seemed far too large for the structures they clung to.

I continued walking, my cigarette hanging from my lips, almost depleted. The school was mostly deserted at this time, with only the occasional groundsman passing by in mock patrol. My boots made no noise as they carried me across the pathway. My destination loomed in the distance, trying to stand proudly, despite seeming so alone.

The old gym sat at the edge of the campus like a defeated giant, slain and forgotten. It was a large structure, more of a shed really. They used to be able to fit the whole student body inside, until they deemed it unsafe. During an assembly, part of the roof had collapsed. Nobody was hurt, but the board couldn't be bothered to foot the bill. So they simply abandoned it, brushed it aside as if it had never existed in the first place.

Continuing down the overgrown path, I soon reached the cracked glass doors, closer signs plastered across their face. The pair creaked inwards as I pushed them open, revealing the dusty darkness that lay beyond. My eyes adjusted quickly, soon defining objects and edges. I flicked a selection of switches from the mass that lay embedded in the wall adjacent.

Precious few of the overhanging lights still held their charm. They flickered at first, before steadying to cast a dull glow across the echoing space. Patches of darkness were still scattered, creating a type of disjointed mosaic, but it didn't make much of a difference.

Altogether, it was a big, empty space. Nothing but a sheet of dust to provide the creaky wooden floorboards with company. The basketball hoops still hung unsatisfied at either end, and the stage still yearned for talent.

Just another tired old space with another tired old dream.

I traced my usual footsteps across the dust plastered floor, not wanting to disturb its neglected perfection. My path led in a direct line, clinging the wall as it progressed towards the rear of the structure. The door that stood at its end watched my approach expectantly. The key within my pocket wriggled with every movement. I took it, and pushed the worn silver into the lock.

The mechanism clicked, and the cheap door swung inwards revealing a gloomy staircase. Closing and locking the door behind me, I took off my boots and placed them side by side on the first step. My fingertips brushed the familiar switch, and it clicked satisfyingly before illuminating the cramped space. I took a breath before ascending the steep stairwell towards the room above.

It was not dusty here. I always had the same thought when I stepped into the small space. For it was small. Only five point two square meters in total, with a large desk taking up one of them. Although, maybe that was why I kept coming back... I gazed around at the simple possessions. A light sleeping bag, a forest green backpack, a collection of coins, a bottle of water...

And thirteen boxes of forty five calibre ammunition.

I sighed, beginning to undo the first button on my shirt. Aqua blue strands hung down as I watched my progress, which annoyed me. I whipped my hair back, and looked out to my right. A large opening that displayed the entirety of the inside building. It used to be the bio-box, where the school nerds would manage effects and lighting for presentations.

But they didn't need it anymore.

I moved to the second button, and then the third, so on and so forth until I could slide my arms from the sleeves and fold it neatly before placing it on the desk. The plain black bra didn't do me much justice, but then again, I suppose it didn't matter.

I almost smirked at the girlish moment, causing me to remember the now stubby cigarette in the corner of my mouth. I took the bad habit out, and smudged it against the desktop. A few trails of lingering smoke found their way to the roof, lazily, as if less than sober. I retrieved the half depleted box of smokes from the waistband of my skirt, sitting them on the desk gently. My hands moved slowly, as they slipped the fastenings of my lower uniform.

The left side seemed intent to trace down my leg, falling towards the ground. However, the right side caught on something. I felt the same feeling drop in my chest once more. What the feeling was... Well, it couldn't be described. But it was there. Like it was always there.

My fingers moved hesitantly, running down my skin and lifting the skirt, before grazing the cold metal grip. I recoiled slightly, my hand leaping back a few millimetres. But in the end, they curled around the familiar weapon.

I pulled it from the sturdy leather holster, which was strapped tight around my thigh, and held it up in front of me. There was a moment of stillness as my eyes studied each and every curve. The silver metal shone in the rooms yellow light, throwing reflections from every angle. The bulky handle connected to a thick square barrel, which was covered by a sleek slide, ridges cut in its end. The exact weight told of a clip inserted in the handle, seven live bullets filling it to capacity. The trigger guard was broad and simple, protecting a firm mechanic that would end a life with a single flick. And upon the small little outcrop beneath the barrel and before the trigger guard, was engraved a simple lettering.

Colt 1911

I stared at the thing with nothingness.

The saviour, and the murderer.

My lips were taut, not trembling.

The giver, and the taker.

My eyes were distant, not watering.

The salvation, and the damnation.

My thoughts were true, not poetic.

The life, and the death.

I jammed the thing back into its rightful place, and let go without giving myself time to resist. I took a breath. And another. And fell. I lay on the floor in silence, not that I ever did things another way. Silence was peaceful, it gave you time to think... Although, that wasn't always a good thing.

I was insane... Not crazy.

Perspective Change: Isaac

The agitated redhead kicked the vending machine once more.

"It's not going to come out." I repeated with a smirk.

"Would you shut up?" She growled, glaring back at me. "You're the one who made me hungry."

"All I said was that I was hungry!"

"And that made me hungry! Now come over here and help."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. My bones still ached and my skin still burned, but as far as she was concerned, I was fine. I wandered over to the machine and stared in at its contents. My head adjusted to give her a sidelong glance, an uncontrollable grin creeping across my face.

The big husky eyes looked up at me in suspicion. "What?"

"I just remembered how short you are."

A fist slammed into my stomach, sending a reel of pain through my body. A loud wince escaped me as a familiar man rounded the corner.

The strained looking doctor gave us a small smile as he approached. "They're awake now, if you want to go in."

Raven took off like a horse. It was a miracle that I managed to catch up to her at all as I gave chase down the hallway, around the corner and into the small room.

"David!" Raven yelled as she rammed into the boy who now sat upright on the bed.

He rocked from the initial impact, but soon recovered, returning what had become a crushing hug. "Raven?"

A familiar skeleton sat next to the two. The look of exhaustion that consumed her was not a foreign one. Rapid healing took its toll on the healer, she should have paced herself... Then again, I suppose I couldn't talk...

We nodded at each other, before my eyes flickered to the other pair, who were still locked in a tight embrace. I saw the white haired girl do the same. My sights returned to spectacle, as I glared at David.

I glared at David. Amber glared at Raven. The humans were oblivious.

"I thought you were dead." David stated as he pulled back, looking over her.

She smirked. "Me? You were worried?"


The skeleton flinched. I watched her, finding amusement in her discomfort. Eventually she spoke up, her voice bordering hostile. "You guys are acting pretty friendly, considering you hate each other most of the time."

The two froze.

Raven stepped back, stretching. "She's right. That's enough sentiment for today."

"Agreed." David agreed.

"Well," An unfamiliar voice spoke from the open door. "Now that that's all over, I've got a few questions." The chief officer flashed a harsh smile.

Perspective Change: Zoe

The car jolted, and flipped.

I felt key tense beneath me, our place in the passenger seat quickly lost as we lifted from the vehicle and into the open air. I held onto my friend tightly, hoping, praying she'd find a way out of this. I stared in fright at the others, who fell through the air like ragdolls, specks of blood already joining their descent.

And then they were gone.

A crackle and flash of white burned at my retinas, before I felt the air rushing around us once more. I blinked away the lingering image, my eyes readjusting to the scene around me.

The car jolted, and flipped.

But we weren't in the car... And at the same time, we were... Pop. And then we weren't.

Another pop, the shrieking sensation tearing at my mind as my body was torn in every direction. Every cell, every atom, separated, and reassembled. I screamed, because that was all I could understand. The pain was the only thing there.

And then it was gone.

And it was dark.

And the Endergirl was shivering.

Perspective Change: David

"Are you aware of how much damage you inflicted on your little joy ride?"

"Yeah, we took most of it." Raven spat back.

They had moved us to a small conference room near the outer reaches of the medical centre. Two people sat in the chairs adjacent. The chief officer, a solid, moustached man who definitely wasn't in the mood for any bullshit. And a female officer, she looked like someone who belonged behind a computer rather than at a hospital interrogating teenagers.

"You better shut your mouth girl!" He barked. "The driver, once we find out which of you sorry bitches it was, is facing up to three years in juvenile. On your eighteenth birthday, the only present you'll receive is a transfer to an actual prison. This shit is serious, so stop fucking around." His vocabulary had long ago fallen into a less savoury tongue. Which was well warranted, after Raven's harassment.

"What are the passengers facing?" I asked, tired.

He seemed to notice my lack of care, but answered anyway. "Assuming the owner of the vehicle doesn't press charges, which he will. You're looking at a major fine, and a permanent scar on your record."

Amber, who sat adjacent, looked towards me in worry. She didn't understand everything, I could see that, but she had the general idea.

'Don't worry, everything will work out.'

She gave a small smile.

"Don't smile like that, as far as I'm concerned you're all screwe-" The man was interrupted by a rap on the door.

A younger officer, who looked somewhat familiar, stood halfway through the now open entrance. "The owner isn't pressing charges and the case has been dropped. Furthermore, the damage cost has been covered."

The room stood silent for a few moments.

The chief's face contorted. "By who!?"

A short, badly dressed man, stood waiting on the hospital steps. As we approached, he spun around, anger furrowing his brow. His jaw was clenched, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at us expectantly. The principal, was not impressed.

The three of us pointed at the redhead, speaking unanimously. "She did it."

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