Rangers ||Adam Park (Rewritin...

By seoebiii

1.4K 23 3

A Story Where A group of friends become power rangers- And who knows maybe a few relationships may come to be... More

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The Ninja Encounter
A Monster of Global Proportions
Zedd Waves
The Power Transfer
Author note

Goldar's Vice Versa

129 4 0
By seoebiii

Words: 2037

Aiden and Iris outfit

Rocky and Adam were sparring at the Youth center.
Once they were finished Aiden came and went to talk to them.

"Hey Aiden"

"Hi Aiden, you missed the demonstration" Adam said.

"I know I'm sorry I had a meeting with the Vice Versa dance committee"

"That's gonna be a blast, it's about time the girls ask out the guys for a change" Rocky said.

"Who are you going with?" Aiden asked

"Jessica Peterson" Rocky replied

"ah I see"

They made their way to the table

"What about you Adam, anyone asked you yet?" Rocky asked.

"Nah not yet, I mean I doubt anyone will, so I don't think I'm going" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Don't feel bad , nobody has invited me either" Aiden said, soon a girl by the name of Laura walked up the the table,
"Hey Aiden Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Aiden nodded and excused himself from his friends.

After a bit he came back,
"Well..she just asked me to the dance"
Adam smiled for the boy but excused himself leaving the Youth Center,
"Man Iris better hurry with that surprise" Rocky said.

Meanwhile Iris covered head to toe in glitter and glue was working on a sign and present.

She was going to ask Adam to the dance, it was going to be their first dance and she we extremely happy.
She was so excited and couldnt wait to ask the ranger out.

Timeskip to them at school.

"Did anyone ask you to the dance yet" Aisha asked Adam.

"No, I think I'll stay home to catch up on reading" he said.

"not if I can help it, I heard from a little birdie that someone has been working on a surprise for you" she said.

"Is it Iris?" he asked.

Aisha covered her mouth and looked around.
"You didn't hear it from me" Aisha smiled.


At the youth center, Kimberly Adam and Aisha were drinking smoothies.

"Are you sure she has something planned, I think she's been avoiding me I haven't seen her all day" Adam said slumped in his chair.

A crowd began to form as they watched a girl practice.

Adam didnt seem to care he was too focused on wondering if Iris was upset with him.

Soon a girl walked up to the table,

"Hi" she said.

"Oh hello, Im Adam and this is Aisha"
Aisha stuck her hand out with a smile ready to greet the new girl.
"Im Sabrina, nice to meet you Adam" the girl said shoving her bag into Aisha's face.

"I understand you're one of the best martial artist at angel grove high maybe you could show me a couple of moves?" she asked

"Sure" he said blushing and smiling.

Aisha looked at her friend shocked
Soon came Iris, she was looking down at her poster holding a gift  and flowers ready to ask Adam to the dance.
Aisha spotted Iris and didn't know what to do

Iris saw the two hitting it off and her heart dropped.
Did she misread the signs, was Adam just playing her?
She threw the flowers in the trash and
held the gift bag tightly sobbing, this caught the attention of Kimberly causing the pink ranger to follow her.

While Kimberly followed Iris she saw the girl slumped on the floor sobbing.


She looked up words couldn't come out only tears.
Kimberly knew, she just went up to the girl and held her while she sobbed.
She called her brothers to come get her home safely.

"I was too late Kim.." she said sobbing harder.

"Let it all out, boys are jerks " she said patting the girls hair down.

Sabrina watched and grinned walking away,
"Lord Zedd the plan is in order."

The next day

Iris joined Adam Aisha and Sabrina on the hike, Adam had invited her to get them to spend time with Sabrina and get to know her.

"Did you really have to bring them along?" Sabrina asked rolling her eyes.

"They're two of my best friends I wanted you guys to get along" Adam said happily.

"Don't waste your breath" Sabrina said continuing the path.

"What a joy" Aisha said rolling her eyes.
"Just give it some time, come on Iris you agree with me" Adam said tugging the girls arm.

"Oh well..uh yeah" Iris muttered softly as tears threatened to spill. This caused Adam to smile and thank the girl, making his way to Sabrina.

Aisha looked at Iris feeling sorry,
"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Look at him Aisha- how could I do that to him..what kind of friend would I be to put my feelings before his, I'll be okay Aisha" Iris smiled.
Aisha didn't believe her but admired her friend
They continued to wake up the path following Sabrina
when Goldar and a few putties teleported in.

"Sabrina get behind me" Adam yelled as he and the others got into a fighting stance.

"I Can handle myself" she cackled turning into Scorpina.

"what's going on who are you?!?" Adam yelled

"I am Scorpina, your worst nightmare!"

Goldar zapped the 3 causing them to be tied to a tree.

"Soon your friends will come to your rescue and that will be the end of the power rangers!"

At the command center, Zordon called for the 4 remanining rangers.

"Rangers the others have been captured, you must go and save them but please be careful.

"ITS MORPHING TIME" Tommy yelled resulting in the others morphing with him.

With the Rangers held captive
Iris struggled to try and reach for her morpher
"I can't reach my morpher can you guys?"

Aisha and Adam replied with a no in a sad tone- which was easily lifted when rest of the rangers came to save them morphed and all, they began and fought the putties off easily destroying them.
Tommy slashed his sword at the golden object Goldar used to trap them.

"Alright let's do it"

"ITS MORPHING TIME" Iris yelled.

"You're gonna regret messing with me Scorpina" Iris yelled clenching her fist up.

After morphining they joined the others in the fight.
Beating ass per usual until Lord Zedd sent something to make both Goldar and Scorpina huge.

"When you thought she couldn't get uglier she does..she's full of surprises" Aiden chuckled.
Causing Rocky and Tommy to join in.

The rangers reached out and called for the zords and began to fight the two giant monsters.

Before they could finish them off Goldar and Scorpina teleported back to Lord Zedd.

"That's right run away cowards"


Durning the dance Iris was at home contemplating if she should attend or not.

Aiden knocked on the door,once he heard a simple come in he opened the door and allowed himself in.

"Are you coming to the dance?"

"I'm not sure" she sighed.

Aiden shook his head, grabbed Iris's dress and threw it at the girl.

"You're going now get ready"

"But Aid-"

"Not buts come on get ready" he cut her off and walked out the room.

Sighing she got up and got ready

She finished up her hair and make up and slipped on her heels lastly grabbing a black purse.

Aiden waiting outside her room with the sign she made for Adam, once she walked out he handed it to her.

Iris looked down and nodded, they made their way to the car.

"You guys ready?" her eldest brother Elias asked.

The twins nod and sat in silence, Iris was nervous.
She stared helplessly out the window
"What if he says no?"

"He won't trust us"

Elias dropped them off at the party telling them to have fun and stay safe.

Iris felt her hands sweat, she kept patting her dress down holding her sign in one hand and the gift in the other.
Aiden looked at his sister worriedly,
"Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm okay"

They walked in and saw their friends, Aiden was standing in front of Iris causing her to be unseen.

Adam's POV

I looked around constantly trying to spot Iris, I spotted Aiden I felt so hopeful up until I didn't see Iris.

"I fucked up didn't I?"
Rocky nodded causing Aisha to elbow him in the side of his stomach.
I just sighed and looked up to smile at Aiden to be met with her..she looked stunning her dress was beautiful- her hair, and wow just her.

I quickly made my way to her as she did the same.
Once we met we just stood there staring into each other's eyes.

Iris warmly smiled and opened up the poster she had,
"I guess I'm a little late for this" she chuckled.
She handed me a bracelet matching the one she had on,

I smiled back at her ready to say something
but before I could say anything Sarah came up to me.

"Hey Adam I was hoping I'd see you here"

Iris's smile instantly dropped as she rolled the poster back up, she looked down at the floor.

"Um hey, Sarah where's your date?" I asked

"I was wondering if you'd like to be my date"

Third person pov

Aiden and the others watched at the scene unfold.

"NO, couldn't she see they were having a moment WE'VE WAITED 14 YEARS FOR THIS" Aiden yelled as he dramatically sobbed.

Rocky and Aisha smacked his arm to shush him,
"Just watch" Aisha said.

Back to Adams pov

Iris looked up at Sarah stunned, as was I. Did she not see the giant sign Iris was holding? Literally asking me to the dance???

"No thanks I'm sorry" I said turning back to Iris who was smiling at me.


Before she could say anything I quickly cut her off.

"I'm sure you're nice and everything, but I want to be Iris's date " I said.

"Oh I see, congrats you two" Sarah sadly said as she walked away.

I slipped the bracelet on and grabbed Iris's arm.

I pulled Iris to the dance floor and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.

"Iris..I want you to know that I don't want just any girl, I want you."
I took a big breath,
"Iris Sim..I love you and you don't need to say it back I just wanted you to know"
Her mouth opened slightly, oh no did I say something wrong..?
"I love you too" she said staring deeply into my eyes.
I let a breath of relief out.
I leaned in as she did the same
causing us to kiss.

Third person pov

Aiden sat smiling looking at his sister, he sighed.
His date never showed up so now all he could do was just smile and watch his friends.
Rocky made his way to his best friend and sat down.
"Where's your date?"
"Hm not sure honest I don't think she came" Aiden said shrugging his shoulders
Soon Aisha sat and joined them.
"I thought you two had dates"
"Yea we thought we did too, what about you?" Rocky said.
"I got too busy I forgot to ask anyone out"  Aisha said sighing.
The three friends slouched, Rocky looked up and spotted Iris and Adam.
"Looks like someone finally got the courage to ask their crush out" he said smiling.

"Hey guys" Tommy said walking to the table with Kimberly.

"Did you guys see Adam and Iris"

"Yes! I'm so happy they're together " Kimberly said putting her hands together excitedly.

Soon they saw Adam look around holding Iris's hand and making his way to the group.

"Hey guys"

"Hey you two" Kim said giving the biggest smiling ever while holding onto Tommy's arm.

"Sooooo how'd it go" Aiden asked

"We're together now" Adam smiled holding the girl close to him.

The friends cheered especially Aiden Rocky and Aisha they have been waiting for this moment for years.

Their attention was taken by Bulk and Skull along with their dates?

They danced, if you can call it dancing, and leaned in with a kiss causing Bull and Skull to drop to the floor.

The friends laughed and were able to enjoy their night.

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