Rules and Regulations

By SSAMcKenna

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Electra James a super model and movie actress has a sudden change in career path will she make it in the roug... More

-โ™ก๐‚๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐‹๐ข๐ฌ๐ญโ™ก-
Graduation Day [EDITED]
Combs & King [EDITED]
House Tour [EDITED]
Bitchy [EDITED]
Le Petit Prince [EDITED]
Shots! [EDITED]
Birthday! [EDITED]
mi amor
my little love
The interview
jealousy, jealousy
Down Hill
red haired thunder.
over seas
The Salazars
not a new chapter
baby .....
au revoir
James, King & Combs
matching tats
Images for 30 <3
head over heels
head over heels (pt. 2)
Never :)
Life after Death.
! Pt2 The Chapter
Hey Stinks ;p


147 3 0
By SSAMcKenna

Electra's Pov

Aaron pulls me into a chaste kiss before calling out to Nancy.

"We'll be down in a second" he says then quickly bends down to press a kiss to my belly. In the dress I don't really look pregnant. Bloated, yes. But pregnant, no.

"Je t'aime tellement Athéna" he whispers then stands up straight and grabs my hand.

"Lets do this future Mrs. Hotchner" he says

"We got this Mr.Hotchner" I say back and we walk out of the room. Aaron leads me through the house to the main stairs.

"Are you ready" Melanie says popping up from thin air.

"Oh dear god" I say clutching my chest.

(Her stomach too but she hadn't realized)

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" she says actually sounding sincere.

"Its okay, I'm just a tad bit jumpy" I explain.

"Understandable considering your kidnapping and the pregnancy" Melanie says looking the both of us up and down. She knows, not surprised honestly.

"When I scared you, you clutched your stomach. Also when I walked past the room earlier you said 'Je t'aima tellement Athéna' and considering her name is Electra. I'm assuming he wasn't talking to you." She lists off quickly and quietly.

"Nice profiling skills" Aaron says

"Thank you, but is it true?" She asks emotion seeping through her voice.

"Yes it is" I whisper. Aaron's arm slowly moves in front of me protectively. Melanie's face lights up and she throws herself on Aaron pulling him into a hug. Once she lets go of him she looks at me as if asking to hug me, I nod slightly and she pulls me into soft motherly hug.

"I'm so happy for you both" she says once she lets go.

"Thank you Mom" Aaron says grabbing my hand and squeezing it 3 times.

'I love you'

Then Nancy rushes over.

"They're ready for you" she says and the 3 of us nod.

Aaron grabs my arm and we walk down the main stairs. There are many 'oohs' and 'ahh' but who really cares about that sort of thing when you're with the love of your life. At the bottom of the stairs a woman in her mid 30s maybe early, approaches us.

"Aaron it's so good to see you" she says

"Hello Stephanie" he says in a very monotoned voice. They is clearly some animosity between the 2. But Stephanie clearly doesn't care about that.

"How long has it been?" She asks trying to hug him. Aaron rejects by taking a step backward and wrapping his right arm around my waist.

"7 years. Stephanie have you met my wife Electra" he says quickly changing the topic. I would laugh but its clearly not the time.

"Aaron she's a child, Electra honey how old are you" she says in faux concern.

"Well it was lovely speaking to you Stephanie but truly we have other things to be doing, like anything other then talking to you so enjoy the rest of your night" I say and pull Aaron away. Once we're far enough away he pulls me to the side.

"Stephanie is truly a doll" I say smirking. A small smile spreads on his lips and he lets out a low chuckle.

"Thank you"

"Baby, I've been dealing with press since I was 17 I know how to get away from snarky bitches better than you know how to find an unsub." I say resting my head on his chest.

"Aaron" someone calls out. We both look up and a man and a clearly expensive suit walks over.


-Skinny but clearly muscular


-Piercing blue eyes (the scary kind that make you jump every time you see them)

Holds his glass like doctor would. Arrogantly, I'm assuming Neuro-Surgeon.

"Wally" he says as more of a question. The man walks closer and stops right in front of us. I'm boxed in if I wanted to run.

"Its great seeing you"

"Same man, what has it been 8 years" 'Wally' says

"Darling this is Walter Pine. We grew up together Wally this is Electra" Aaron says putting his hand on my lower back.

"Hi its nice meet you" I say holding my left hand out for him to shake.

"Who knew Aaron could bag such a hot woman" he says ignoring my hand and taking a sip of his whiskey. I let my hand drop to my side and take a step back. Aaron gives him a look.

What does he mean by that.

"Hey, no offense but everyone thought you were going to be with brooks your whole life." He says holding his hands up.

"Well we separated nearly 2 and half years ago." Aaron says growing more annoyed with the conversation by the second.

"I hope you did it child free, god children are a nightmare. I got a vasectomy 5 years ago and it was the best decision of my life." He says and for some reason this made my blood boil.

"You're a Neuro-Surgeon right" I ask

"Yes how did you know" he asks addressing me for the first time since he walked over here.

"You're arrogant and the way you hold your glass. It screams surgeon, the way you walk. Its cocky, annoying even." I say looking him up and down.

"What are you a cop?" He asks clearly annoyed

"No, Im a Family Law Attorney " I say smirking. He rolls his eyes and starts to change the subject.

"But Aaron is a profiler with the FBI" I add.

"Little Aaron Hotchner joined the FBI I thought you were a lawyer like cercatore d'oro over here" he says smirking at me.

Gold digger


"Come faccio a cercare l'oro quando sei tu quello che indossa un orologio falso?" I respond quickly. Aaron not knowing Italian was going to play at my advantage right now.

How am I a gold digger when you're the one wearing a fake watch?

"You know Italian?" He asks taken aback from my comment.

"Sì, sono fluente" i say smiling "français aussi" i add.



"I was a super model and world traveler before I was an attorney." I say then someone else walks over to us.

"Its so great to see you" Aya says walking over to us with Spencer following blindly.

"Spencer, Aya" I say pulling Spencer into a hug. Spencer wraps his long lanky arms around me.

"Did he call you a fucking gold digger" he whispers clearly pissed. I nod and pull away.

"Hi Aya" I say and she smiles at me.

"How are you going, I mean with the new car and all" she says. Usually I would be livid someone is calling my baby a car but its completely understandable in this situation.

"Everything is great. We named it and everything" I say smiling

"Aya" someone yells across the room and Aya excuses herself walking away. I join back into Spencer and Walter's conversation. Aaron is just standing there nodding along. I can tell something is wrong.

"Baby what's wrong" I whisper leaning on his chest wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What did he call you" he asks

"Its not important Mi Amor" I say and his grip tightens.

"Flora what did he call you" he asks again, anger rising in his voice.

"Ow" I say, he wasn't hurting me but I needed to change the topic desperately. When that processed in his brain he instantly removed his hands from mine and put them behind his back.

"I'm sorry" he says quickly.

"It's okay, can we just change the subject" I say pulling his arms form behind his back and wrapping myself back up in them.

"Flora I just want to know what he called you" he says turning me to look at him.

"Lets just enjoy the night" I say turning back and relaxing in his arms. Right as I turn I see Spencer land a blow to Walter's face.

"If you ever call my sister a gold digger again. You're going to wish you never were born" Spencer says and walks away. I quickly pull myself out of Aaron's grip and follow after him.

"Spencer" I say and pulls me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. I lead him over to where I think the kitchen is. I find Nancy telling one of the staff to do something.

"Nancy can someone get him some ice please" I ask. She quickly nods and someone brings her an icepack which she hands to me. I grab Spencer's arm and place the icepack on his hand.

"Now what the hell where you thinking. You can lose your job if he sues you" I say smacking the side of his head.

" Flo-"

I cut him off, no don't pull the older brother card. "Why would you do that Spencer you just risked everything" I say and he slumps his head.

After a few second i give him another hug

"Thank you for defending me" I say quietly. He gives me a quick smile then Aya walks into the kitchen.

"What happened?" She asks rushing over to us.

"Spencer punched that Asshole out there." I say

"Why?" She asks.

"He called Electra an cercatore d'oro" he says then Aaron and Melanie walk into the kitchen.

"Why is Walter on my rug bleeding" Melanie asks

"He called her a cercatore d'oro" Aya says

"Well thank you for handling that, I shall go back to my party. Food will be served in 20 minutes" she says walking away quickly.

"What the hell does cercatore d'oro mean" Aaron asks fuming.

"Baby ca-" I say walking towards him.

"Gold Digger" A random worker says

"What" he says fuming.

"Aaron calm down" I say grabbing his hands. I can feel his anger radiating off of him. I pull his hands and rest them on the small bump on my belly.

"Breathe" I say and the anger that was clearly rolling off of him before has now turned calm and composed. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug.

"Can we just go enjoy the rest of the party?" I ask

"Yes please" Aya says grabbing Spencer's other hand.

We walk back to the party area seeing Melanie kicking out walter anfkicking Walter and a older woman out.

"I would love to say it was lovely to see you both but I refuse to lie anymore" she says and closes the door.

"Now Resume the party" she says and the party magically resumes.

"That was Walter and his mother LeAnne" Aaron whispers to us.

"That was very in character for Melanie" Aya says

"Wait why are you guys here?" I ask

"Not to sound rude" I quickly add.

"Melanie is old friend of mine, she sent and invitation 3 days ago. So I asked Spencer to come with me." Aya explains

"Wait why are you two here?" Spencer asks

"Melanie is Aaron's mother" I say, they both give us shocked looks.

"I never would've guessed." Aya says

"Aaron go say hello to people" Melanie says pushing us away from Aya and Spencer. They both laugh as we get dragged away from them to other people. Melanie stops us in front of an older couple maybe 5 ish years older than Aaron. She quickly walks away.

"Aaron oh my god, Whats it been like 7 years" The woman says pulling him into a hug.

So Aaron faded out of the family life 7- ish years ago.

"Yea a little bit longer but close enough" he says pulling away. I turn to the husband who had his arm wrapped around his wife's waist protectively.

"Hi, I'm Electra" I say holding my left hand for him to shake. The man turns to me clearly seeing me for the first time since we were shoved over here.

"Oh hi, I'm Jacob" he says shaking my hand. Firm hand shake like a lawyer's. I quickly look him up and down. The watch is nice and new the shoes too. Shirt is nicely pressed and hair is combed.

"Are you a lawyer by chance?" I ask

"Yes, how did you know?" He asks making a shocked expression.

"I'm a lawyer also" I say smiling then Aaron's arm snakes around my waist.

"Wow really?" I nod my head "What kind?" He asks

"Im a Family Law Attorney at Combs & King" I say smiling.

"My co-worker had a case with them once" he says smile fading.

"Oh really what happened?" I ask

"He was fired from the case 5 minutes before it was tried" he says.

"The lady was a total bitch he says but I don't believe him he's a real piece of work"

That was me

Well he was a dick

"Was his name Jeffery Johnson?" I ask and he nods

"That was me actually, he was being rude to my client and I didn't need that mess. So when another Prosecutor approached me and said he would help with the case the client quickly fired him" I say.

"Wow that is no where near what he said" he says.

"Flora" Aaron says and I quickly look up at him.

"This is Kayla Hart" he says

"Kayla this is my wife Electra" he says

"Wait I've seen you before" Kayla says, and I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Were you in a movie that came out recently?" She asks. Aaron chuckles.

"7 deadly angels, I was Veronica" I say smiling at her.

"Wow, did you hear that? Shes a movie star Jacob" she says pulling his arm. He looks at me confused.

"I thought you said you were a lawyer?" He asks

"I am" "She is" Aaron and I say at the same time.

"Wait so you're an actress and a lawyer?" Kayla asks

"And a model" I say nodding

"Wow you must be so tired of all that working" he says

"No, not really. If anything my son tires me out the most. Running around like a mad man" I say laughing

"You have a son?" She asks looking at me oddly.

"Yea we have a 4 year old, the light of my life" I say smiling at the thought of Jack.

"What happened with haley" she asks Aaron. His entire demeanor changes and so does Jacob's

"Honey, thats uncalled for" he says.

"No its a reasonable question. Considering Aaron and Haley were married 4 years ago" I say

"We divorced after having Jack, then I met flora. Jack calls Flora 'momma' and we have full custody of him" he explains

"So jack is Haley's son?" She asks

"No, hes mine I just didn't give birth to him" I say growing annoyed with the conversation.

"But bio-"

"I would like to stop you there, Haley is not in Jack's life it was a choice of his safety or her happiness we chose his safety. Jack is my Aaron and I's son. I understand there are questions you would like to ask. But now really isnt the time" I say quickly cutting her off. I get the situation is weird I just hate the questions.

For a few hours we dance and talk to more people.

My phone rings in Aaron's suit pocket. He takes it out and hands it to me. Aaron and I slowly walk away from the party a bit.

Its Mia

"Hey its Jack's bed time so he wanted to say goodnight" she says then a FaceTime request comes in and I quickly answer it.

"Hi Momma" he says into the phone.

"Hi baby" I say smiling at him, for him to have slept for at least 15 hours on the plane he looks tired.

"Where are you guys?" He asks as I put Aaron in the camera.

"We're at Daddies Mom's house" I say.

"So like Mama Tasha but for Daddy?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes do you want to say hi to Daddy?" I ask and he nods again. I hand Aaron the phone. His face lights up.

"Hey buddy"

"Hi Daddy, Momma told me you were at your Momma's house." He says

"Yea buddy we are at my moms house. Do you want to say hi to her?" He asks

"Sure" he says and

"Alright we have to go find her." I say.

"Like a scavenger hunt and shes the treasure?" He asks

"Exactly" I say smiling. Aaron and I join the party again to find Melanie. Aaron hands me the phone.

"Momma what do I call her?" He asks in a small voice.

"Well you can call her Melanie, or you can call her grandma. Or you can call her Mama Mel like Mama Tasha." listing off different names while looking for her. I get many weird looks for being on my phone.

"Was that Uncle Spencer?" He asks looking behind me.

"Yea it was" I say turning around spotting Spencer behind me and walking to him. I show jack and he smiles wildly.

"Uncle Spencer" he yells

"Hey buddy" he says smiling his signature lop sided grin.

"Why are you at Mama Mel's house?" He asks

"Its a party" he says, Aya standing off to the side smiling at him.

"Who's the lady next to you" he whispers

"Thats Aya, she works with Daddy and Uncle Spencer" I say and Aya gives a small wave then Aaron approaches with Melanie.

"Did Daddy find her yet?" He asks through a yawn.

"Yes he did, say hello" I say showing Melanie and Aaron.

"Hi Jack" she says waving at the camera.

"Hi" he says and yawns again.

"Oh looks like someone is sleepy." She says smiling at him.

"Yea Aunt Mia let me call and say goodnight" he says voice growing very tired.

"Well how about we let you go to sleep" Aaron says.

"Okay, Goodnight. Love you" he says with a tired smile.

"We love you too baby, tell Mia to give you a kiss for me" I say and he smiles and nods then Mia picks up the phone along with him.

"I hope you said all the goodbyes your sleepy self could muster kiddo." She says.

"Bye Mia, we'll be home later"I say and she nods before hanging up.

"He is adorable" Melanie says to Aaron.

"Yea Flora and I try our hardest to raise him the best we can" he says wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer.

"Im very sorry for how I acted over the phone" she says to me. Aya gasps dramatically.

"Melanie Hotchner apologizing." She says and I laugh.

"Oh Aya shut up" she says swatting at her and the group busts out laughing.

Then a bunch of server walk around with trays.

"Well Mom it was lovely seeing you, but we should go"Aaron says

"I understand, I can have Jeffery take you home" she says smiling.

"Thank you" he says and leads me back through the maze of a house to his bedroom to retrieve our clothes. Then we walk back down the stairs and away from the party out the side door. I see the outside of the beautiful house. Its an old money rich type of house. Not new money like mine. Once we reach the car Jeffery was waiting for us in. Aaron opens the back door for me and I slide into the middle seat he gets in after me sitting next to me. Jeffery starts the car and we drive off.

"I had a lot of fun" I say laying my head on his shoulder.

"I glad you had fun" he says planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Jeffery can we stop at McDonald for fries" he says

"Yes Mr.Hotchner" he responds

"Jeffery you practically raised me you can call me Aaron" he says.

"Mr.Hotchner its a respect thing." He says and I can feel he doesn't want to talk about it further. We pull into a McDonald's drive thru. Aaron rolls down his window to speak into the microphone.

"You can go ahead with you order when you're ready" the worker says

"Can I get a medium fry with a small sprite" Aaron says

"Any sauce with the fries?" the worker asks him

"Yes, sweet and sour"

"Alright 2.82 something at the first window" he says and jeffery pulls up to the first window.

"You really made jeffery pull into McDonalds for fries and sprite" I say to him.

"They aren't for me" he says rubbing my thigh. I give him a questioning look.

"They are for you, you didn't eat on the plane nor did you eat at the party." He says handing the cashier a bill from his wallet.

"Plus you're pregnant so you can't go off starving yourself" he says.

"Heres your change" the cashier says

"Keep it" he says

"Thank you, pull up to the second window" he says and Jeffery pulls to the second window.

After a few minutes the window opens.

"Here is your meal" the exact cashier says handing us a full bag and the drink.

"Have a nice day" Aaron say

"You too" the cashier says and we pull off. Aaron rolls the window up and opens the bag. I grab the sprite and take a sip.

"Eat" Aaron says holding a chicken nugget by my mouth. I open my mouth and bite the nugget.

"You're adorable" he says smiling at me. I finish chewing and swallow the food.

"When did you order chicken nuggets?" I ask

"I didn't, he put them in here with a large fry and you have large drink. I guess he enjoyed the 47 dollar tip" he says holding the rest of the nugget for me to eat.

I truly love this man.

Back at home

Aaron's pov

Flora ate 5 nuggets and a few fries before passing out. She was so tired. When we got home Tommy was outside cleaning the new jeep I was surprising Flora with. Well not new but I got her old one fixed.

"Tommy can you grab the bag of food please" I ask him gently grabbing Flora from the back seat. Tommy grabs the food and the drink from the back seat and takes it inside for us.

"Goodnight Mr. Hotchner" Jeffery says and backs out of the driveway. I walk into the house and kick the door closed. I hear tiny footsteps from down the hallway.

"Momma Daddy is that you" Jack asks in a small sleepy voice.

"Yea buddy its us" I say taking my shoes off and walking to him.

"Yay, you're home, i missed you" he says wrapping his arms around my leg.

"C'mon lets go to sleep" I say and he runs to the room. I follow him him being careful not to bump Flora's head and feet. I lay her on the bed and unzip her dress and unbuckle her shoes. i take her dress and shoes off and putting them In her part of closet. I grab a t-shirt from my pajama drawer and a pair of joggers. I take off my clothes and hand them up. I put the joggers on and grab the shirt and walking out of the closet closing the door behind me. I put the shirt on Flora and put her under the blanket next to jack.

"Jack-y is that you?" She whispers pulling him closer.

"Good night Momma" he whispers as she places a soft kiss on his head.

"Goodnight Jack-y" she whispers.

My heart melts at the sight of them.

I climb into bed next to them. Wrapping my arms around Flora she wraps her arms tighter around jack and flips over to face me. Laying jack in-between the both of us. I place soft kisses on their foreheads before falling asleep.

A/n dope, dope, dop-ity, dope



Word count: 4840

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